The Blood Angels rushed toward the Star Language Court with fury, even black fury. Even their chief think tank could no longer restrain the anger in his heart and was ready to walk out of the Archangel's palace to vent his revenge.

"Wait, Mephiston." A weak voice from the throne stopped him,

"Don't let anger burn away your reason, don't hurt those innocent people. Ahem, cough, cough."

Amidst the violent coughing, a pure white feather stained with the blood of the archangel was delivered to the hands of the chief think tank.

Looking at the scarlet stained on the feathers and listening to the archangel's teachings, Mephiston felt infinitely moved in his heart——

This is the genetic father of the Blood Angels, the holy archangel, the perfect son of the Emperor. Even if he is assassinated by villains, he still has compassion for mortals.

"Yes, Father. I will follow your compassion and restrain the brothers' reason."

Mephiston knelt on one knee, raised his white wings above his head, and said his oath with tears in his eyes.

Then he left the palace, and until he completely stepped out of the palace gate, he couldn't bear to raise his head and take a look at his genetic father.

He was worried that the Holy Father's 'seriously injured' gesture would cause his sanity to die again.

At this time, around the palace, the bodyguards of the original body guarded the Archangel's temple with scarlet eyes. Within the hall, only Dante was still waiting there.

Dante also wants to join the ranks of revenge, but he also shoulders the important task of protecting the original body.

He regretted why he had given the psyker the opportunity to be alone with the Primarch, and now he felt regretful and his eyes were full of sorrow and anger.


From the throne, the archangel's feeble voice came.

"I'm here, father." Dante said sadly.

"Order a meal from the Son of the People for me." Young Sanguinius' voice was still weak.


Dante raised his head suddenly and looked at the throne in disbelief.

The archangel had just been assassinated and was 'seriously injured', and he wanted to eat? Have such a good appetite?

Could it be

Dante suddenly had a bold guess in his mind.

"Holy Father, I have informed the Medical Order and they will come to treat you soon."

"Ahem, Dante, no need to bother, my injury is not serious." The archangel's voice was full of anger.

Although little Sanguinius sprayed out a mouthful of blood mist and looked extremely miserable, to the original body, such an injury was like a cut on his finger.

If the Medical Order had arrived in time, they might have been able to save him. If it comes a little late, the Archangel will heal on his own.


Dante thought silently in his mind. He watched the archangel sit up from the throne with mixed emotions.

He wanted to say something.

But I dare not say anything.

In the end, I could only sigh and change the subject.

"His Highness Duker has limited our quota. Your brother specifically told the Son of the People that you should not eat too much. Our quota for this month has already been exceeded, and it is difficult to order more meals."

"Cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough"

There was a continuous coughing sound from the throne.

"Okay, dad, I'll order it now."

The coughing on the throne stopped abruptly.

The face behind Dante's mask was full of helplessness.

Now he truly understands that it is not easy to learn well, but it is easy to learn badly.

It was all taught by His Highness Dukel!

"My Emperor, under your throne, the Ministry of Military Affairs has committed so many crimes!" In front of the gate of the Ministry of Military Affairs fortress, when the three Macragge admirals presented iron-clad evidence , Duker cried out sadly.

Guilliman stood over him, visibly angry.

The people of the surrounding empire were in an uproar.

Holographic projectors lit up in front of them, and the mechanical priests rigorously checked the authenticity of these videos, and every time they confirmed one was real. There will be a burst of angry curses from the imperial crowd watching.

Under the watchful eye of the Ohm Messiah, the priests of the Mechanicus will never lie to the Machine Soul, and there is no need for them to lie.

The Astra Militarum is really too difficult. Not only do they have to fight against the enemies of the Empire and face the most brutal war, they also have to be tricked by their own people in the Ministry of Military Affairs.

In the holographic projection, Duker saw that the Imperial Logistics Department promised to provide armor for the front line - but because there were too many deductions in the process, the armor would generally arrive two years after the end of the war.

When an Astral Legion is deployed on a high-intensity battlefield, in order to avoid trouble, the Ministry of Military Affairs will send death notices directly to their families - don't ask where the death benefits go.

In order to reduce the cost of training new recruits, the Ministry of Military Affairs gave up traditional tactical training and instead told the recruits that greenskins, demons, Tyranids, and Eldar were all rubbish, and they could just fuck them when they met.

