Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 146 146, Dukel: Teach the young Tau a lesson!

"Commander, are you sure you want to issue such an order?"

At this moment, the Tau fleet was only tens of millions of kilometers away from Dukel's frigate. In space battles, this distance is almost as close as a stone's throw away.

When the Tau's weapon systems locked the frigate one after another, the adjutant confirmed with Commander Shadow Yang again.

"OK." Yingyang looked at the star map with firm eyes.

In a vision of the future, Shadow Sun saw the Second Primarch of the Empire destroying the Tau Empire.

But the dark ally who told her the truth only asked her to lure the original body to the coordinate point.

Now, she had seized the rare opportunity when the Primarch of the future destruction of the Tau broke away from the legions of the Imperium of Man. Only here in a frigate appeared before her eyes.

There are two options before Yingyang,

One, follow the advice of the dark allies and attract the original body to the coordinate point.

Second, take this opportunity to completely eliminate the murderer who will destroy the Tau Empire in the future.

Yingyang chose the latter without much hesitation.

This may not be the wrong option. No race can allow the murderer who will destroy them in the future to survive in the world.

"Only by completely killing the Empire's Second Primarch can we save the Tau Empire and save my compatriots."

Yingyang thought silently in his heart.

"It will win."

She said to the Fire Caste lieutenant who was visibly upset.


On the bridge of the Sword-class frigate, Duker was unaware of the Tau's approach.

After snatching a large amount of treasures, the original body is currently experimenting with his newly acquired abilities.

Red flames ignited from his whole body.

Duker witnessed the occurrence of these flames, with a little disbelief in his eyes - just because when these flames ignited, he did not communicate with the subspace, nor did he use any spiritual energy.

Compared with psychic flames, these flames are more real and more consistent with the laws of the physical universe.

These flames are no different from the flames in the physical universe.

This is the power of the Star God Fragment Burner. After the life magnetic field reached 250,000, he seemed to have an almost instinctive hunger for the Star God fragments.

In his intuitive perception, it seems that if he wants to break through the constraints of the physical universe, the power of the Star God is indispensable.

But when he tried to use these flames.

Suddenly, he saw thousands of rays of light lighting up at the same time in the deep space on the side of the frigate.

"This is."

His expression gradually turned cold as he watched the light, which was as dense as stars, hit the ship he was on.

On the way back, he would be attacked by the enemy, which was indeed beyond his expectation.

The huge void shield was instantly propped up, and was about to fall under the attack like a torrential rain. It was not until a touch of vitality lit up that the frigate's shield stabilized again.

Duker looked at Elsa in surprise.

As the goddess of life of the spirit race, it is not difficult for the opponent to block these attacks.

What surprised him was that the other party actually took the initiative to help.

"Your Highness, the auspicious instrument has discovered a large-scale Tau fleet." A voice also came from the communication channel at this moment,

"A conservative estimate puts the number of the other side's ships at more than four thousand."

After hearing this number, everyone in the voice stopped breathing for a moment.

"Your Highness, shall we make a strategic retreat?"

Gris immediately looked at the original body and suggested cautiously.

The number of enemies exceeds 4,000, and we only have one poor Sword-class frigate. With such a huge disparity, how should they fight against the enemy?

As the highest-ranking sage of the Mechanicum, Gris actually didn't think much of the young race of the Tau Empire.

If it were normal times, this mechanical sage might still want to fight with the opponent, but the current situation is very special.

This frigate contains a large number of archaeological treasures from the Endless Museum.

Griese wasn't worried about their lives.

It was the treasures that really worried him.

"Don't worry, I already have a perfect battle plan." Compared with Gris, Duker has a high fighting spirit, and his bright eyes are full of confidence.

As a great sage who had followed the original body at the beginning of the expedition, Gris had a bad feeling after hearing these words.

"Your Highness, what is your plan?"

"First of all, you stay here to ensure the safety of the frigate." Dukel commanded. "Then, the Doom Slayer and I jumped onto the alien ship to fight with them."

After the original body's words fell, Gris waited for ten seconds without waiting for the next words.

So he asked, "What then?"

"Then?" Duker gave the Great Sage a strange look, "I jumped in and jumped over, what else can happen to these aliens?"

