Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 148 148, The figure king can’t sit still.

The Tau are a young race, in fact, they are a little too young. Ten thousand years ago, when the Emperor and the Primarch expanded their territories in the galaxy, the Tau were still a group of wild animals who had not yet learned to use fire.

But this kind of race has developed from wild animals into an interstellar civilization that occupies a place in the galaxy in only six thousand years, and controls hundreds of living planets within its territory.

The Tau Federation is a rare civilization with a single ideology in the galaxy. All individuals and even the alien legions under them operate around the concept of "the Greater Good."

There is a strange development history everywhere.

Duker was almost certain that there were unknown secrets hidden within this young race, and he had guessed the specific faces of these secrets in the past.

But when his fleet sailed into the territory of the Tau, he suddenly lost the slightest interest in these secrets.

Because no matter how secretive it is, after this battle, it will be nothing but the embers after the burning flames.

Soon, the fleet discovered a Tau frontier world.

"Kill the aliens!" Duker immediately ordered, "Charge!"

After destroying the planet's outer orbital defenses, the infantry were dropped onto the planet's surface.

Duker rushed out of the drop pod first and rushed towards the alien ground troops.

"For the Holy Empire!"

The imperial soldiers shouted and rushed over without hesitation.

Most of the worlds occupied by the Tau are arid, with winds and sand blowing all year round, and severe desertification. This is very similar to the climate of their home planet.

The Imperial troops charged unabashedly in the wind and sand, and were quickly discovered by the Tau ground troops.

"Enemy attack!"

"Are they humans? Why are they here?"

"Quick, gather the troops and defend our world for the greater good."

The Tau troops responded quickly, but their response was of little use.

Duker stepped forward, and his majestic body burst out with a speed that was difficult for mortals to see. Like a sharp single-molecule sword, it pierced straight into the defense line of the Tau fortress.

The alien's temporary defense line was cut like butter without any hindrance. Under the original body's attack, the neat battle formation was shattered into pieces in a very short period of time. The alien's mutilated corpse lay across the desert. among.

"I came all the way at the invitation of your tribe's commander, why didn't the other party come to greet me? After all, they are just barbaric aliens who don't understand noble etiquette." In the red flames that ignited the desert, Duker stepped on the fire and walked toward The aliens spoke.

The Tau soldier's eyes showed confusion for a moment, and then he realized.

"Is it Commander Shadowyang?"

Was it caused by Shadow Sun to humans?

The Tau looked at each other in disbelief.

The Fire Caste officer in charge of the world looked angry at this moment, "For the sake of the greater good, these humans who invaded our homeland will be turned into cold corpses!"

"Kill them!"

Immediately, the well-trained Tau soldiers pulled the triggers of their weapons one after another.

Bang bang bang——

Bullets came like a torrential rain.

This is our Tau territory.

Under the guidance of the Supreme Being, they will be invincible.

And what kind of waves can such a group of humans who appear out of nowhere cause trouble?

"Wait a minute, this human is-" A recorder from the Water Clan finally screamed when he finally saw Dukel's true face in the wind and sand.

But he hasn't finished speaking yet.


The crimson pillar of fire surged forward, and the storm of gunfire melted in the flames. The spreading flames also burned a large number of Tau soldiers to death.

"So you are Shadow Sun." Duker recalled the Tau commander who laughed at him in the projection of the entire system. In the previous intelligence, the Tau who assassinated the Raven Guard also had this name.

The scorching flames suddenly billowed up, and the fire rolled into the sky, seeming to burn the entire world. The wind and sand melted into lava, and billowing black smoke rose.

In this apocalyptic scene, the Tau soldiers with weapons in their hands felt nothing but despair.

Just the alien military power of a border planet is nothing to Dukel.

The Tau soldiers were quickly slaughtered,

"Take away all the valuable items in this world, and blow up everything that can't be taken away!" Dukel's majestic voice stood in this burning world, giving instructions to the warriors of the empire,

"After looting, go to the next world!"

