Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 147 147, Ti lowers his head, wants to run away after provoking the original body?

"What?! The Tau fleet retreated?!"

Duker said in disbelief.

After a fierce battle in space, or more accurately a massacre, all the remaining Tau Alliance troops were killed, becoming the honor of loyal soldiers of the Empire.

At this moment, every Imperial person puffed up their chests proudly and smiled. No matter how much confidence they had in the original body, they never imagined that a frigate could win so easily against a Tau fleet of more than four thousand.

Although most of the people they killed were slave legions of the Tau Alliance, slave warriors were also warriors!

From these slave warriors, they also seized a large amount of military equipment. The honor you deserve will not be diminished in the slightest.

The priests of the Mechanicum were even more excited and their eyes gleamed.

Although these captured Tau warships and military equipment were alien technologies, they were explicitly prohibited by the Empire. However, given the current financial constraints of the Imperial Navy, this standard cannot be strictly enforced.

All you need to do is bring these warships back to the Expeditionary Fleet Foundry, and simply modify the painting and some of the internal equipment—alien technology? What alien technology? Isn’t this a loyal empire refurbished ship?

Great Sage Gris caressed the deck of the cruiser as if caressing the skin of the love of his life.

He suddenly felt that he was really stupid.

In the past, he was obsessed with the mechanical craftsmanship of the God of All Machines. He spent hundreds of years building powerful ships for the empire on the forging planet.

But since following Duker, he suddenly understood - what's the point of building a ship, how can it be faster to steal a ship?

If I steal it and renovate it, who dares to say that I am disloyal?

Some soldiers of the Mortal Auxiliary Army were thinking about the envious looks they would receive from their battle brothers when they returned to the army, and the smiles on their faces became brighter.

I thought it was just an ordinary archaeological operation. I went out with a sword-class frigate, but when I came back, I found a lot of treasures and an entire cruiser fleet!

What kind of loyalty and what kind of honor is this? !

"Praise to His Highness Dukel, even the most ordinary warrior will gain legacy on the battlefield."

"If His Highness hadn't decisively chosen to jump into gang warfare, we would never have been able to accomplish this feat."

"But one thing I'm curious about is why the Tau Empire fleet suddenly retreated. Was this also within His Highness's expectations?"

The mortal auxiliary soldiers whispered, but they soon stopped thinking about the problem.

What do you want to do? It is better to return to the expedition fleet and promote your honor to all the battle brothers.

At this moment, all the empires were in a happy mood. Except for Dukel himself.

What the hell were the Tau thinking?

Is the commander of the Tau fleet mentally retarded?

Why did they suddenly attack me, and why did they retreat?

Is it just to tease yourself? !

The more Dukel thought about it, the angrier he became. He might be too old to keep up with the brain circuits of this young race.

Could it be that they were psychopathic and could get strange pleasure from teasing the Emperor's parents and children?

Not even the Great Demon of Slaanesh dares to be so arrogant!

No, we cannot let them escape.

"Captain, search the route of the Tau fleet, let's catch up!"

Duker gritted his teeth and said on the communication channel.

When he thought about it from this perspective, the image of the Tau aliens became even more abhorrent in the Primarch's mind.

The Imperial soldiers who were still counting the trophies were stunned when they heard this order and looked at each other.

"Your Highness, do you still want to pursue us?"

Gris asked with some embarrassment. It's not that he is timid, but he is worried about the treasures obtained through archaeology.

In the eyes of this great sage, the current situation is no different than dragging a truckload of national treasure-level cultural relics to fight with street gangsters. This behavior really makes him feel insecure.

"Of course, why not?" Duker said without any doubt, "These shameless aliens, in the territory of the empire, molested and attacked the emperor's own children and still want to run away?"

"Well, Your Highness, the victory in front of you is indeed not enough to calm your anger."

Gris also understood from the original body's words why the other party was angry.

It would be an unbearable shame for any Primarch to be attacked by an alien for no apparent reason. Even the regent might have been blocked by anger and reason, let alone Dukel, who never lacked courage.

Gris understood the anger of the original body, and at the same time he felt a sense of blame towards the Tau - you are living well, why do you have to provoke him?


And at the same time,

The ancient Necron, the Endless Trazin, also launched his action at this moment.

Although he was unable to find the location of the main force of the Imperial fleet, through the advanced technology of the Necrontyr, he was able to analyze the only way for the Primarch to return.

"Master of the Second Legion of the Human Empire, I am waiting for your return here. As the most tasteful collector in the galaxy, this must be a wonderful encounter."

Trazin sat on the throne of the Blackstone Pyramid and activated the exorcism dead zone to block the entire galaxy where he was. In the vast galaxy, it is not easy to find an individual creature or even a fleet. But it would be much easier if you just sit back and wait.