"Okay, let's take action!" Duker roared, igniting the fighting spirit in everyone's chest like a flame, inspiring people.

"My descendants, come with me to fight together. We must fall into the enemy's camp like gods and teach these young aliens a good lesson!"

As he spoke, he took the lead in taking steps.


"Bang bang bang"

The steel body wearing armor stepped on the metal floor of the frigate, making a heavy sound.

Duker led twenty-two Destroyers, walking in the passage to the landing craft. After they were wearing power armor - against the backdrop of the average body size of more than three meters per person, this passage, which was enough for three mortals to walk side by side, seemed extremely narrow. , only one Doom Slayer can be allowed to pass.

At the front of this giant team, Dukel, who was about five meters tall, almost blocked the entire passage.

This figure, which was three times taller than a mortal man, caused the servants along the way to quickly hide in the drainage ditches nearby. They witnessed the demigod's troops passing by them, saluting from the bottom of their hearts, with fanatical admiration in their eyes.

The Empire's great god of war is out again, and any enemy will be destroyed, mortals have no doubt of this.

The original body and his descendants quickly arrived at the entrance of the landing craft with strong steps.

The entrance, less than three meters long, was too low for the original body, and he had to lean down to enter. Even the Doom Slayers had to bend down to pass.

"When the Adeptus Mechanicus built the landing ship, they didn't consider the experience of using the original body at all." Duker complained.

"Father, there are more than ten landing craft specially made for you on the Inner Fire." The Destroyer on the side explained, "But you have never used it once. In the past wars, you always directly rammed the ship with it. In the past, there was another time I took a ride on the Macro Cannon.”

"Talk too much!" Duker glared at him.

When all the soldiers secured themselves in their seats, the frigate's metal hatch opened and the landing ship was released.

Through the glass of the landing craft, the true appearance of the stars was revealed in front of the original body. The gorgeous and beautiful starlight, the meteorite belt flowing like a river, or the endless, eternal and deep void.

The starry sky has continued its magic since ancient times, and the beautiful scenery it reveals is enough to dazzle and yearn for any human being, making them ignore the dangers hidden in it.

But Duker had no time to savor these beautiful and spectacular scenery at the moment. He stared at a Tau cruiser.

It was a ship with a visual length of about ten kilometers. The metal shell reflected the arc light of the stars, and it was equipped with a dense firepower system.

It is one of the main ships in the Tau fleet.

Duker marked the cruiser's coordinates and issued the order to attack.

The landing ship suddenly accelerated, and the space jump device inside it was activated instantly. After passing through the bizarre subspace passage, this huge cruiser was already very close at hand.

Hundreds of drones were thrown out by the landing craft. After intercepting the firepower attacking the landing craft, these mechanical creations

They all pounced on the cruiser's shield.

The huge energy shield of the Tau warship was suddenly breached.

The light of the melt weapon shone brightly, and after feeling a violent shaking, the original body


Amidst the violent collision, the landing craft successfully entered the interior of the Tau cruiser along the channel melted by the melt weapon.

Thick smoke rolled up, filling the narrow metal passage like a gray mist.

"Alert alert—"

"Discover the intruder and execute the expulsion order."

The Tau's AI omnic guards were the first to discover the invasion of the landing craft, and then the sound of rapid and complicated footsteps sounded, and a team of hundreds of people stationed nearby also quickly arrived.

Together with the AI ​​omnics, they formed a powerful firepower position.

After seeing the thick fog composed of dust, he pulled the trigger in his hand without any hesitation.

The firepower system of AI omnics, the flames of bolt guns, and the hum of laser weapons. The hail of bullets formed by these together is like an airtight net, capable of destroying everything caught in it.

But amidst such intensive firepower, the heavy and powerful footsteps in the thick fog still sounded.

In the thermal imaging goggles of the Tau soldiers, a group of huge humanoid creatures were rapidly approaching them, carrying a network of firepower.

In just a few seconds, they no longer need the help of eyepieces.

Because even the naked eye could see clearly that a giant figure who was more than three times their height slowly revealed his true appearance in the thick fog.

When they saw the giant in heavy armor clearly, they saw the cape billowing like a sea of ​​blood behind the giant.

It was also in their panicked eyes that they saw the giant raising a huge double-barreled cannon that was nearly two meters long in his hands.

