Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 171 16. Dukel helped up his loyal Supreme Council Chief

Sanguinius and the Blood Angels stayed in the Astropath for a long time. The Archangel seemed to be addicted to acting, while the Astropaths were grateful for the Angel's forgiveness and mercy, and they went in both directions.

Duker was currently flipping through the information in his hand.

The Council of the Supreme Lords can be said to be the centralized department of the empire today. The twelve seats are composed of the highest-level bureaucrats of the twelve power agencies.

Under the twelve seats, there are dozens of Terra native high lords assisting them.

It can be said that the Supreme Council itself represents the overall political power of Terra. The Tribunal, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Military Affairs, the Astropathic Chamber, and the Assassin's Chamber that the Primarchs cleared and took over. These departments with inestimable power are all in the Supreme Council. Take a seat.

This is also the reason why Dukel is only planning to deal with the Supreme Council at this moment. If these branches are not cut off in advance, it is almost equivalent to being an enemy of most of the empire.

During the ten thousand years that the Emperor was on the throne, the High Council managed almost all daily affairs of the Empire on behalf of the Emperor. They were the Emperor's direct spokesmen.

Having almost the same power as the Emperor means that they also bear the heavy pressure that the Emperor needs to bear. This also indirectly leads to the fact that the high lords of the Supreme Council are the most special group of Terran dignitaries.

Today's empire is like a terminally ill person who has no time to take care of itself, but even so, there are still many high lords who are still doing their best to make decisions for the billions of worlds of this broken empire, and for the trillions of empires in each major sector. People make various arrangements.

The workload was so great that the Primarchs were worried about it.

While other dignitaries are enjoying themselves with the help of power and wealth, many of the supreme lords on Terra with top backgrounds and unlimited power are working as 007 all year round.

They could have enjoyed the best of everything in the empire, but every year many high lords died of exhaustion at their posts.

It makes sense that the empire could survive for ten thousand years.

For example, this information in the hands of Duker is Lev Tyrone, the current president of the Supreme Council and the minister of government affairs.

This information was given to Dulquer personally by Guilliman. Not only did the Regent not reject the President of the Supreme Council, he even appreciated it very much.

Even Duker has heard of his name. In this dark galaxy, Lev is one of the few Imperial people who lives a more prosperous life than Commissar Kane.

In the original trajectory, he pushed the Imperial Guard out of the palace, welcomed the return of the Regent, witnessed the decisive battle between Guilliman and Magnus on the moon, encountered the siege of the Khorne army, met with the Gray Knights, and boarded the Abaddon Black Legion battleship The remains, smiling in the face of the evil god’s dream—can be called the pinnacle of mortal will.

In the end, after the regent launched the Indomitable Crusade, he ran out of fuel and died with hope.

No matter how much darkness and moths appear within the empire, it can't cover up the brilliance of heroes who burn everything they have for the empire.

"But even the mortal mind is deeper than the abyss."

Duker put down the information in his hand. People's hearts were far apart. He couldn't judge a person's character based on just one piece of information.

Suddenly, his intuition sensed something, and he raised his head and looked over - he saw a shadow darker than the night sky of Terra standing on the top of a Gothic bell tower not far away.

The murderous ghost, his brother, Curze.

The body of the original body burned with fire, and the next moment he was standing at the tip of the clock tower. This speed was many times faster than when he was chasing the opponent before.

Looking down at Terra from the top of the bell tower, the red fire ignited on Terra has gradually extinguished, and a new order will be re-established among the burned-out ruins.

"Koz, what are your plans next?" Duker asked, "Do you need me to prove your innocence for you? You can't always let the people of the empire think that you are a murderous ghost and the murderer of the empire, right?"

"Why not?" Cozz asked.

Duker was stunned for a moment.

Then he understood what Curze was thinking.

"Dukele, you also discovered it, right?"

"What did you find?"

"Evil people never repent for their evil deeds. The only thing that can stop their atrocities is fear."

Dukel nodded, "I know very well that they will not regret what they have done, but are just afraid of the punishment they will face. So I never believe in the tears of evil people, and kind people will not do it even if they are drunk. Do evil things."

