Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 149 149, everything is as planned

The outer orbit of the hidden world, inside the Tau flagship.


Wisps of black shadow gathered in front of Yingyang like flowing liquid, and he dropped a stack of paper documents on the table in front of the commander.

"My young ally, you'd better take a look at this information."

The black shadow looked down at Yingyang, with a strange tone in his tone, and anyone could hear the sarcasm in his tone.

"What happened?" Yingyang's face was gloomy. The ridicule from the dark allies made her unhappy. What made her even more concerned was the vague premonition of uneasiness in her heart.

"Tsk tsk, Yingyang, is this what you said, that the original body is coming here soon?" the dark allies joked, not feeling sad at all about the content of the intelligence.

"As expected, you did not act according to the plan. Primarch No. 2 was chasing you all the way. You led the human Primarch to the territory of the Tau Federation. Hundreds of millions of your compatriots died because of your foolishness. "

Yingyang was stunned. After hearing these words, her mind went blank. She almost timidly picked up the files on the desktop.

"This is--"

Her face was pale, and every piece of data recorded on it was like a steel knife, piercing into her heart.

Sixteen worlds have been destroyed, the lives of all the Tau compatriots on them are uncertain, cities have been burned to ashes, and all buildings that carry Tau civilization and art have been destroyed.

But the murderers who destroyed these worlds are all from the same gang - the Empire's No. 2 Primarch!

In the document, it is clearly recorded that the human primarch had repeatedly asked for information about the "Tau Commander".

They moved along the Tau sector, destroying every world they saw.

What is even more ironic is that this massacre did not leave any survivors, and not even the news was passed on. Her compatriots were being slaughtered in flames, and the dark allies came to tell them the news.

Yingyang felt a strong sense of absurdity. She read the document carefully, but no matter which angle she analyzed it from, she got the same answer——

This news is most likely true!

"This is impossible. The damn Imperial Primarch has been chasing us all the way. How could we find our star sector?" She murmured in disbelief.

The Primarch was in hot pursuit all the way, so why did he stop pursuing him at the end?

"Is there any benefit to us from lying to you?" Black Shadow said disdainfully, "And didn't you also say that there are Imperial legions behind the original body? Now? Where are those legions? If there really are those legions, what will the Tau Federation do at this moment? How could only sixteen worlds fall?"

"Yeah, why didn't the Imperial Legion show up?" Yingyang's mind went blank.

When she arrived at this coordinate point, in order to ensure that the dark allies could successfully ambush the original body, she also warned the other party to be careful of the Imperial Legion behind the original body.

But now.

The legions of the Empire did not come, and neither did the Primarch!

The other party frantically invaded the territory of the Tau and massacred sixteen worlds in a row. To this day, there are still Tau who are brutally murdered by the original body.

"Thug! Executioner! I should kill him at all costs!" She gritted her teeth with murderous intent.

Although the information about those worlds that were massacred was only briefly mentioned.

But Yingyang can still imagine the tragedies that happened in the world, the ruins of the city, the blood everywhere, the broken limbs, and the red flames that brought the doomsday.

Scenes of horrific scenes appeared in her mind, making Yingyang feel cold all over.

And she was the initiator of all these evil deeds, she was the one who brought the original body here! The blood of hundreds of billions of Tau compatriots will be counted on her head! The blood gathered into a vast ocean, swallowing her up and suffocating her!

Race wars in the galaxy are bloody and cruel.

As a Tau commander, she had conquered many worlds and was well aware of the despair of her compatriots before their death.


Yingyang suddenly raised her head and stared at her dark ally, her eyes blood red.

"You knew all this would happen, right? From the moment I knew the prophecy, everything was in your plan. It was you! It was you who brought the original body and destroyed our race!"

"No, no, no, my young friend, all this has nothing to do with me." The dark ally said,

"Think about it, my friend, and think about our selfless help to you. We revealed prophecies to you, provided you with coordinates, and even made detailed plans for you. If you follow the plan, everything will be perfect. ,

But how do you do it? "

"We will deliver the meal to you and prepare the tableware for you. You only need to move your mouth to taste the victory meal. But what about you? You poured the meal on your pants because of your cleverness, which became a variable in the perfect plan. , and now you’re blaming us for making you shit your pants?”

"My friend, are you a giant baby? Then I have to tell you with regret that these stars are cruel, very cruel. The galaxy can accommodate thugs and executioners like the human original, but it can only tolerate thugs and executioners like the original human beings. No less than a giant baby.”