As shown in the picture,

Things like this that look like jokes are actually behind the scenes of tens of billions of soldiers dying on the battlefield.

When Duker was in Ophelia No. 7, he was embezzled due to the death allowance of soldiers, and purged most of the local nobles. This time he found the source.

The eyes of the original bodies turned completely cold.

Whether it is Dukel or Guilliman, no matter how great their achievements are in other fields, their most important job is to be generals in war.

As commanders who have been fighting on the front lines of the empire all year round, the most intolerable thing they can tolerate is the harsh treatment of loyal soldiers.

In their eyes, the Ministry of Military Affairs was even more deserving of death than the Inquisition and the Ministry of Justice.

At this moment,

The Chief of General Staff of the Ministry of Military Affairs arrived belatedly.

He saluted the two primarchs,

"Two adults, what are you doing here at the Military Affairs Department?"

It was obvious that the Chief of General Staff did not yet know what was going on.

Before the Macragges took action, they temporarily blocked his contact with the outside world, causing him to still look confused to this day.

All the Imperial people present looked at the Chief of General Staff of the Ministry of Military Affairs with strange eyes.

Dukel's face showed grief and anger, "Arrogant villain, your crimes have been made public. Tell the truth about your rebellion!"

chief of staff:"?"

The primarch's anger was like a violent storm, leaving him completely disorganized in the wind.

Although he knew that Duker's temper was not very good, why did he directly blame him?

According to his intelligence, all the people Duker had killed before were heretics and aliens. He was the chief of staff of the Ministry of Military Affairs. Although he had done many evil things, he was still loyal and had never colluded with heretics and aliens.

"Sir, are you talking about me?"

the chief of staff asked in disbelief.

Dukel's body stretched out a huge shadow in the light of the flames. This shadow enveloped the mortal, and his bright eyes looked down at the other person, "Of course it's you, the villain in a high position, count your crimes in detail!"

The power of the mind radiates out.

The chief of staff blurted out, "Have I still been able to count my crimes now?"

chief of staff:"?!!"

Imperial people: "!!!"

The chief of staff felt dazed.

For a moment, he seemed to feel that his mouth was uncontrollable and he expressed the true thoughts in his heart.

But he actually had no idea what the original body was saying or what he was answering.

He just saw that the Imperial people around him were looking at him in increasingly weird ways.

as well as

He finally saw those holographic projection instruments hidden by the majestic body of the original body.

His pupils trembled violently, "Three generals, what do you have in your hands?"

"Of course it's your fault!"

The three Astra Militarum generals looked upright. They drew a clear line with the Ministry of War and stood beside the two primarchs.

"Your sins have been exposed to us. The education we Macragges have received since childhood does not allow us to join in with villains like you!"

"Well said!" The Prince Regent praised, "You have not lost the glory of being a Macragge."

At the same time, the nobles and officials who were involved in the holographic projection also took the initiative to come to the door of the Military Affairs Department. They gathered in a dark mass and knelt in front of the original body.

In fact, with their power, the crimes recorded in the holographic projection were nothing to them before.

Before the Primarch's return, if someone reported them for similar crimes, they would quickly have the person identified by the reporter.

Even according to the laws of the empire, they only need to operate once and they can be suspended for a few years.

During the few years of probation, they will definitely behave well, make up for their mistakes, punish themselves with three glasses of wine, and the matter will be over.

But that's different now. Dukur's credibility as Lord of Destruction has been established.

As long as they dare to play tricks, they are 100% sure that Duker will directly kill someone.

So now they just hope to receive the fairest trial.

They gathered here and voluntarily surrendered. Could the original body kill them all on the spot?

"Your Highness, I have indeed deducted soldiers' allowances and am willing to accept the imperial trial."

"Sir, we do have interests with the Chief of Staff and are willing to accept investigation."

"Great Lord of the Second Legion, I praise you and Your Majesty for your justice. Everything I do is under the direction of the Chief of General Staff. I am willing to take the blame and serve as a tainted witness!"

Dukel, "."

Guilliman, "."

chief of staff,"."

The three of them were a little angry.