"This time, I not only want to get back the collection you 'borrowed' from my museum, but I also plan to borrow a few more treasures from you." The Endless One thought leisurely on the throne.

Suddenly, the wandering soul he sent out to investigate sent him a message - what was shown in the message image was a galaxy that had just experienced a war.

"A war broke out between the Imperial Primarch and the Tau Empire's fleet?" The Endless One analyzed the space battlefield through images,

"They are all a restless young race."

The Necron commented on this, and then let out a sigh,

"The Necrontyr was also young in the past. We were impatient, greedy, and eager to change the status quo, and we made many mistakes for this. But now, we have experienced a long time and have accumulated endless patience over the years."

"Primarch of the Empire, I am patiently waiting for you here, waiting for your victory in the war, and waiting for your triumphant return."

"Perhaps you are on your way back now. I am waiting here for your arrival and for you to return everything you borrowed from me."

The Primarch's fleet was shrouded in a force field that he could not understand. Even through the fragments of the Star God, the Infinite could not grasp the opponent's precise movements. But as the oldest known overlord in the galaxy, he has ancient and rich experience and the patience that has accumulated over the years.

Thinking of the expression that the other party might show after his abrupt encounter with the original body, an emotion called 'satisfaction' appeared in his system again.


"Fucking Captain, let the cruiser run right over and kill these alien bastards!"

At this moment, on the Tau cruiser that the original body had snatched, Dukel's angry voice came from the voice channel.

After months of tracking across dozens of systems, the Imperial cruiser fleet finally locked onto the whereabouts of the Tau fleet.

Although this ten-kilometer-long cruiser is far inferior to the Soul Fire, it still allows Duker to no longer have to endure the small and cramped space of the landing craft.

A huge portal suddenly unfolded among the dark stars,

The cruiser fleet rushed out at full speed and rushed straight towards the larger Tau fleet without fear.


Amidst a harsh collision, the cruiser quickly deformed, but the huge impact angle also almost cut off the Tau ship.

"In the territory of the Holy Empire, kill the aliens!"

Dukel roared and jumped off the bow of the ship first. After the original's heavy body landed on the deck of the Tau ship, he rushed towards the alien soldiers without stopping, like a tiger rushing into a herd of sheep.

Efilar held high the battle flag of the Destiny Sky Eagle, and the golden Sky Eagle's light instantly radiated over half of the star region.

Even though the enemy is outnumbered, the soldiers of the empire are not timid at all.

The Scoons of the Second Legion followed their Primarch's charge. The roar of firearms and the flames of macro cannons instantly ignited the space.

Shadow Sun was horrified by the sudden war. The Tau commander felt deeply shocked by the Imperial Primarch.

"Damn human navy, why do they like to collide with ships so much!" She said half distressed, half gritted teeth.

In this dark galaxy, the Imperial Navy is definitely the fleet that likes to collide with ships, no one else. Whether facing Zerg biological ships, undead pyramids, or even orc ships, they all crashed directly into them.

If the human navy has any characteristics, it is that it can be said to be a race that uses the angle of battleships to the extreme.

Even the Khorne fleet will not use ramming so frequently - the fleet modified by Khorne scientists has always been famous for its versatile daemon engines and powerful firepower systems.

Yingyang forced herself to calm down quickly. After observing the situation on the battlefield, she looked grim and said, "The fleet of the original body is actually catching up again. Didn't the alien army succeed in delaying time?"

As a commander who has been on the battlefield for a long time, Yingyang is used to life and death. Moreover, the Tau have a class system similar to caste. In the eyes of the high-level Tau, not to mention the lives of the alien legions, even the lives of the lower-level Tau do not count.

The complete annihilation of Duanhou's troops was something she had expected.

I just didn't expect that the alien army with more than a hundred ships would only delay for a few months.

"Send another alien legion to cut off the rear. The main force of our fleet must not be delayed by the original body." Yingyang ordered in a cold voice,

"The empire's legions must be moving closer to here at this moment, and we must not fall into an encirclement."

The Tau think tanks in the command room nodded after hearing this and issued orders to the fleet. Like Shadow Sun, they had no doubts about the existence of the 'Imperial Legion' behind the original body.

Otherwise, in their cognition, they would not be able to explain the behavior of the Imperial Primarch!

Which important person of any race would take the initiative to join forces with a huge fleet of more than 4,000 people when there is only one frigate?

Look at the Primarch of the Imperial Second Legion, leading his heirs to desperately charge towards the Tau flagship, pursuing them at all costs.

This is clearly sacrificing one's life, intending to use himself as bait to hold back the main force of the Tau fleet!