The dark ally said jokingly, as if Yingyang's reaction at this moment made him feel happy.

"You!" Yingyang slammed his fist on the table.


The tabletop made of alloy suddenly had a huge dent.

She is not a fool, she knows very well that everything is planned by the other party from beginning to end.

Yingyang took a deep breath,

She forced herself to calm down. Now she had more important things to do. Falling out with her dark allies was not a wise decision.

"There is still a chance to make amends." She murmured to herself, simply ignoring the existence of the dark allies, walked straight out of the office, and went to summon her fleet.

"I will make up for my mistakes, I will save the lives of my compatriots, and I will personally kill the evil thieves who invaded my clan!"

"I wish you good luck." Heiying watched Yingyang's actions and said sincerely.

He sincerely hoped that Yingyang's next actions would have some unexpected effect, but it was a pity.

"I have said it a long time ago, the moment you meet the original body, your mission has been achieved and your destiny is determined." The black shadow played with a crystal clear crystal ball in his hand.

He was playing with this little sphere as if he were playing with the entire galaxy.

"Everything is planned."


the other side.

A huge portal opened between the stars, and the Dukel fleet filed out.

The original body stood on the bow of the ship, looking at the world that was about to arrive in space. After observing carefully for a while, he asked in the communication voice with some confusion, "Captain, where is this place? Why does this place look familiar to me?" Woolen cloth?"

The captain opened his mouth, but finally did not speak and fell into silence.

He and the navigator repeatedly checked the star map——

its not right.

It was obviously traveling according to the route.


"Your Highness, if our information is correct."

"Ahead is the Tau planet, the home planet of the Tau, the capital of the Tau Federation."

The captain's voice was dry, but his eyes were extremely passionate.

The Empire has tried to launch extermination operations against the Tau many times, but failed many times due to insufficient military strength. After all, the Empire has too many enemies and cannot concentrate its efforts to exterminate these aliens in one fell swoop. To this day, this archaeological team may be the first human fleet to arrive on Tau.

Even the captain himself didn't expect that they just swept through the worlds one by one, but inadvertently swept into the hometown of the Tau Empire.

Opening up new territories, destroying sects and conquering temples are dreams that have been buried deep in the hearts of every imperialist since childhood. Unexpectedly, during an archaeological operation, they saw the dawn of reality.

"So this is the Tau planet." Hearing this, Duker raised the Destiny Eagle battle flag without any hesitation, "Fighters, for the empire!"

The Primarch stood at the bow of the ship and let out a battle cry.

"Wait, Your Highness Dukel."

When the Great Mechanical Sage Gris heard this, a string of black smoke suddenly appeared from his head, and he subconsciously stopped in front of the original body.

"How?" Duker paused and asked impatiently.

"Your Highness, are we going to rush directly to the Tau capital like this?"

"Otherwise?" the original body asked.

"Actually, we can retreat temporarily."

"What does retreat mean?"

"Your Highness, this is the capital of a race after all." The great sage said helplessly.

There is no comparison between the capital and other worlds.

As the core of a race, there is a steady stream of troops here.

After all, which race would ignore the protection of its home planet? Especially after the capital is attacked, the entire race's army will go crazy and retaliate at all costs.

According to the calculations of the Great Sage, even the home planet of the Tau would be difficult to fight against based on its current military strength alone.

"Your Highness, we can pass the coordinate information here back to the expedition fleet through the heart network."

Gris said cautiously that the great sage was very insecure now, especially since their ship was still full of this harvest, which made him even more unwilling to take risks.

"It only takes six months or three months. The expedition fleet will arrive here. Your Highness, your loyal warriors, will burn the entire Tau Federation to the ground in an instant."

"What you said makes sense. Now I will send the coordinate information to Shivala and let her pass on my order." Dukel nodded.

"This time, let us be the vanguard of the expeditionary legion!"


"It's nothing, Gris, I know what you are worried about." Dukel held high the Destiny Eagle flag, his laughter echoed on the deck,

"Don't worry, victory will definitely belong to us!"

As he spoke, he held high the Destiny Eagle battle flag, and endless golden light splashed out in an instant, like another star suddenly lighting up in the galaxy.

The light of the human empire shrouded the alien star field.

The golden double-headed eagle is reflected in the minds of all living beings. Even the lowest life forms are aware of the arrival of the Holy Empire at this moment.



