Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 170 15. Blood Angel:

"Your Majesty, your Majesty, has the Great Master of Xingyuting lost control of his spiritual power and done such a stupid thing?"

The Imperial Fist on the Phalanx, which was far away in the orbit of the earth and the moon, also received this news. The faces of these loyal defenders of Terra showed expressions of disbelief.

The assassination of the original Blood Angels allowed these Blood Angels, who shouted every day to live up to the blood of Sanguinius, to actually see the blood of Sanguinius!

The last one who did this made the Blood Angels sick for ten thousand years.

With the return of Sanguinius, the condition of the Blood Angels had just improved when the Grand Master of the Astral Chamber committed such a foolish act.

If it were anyone else, the Imperial Fists might still wonder if there was a deeper conspiracy hidden behind it.

However, the Grand Master is a psyker. A psyker maintains a close connection with the subspace and is mentally unstable at all times. Therefore, the Imperial Fists have reason to suspect that he may have been bewitched by demons, or perhaps just Just crazy!

"What are we going to do now, Commander." An Imperial Fist soldier asked their legion commander.

The legion commander was silent.

Terra has not encountered such a difficult incident for a long time. The Blood Angels who have fallen into madness have no reason to speak. Once this matter is not handled well, it is likely to lead to a violent conflict between the two founding legions.

What's more serious is that now there are four Primarchs gathered there on Terra. The Primarchs are connected by flesh and blood. It is difficult for them to just sit back and ignore this matter. Once a conflict breaks out, it will lead to a melee between multiple legions, which will affect Terra. Even the blow to the entire human empire will be devastating.

"Focus on war regulation and bring our negotiators with us to minimize chaos as much as possible." The Imperial Fists frowned together.

"At the same time, let the third and fourth companies sneak into Terra secretly and build defenses. We also have to prepare for the worst."

He spoke while thinking continuously, and issued multiple strategic arrangements in succession to deal with possible sudden changes.

It is the Imperial Fists' sacred duty to defend Terra.

Although they don't want to get into troubled waters, they can't avoid it.

After making strategic arrangements, the Legion Commander boarded the spaceship bound for Terra. He wanted to negotiate with the Blood Angels first.

Not long after their spaceship set sail in space.

Thick and colorful golden light spread across the surface of Terra, and the huge golden eagle shrouded the entire Terra under its wings.

"This is." The Imperial Fist was also within the range of the golden light. Their spaceship seemed to be painted with a thick layer of gold paint. The legion commander looked at this familiar light and whispered,

"This is the flag of the Lord of the Second Legion. What is he going to do?"

Just when he asked the question, in the shocked eyes of all the Imperial Fist warriors, the saint with flaming wings behind him was flying towards them with the battle flag held high.

"My lord, this saint wants to talk to you. She wants to see you by name."

The Legion Commander of the Imperial Fist looked solemn, and the other party came with great fanfare, which was not a good sign for him. Once the other party harbors the hostility of the Lord of Destruction, an inevitable conflict will break out.

This would be a disastrous scene.

The cabin of the spacecraft was silent, and everyone knew how important this moment was.

"Turn off the weapon systems of all our ships." The legion commander made a decision. "I hope that the Lord of Destruction will receive our goodwill. This is a completely avoidable conflict."

He turned and left the cabin - just hoping to avoid a pathetic infighting.

On the deck of the bridge, the legion commander stood upright. Other brothers of the Imperial Fist were commanding other troops, asking them to put down their guard and not to stay too far away.


The Imperial Fists saw the saint's dozens of meters long flame wings descending in the air. These wings were much larger and more powerful than they thought from a distance, but to their surprise, these wings were entirely made of flames. The wings did not bring any heat, but made them feel the warmth from the heart. Her eyes were pure white, overflowing with brilliance. Holding a huge flag tens of meters high, his feet were not stained by any dust and were pure white.

In their slightly uneasy mood, the saint who came with the will of the Lord of Destruction slowly descended.