Duker pushed forward despite the hail of bullets, standing as still as a boulder in the storm.

"Tau, the young race in the galaxy, so young, so energetic, but also so stupid."

At this moment, in the eyes of the Tau soldiers, the smile on the corner of Dukel's mouth was as ferocious as a demon.

The next second, the primarch showed a swiftness that belied his size. In the hail of bullets, a Tau soldier who was still pulling the trigger had his head pinched by a huge metal glove without even seeing the other person's movements clearly.

With a slight exertion of the original body's palm, the soldier's skull exploded instantly, and the plasma merged with the hard helmet fragments, making them indistinguishable from each other.

Duker threw the body in his hand forward.


The soldier's corpse turned into a cannonball at this moment, knocking over a dozen Tau warriors in one breath.

"Thank me, I will teach you a lesson for free, provided that you can survive my class."

Dukel laughed and pointed the muzzle of the huge deep muzzle at them.

He held up a double-barreled shotgun. In such a narrow passage, he didn't even need to aim deliberately.

He twisted the knob on the barrel, and the mental sensor was activated instantly, connecting the gun to the Argentum energy device.

Ding! —— After hearing the prompt sound that appeared directly in his mind, Duker pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Boom! —— The barrel of this special shotgun exploded with a roar like a cannon.

The huge recoil even shook the demigod body of the original body, causing his whole body to tremble slightly.

At this moment, the cries of millions of souls seemed to be faintly heard from the Argentum energy backpack. A huge energy fireball sprayed out in a fan shape, and the red flame occupied the space of the entire passage, advancing savagely.

The Tau soldiers watched all this happen in fear. The red flames filling the passage were like a dragon, opening their bloody mouths to devour them.

This fear only existed for a moment, and the next moment, the flames filled their vision and engulfed them completely.

When the fire faded, the metal passage ahead was red on the verge of melting. The charred bodies of hundreds of Tau soldiers still retained their movements in life. From their faces that were evaporated, one could vaguely see their fear in life.

With the area where Duker's steel boots stepped on as the boundary, the passage ahead was completely transformed into a red lotus purgatory.

The Primarch waved his hand.

He had the highest tacit understanding with the Doom Soldier. Without speaking, these Primaris Space Marines scattered and moved forward into the depths of the cruiser.

Space Marines acting alone would lose tactical coordination and actively disperse their formations. This was not a wise decision in any war.

But considering that the opponent was the Tau

Along with the actions of the Doom Soldier, there were brief gunshots and sharp screams from all over the battleship.

The arrogance of war and the shadow of panic were spreading on this ship at a very fast speed.

"Come on, fight me until death!"

Dukel, who was also in the battle, crushed the omnic mecha with one foot, his fighting spirit surged, and his eyes became brighter.

When the commander of the Tau tribe discovered what the Second Legion did in the cruiser.

When Yingyang saw the Primarch slaughtering Tau soldiers in the cruiser through the holographic projection.

Yingyang was shocked.

She considered the actions that the Primarch might have taken, and the other party might retreat or seek peace.

But he didn't expect that the Primarch, with only one frigate, not only did not escape, but even dared to launch a fierce counterattack, and it was the most dangerous boarding battle!

It was our more than 4,000 ships that surrounded your frigate, not your frigate that surrounded us!

"What on earth is the human Primarch thinking?!" Ying Yang looked at the Primarch's figure in the holographic image and lowered her head in thought. As a commander, she was thinking from the other side's perspective. "He actually dared to board." The eyes of the Tau commander were full of calmness. As a commander, she had fought against the human empire several times and knew the terrible tactics of the empire. The Primarch was the Primarch of the empire, who was known as the demigod of war. No matter how arrogant she was, she didn't think this would be a stupid opponent. With a Tau fleet of more than 4,000, Ying Yang was confident that she could sink the frigate and surround the Primarch here. However, after analyzing the actions of the Primarch, she came to a conclusion. "The Primarch of the Empire took the risk to delay us. The Empire has always regarded us, the Tau, as a great enemy. If we can keep our fleet here, it must be a strategy worth taking for the Primarch." Shadow Sun said calmly, "If I were Dukel, I would probably make the same decision when facing the Tau, the biggest threat to the Human Empire. If my guess is correct, then the Empire's legions should be not far from here." Look at the current actions of the Primarch of the Empire. He is just like an actor with the worst acting skills. If the opponent only acted with the idea of ​​encounter, how could he rush in so recklessly? Wouldn't that give the Tau fleet a chance to besiege him? As the god of war of the Human Empire, all the actions of the Primarch must be carefully considered. Even Shadow Sun's mind flashed a guess that perhaps the opponent also has the ability to predict the future and has long anticipated the attack of the Tau Empire fleet. Under the fierce counterattack of the Primarch, the Tau commander, who was confused about the truth, has begun to reflect on his previous mentality of rushing to kill the Primarch. She began to analyze the opponent's purpose more calmly. With the God of War's vision and ambition, the other party will definitely not limit their vision to an accidental encounter - then being alone as bait to buy time for the Imperial Legion and completely eradicate the thorn in the eye of the Tau tribe will become the best solution.