"Enemy attack!!!"

"For the Greater Good!"

Suddenly, all the Tau troops in the star field were mobilized, and they swarmed towards the empire's fleet like wasps that had been stabbed in the hive.

Gris said no more.

From a rational analysis, he felt like crying at the moment.

But at this moment, the burning desire to fight had ignited the blood in his chest, and the unstoppable belief in victory arose spontaneously.

He wanted to cry but had no tears, and all his uneasiness was dispelled by the light of the imperial flag.

What a damn sense of security!

"We were discovered!" Duker suddenly said in surprise as he looked at the swarming Tau ships.

"My hypocritical brother, when did you ever think of hiding it?" Magnus couldn't hold himself any longer at this time.

But Duker ignored him;

"There's nothing we can do if we're discovered." He sighed softly, "Secretary, record it. Our team on an archaeological mission accidentally passed by the Tau capital. We originally planned to pass by quietly."

"Naihe's plan failed. Faced with the brutal siege of the Tau, we felt that our lives were seriously threatened. We were forced to fight back."

The Primarch sighed, with a sense of mission and responsibility in his voice.

Then he looked at the clerk,

"Have you written it all down? This is how you will write the report when you get back."

"And now."

The majestic spiritual energy surged, adding a layer of protection to the fleet. With a roaring collision, the cruiser Duker was riding on crashed into the Tau fleet.


The original body jumped from the bow of the ship, its heavy body falling like a meteorite, and the Tau ship shook violently.

"Who are you?!" an elite Fire Caste warrior roared, "Has the Human Empire become so arrogant that it wants to invade Tau with just such a fleet?"

"Describe your purpose. For the sake of the greater good, we can preserve your life."

It can be seen that this Fire Caste warrior is very prestigious among the Tau. Although all the Tau people have angry faces at this moment, they still restrained the urge to take action.

The elite warrior was also angry, but he still suppressed the anger in his heart.

How dare these humans invade Tau?

The ship he is piloting is a Tau ship!

This is simply the most darkly humorous joke in the galaxy. The elite warriors are sure that the other party must have some purpose.

It is even possible that there are betrayers within the Tau Federation.


While he was still thinking, the sound of the chain sword suddenly sounded in his ears.

With a pop, the single-molecule sawtooth tore into pieces his armor and shredded his bones and flesh. Until the last moment of his life, the elite warrior still retained a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"If you kill someone, just kill them. How can there be so much nonsense!"

Dukel danced his chainsword, red flames billowing around him.

The Tau warriors suddenly fell into chaos. They never thought that someone could be so fast, crossing a distance of hundreds of meters in just an instant and chopping up their leader's body.

A Tau warrior piloted a mecha that was taller than the original body, staring at Duker fiercely.

"Human warrior, I recognize your bravery." A deep voice sounded from inside the mecha, as if there was a violent storm lurking inside.

He raised his mechanical arm and assumed a fighting stance.

"I don't care who you are, if you dare to invade Tau Planet today, you will die here!"

"After you die, we will dissect your brain and all your plans will be revealed."


Before he finished speaking, Duker's figure instantly appeared in front of the mecha and punched the cockpit.

The huge mecha immediately flew out, the cockpit was squeezed and deformed, and blood flowed from the damaged gaps. It was obvious that the pilot was too dead to die.

"So weak, there is quite a lot of nonsense."

Duker didn't understand these Tau people at all, and he didn't even focus on killing them. What was the point of talking so much nonsense?


And when Duker came to the Tau Galaxy and raised the Eagle of Destiny flag high.

At this moment, a human team was lurking in the planets of the Tau system. Looking at the golden light that suddenly covered the planet's sky, they showed even greater shock than the Tau people.

"The Lion King." Dante looked at the golden sky in shock and asked with some difficulty,

"Why did His Highness Duker come here suddenly?"

"He must have come here for the secret of Ran Dan. After resurrecting after thousands of years, Duker must be extremely eager to know everything that happened back then. This is related to why he was dusted back then." The Lion King Said with great certainty.

"Then what should we do next?" Dante asked again.

"Wait for the opportunity."

The lush forest covered their location, and under the shield of the Taliban forest, even Dulquer could not detect their presence.

"We need to be patient and wait for prey to show up."

"Then bury this secret completely."

The Lion King's voice echoed in the forest. Through the gaps in the dense forest, the lion's eyes were fixed on the Tau star, waiting for the arrival of the hunt.

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