The legion commander took a step forward and walked out of the queue.

"Commander of the Imperial Fists," the heavily armored warrior continued, "Greetings to you, Efilar, Saint of the Lord of Destruction, Grand Sister of War."

As a warrior, he was also horrified by the power of this saint, but as a knight of Dorne, his body was still as firm and steady as a stone.

"I come with a mission." Efilar said to them,

"Return, knights. My master will restore peace to all on Terra."


The commander frowned again, "This is not in line with the responsibilities we have always adhered to."

"Perhaps, you can stay in the outer orbit of Terra first." The Imperial Fist's incomprehension made the saint laugh, and Efilar said with a smile,

"You can keep an eye on the progress of the incident until the time comes when you are needed, what do you think?"

"Okay." The commander nodded seriously after thinking, "As you wish, we just want Terra to regain peace."

The light of the Destiny Eagle flag recedes in the solar system.

Little Sanguinius did a great job this time, and his performance fooled everyone.

If he hadn't told Dukel through the Sons of the People, even the Primarchs might have remained hidden at this time.

But there was a whole show to be had, and Duker transmitted a message to young Sanguinius.

Nowadays, the whole of Terra is in panic. If the Archangel doesn't come to end it in person, it may be difficult for this scene to end.

The Astropath's headquarters is called the 'City of Events', located in a remote area of ​​the Royal Palace of Terra. On the surface, it is an abandoned no-man's land, but those chosen psykers will live in this abandoned area. in the tower to learn knowledge that can benefit the empire - although most psykers will die in the rigorous examination.

Astral practitioners will gradually lose their eyesight during practice, so the builders of Vision City deliberately made the place dark and suffocating. The gorgeous statues on Terra are impossible to see here. A heavy sense of majesty stands on the mountain, absorbing and blocking sunlight and warmth.

The main entrance of the City of Vision is the "Obsidian Gate". This huge portal separates the inside and outside of the door into two worlds. Outside the door is the bustling Terra Palace, which is crowded with people. Inside the door is the lightless attic and the silent Astropath mentor and apprentice.

Inside the City of Vision, crystal stones can be seen everywhere on the walls and floors. These crystal stones can effectively isolate sounds from the outside world and interference from the subspace, allowing psykers to meditate here with peace of mind.

at this time,

The Blood Angels have surrounded the 'Obsidian Gate' of Star Language Court. They glared at the closed door, with anger and murderous intent intertwined in their eyes. Be prepared to capture this place at any time.

"Holy Blood Angel, the assassination of the Archangel has nothing to do with us. We really don't know why the Grand Master acted like this!" A transcendent psychic made his voice in the fortress.

"Shut up! You disgusting maggot!" A Blood Angel immediately scolded,

"I will chop off your heads and make them into wine glasses. I will cut off your limbs, break your ribs, and take out your spinal cord. I will mix your plasma with fine wine!"

The Blood Angel roared, and his roar made the psykers in the fortress tremble.

He knew that what the other party said was not an adjective, but in a physical sense, and they would really do it.

Of all the Legions in the Imperium, none know better than the Blood Angels.

"I hope my blood can be paired with better wine." Behind the Obsidian Gate, a psyker mocked himself desperately.

Facing the heavily armed Primaris Blood Angels, these psykers alone didn't have much power to resist. What's even worse is that the City of Vision is full of interference crystals, which originally ensured that they could escape from the warp. A device that allows them to meditate with peace of mind without being disturbed.

At this moment, they are unable to exert their spiritual power at all and become lambs to be slaughtered.

"Blood relatives, the revenge of blood is within reach!" Outside the huge door, the Blood Angels roared.

Recalling the scene where the Archangel was stained with blood, their anger reached its peak.

They were furious and launched an unstoppable charge.

Mephiston stood behind the Blood Angel, recalling the Archangel's instructions to him, and he opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

But what he didn't expect was that,

At this moment, there was actually a person who was even angrier than the Blood Angels.