Yingyang didn't think about it at all at this moment. The Primarch rushed over directly because he really thought he could beat them.

She led the fleet deep into the Empire's territory to assassinate the Primarch, which was an extremely dangerous move. It is possible to encounter the siege of the Imperial Legion at any time. Even at this moment, the Primarch's large army has gathered not far from them.

No! This should be absolute!

Otherwise, the Primarch of the Empire would not be so bold.

Yingyang saw clearly that although the fleet's auspicious instrument had not yet captured the signal of the fleet appearing nearby, the Primarch's own fighting intention had already revealed this strategic intention.

It takes a long time to besiege a Primarch.

If I were to be greedy and reckless again and besiege the Primarch, it would inevitably give the Imperial Legion an opportunity to besiege my fleet.

And according to the intelligence Shadowsun got, there is more than one Primarch of the Human Empire, and perhaps the legions of other Primarchs are on their way. Even the Imperial Regent Guilliman may come to rescue his brother in person.

"Cunning human." Shadowsun's face was gloomy, "almost stepped into the trap of the Empire."

"Haha, Dukel, the God of War of the Human Empire, I have seen through your strategy. I admire you very much for formulating the best counter-strategy and even finding the opportunity to completely eliminate the major troubles for the Empire."

Shadowsun's face was cold, and after thinking through all this, she even felt a chill on her back.

Fortunately, she, who believed in the Greater Good, was restrained enough, otherwise she would definitely step into the conspiracy of the Empire and ruin the main fleet of the Tau Empire.

"It seems that this operation will have to retreat temporarily." She murmured to herself.

Although she was somewhat unwilling, as a commander, she had to remain rational and correct her mistakes in time.

At the same time,

Duker broke into the main control room with great momentum.

The broken bodies of the Tau soldiers and the captain fell on the metal floor, announcing that the cruiser had been completely occupied by the Empire.

The Doomsday Warriors also came to the control panel at this time. As beings far beyond mortals, it was not difficult for them to control the ship.

But at this moment, the communicator on the Tau control panel suddenly lit up, and the holographic projection unfolded in front of the Primarch.

"Lord of the Empire's Legion, your strategic intention has been exposed." Yingyang looked directly into the Primarch's eyes without hesitation, "I appeared to tell you that the warriors of the Tau Empire are enemies you have never encountered. We are wise and powerful, and we will never step into the trap you carefully designed like your former enemies."


Looking at the blue female face in the holographic projection, he was confused, "Who are you?"

Strategic intention?

This time the archaeological team did not even bring a think tank. Has anyone formulated such a thing?

What is my strategic intention?

Rush forward and kill the alien?

But Yingyang directly turned off the holographic projection and disconnected the communication.

The commander ordered the Fire Clan adjutant beside her.

"Send a part of the alien legion to intercept the Imperial Primarch, and then we retreat!"

Yingyang's eyes were cold. Since the Imperial Legion could appear on the battlefield at any time, it would be too late to deal with the Primarch first and then retreat.

The best solution at this time was to give up part of the military force, destroy the Primarch's strategic intention to delay time, and buy time for the large legion to retreat.

Anyway, the alien legion, which the Empire jokingly called the "Titanium Alliance Army", was just some conquered alien slave legions in the eyes of the Titanium Clan, and they did not feel sorry for sacrificing them.

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