"So why do I need to prove my innocence?" Coze's cold voice floated in the dark night, "I'm not you, I don't need fire and warmth. Let them fear, let everyone, all sins, know the throne A murderous soul walks beneath."

He sneered, with bloodthirsty madness in his eyes, and he declared his justice, "I never care about my reputation. On the contrary, I want to spread my name of fear. Who dares to do evil in the dark? I will peel off their skin intact and hang their bloody flesh on the spikes of the tower."

When Duker heard this, his eyes narrowed unconsciously.

After thousands of years, Coze still sticks to his justice.

Duker has a hard time commenting on this.

Justice is a good thing, but Coates is too extreme.

For example, during an operation, Coze saw a little girl trying to commit suicide, so the Lord of Midnight Ghosts decisively saved her.

Then what did he do?

——Koz personally peeled off the skin of the little girl's whole body. After being tortured for three days and three nights, the little girl finally died and was relieved.

Because in Koz's heart, suicide is also an unforgivable sin.

Dukel reminded: "Brother, fear is only a tactic. It is very useful, but it does not mean that it can always be useful. You rely on it so much, and it will eventually be backfired by it."

"Only those who struggle to survive in the dark can learn to act in accordance with order."

Dukel nodded, as if he agreed with his words.

He gave up persuading, no Primarch could be persuaded by words.

But he made a secret decision in his heart that after this incident, he would let him return to the Golden Throne and never let him out easily.

Although he thought so in his heart, Dukel's face remained calm, and he looked at Koz with bright eyes,

"Brother, let me be the executioner who slaughtered the villains alone, why do you have to do it? For the Empire, for our common ideals, I voluntarily step into hell!"

Hearing this, the Midnight Ghost was stunned.

He looked at the brother in front of him again, as if he had never thought that anyone would agree with him.

Among the Primarchs, Curze has always been the least popular one. Most people think he is a madman and are unwilling to get close to him. And he also doesn't want to get close to anyone.

After a few seconds of silent watching,

he said,

"Duke, are you acting with me? No wonder Fulgrim always said you were a hypocritical guy in the past."


The calmness on Duke's face quickly melted like thin ice, and a trace of anger emerged.

Seeing this trace of anger, Curze quietly and quickly retreated into the shadows, and disappeared, leaving only a burst of "hehe" weird laughter.

Wisps of flames rose on Duke's body, and then quickly dissipated.

Curze still has a way of being annoying.

"Duke, what is your next move?"

The ghostly voice that could not be identified in the dark asked him.

"Please ask the Supreme Council President Lev Tyron to come to my palace. I want to talk to him alone."

The ghost in the shadow left.

At this time, the leaves of Caliban fell quietly, and the lion walked out of the forest and met Duke's unfriendly eyes.

"Brother, don't blame me. I saw you performing as soon as I came." Leon spread his hands and showed a helpless expression.

"It's still for a ghost." Then, he deliberately emphasized.

"Are you here to hone your martial arts with me?" Duke asked back.

"No, no, I have more important things."

"Tell me." Duke crossed his arms and looked at him sideways.

"Guilliman is going to Mars. I judge that he may be in danger. Are you interested in going with him?"

"Why?" Duke asked.

"He needs to explain the matter of the Primaris Space Marines to the priests of the Mechanicus, and" the lion lowered his voice and told a secret,

"Cawl seems to want to become the Casting General of Mars."

"You even know this?" Duke looked at the lion in surprise.

"But I am indeed a little interested in Mars." He whispered. He was mainly interested in the Void Dragon fragments under Mars.

The life magnetic field technology was stuck at 250,000 horsepower, and he urgently needed the Star God fragments to break this bottleneck.

Just taking away the Star God fragments would most likely drive those oil guys crazy.

After hearing his whisper, the lion nodded and stepped into the forest of Caliban.

"Goodbye, my brother, the performer who is keen on performing for ghosts--"

The lion has always been petty. Duker beat him up before, and now he finally got the opportunity to take a little revenge. He left happily and complacently.

He didn't even notice Duker's increasingly unfriendly eyes.

These guys are so weird, and sooner or later they will have a good harvest.