On the way to charge, they saw red fireballs streaking across Terra's night sky, accurately smashing into the huge obsidian door.


This door, which even the Blood Angels could hardly break through in a short period of time, collapsed in an instant.

The stalwart figure bathed in fire stood in front of all the Blood Angels and also let out an angry roar.

"Blood for blood, blood for blood!"

He also came to avenge the Archangel,

"Destroy this place, leave nothing behind!"

With ferocious anger, Dukel, Primaris warriors taller than the Blood Angels, stepped out of the red flames.

With a "click", the Doom Slayers all picked up the huge double-barreled shotguns in their hands, and the muzzle of the gun, which was larger than a human head, exuded the aura of destruction.

They twisted the knob of the gun body, and the destructive flames spread to the entire gun body, and the Yajin energy backpack behind them made a trembling buzzing sound.

This horrifying scene caused the Blood Angels to stop their charge.

They looked at the front not far away, where Duker looked even angrier than them.

When an angry person sees someone who is even angrier than them because of the same thing.

When they see such a person appear, their hearts will gradually calm down.

Many Blood Angels who had fallen into madness saw their eyes become much clearer after seeing this.

What followed was almost infinite emotion. Of course they knew Dukel, the benefactor who saved their holy father. If not for his salvation, their genetic father would still be sleeping underground in Baal.

This benefactor came again for their holy father, with a hatred stronger than theirs, turning the flame into an angry entity, vowing to destroy everything of his enemy.

When the Blood Angels swore to avenge Sanguinius, they were prepared to engage in bloody conflict with other Legions, regardless of the consequences.

They knew very well that others on Terra would not sit back and watch the chaos unfold, and would definitely stand in the way of their revenge.

The Blood Angels are even ready to become enemies of all of Terra.

But Dukel is now telling them with actual actions that the Archangel was assassinated, the Lord of Destruction has a greater wrath than them, and the Second Legion will stand on the same side as the Blood Angels, or even stand in front of them.

What a sentiment!

More and more Blood Angels were withdrawing from their anger, and many warriors even shed tears of blood in their eyes.

But Dukel's actions did not stop because of their move. The original body walked towards the interior of the City of Events, leaving a path of flames along the way.

"This is impossible!" A cry suddenly came from the steps of the tower not far away. A transcendental psyker wearing dark green robes pointed at the original body, his fingers trembling slightly,

"You, why can you still use psychic powers?!"

Duker looked at him without saying anything or taking any action.

"Your Highness, according to the Lion King's information, this is the director of the Psychic Seminary. He is in the same sect as the Grand Master, is close to the nobles, sells psyker organs privately, and even conducts psionic trade. Many people died openly. The psychics who are practicing are actually sold to remote star areas by them." Shivara's voice came from the spiritual network.

Dukel was furious, and an immeasurable amount of spiritual power surged out.

"This isn't psychic!"

The original body roared, stretched out his right hand, and held it in the void.

"You will die in the most painful way, and this is the price you pay for hurting my brother!"

"Crack!——" Under the squeezing of the huge spiritual power, the psyker let out an inhuman cry, his body twisted uncontrollably, and the penetrating sound of bone breaking kept ringing.

The psyker's body was continuously squeezed, and the skin, tendons, bones, and organs were all broken under the tremendous pressure, and even the blood did not flow out at all.

It wasn't until his whole body was squeezed into a sphere of less than one square centimeter that Duker let go of his imaginary right hand.

With a 'bang' sound, the sphere, which was less than one square centimeter, fell to the ground with a heavy sound.

During this time, more and more information was uploaded to the spiritual network by Shivara, which recorded the portraits, identities, and various crimes of these people.

"Children, destroy these people."

At his command, the Doom Slayers dispersed.

The blood-like crimson flames burned more and more fiercely, almost swallowing up the entire Star Language Courtyard.

With the firelight reflecting in their eyes and hearing the cries and screams in the City of Vision, the Blood Angels felt sincerely happy.