The Primarchs were angry because these crooks, according to the laws of the Empire, were not punishable by death.

The chief of general staff was angry because these traitors dared to bite him back.

But he still retains his last hope,

"Your Highness Dukel, you may have misunderstood me." The chief of general staff defended himself.

"Although the holographic projection is real, it is not foolproof. I have never done any of these things, so I have reason to suspect that the 'I' in the projection is a murderous ghost pretending to be a deliberate frame-up to achieve his goals." An ulterior motive.”

The murderous ghost was once again splashed with dirty water.

Terra's big stage is full of masters.

Duker was angry for his brother,

"Insolent! Cunning villain, what kind of evil deeds are done by the murderous ghost?! The murderous ghost is so unlucky! Mechanical Great Sage, can you see the traces of fraud in the holographic projection?"

Gris and the priests shook their heads without any hesitation.

There is no trace of a performance on their part because the projections are real.

Duker continued to ask, "After analysis by the Mechanicus, the Chief of General Staff in the holographic projection is himself?"

"It's true." Gris replied without hesitation.

Dukel looked at the Chief of General Staff with obvious murderous intent.

"Sinner, you can change your excuses in another direction." The original face said with a cold face, "Continue to fabricate facts and let me see what other tricks you have."

Dukel's eyes narrowed slightly.

The cold murderous intention suddenly alerted the Chief of General Staff.


He kneeled decisively on the ground,

"My lord, I am guilty."

It was impossible not to admit it. All the nobles and officials were giving in when facing Dukel.

Although his external intelligence was blocked for a while, he also knew that the Inquisition was burned down.

Dukel, Lord of the Second Legion and holding the Emperor's Sword, now had four Primarchs gathered on Terra. If you don't plead guilty, you may soon end up in the trial court.

Admit coercion, even though once you admit your crime, it is equivalent to giving up your power.

But compared with Dukel who kills people and sets fire at every turn, the power in his hands is not so difficult to hand over.

"Plead guilty?" the original body sneered.

"Yes, as the three generals reported, I forgot His Majesty's teachings, failed to fulfill the sacred mission given to me by the Emperor, and did many wrong things. I have deeply realized my mistakes, and am willing to take the initiative to make meritorious service. Confess the crime.”

Dukel realized what he was thinking, and the mockery on his face became more intense, "You deserve to be executed on the spot!"

You can admit everything else, but this is the only thing that the Chief of General Staff cannot admit. He immediately retorted loudly, "Sir, I am guilty and I am willing to accept all investigations by the empire, but my crime will not lead to death. According to the laws of the empire, I bear all punishments imposed on me, but if you execute me beyond the bounds of the law, all the people in the empire will no longer believe in the function of the law, and the empire will be in turmoil!"

"You think your crime is not worthy of death?" Duker looked down at him, "Are you sure?"

"I am sure."

"Then continue playing the holographic projection."

This was a public trial witnessed by countless citizens of the empire, and Duker turned on all the holographic projection instruments.

The crimes in the video are too numerous to describe.

These are irrefutable evidence that the Chief of General Staff suppressed political opponents and abused his power. The lives of countless imperial soldiers were ruined because of his foolish actions.

But as more than ten minutes passed, Duker's face became increasingly ugly.

"Your Highness, let the sisters show him mercy." Efilar's voice sounded in the communication channel,

"This sinner used all his intelligence and wisdom to do evil things. When he used his power to trade, everything he said was ambiguous. According to the laws of the empire, it is difficult to convict him of a capital crime."

The Chief of General Staff's simple confession also confirmed this point.

Given his position and his deliberate manipulation, it would be difficult to leave evidence that could lead to a death penalty. Otherwise, he would not even wait for the return of the Primarch, and his political opponents would make him die without a burial place.

"Sir, I am willing to accept the trial of the empire." After watching his holographic projection, the chief of staff breathed a sigh of relief. For the first time in his life, he sincerely thanked his political opponents.

It was precisely because of their presence that he was able to be so cautious over the years.

Dulquer and Guilliman looked at each other.

Judging from the evidence in the holographic projection, it is obviously impossible to convict the Chief of Staff of death.

The public trial in front of the people of the empire also made it difficult for the chief of staff to commit suicide.

The sanctity of imperial law cannot be tarnished.

