Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 172 17. The Emperor's Talking Device

When the morning light of Terra lit up, in the palace, Dukel and the President of the Supreme Council were having a conversation. Both sides seemed to want to deepen their understanding of each other.

They talked about the culture and politics of the empire and the nobles of Terra.

"Your Highness, I know that in your opinion, the nobles are just a group of maggots who are keen to play power games and are the culprits who have plunged the empire into corruption." Lev's eyes were firmly fixed on the original body. At this moment, he seemed to be Representing the will of all mortals,

"We did commit many stupid things in this dark and desperate era, our blind follies. But we are more than that, Your Highness, we know what we are guarding, we know what a great soul is sitting on the throne, We bow before the Golden Throne, willingly dedicating ourselves to the Emperor."

The high lords enjoyed the best materials in the human empire, but most of them died of exhaustion.

His words came from the heart and were extremely sincere.

Dukel also believed that these were the true thoughts of mortal nobles.

Human beings are too complex. This race is so complex that even in the same individual, two completely opposite characters, despicable and noble, can be accommodated.

But this does not mean that the original body agreed with his words. Dukel sat on the throne and shook his head slowly, explaining to the president of the Supreme Council,

"You are overcomplicating things, Lev. Although I punish criminals, whether these people are really guilty is not the only criterion for judgment." He paused to give the other party time to digest the content, and then continued to speak. ,

"I believe that you are all loyal. This is not perfunctory, but out of sincere recognition. With my eyes, I can even see your loyalty intuitively." Duker's eyes were extremely bright, as early as in Austria When Philia was on the 7th, he had mastered this ability.

"But so what, this matter is simpler. As simple as I think that stepping out with your left foot first is loyalty to the Emperor, but you think that stepping out with your right foot first is loyalty to the Emperor. We My will is different, so I have to eliminate you so that my will can be extended to better serve the empire. I am a wheel that moves straight forward. You are blocking the way, so I will crush you, that's all. "

"As for good or evil, it's not that important in my eyes. Killing those sinners of the corrupt empire is just based on this premise, and I do it casually."

At this moment, Lev faced the will of the original body, and all the President of the Supreme Council felt was fear.

"Your Highness, you have caused bloodshed all over Terra, and in the aftermath of the storm, tens of thousands of families will be completely eliminated from the empire, but just for this reason?"

Lev asked in disbelief.

For the past eighty years, he has served as the Chief of the High Council, adhering to his duties. He knew very well what the power in his hands meant. In his eyes, the empire was like a huge, heavy but precise instrument. If the person holding it was not careful, this delicate instrument would malfunction.

But the original body just walked over and saw that a certain part of the instrument did not suit his liking, so he cut it off.

Completely ignore the possible consequences.

"How can you be sure that this is the right thing to do? If this behemoth collapses, my lord, how can you face the self-blame in your heart and re-erect it from the ruins?"

Lev stood under the throne and cried out sadly. This mortal who held the supreme power was as helpless as a young animal facing a natural disaster.

"I'm not sure this is the right thing to do." The Primarch shook his head slowly on the throne.

This answer made Lev increasingly uneasy.

If even the pilot holding the rudder is not sure where they are headed, then where does the hope of the empire come from.

Duker's voice continued, "In this chaotic universe, any path may be correct or it may fail. But there is only one thing I can be sure of. Only a united will can Bursting out the ultimate power, and only strong power can support us to move forward straightly. As for the scenery ahead——"

The Primarch stepped down from his throne, stretched out his mighty steel hand to Lev,

"——Let us witness together."

Hot breath, inexhaustible courage.

In places that words could not cover, Lev felt the thoughts of the Lord of Destruction more intuitively and three-dimensionally.

It was a chariot that was speeding past, cutting through obstacles and moving straight forward, never caring about what was in front of it.

Now, the tank sent him an invitation to ride on it.

Lev had no time to think, let alone hesitate.

He knew very well that while this tank was moving forward, it would not stop and wait for anyone.

Any moment of hesitation may lead to the tank passing by.

The wheels were rolling faster and faster, and once he missed it, he would have no chance of catching up.

He had no time to think about where the chariot was going or where it would go.

But these don't seem so important at the moment.

He has no reason to refuse. The chariot moves forward forever, and it doesn't matter where it goes.

Simply because he is a man who is not content to stay where he is.