At this moment, the eyes of all the Blood Angels became clear.

"But the Archangel once told me." At this time, Mephiston, the head of the Blood Angels Think Tank, came out and said with some reluctance,

"Father once said that there are innocent people in the Star Language Court. Is it okay for Lord Duker to do this?"

"They deserve to die!" Before Mephiston could finish his words, he was angrily interrupted by a company commander.

But even this company commander had a sense of lack of confidence in his voice.

In the final analysis, the Blood Angels do not kill indiscriminately, and most of them have noble character.

Before, I had only seen the Holy Father being assassinated, and my reason was filled with anger. Now that I am awake, I feel that what Duker did is a bit too extreme.

"Lord Duker is a little too extreme. Our Holy Father is his blood brother. His anger at the moment far exceeds that of us."

"Otherwise, let's stop him. To be honest, I don't want to see this respectable gentleman commit something wrong in anger and feel regret for it."

"We can't let the adults bleed and shed tears!"

"Even if you get punished by adults for this."

"at all costs!"

As the Blood Angels communicated in the communication voice, their eyes became more determined.


"Let me go! Let me go! Don't stop me from avenging my brother!"

When little Sanguinius stepped out of the aircraft and set foot on the ground of Terra, he heard Dukel's angry voice for the first time.

He found the source of the sound at a glance - not only because Duker was twice as tall as the Space Marines, but also because he was surrounded by almost an entire company of Blood Angels.

"Sir, please calm down."

"Sir, forget it, forget it."

"A crime in Star Language Court will not lead to death!!!"

Sanguinius: "?"

This unexpected scene really shocked the Archangel, but he quickly adjusted himself.

"Brother, what happened here?" With Dante's careful support, little Sanguinius asked with a pale face and a weak voice.

This voice was not eye-catching, but it immediately silenced the scene. The Blood Angels looked at the arrival of their holy father in surprise. Dukel also asked with concern as if he had just discovered him,

"Sanguinius? How did you get here? Are you seriously injured?"

"I'm fine, cough, cough, cough." Sanguinius' movements seemed to have touched the wound, causing him to make a series of coughs.

"Is this okay?!"

The momentum of the crimson flames once again surged by three points.

"Calm down your anger, brother. The Grand Master has been executed. We cannot harm innocent people out of hatred."

"There are no innocents here!" Dukel responded stubbornly.

The archangel's holy face maintained compassion, and he wanted to say something else.

But at this moment, a rustling low voice sounded, and the astropaths who had been hiding before emerged from the dark corners like a tide.

They carefully avoided the burning red flames, and then knelt down at the feet of the archangel.

"Sir, we have never done anything evil, and we have no knowledge of the Grand Master's assassination. Please forgive us!"

Sanguinius looked at Dukel, and when he saw the other person nodded slightly, he knew that these people were really innocent.

Most of these people are just apprentices of the Astropath, and only a small number are the mentors of the Astropath. As long as they have the slightest sin in their bodies, it is impossible to hide their whereabouts in front of the Destroyer.

Little Sanguinius stretched out his palm and stroked the head of the leader,

"I believe you are all innocent."

Hearing this weak voice, the fear and anxiety in the hearts of the Astropaths gradually dissipated.

They were grateful for the Archangel's mercy and prostrated themselves on the ground.

"I'll keep an eye on you!"

Duker said something viciously, and the Astropaths collectively shuddered, and then he left here with the Doom Slayers.

After this incident, little Sanguinius will successfully take over the role of Grand Master of the Astronomical Court.

The Forbidden Army temporarily acts as the tribunal.

The Lion King temporarily takes charge of the Ministry of Justice and the Court of Assassins.

Guilliman temporarily acts as the Ministry of War.

Duker looked toward Terra's night sky.

It had been five hours since he landed.

The first glimmer of morning light breaks over the earth.

It's time for Dukel to head to his loyal High Council.

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