Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 145 145, Figure King: Who is it? ! Who the hell blew up my house!

Before entering this space mausoleum, Magnus was worried that he would be attacked by the resurrected undead, but as the archaeological team explored, such a thing did not happen.

"It seems we are lucky. The owner here is not at home at the moment." Magnus said in a relaxed tone.

"Brother, the lucky one is not us, but the owner here." Dukel corrected,

"Fortunately, he is not at home at the moment, otherwise his body would have been packed away by me."

"Dukele, I advise you to be a human being."

Magnus felt more than once that his brother was better suited to plunge into Chaos than he was.

The kind-hearted Primarch was beheaded as a traitor, but the cruel Primarch was serving the Empire and enjoying its glory. For a moment, he felt the great irony.

But at this moment, no one could understand his mood.

"Dukele, can I take these away?" At this time, Aisha came over happily and asked the original body for instructions as if she were the master here.

Duker took a look and saw that they were just some small items belonging to the Spirit Tribe, so he waved his hand proudly, "Take it, take it as you like, as long as you are happy, you don't have to be polite to me."


The goddess smiled. This goddess of life finally showed the vitality that life should have at this moment.

A large number of mortal servants and mechanical servants also entered this space tomb.

Although this is just a clone tomb of the Endless One, the treasures in it are still rich enough. The space area of ​​this museum is larger than that of a large fortress. Even if tens of thousands of workers poured in here, the moving progress was still not fast enough.

There is something for almost everyone in this huge treasure trove.

It was like a carnival ceremony, with sincere smiles on everyone's faces.

Duker even saw black smoke starting to emit from the heads of the oil guys from the Mechanicus because of their excitement.

When this archeology is over, the STC template obtained here will be enough to promote each of them to a high-level sage.

The Doom Slayers also found their favorite toys here, some ancient weapons they rummaged through, and strange creatures that had become extinct in the galaxy.

They recorded the parameters of these strange creatures and then brought the ancient weapons back to the machine factory.

If there are anyone who can remain without desires at this time, it is Efilar and the Battle Sisters.

After discovering a large amount of blasphemy, these nuns, who were already hot-tempered, accumulated their anger to the peak.

They simply gave up their treasure hunt and were busy carving magic circles into every corner of this magnificent exhibition hall so that they could completely destroy the world after they left.

The archaeological team stayed in this world for more than a month.

When Duker looked at the fully loaded frigate, he casually threw the fragments of the Star God that had been drained of energy into the warehouse as a souvenir.

Taking stock of this harvest, a heartfelt smile appeared on his face.

Just discovering the tomb of the Endless One's clone was such a rich harvest.

How happy it would be if one day he could find Solemnas, the main world of the Endless Ones.

The Primarch had a long wish list for this purpose.

Hope that the generous Endless One can fulfill all his wishes.

"Your collection is good. But after I discovered it, they all belong to me!"

Duker thought so in his heart.

Ding! ——

Suddenly, Xinwang's prompt sounded, and a prompt box appeared in front of him.

[The administrator of the psychic network - Efilar, is applying to activate psychic blessing: Fire Disaster (World Destruction Level)]

[Reason for application: Purify the world polluted by uncleanness. 】

[Whether you agree to this application or not - please choose carefully, your choice is related to the survival of a world. 】

At this moment, this prompt appeared in front of one hundred thousand random members of the Heart Network.

This is a rule set by Dukel. Psychic blessings above the world-destroying level can only be officially activated after a vote by the members of the Heart Network and more than 10,000 votes of approval.

From the perspective of the original body, this is an appropriate restriction, mainly to prevent members of the Heart Network from indiscriminately using world-destroying psychic spells when they fall into an irrational state.

at the same time,

Efilar stretched out his wings made of flames and floated on the top of the pyramid of the space mausoleum. The scene at this moment was like this dead world finally welcoming the angel who brought the light of fire.

Unfortunately, there was no mercy on the angel's face. She was waiting in silence for the approval of the application for annihilation.

More and more members of the Heart Network agreed to her application.

Along with these votes of approval, the fire power, which was so rich that it shook the space, accumulated behind her, and the red fire light illuminated the sky of this mausoleum world.

At the same time, the power in the saint's body is also accumulating. In order to vent her anger at this moment, the biomagnetic field rotates at an unprecedented speed.

——50,000 horses

——One hundred thousand horses

——200,000 horses

With the push of the biomagnetic field, her power began to increase exponentially, and her eyes filled with spiritual power became increasingly crazy.