In the huge and magnificent palace, Lev held the original body's giant steel hand tightly without any hesitation.

When he made this decision, he was like a drowning man being pulled out of the deep water by a giant hand. All the coldness and despair of the dark age of the empire were far away, and supreme courage gathered in his heart, bursting out with hot energy. blood flow,

"Whatever horrors await us, I will face them with you." Lev pledged his oath to the Primarch.

Amid the turmoil of emotion and shared ideals, the soul of the Grand Councilor resonated with the essence of the Second Primarch,



The psychic network extended an invitation to him.

Everyone present witnessed the birth of the oath. Efilar and Shivara standing on both sides of the throne, the Destroyer hiding in the dark guarding the original body, and Elsa wrapped in heavy armor. They all looked forward to it. , staring at the majestic figure in the hall.

In this cold and dark space, there is a person, with supreme courage, roaring and setting sail in the disorderly and chaotic universe, moving forward fearlessly.

He never told them where he was sailing to, and he never promised them anything.

And they never asked for more.

The nuns recall Ophelia Seven.

The Doom Slayers recalled Krieg.

The Garden of Nurgle that the Goddess of Life does not want to remember.

They were both equally unwilling to stay where they were.

So at different times, they were bound to this chariot with a common desire and followed behind the great being.

The conversation in the palace continued until the sun rose on Terra.


At the same time, deep inside the Terra Palace area, within the throne hall.

The eternal emperor, who was surrounded by endless light, after regaining his life, still chose to sit on the golden throne and declare war on the enemies in the spiritual realm.

Under the long steps of the throne, a centurion of the Forbidden Army knelt devoutly, and around the throne, a group of priests from the Mechanicus were gathered around and busy.

“I really hope this works”

The centurion looked at the priests and prayed silently in his heart.

"The speaker is already in place, Gris." Suddenly, a great mechanical sage next to the throne said to another great sage,

"It seems to be working well and is more stable than the prosthetic body you have."

"It's better than what you have. Look at your rusty heat pipe, I can even hear the cry of the machine spirit." Gris responded mercilessly.

The centurion, who was kneeling at the foot of the long steps, immediately stood up happily after hearing the conversation between the two great sages.

"Great, our glorious Majesty can finally communicate with his loyal servant again! And I will be the first to speak to him."

"Of course, as you wish, Imperial Army, it is not easy to do this." The great sage next to the throne said,

"This is all my credit, Gris, do you remember the reward you promised me?"

"I didn't expect you to really succeed."

Gris nodded and asked the priests behind him to take out a intact STC template.

"This is your reward, as agreed before, this is the sacred toaster. Oh my Messiah, my colleague, I can't bear to part with it. This is what I follow Lord Dukel During the journey, in the tomb of the clone of the undead overlord Trazin, I got the treasure after going through many difficulties and dangers. "

Gris looked at the toaster in front of him with reluctance in his eyes.

"I don't care what you've been through." Seeing how reluctant he was to let go, the great sage snatched him away.

"Bring it to you!"

He looked at this precious template with care. Although he still didn't know what it was used for, he could be sure that it was a good thing just by the reluctance in the eyes of the miser Gris.


At this moment, the huge instrument called the Golden Throne made a sound.

The great sages stopped arguing and left the throne room with the priests.

"Oh, great Emperor." the Centurion of the Custodes prayed to the Golden Throne,

"We have successfully installed a speaking device on your glorious golden throne. Please, Your Majesty, give us the Holy Word."

"Cough cough cough cough."

Amidst the centurion's prayers, the voice of the audition came from the Golden Throne's speaker.

Then, the Lord of mankind, the savior of the dark age, and the sacred Eternal Majesty, spoke his first words in these ten thousand years——

——"The damn moment has finally arrived."


The centurion of the Imperial Guard shouted excitedly,

"Our glorious lord can command us again!"


Morning in Terra,

Under the leadership of the Custodes, the four Primarchs and Magnus, the Daemon Primarch, headed to the throne room together.

"Brother, I can't believe you actually installed a talking device on the Golden Throne." Guilliman said in disbelief as he sat on the aircraft heading to the throne room.

"Of course, it wasn't easy and it even cost me a holy toaster."

"What is that?" Guilliman was a little confused. This was a name he had never heard of.

"That is a treasure, a delicacy buried in the lair of the undead overlord. Its preciousness is indescribable, and its value is inestimable."