Although it is only a border world, it has a lot of military supplies, food, and minerals.

As the master of the Expeditionary Legion and the second legion, Duker is well aware of the current plight of the human empire. Therefore, they did not directly use the Extermination Order to destroy the world. After all, they could snatch a large amount of supplies, so why not do it.

"Yes, praise the Lord of the Second Legion!" The imperial soldiers cheered and searched for various supplies extremely skillfully.

Dukel raised his chain sword high, "Everyone, the purpose of our trip is-"

"Kill the aliens!" Everyone in the empire shouted with enthusiasm.


At the same time, Shadow Sun arrived at the coordinates provided by the dark allies.

"The Empire's second Primarch is coming to this world, are you ready?!"

She strode into an empty altar and shouted around with an unkind expression.

"Are you sure you've completed your mission?" The black liquid was flowing, and a dark shadow came out. His eyes hidden in the darkness observed Yingyang, and then he said with the same displeasure,

"You didn't follow the original plan. Did something go wrong with this mission?"

This strange creature, completely hidden in the darkness, seems to have the power to see into the soul.

He seemed to have seen through Yingyang's little thoughts from the very beginning.

"This has nothing to do with you, we are not your puppets." Yingyang looked gloomy, "Primarch No. 2 is about to come to this world, and I have fulfilled my duties. Now, it is your turn to abide by the agreement, and I hope your plan , it works as you said.”

The Tau fleet truly believed that Duker would catch up soon. Because before, the other party followed closely like this.

The Tau have no awareness of their dim psychic powers, and are one of the races in the galaxy that lacks the least understanding of the Warp.

They know nothing of the immaterial realm beyond reality and are unaware of the dangers in the Warp. They also tried to understand the subspace, but ultimately came to the conclusion that it was "not as good as the Greater Good."

The original text of their scholar's evaluation of the subspace is - "The subspace is simply not worth mentioning in the face of the Greater Good. It is best left to those brave and foolhardy races who cannot extricate themselves from that realm!"

Therefore, Yingyang really didn't realize at this moment that after they sacrificed all the alien legions, Duker had lost his way to find them in a short time.

Correspondingly, those territories where there are a large number of psychic aliens have become extremely conspicuous under the deliberate search of the imperial fleet.

"Okay." Heiying did not comment on Yingyang's words and just whispered,

"You'd better hope that everything goes smoothly."

As he spoke, his body dissolved again and he was about to disappear from this world again.

"Wait a minute." Suddenly Yingyang said, "What would happen if the plan didn't go smoothly and the No. 2 Primarch didn't pursue us here?"

"It doesn't matter, young race. In fact, when you come into contact with the No. 2 Primarch, your mission has been accomplished." The black shadow let out a sharp laugh,

"Everything is in our plan."


At the same time, the Infinite Trazyn was still waiting on the original body's return route.

An entire galaxy was covered by the exorcist dead zone, as if a piece of the star map had suddenly been dug out and completely disappeared into the deep space.

As time passed, he preset a large amount of war technology in this galaxy, just to give the original body a big surprise.

As an ancient race, he has plenty of patience.

He waited for one month, two months, ten months, twenty months.


"Why hasn't the human original come back yet?!"

The Endless felt that his metal butt was almost integrated with the metal throne beneath him.

If he didn't have a certain understanding of the prowess of the original body, he would have doubted whether the second original body of the empire died on the way.

"Maybe waiting is not the right choice." The Endless One couldn't sit still.

If only a few years had passed, it would have been a fleeting time for the Necron. But waiting without results is unbearable for the endless.

If the original body does not return for ten thousand years, will his double sit here and wait for ten thousand years?

"I should take the initiative to look for clues to see if I can find information about the original body. As an ancient elder in the galaxy, I should know the preciousness of time."

Thinking of this, the Endless One activated the device, and the huge pyramid took him away from this world.

He used his computing power to roughly analyze the direction of the original body, and sent countless wandering souls to investigate.