Her strength was accumulated to the extreme. She raised her hands high and grasped the accumulated spiritual flames in her hands. Then, like a world-destroying angel, she smashed it down on the whole world.

"Dirty, disgusting alien—"

"Go to hell!!!"

Boom boom boom! ——

The flames washed over the world like huge waves.

The angel's mad eyes reflected the red fire of destruction.


Even Dukel and the Mechanicus were not aware that at this moment, less than a million kilometers away from them, several drones were observing everything they were doing.

"Point to Commander, are you sure we still want to implement ambush tactics?"

An officer from the Tau Fire Clan stammered as he looked at the footage captured by the drone.

This fleet is the Tau fleet led by Shadow Yang. After she received the information about the original body, she immediately set off to the coordinate point, and then the previous scene happened.

In the holographic projection in front of them at this moment, humans with burning wings released flames that could destroy the world. The earth melted, the seawater evaporated, and even the sky was engulfed in fire.

After seeing this, Yingyang was so shocked that his mind went blank.

As a young and non-psychic race, she would never have believed that a creature could display such great power until she saw this scene with her own eyes.

"Is this human?"

In the past, Shadow Sun had also heard that human Alpha-level psykers had psychic powers that could destroy planets.

But at that time, she didn't care at all.

She even laughed at the fact that the person who said this had no idea how huge a planet was.

Those are the stars floating in space, existing forever, how could they be destroyed by tiny biological individuals.

But at this moment, something like a miracle happened before her eyes, and she had to believe it.

"Commander, please give us instructions on whether we should continue to implement the plan to ambush the original body of the Human Empire."

"Continue." After a brief hesitation, Yingyang said resolutely, "According to the intelligence, the opponent has separated from the empire's large-scale army at this moment. Now is the best time to kill the opponent."

"But." The adjutant swallowed hard as he watched the scene happening in the holographic projection.

"Isn't our first mission to lure the other party to the designated coordinate point?"

"We cannot blindly believe, not to mention those allies are not trustworthy." Yingyang's eyes are firm and unquestionable, "We cannot be manipulated like puppets. This opportunity is rare, we must try."

"This is for the rise of the Tau Empire."

Shadowyang's words were filled with strong belief, and at this moment all the Tau officers around him were inspired.

"Yes, Commander! For the rise of the Tau Empire! For the Greater Good!"

Countless Tau soldiers then launched an operation to assassinate the Imperial Primarch.


And in the depths of the stars, the Necron stand-ins controlled by the Endless Tasinra are attacking the demonic world controlled by Abaddon.

The reason why he carried out such an action was naturally not to punish rape and eliminate evil, but because he took a fancy to the forbidden creation created by Abaddon by gathering the power of the gods - an extremely terrifying demon engine.

The Crow King was afraid of the existence of this kind of war machine, so he had no choice but to summon Duker to go to the dark world and destroy such a forbidden creation.

In the eyes of the Endless One, such an epoch-making demon creation has a very high historical value, and it deserves to be destined to him, enough to be a precious collection in his museum.

When Abaddon first released this forbidden creation into the physical universe.

It immediately attracted the coveted gaze of the Endless One. This ancient Necron added another item to his seemingly endless wish list.

At this moment, the greatest collector in the galaxy is still obsessed with the pursuit of collections, and he never thought that one day his home would be stolen.

The Necron's attack on the demon world was so unexpected.

Without receiving any warning, the Endless One controlled countless technological creations and launched brutal attacks on dozens of demonic worlds.

Although this consumes a lot of money, in the calculation of the Endless, this is a necessary move.

After his calculations, Abaddon would not be willing to put the forbidden creation on the battlefield if it was not a large enough battlefield.

Therefore, his attack was coordinated and brutal, with a clear purpose, in order to make the raid appear realistic enough, and in order not to reveal his true purpose. So much so that after the Infinity One conquered dozens of demonic worlds and occupied them for a long time, Abaddon still failed to discover that these worlds had fallen.

From a location far away from those fallen worlds, the only sign these star fields show is a peaceful silence.

This kind of dead silence is as if a piece of the galaxy was suddenly dug out and it never existed.

Covered by Necron technology, the daemons didn't even have time to react before being expelled back into the warp.

Billions of demons were disintegrated into dust almost at the same time. They didn't even know where the enemy was, and had no time to scream, let alone call for help.

Dozens of worlds fell in a very short period of time,

——If it hadn't "happened" that a Khorne fleet broke through the blockade of the Star Zone by the Endless, and sent an alarm to the Daemon Legion through the subspace.