But apart from that, you still have to be reasonable.

The second legion is the most reasonable.

If you say he deserves to die, he will die.

Guilliman glanced at Macragge's admiral.

One of the generals instantly understood what the original body meant, and he stood up again, upholding justice, "Your Highness Dukel, I reported that the Chief of General Staff colluded with the murderous ghost to assassinate Your Majesty! The secret messages between the two are hidden In his safe!"

"Your Majesty!" Guilliman pointed angrily at the Chief of Staff, "I hope this is not true. I can't believe that even the Ministry of War was involved in the assassination of the Emperor and the rebellion."

"No, I swear to your majesty, I have never done it!" the chief of general staff panicked.

But Guilliman ignored him and gave orders angrily.

"Calga, you personally lead the search, I want to ensure the authenticity of the evidence!"

"As you command, my lord."

Calgar came out and rushed into the Military Ministry with a team of Ultramarines. In less than five minutes, he took out the safe and took out a secret letter from it.

Dukel was furious, and his sword burst into golden flames,

"Collude with assassins, assassinate the Emperor, assassinate the Primarch, launch a rebellion, and harm Imperial soldiers. Is there anything else you dare not do?! The leader of all evils will be punished by everyone!"

As the words fell, in the eyes of all the Imperial people, the god-like original swung the flaming sword angrily.

After wasting nearly an hour, no evidence was found that was sufficient to convict the Chief of Staff of the death penalty. The empire's laws were simply too imperfect.

Fortunately, the legal department has been taken over by Lion King.

I believe that the laws of the Empire will be improved soon - as long as the Lions don't take things too extreme.

The Chief of General Staff of the Ministry of Military Affairs was killed and he died with his eyes open.

After executing him, the surrounding Imperial people gradually dispersed. Until they were far away, the two primarchs could still hear the incredible discussions.

"My Emperor, the Chief of Staff has so much courage!"

"My poor child died in such confusion on the battlefield. If it were not for the personal judgment of the Sons of God, I might not be able to see the truth of the Ministry of Military Affairs in this life. Thank you Emperor, your sons have upheld justice."

"The Chief of General Staff really deserves to die."

I believe that tomorrow morning, what happened tonight will spread throughout every alley in Terra as quickly as possible.

When the crowd dispersed,

"Brother, from now on you will be temporarily acting as the acting authority of the Ministry of Military Affairs." Dukel looked at Guilliman.

"I will never let down this mission." Guilliman swore seriously.

"I will do my best not to let any loyal soldier die in vain on the battlefield."

"I believe you." Dukel nodded.

It is not difficult to see from today's events that Guilliman has been working in the Ministry of Military Affairs for a long time.

Although Guilliman holds the title of Regent, he has nominal power over the High Council and second only to the Holy Emperor.

But before Duker cleansed Terra, he was almost sidelined.

Even though he had the huge Macragge government behind him, he was still under control in every aspect on Terra.

At this time, it had been more than four hours since Duker arrived at Terra.

The Inquisition, the Ministry of Justice, and the Ministry of Military Affairs collapsed one after another. Although a huge amount of finishing work was left, most of the power of the empire was still restored to the hands of the original body.

Duker looked up at Terra's night sky and exhaled in relief,

"The dawn is coming, and light and hope are never far away."

Guilliman nodded in approval and also looked at the night sky of Terra.

But at this moment,

"Whoosh whoosh!——"

Countless aircraft, like violent giant birds, roared densely over the heads of everyone.

Dukel: "???"

Guilliman: "???"

"Is this the blood angel's spaceship? Are they here for a late night snack?" Duker said in disbelief as he looked at the aircraft that was speeding past as if it was going crazy.

"Their actions have obvious murderous intent." Guilliman looked solemn.

"Although we don't know what happened yet, we should stop them and not let them cause chaos on Terra."

Dukel nodded.

No matter it is Guilliman, the Lion King, or even Dukel, they do not want to cause chaos in Terra. This is the center of the empire, and any disturbance may have unpredictable consequences for the entire empire.

If it weren't for this, with the legions in their hands, there would be no need to go to such trouble to eradicate Terra's powerful people. A volley of macro cannons would ensure that there would be nothing left in Terra except the palace, and even the Imperial Fist could not stop them.