Dukel explained to his brother.

Magnus's head was now contained in a box, so no one could see his expression.

The Lion King silently turned his gaze to the side.

Little Sanguinius watched carefully, his meticulous eyes trying to capture every expression of Dukel.

"Really?! Brother, this has cost you such a heavy price!" Guilliman said in shock and emotion.

"Nothing." Dukel said righteously, "Everything is for His Holy Majesty and for the empire he shares with us!"

Speaking of which, this was the first time the Primarchs had publicly met the Emperor since their return.

His Holy Majesty finally saw his heir again after thousands of years. The streets of Terra were now crowded with people coming to watch the ceremony.

With the aid of their craft, the Primarchs quickly reached the throne room.

As they came down, the palace guards saluted them.

The Primarchs looked at the towering Gate of Eternity, carved with scenes of angels and demons fighting.

They could only walk the rest of the way.

This majestic gate once hindered Horus' progress.

Now, in front of the primarchs, they are open without reservation.

Dukel and his party crossed the long bridge spanning the inner and outer cities, and then passed through countless magnificent doorways and wonders, the number of which was frightening.

The most sacred place in the empire is dotted with the fortifications that Dorne had laid here, telling all visitors that it can never be conquered.

After passing through countless corridors and magnificent palace gates.

The last door finally appeared in sight, and on the other side of the giant arch was the Emperor's throne room.

As long as you open this door, the throne of the Lord of Humanity will be right in front of you.

It was here that Valdor stood guard when Dukel thrust his sword into the Emperor's chest a few days ago.

At this moment, the loyal commander of the Imperial Guard once again witnessed the arrival of the second primarch, and his whole body tensed uncontrollably.

The palm holding the spear began to tremble uncontrollably.

Seeing that he looked frightened, Duker just smiled and didn't communicate much.

In the throne room, huge paintings project golden light, and the glass windows depict the emperor's great achievements.

Countless long-lasting candles burned quietly in this magnificent hall, evaporating a dream-like mist.

The hymn of the Lord of Mankind mixed with the beautiful singing voice echoed in this hall for a long time.

At last the Primarchs saw the Emperor on his throne.

Even though the Emperor had thousands of faces, the Primarchs could not help but express sadness when they saw the Emperor on the throne.

When young Sanguinius saw the Emperor for the first time in thousands of years, he was struck the most intensely.

He looked at this most terrifying torture device in the galaxy. Even the cruel and tyrannical Dark Eldar could not create such a bloody and terrifying creation.

The horror of the Golden Throne even exceeded the archangel's imagination.

He had fought against demons and been involved in endless fights with traitors. He had been seriously injured and was even brutally killed by his own blood relatives.

But even the fearless archangel felt extremely painful when he saw his father sitting on the golden throne, being tortured every minute.

Tears flowed from the archangel's starry eyes, and he burst into tears.

On the Golden Throne, the Eternal Emperor closed his eyes tightly. He seemed to be sleeping, unaware of the arrival of the Primarchs.

Dukel held the box in his hand and strode forward.

"Holy Majesty, I came to visit you again and brought you a gift."

Duker opened the box, revealing a huge crimson one-eyed head.

"Magnus, how about the son you miss so much? Are you satisfied with this gift?"

He presented this rare trophy to His Majesty.

The emperor seemed to have noticed their arrival at this moment. His closed eyes slowly opened, and His Majesty's holy words sounded from the microphone——

"Damn it, Dukel, get away from this idiot-like bookworm. This bastard's soul is broken now. This is not my son, it's just a fragment that was taken away by the Evil God. After he pieced it together I don’t want to see this idiot until it’s complete.”

The Emperor's series of divine curses stunned all the Primarchs present.

Little Sanguinius's cries were immediately stopped.

Magnus's skin became even redder as his mouth was sealed.

The lion bowed his head and said nothing.

Guilliman looked at Dukel blankly and asked in a low voice,

"Brother, are you sure this is our father? He seems to be a little different."

"Your speaking style is indeed different from before." At this moment, even Duker was a little confused.

"A small situation occurred." The Emperor explained,

"In the previous war in the spiritual realm, in order to break the divinity that was forcibly inserted, my polite side was unfortunately sacrificed. It may take a long time for him to be resurrected."

"I see." Duker nodded, "Your polite side is really fragile."

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