At this time, Abaddon was shocked to realize that the dark crusade he was preparing had just begun, and his plan to defeat the resurrected Primarch had not yet been carried out - dozens of dark worlds had fallen first!

The war commander, who had been victorious in every battle, looked at this piece of information that he could not believe with great anger and shock.

If the person who conveyed the news to him was not a Khorne believer known for his "loyalty and bravery", he would have thought that this was another joke played on him by Tzeentch's followers.

Dozens of dark worlds were captured silently. The victorious war commander became angry and immediately assembled a large number of demon fleets and summoned more reinforcements to the subspace.

Abaddon didn't know whose work it was at first. In fact, for a long time, he believed it was Dukur's work.

Apart from the spiritual matrix of the Lord of the Second Legion, he really couldn't think of any force that could instantly block the connection between the subspace and the physical universe and kill such a large number of demons instantly.

This cognitive error lasted until the Necron appeared on the battlefield before it was broken.

The Endless One waited eagerly for the assembly of the demon fleet. He used the ancient technology of the Necron Dynasty to intercept the demon detection equipment that intended to spy on him.

As the demon fleet plunged into the star field occupied by the undead, all the demons could see among the shielded stars was darkness.

Just when they were at a loss, a shining digital storm carrying high-frequency noise swept toward them.

This invisible storm, composed entirely of signals and data, instantly paralyzed all the detectors and star observation stations of the Demon Fleet.

Some of the more sensitive Chaos Demons were tortured in excruciating pain by this sharp invisible scream.

Abaddon, who originally planned to seek revenge on the Human Empire, encountered a terrible catastrophe before his true enemy was even aware of it.

The mechanical equipment suddenly malfunctioned and reported an error, followed by a horrific explosion.

The Chaos Machine Souls howled in pain and fell into strikes one after another.

The dark servitors fell into madness. Like zombies whose bodies had been taken away, they attacked all movable forms.

The apocalypse was locked between the stars like a ghost hitting a wall. No matter how the fleet sailed, it was just spinning in place.

In the face of Necron technology, the defense systems developed by Khorne scientists seemed to be in vain at this moment.

The priests of the Dark Mechanicus can only try to use sesame oil to purify the body under attack.

Just one attack by the Endless One brought the demon fleet to the verge of collapse.

There was chaos within the fleet, and the demons could no longer suppress the madness in their hearts, and fell into riots one after another.

Abaddon watched helplessly as one dark world after another lit up a call for help signal, and then quickly extinguished it.

Seeing the extinguishment of these signals, his heart bleeds. The extinguishing of each light point represents a dark world, separated from the control of chaos.

The opponent's attack was swift and effective, which made Abaddon think that they would be wiped out here.

In the end, several fallen warbands came after hearing the news, and the enemy hidden behind the curtain was forced to reveal his true appearance.

"Tarrazin the Endless."

Abaddon almost gritted his teeth and said this ancient name. As one of the most active Necron in the galaxy, Chaos is no stranger to their existence.

He even briefly fought against Cartier when he captured it.

But there had never been such a fierce conflict between the two sides in the past. In order to determine the size of the enemy, several Chaos warbands traveled to those captured worlds.

As he expected, the demons in these worlds were exorcised. He couldn't figure out the purpose of the other party doing this. It seemed that everything the other party did was just to eliminate the demons in these worlds.

As the war progressed, several Chaos warbands were nearly wiped out.

But this also gave Abaddon crucial information - he learned about the weaknesses of the opponent's defense.

The Endless One now ordered his omnic phalanx to prepare for defense.

The huge aircraft rotated like a death scythe above the phalanx, emitting rays of destruction from time to time, destroying all the demonic aircraft.

Dark green energy beams continuously shot out from the Necron's buildings, and those energy beams harvested the lives of the demons like wheat.

For this reason, Abaddon had to send more demons to maintain the precarious defense line.

For a time, the two sides seemed to be locked in an eternal stalemate.

But Abaddon was still in no hurry at this moment. He tested the Infinite One's offensive, and finally, he confirmed the authenticity of the opponent's defense weakness.

A smile appeared on his old-fashioned face. When he finally understood where his weakness lay, he reluctantly threw the terrifying forbidden creation into the war.

When Trazin saw those huge war machines galloping from a distance, the light in his eyes became greener.

These war machines, made of flesh and steel, were something he had never seen before.

Therefore, it is even more worthy of his collection.