He will use practical actions to prove that those who can be warmasters are not generous people.


Lev, the president of the Supreme Council, is heading to the palace of the second primarch.

It was the murderous ghost who personally invited him to go. The other party was very considerate and gave him two choices, either to meet the second primarch, or to peel off his skin.

Lev also chose the former very stubbornly.

Soon, he saw Duker sitting on the throne in the huge hall.

After the salute, Lev took the initiative to say, "Your Highness, I have never abused the functions given to me by the Emperor. Please don't embarrass me."

At this point, both parties knew what the other was thinking, so Lev made his request without any cover-up.

Sincerity is always a sure-fire skill.

Dukel was also very sincere. He smiled and said, "Lev, have you heard the latest rumors on Terra? Some people say that I have colluded with the murderous ghosts, and under the pretext of investigating the case for His Majesty, I am trying to slander all those who oppose me as the real murderer who assassinated the emperor, and then execute them on the spot." Lev shook his head hurriedly and said very seriously, "Your Highness, rumors stop at the wise, and you must not be shaken by these false rumors. Although I am not a wise man, I know that Your Highness upholds justice and will never collude with the murderer who assassinated His Majesty." "No, you are wrong, Lev. That is not a rumor." The President of the Supreme Council: "."

Dukel said frankly: "Lev, the rumors are the truth. I slandered the people who opposed me as the rumors said, and I really colluded with the murderous ghost."

Lev broke out in a cold sweat.

Dukel took out a secret letter and pulled out a piece of white paper from the secret letter.

"Lev, let me ask you, does the Supreme Council know how they should make a choice? If they don't know, I will write their names on the secret letter, and destruction will come in an instant."

Looking at the sweaty general, Dukel repeated: "Lev, I'll give you a minute to think about it, think about it carefully."

Lev's heart was beating violently.

Dukel's sincerity was indeed a killer move, and it almost killed him directly.

Being able to stand at the pinnacle of power on Terra, Lev certainly had his own judgment. According to the previous actions of the Primarch, his experience and wisdom told him that although the other party was not easy to mess with, he was actually a good person.

But now.

"Your Highness, is this a test?" Lev took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

"I know in my heart that you have greater ambitions than ordinary people, for the Empire and its people. I also know that you will not embarrass those innocent people."

Duke looked helplessly at the nun beside him.

"Efilar, am I so unlike to play a villain?"

The nun analyzed objectively and rationally, "Your Highness, your kindness is enough to cover the light of the stars, and no one can ignore it."

Duke nodded in agreement.

Then Efilar said to the general seriously, "Lord Lev, please listen carefully to His Highness' words, he is not joking."

"This is impossible." Lev firmly believed in his judgment.

"All those who died tonight deserved it, and I still believe in His Highness's justice."

Duke knocked on the armrest of the throne, "One minute is up, has the Supreme Council made a decision? Is it to become a loyal whistleblower of the Empire, or to become the real murderer who assassinated the Emperor?"

The Primarch picked up the chainsaw sword beside the throne.

This long sword dripping with devil blood at all times emits an excited hum.

In his left hand is a chainsaw sword, and in his right hand is a secret letter that colludes with murderous ghosts.

Dukel showed the image of the Lord of Destruction to Lev vividly.

The general's face finally changed,

"Your Highness, do you have to do this?"

"This answer is wrong." Dukel shook his head slowly, "Lev, unfortunately, you are also the real murderer who assassinated the Emperor, and you should have been brainwashed by the Grand Master of the Inquisition."

Dukel picked up the pen and prepared to write down their names.

Then he seemed to remember something,

"By the way, Lev, come and press your fingerprints, so that the secret letter will look more credible."

Lev: "."

You wrote my name on the death list, and you also want me to press my fingerprints myself?

Lev was speechless.

With a 'thump', he knelt on one knee under the throne of the Primarch.

"I am willing to be the hound in front of your throne, chasing after the evildoers."

Duker hurriedly stepped down from the throne,

"Why do you need to be so polite? We are all servants of the Empire, how can you be a hound?"

The Primarch helped up his loyal Supreme Council President.

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