The think tanks are 99% sure that once they seize the opportunity to surround and kill the original body, countless Imperial fleets will soon rush out of the subspace and collide with every ship on sight.

We are battle-hardened warriors of the Tau Empire, how could we not see through the Primarch's strategy?

How could such exaggerated acting skills deceive us?

Simply ridiculous!

Soon, hundreds of fleets composed of Tau Alliance troops, with the belief that they would die, launched a charge towards Dukel.

The main force of the Tau fleet took this opportunity to retreat quickly.

"You still want to run?!"

Dukel was shocked, no, are you Tau tribe sick?

First of all, I didn't offend anyone and had a good time doing some ancient research. Just as he was about to return, a group of young aliens appeared and attacked him, an old original body that was more than 10,000 years old. The frigate was almost destroyed.

He has an old father slumped on the throne, an eldest brother with white hair, and more than a dozen ineffective younger brothers. It's okay to be attacked suddenly.

After a sneak attack, you still have to run away. Do you really think that the Imperial Primarch is made of dough?

Dukel has never experienced such a silent war since his recovery.

"Come on, shameless alien, fight me openly like a warrior!"

Duker once again seized the next Tau ship and shouted to the Tau commander through the voice channel.

He was really getting tired of pursuing them. The projection of these Tau in the subspace was extremely dim. After retreating, it would be difficult for him to find them even if he wanted to pursue them.

If the Tau Alliance's psychic projection wasn't still a little bright, he probably wouldn't be able to find the opponent at all.

After Yingyang received the call, she confirmed her suspicion. She sneered, with the calmness of seeing through the enemy's strategy,

"This is not the first time I have fought against your Imperial Navy. I am well aware of the cunning of your humans."

"Such a crude strategy has led me to fall into a trap? I have long heard that the original body of the Empire is the god of war for mankind, but now it seems that it is nothing more than that!"

In the words of the Tau commander, the original body watched helplessly as this huge Tau fleet withdrew again.

Dukel: "."

"So, what trap did I set?" The other party was so confident that he began to doubt himself.

"Brother, I guess it was your barbaric actions that caused this group of aliens to misjudge the war situation. But I have to say that the war you command is indeed terrifying and makes people unable to see the reality clearly."

Then, Magnus continued,

"Also, Dukel, my proud brother, you have been laughed at, and you are still a group of aliens! Hahaha."

Magnus smiled strangely. In the long and long wars in the galaxy, very few people had laughed at the Lord of the Second Legion in person. This rare sight made him feel happy again.

It wasn't until Duker looked at him with an annoyed look that he stiffly put away his smile.

The Primarch then led the Imperial soldiers and wiped out all the Tau troops who came to die.

Until the last alien fell.

"These alien slave armies can be so loyal." Some imperial soldiers sighed with emotion.

None of the TAU troops who were left behind to carry out the mission to die did not escape in advance until the last moment of the battle.

Even though they knew they would die, they still charged towards the original body without fear of death. In order to cause harm to the original body, they tied melta bombs to their bodies and shouted "The Greater Good", completely disregarding their own life and death.

"You have experienced too few wars, and veterans know it very well." An imperial veteran inspected the corpses of these aliens. When he encountered some that were not completely dead, he inserted the monomolecular bayonet in his hand into the heart of the alien. ,

"Slave legions tend to be more loyal."

The Imperial veteran explained.

"Your Highness, what should we do next?" the captain asked again.

"Chase!" Duker did not hesitate. "Now we have killed less than 20% of the aliens. Continue to pursue them. I don't believe that I can't catch them! With the honor of the Emperor, I swear to kill this group of invaders." All aliens who offend the original body will be killed in the empire's territory! Everyone, fight with me and win!"

"Yes, victory! In the name of Dukel!" Imperial soldiers shouted in unison.

The previous scene of the Tau commander mocking the Primarch was seen by many Imperial soldiers. In the eyes of every Imperial man, the Primarch was a human demigod and the Emperor's agent. Offending the Primarch was enough to arouse the wrath of any loyal soldier.

Even if Duker didn't give the order, they all wanted to tear this group of aliens into pieces at this moment.

What's more, this group of aliens is the weakest enemy they have ever encountered since their expedition. Until now, they have suffered almost no losses, not to mention the military supplies are intact, and they have also captured two cruisers.

At this moment, their morale is high and they are full of fighting spirit.

"Very good." Duker could see the fighting spirit in the soldier's eyes, and he nodded with satisfaction.

"Kill the aliens and let the sharp blades in our hands drink their blood!"



In the following time, a mighty chase across the star regions began. Duker kept chasing, and Yingyang kept running away.

"If we send out another alien legion to break the rear, we must not be entangled by the original body!" Yingyang ordered decisively.