He allowed this disgusting demonic creation to break through his defenses and attack crazily towards his location.

"This collection was finally acquired by me."

The Endless One also has the same chance of victory. This ancient existence that has lost its soul feels an emotion called "satisfaction" after a long absence at this moment.

Both sides are very confident that they can win this war.

Unfortunately, their confidence cannot prevent the arrival of bad news.

Just when the Infinite was about to successfully capture Abaddon's Daemon Engine, his receiver received a message carrying bad news.

The tomb where the body-snatching body of the Endless One is located, the museum he worked so hard to build on the dark side of the galaxy, is attracting thieves!

When he saw the transmitted image, Trazin felt that his processor almost crashed, and his heart was bleeding - even though he did not have a heart as an organ.

——The other party not only stole his home, but even set it on fire!

In the holographic screen, he saw the world where he stored his collection on the dark side of the galaxy, ignited by red flames.

The other party not only robbed him of everything he had accumulated over the years, but even burned the entire palace to the ground!

The Endless One has traversed the galaxy for countless years, and has never seen such a shameless thief!

At this moment, he felt that his heart was really bleeding, but when he looked down, he found that it was coolant flowing out of the engine cooling pipe - but it also represented his sadness.

A long-lost emotion appeared in his system. On this battlefield with the demon army, he roared to the sky, his voice was extremely shrill and full of despair,

"Thieves! Thieves! Robbers! Damn thugs! My treasure of endless years, my collection ahhhhhh!!!"

The sound he made was extremely shrill.

As if to better express his angry and tragic emotions, he also turned on the sonic weapon. For a while, many immortals and demon mechas flashed countless electric sparks and were scrapped one after another.

Tasinla's sharp and desperate voice caused Abaddon to fall into brief consternation.

Even the four gods couldn't understand why this Necron seemed to have been forcibly violated suddenly.

Even the dead metal men are not spared. Where did this strong man come from?

Abaddon was certain that not even his demons of Slaanesh could do such a thing.

After the Necrons screamed, the space around him suddenly fell into stasis.

The space folding technology was activated, and the Endless One was frozen in his most tragic and desperate moment.

"In the history of Endless Tasinra, he has never suffered such a defeat. This moment has become history, this moment has become art."

Another Endless One came out of the darkness, using a skeleton-like mechanical hand to hold the folded space in his hand.

"Equally worthy of being collected."

The newly appeared Endless One looked at himself miserable and angry in the stasis field, and said with neither joy nor sorrow.

Then the Infinite decisively gave up its entanglement with Abaddon.

He returns to the world visited by Dukel.

When he truly saw everything in this world, he felt the anger again. For this reason, he had to restart the system again before returning to rationality.

In his visual system, red flames cling to the entire world, the magma on the earth flows slowly like an ocean, and the entire planet looks like a red candy that is about to melt.

Whether it was his clone's tomb or the treasures he had accumulated over countless years in the tomb, they were all dissolved in the magma at this moment.

In this tomb world that belongs to him, he can't even find a place to stay.

The Endless One stood on his spaceship, the firelight of the lava planet reflecting on his metal shell.

He watched all this happen in silence. After a long time, he activated the instrument hidden in the void and played back what had happened here.

When the Endless One saw the team coming out of the portal, he felt shocked again.

"This is."

He whispered in disbelief, analyzing all the parameters of this team.

——The lost original body of the Human Empire thousands of years ago

—Space Marines of the Lost Legion

——Head of the Daemon Primarch

——Great Sage of the Mechanicus

——The saint who can destroy the planet

——The taxidermied banner of the Chaos Demon Fateweaver (? TBD)

When the Endless One's eyes fell on the woman wrapped in a robe, his movements stopped. The signal light of the visual system flashed frequently. It took a long time before he made the next move.

——The Eldar Goddess of Life

The main purpose of the birth of the Eldar was to fight against the Necrontyrs, the predecessors of the Necrons. Although there are not many recognizable beings in the galaxy who can identify the goddess of life, Trazin happens to be one of them.

The Endless One Trazin carefully recorded all of the above in his wish list.

"Please forgive my rude words before, you are not a shameful thief." Trazin looked at Dukel in the playback and whispered,

"In my humble opinion, you are also one of the greatest collectors in the stars."

Trazin's tone was high, and his expression was as if he was happy to meet a like-minded person, but the light in his eyes gradually turned from dark green to scarlet.

"Now, your collection has also been discovered by me. I hope you can preserve your collection and don't regret it like me."

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