Although the battlefield between the Primarch and the Tau has been swept clean by the Adeptus Mechanicus. However, under the analysis of Necrontyr technology, the Endless One still discovered clues.

One month later,

"Trace of the Space Battle."

Tasinla looked into the void like a warlock, but inside the mechanical body was running the most advanced technological creation in the galaxy. The next second his analysis seemed to indicate an error, and a faint green light shone in the void.

"Error report, the number of warships does not match."

When the Infinite first waited, the information provided by the Wraith was that the Primarch was only aboard a frigate.

But now, he judged from the traces hidden in the space that the other party had at least a cruise fleet of more than 300 people.

What's going on? Is it wrong? Is this not the Primarch's fleet?

Although the probability is very low.

"Practice is also a virtue." The Endless One continued to shuttle among the stars following the traces in the dimensional space.

"There are also traces of war here."

"Why has the fleet grown in size again?"

"Could it be that two different fleets had battles with the Tau fleet?"

But as the Endless One continued to explore, he discovered that the size of the fleet was still growing.

"Could it be that these are actually the troops of the original body?" The Endless One only relied on clues to restore the war that had happened here.

"With only one Human Empire frigate, the original body defeated a Tau fleet of more than 4,000 people with almost no losses, and also captured a large number of ships?"

The Infinite felt an emotion called shock.

"If the reality is really like this, then the war potential of Primarch No. 2 needs to be re-evaluated." The Endless One looked at the star map in front of him.

"If my guess is correct, then if we continue to search along the trajectory, we will definitely find greater traces of war."

Another month passed, and the Endless One once again discovered traces of the recent war from the dimensional space.

Moreover, this time the size of the fleet became even larger.

"Sure enough, my guess was correct."

"Then the coordinates where the original body may go next are" the Endless One marked it on the star map.

The huge pyramid started up again, and this time, he would take the initiative to intercept the opponent.

The two great collectors in the galaxy will soon have the long-lost meeting.


A living planet in the Tau star field.


Dukel's fire sets the world on fire.

"Your Highness, the supplies have been transported." An imperial mortal officer reported to the Primarch.

"Yes." Dukel nodded, "Let's search for the route to the next Tau world."

"Twenty-two percent of the seized materials will be divided equally among the soldiers. Remember to destroy all the materials that cannot be taken away."

"Yes, Your Highness!" The imperial soldiers looked enthusiastic.

As loyal imperial warriors, they actually do not have high desires for material things. But who would be dissatisfied with the lack of supplies, not to mention the honorable trophies captured in the alien territory.

After many years in the army, they have never fought such a rich battle.

This is already the sixteenth Tau world that Dukel has destroyed. With every invasion, the loyal warriors will receive generous spoils.

At first, they would exchange the spoils for Sky Eagle coins and carry them with them, but as the war progressed, Duker led them to plunder more and more worlds.

They found that even if converted into currency, it was a bit too heavy.

Under the same weight, the bullets of the bolt gun are obviously more valuable.

So from the beginning, the precious materials were exchanged for Imperial Sky Eagle coins, and finally, they were exchanged for bolter bullets.

The net worth of even the mortal servants of the archaeological team led by Dukel has skyrocketed.

Loyalty, honor, and wealth.

The Lord of the Second Legion has stored everything that the Imperial warriors dream of on the battlefield of the Tau. Go fight and win everything that belongs to you!

At this moment, when everyone saw Dukel himself, there was unparalleled fanaticism in their eyes.

"Okay, let's go to the next world." Duker looked at the distant stars. Each star was the target he wanted to conquer.

"My warriors, do you need me to give you time to rest?"

"We will never tire until death!" the Imperial soldiers shouted in unison. They were full of energy, waiting for the next war to come.

We are all for the Empire! We are all heroes who opened up new territories for the emperor!

"Really, as loyal Imperial guards, we really don't care about this little money. We fight for the Emperor and the Primarch, that's all."

"You have to believe me."

An Auxiliary soldier shouldered a bag full of treasures and said this to his battle brothers after returning to the army.

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