As before, the broken rear forces intercepted the Primarch's pursuit.

A brief battle breaks out in space.

"Your Majesty, continue the pursuit!" Duker roared.


"You're actually catching up again, faster than last time?" Yingyang's face changed slightly, "Continue."

"Actually running away again?!" Duker was furious, "For the empire."

Yingyang: "Still chasing? Intercept again!"

Duker: "Still running? I'll keep chasing him!"

Yingyang: "Continue to cut off the queen."

Dukel: "The throne is up!"

One of the two kept chasing, the other kept sending out the rear.

In the end, Dukel captured more Tau warships than Shadow Sun's fleet.

There are too many ships, which are beyond the control of this archaeological team. In order to be able to control such a huge fleet, Duker had to extract the consciousness of the members of the Heart Network and transfer them to the servitors, allowing them to temporarily become the acting captains of these ships.

When Shadowsun saw that the primarch was leading a fleet larger than his own, the Tau fleet was even more afraid to challenge.

Along the way, the Tau did not simply cut off the queen, and Shadow Sun was not really stupid enough to keep sending alien heads to the original body.

Even if only a small fleet is lost each time, cutting flesh with a dull knife is often more painful.

Especially after paying such a huge price, he still couldn't stop the original body's pursuit.

During the retreat, Yingyang used the usual ambush and interception methods.

They set up traps, built defense lines, and even tried to drag the original body into a ground war to delay time - but no matter how many interception methods they prepared, the original body charged forward with a wave of offspring. Smashing traps and breaking through defenses, Shadowsun discovered that the tactics that had been so successful in past wars were like toys to the Primarch.

Shadow Sun even sent out elite troops to attack and assassinate the lone Primarch.

But the result was that they only lost an elite force.

After the tactic of quickly eliminating the chasing troops failed, Yingyang found that the flesh-cutting tactic was more effective.

At least sending out an interception force can really delay it for a while.

"However, the Imperial Primarch should also pay the price for his actions." Yingyang murmured to himself, and then asked the adjutant,

"How far are we from the coordinates provided by the Dark Allies?"

"We are very close, Commander." The adjutant looked at Yingyang with a little admiration in his eyes.

In his eyes, Shadow Sun was a hero of the Tau Empire. He not only saw through the Imperial Primarch's strategy at a glance, but also saved their main fleet. After discovering the opponent's pursuit intention, he immediately changed course and ordered the fleet to turn to the coordinate point provided by the dark allies.

Use this as a means to counter the original body.

Don't the Imperial Primarchs like to chase, so let's do it.

Yingyang believed that those allies hidden in the darkness must have prepared enough surprises for the Imperial Primarch.

Despite this battle, they lost almost all of their slave legions and the accompanying slave fleet.

This loss certainly made Yingyang heartbroken.

But if these battle losses can be used, it can be exchanged for the defeat of the Imperial Primarch, and it can change the future of the Primarch's destruction of the Tau.

In her opinion, this sacrifice is completely worth it, and the Tau will also remember the dedication of these slave legions.

And at the same time,

Duker also had some trouble.

"Your Highness, we are incompetent and cannot lock the course of the Tau fleet again."

"Why did the other party activate a device that can block subspace signals?"

After hearing the captain's report in the voice channel, Duker frowned slightly and asked.

"It's impossible to be sure," the captain replied, "but we guess that the Tau slave legions have all been wiped out, so their subspace projections cannot be found."

Duker was silent.

The subspace projection of the Tau is extremely dim. If ordinary human individuals are compared to bright torches, then the Tau individuals are not even fireflies.

Even if they were together, it would be difficult for them to attract attention from the subspace.

Previously, Duker's fleet also relied on the spiritual light of the slave legions to search for the location of the Tau fleet.

Just as the original body was thinking about what to do next.

The captain's voice sounded again,

"However, Your Highness, we have discovered the star field occupied by the Tau."

The captain's voice was hesitant. He knew very well what it meant to report this news, but as a loyal imperial warrior, he could not allow himself to conceal the original body.

"The star domain of the Tau?" Duker was stunned for a moment, then looked surprised,

"Then what are you waiting for? Ahead at full speed! I will throw down the fire of destruction and burn the alien kingdom! In the name of the Holy Emperor! The banner of the Aquila will bring destruction to this place! My loyal warriors, follow me Fight, glory belongs to us, victory belongs to the empire!”

"In the name of Dukel, set the stars on fire and burn the aliens!!!"

The soldiers of the Human Empire clenched their weapons and shouted loudly. Even the priests of the Mechanicum were wearing armor at the moment. A war that brings destruction, a victory that can be passed down from generation to generation, are waiting for them to harvest.

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