But just when they were about to issue an order to stop the Blood Angels.

A huge figure suddenly fell from the sky,


When the smoke dissipated, the figure of the warrior inside was revealed. It was Mephiston, the chief think tank of the Blood Angels.

Duker's face was still cold and unsmiling.

Guilliman frowned and asked mercilessly, "Mephiston, what are you going to do?!"

Mephiston said nothing.

He just stood silently in front of the two original bodies, and knelt down on one knee with a "pop" sound.

Silently weeping.

"My child, you have done nothing wrong. There is no need to kneel down to me." Dukel pulled him up without any refusal.

"Tell me, what happened?"

Mephiston raised his head, and both primarchs could see that his eyes were scarlet, and there were even fangs exposed at the corners of his mouth.

It has obviously reached the edge of losing control.

This made them all a little nervous, not knowing what happened to make the Blood Angels almost lose control.

But Mephiston’s next words shocked them even more——

"Two adults, my Lord Sanguinius, was assassinated by the Grand Master of the Astrology Court in the palace. He is currently seriously injured and his life is in danger."


Dulquer and Guilliman looked at each other, briefly communicating with their eyes.

Guilliman: "How could Sanguinius be assassinated? Who has such courage? Is this also staged?"

Duker: "He didn't even get the script."

Guilliman: "Is this true?"

Dukel: "Really!!!"

Mephiston took out a pure white feather, still stained with the archangel's wet blood.

The pupils of the two original bodies trembled.

The smell of blood poured into their nostrils.

"Let's go! Go to the Star Language Court!" Duker roared angrily, and the red flames instantly ignited.

Guilliman was equally furious, and the Emperor's sword burned brightly.

After receiving the news, even the lions came out of the forest of Caliban with gloomy expressions.

Everyone loves Sanguinius, and that's not just words. What's more, now that the Archangel has returned to his juvenile form, no primarch wants him to be harmed.

With the four Primarchs gathered on Terra, they dared to assassinate Sanguinius.

Don’t give Xingyuting tonight—

"Your Highness, Lord Sanguinius is here again. The quota you set for him has been exceeded by more than half this month. Do you still want to feed him?" Just when Dukel was about to kill, a voice suddenly sounded on the voice channel The voice of a son of the people.

Duker was stunned.

"Sanguinius? Isn't he seriously injured and dying? Can he eat so soon?"

"No, Lord Sanguinius appears to be in good health."

Duker was stunned again.

How could he not understand at this time that he was being played?

Even his brothers were fooled by Sanguinius's strong participation.

But acting is like this. The actor himself is worried about whether his acting skills will betray others, but for the uninformed audience, it is simply difficult to tell the truth from the lie.

"Your Highness, will you still serve dinner to Lord Sanguinius?" the Son of the People asked again.

His voice was a bit awkward. Without Dukel's order, he did not dare to give Blood Angel more than his share of food.

But Dante was right in front of him, staring at him with red eyes, and he couldn't bear to refuse directly.

"Here!" Duker gritted his teeth, "Add another chicken drumstick to him!"

"Okay, Your Highness." The man of the people responded. But just when he was about to disconnect the communication, he heard the original body's voice again.

"Tell Sanguinius that you did a good job and don't do it again next time!"

Dukel disconnected the communication.

The unknowing Lion and Guilliman still held the Emperor's sword and shield and advanced angrily, with the Ultramarines and Dark Angels gathering behind them.

Duker grabbed them directly and told them the truth.

After hearing that little Sanguinius himself had aggravated the situation, the Lion King and Guilliman were also stunned, and then looked dumbfounded.

"But Sanguinius' actions did help us." The lion calmed down and said,

"The Star Language Court, the Star Torch Court, and the Navigator Family, they manage almost all psykers, and are a force that cannot be ignored in the empire. From the information I have learned, the Star Language Court is the most restless among them, and is related to The powerful are the most involved and are also the ones who need to be liquidated.”

"Leon, it is no longer a question of settlement." Guilliman pointed helplessly at the red-eyed Blood Angel in the distance.

"What we want to make sure now is that the Blood Angels don't take things too extreme."

After hearing his words, even Dukel nodded in approval.

The Blood Angels are just too extreme.

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