Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 144 144, Dukel: Surprise, the tomb robber dug up the figure king!

No matter what kind of turmoil the outside world creates, the expedition to the dark world is still going on. Although the goal this time is to return to Terra, there are still many worlds that need to be saved along the way. The entire expeditionary force's manpower was used to liberate worlds that had fallen into darkness.

At this time, Duker also led a very small number of troops on a "Sword" class frigate less than two kilometers away, and separated from the large force of the expeditionary legion.

In this operation, in addition to the Goddess of Life and Magnus who had to be taken with him, he only brought Efilar and a small team of Destroyers to follow the team of the Mechanicus.

He is carrying out a covert tomb robbing operation.

Speaking of which, we have to thank Abaddon for this. If his dark crusade hadn't disturbed the sleeping Necrons, the Mechanicus would not have been able to capture those fleeting signals.

For the Empire, every Necron tomb world is a treasure with rich connotations. These ancient existences that have lasted tens of millions of years ago, and their tombs contain treasures that are enough to move anyone.

Even Dukel, the original body, personally participated in this space tomb robbery.

"Look for the dragon and divide the gold to look at the star belt, one level of star belt and one level of barrier"

Duker stepped on the bow of the sword-class frigate, looked into the deep space, and hummed softly.

"Your Highness, is this a poem from your home planet? What is its specific meaning?" Gris asked from the side.

"Nothing, I'm just saying that I hope your information is accurate enough so that this tomb robbing operation that I personally participated in will not be returned empty-handed."

"Your Highness, you came here on your own. It is normal for most actions to yield no results." Gris said helplessly.

When talking about the business of tomb robbing, the Adeptus Mechanicus is extremely professional.

"But Your Highness, please allow me to correct your mistake. Taking things from living people is stealing. Necrons are a group of dead people whose souls have been devoured, so our actions should be called archeology."

"Archaeology with scientific research value." Gris reminded seriously.

"Okay, archeology, I hope this archeology can be fruitful."

Duker moved his body and said that for him, this action was more about relaxing.

After the goddess of life pledged her allegiance to him, his life magnetic field technology continued to increase rapidly. But when it increased to twenty-five, he suddenly encountered a bottleneck.

This was no ordinary bottleneck. Duker could clearly feel that the energy he controlled was enough to support his continued improvement.

The reason why the original body encountered such a situation, after unremitting research, finally came to the conclusion that it was actually subject to limitations similar to 'fate' or 'fate' - similar to the restrictions of the laws of the physical universe.

To put it simply, the material universe does not allow for the existence of an awesome biological individual like him.

As for how to break this limitation.

Duker has no clue at the moment.

This made him a little irritable, so he participated in this archaeological operation, intending to relax his mood.

This is an unknown world that cannot be found on the imperial star map. This is the tomb world of the Necron Dynasty. A Necron who experienced being defeated by the Ancient Saint, then met the Star God and obtained an alloy body, and experienced the battle in heaven, is sleeping here, waiting for the awakening of the Silent King.

But in this long-quiet world, a huge portal opened in this world, and the empire's aircraft entered here.

Duker led the archaeological team to walk in this silent world.

They knew that in this seemingly empty and dead world, there was actually a huge Necron tomb hidden.

These Necrons, who possess cutting-edge technology, fold their tombs into the dimension of space, making it difficult for even the empire's top detectors to detect the existence of the tombs.

The mechanical priests stepped out of the aircraft, and they detected the spatial anchor point of this world. Only by cracking the anchor point of the space folding technology can they see the true appearance of the tomb and find a passage into it.

Along with their actions.

Some of the complicated electronic inscriptions seemed to break through the limitations of space and loomed in the void.

"Dukel, I don't recommend that you enter this tomb. This seems to be the territory of the Endless One Trazyn." Magnus's one eye shined brightly, and he paid attention to the electronic inscriptions that vaguely emerged from the dimensional space. ,

"In other words, the original owner of this pyramid has been possessed by the Endless One. I once had a brief transaction with the Endless One. I exchanged two flesh-and-blood Scarlet Letter Space Marines and the kind-hearted Night Lord for him. playing cards, so I recognize the inscriptions."

"Brother, listen to me, let's leave right now. Although my current situation is bad enough, I still don't want to appear in the Endless One's collection cabinet."

Trazyn the Endless? .The King of Figures!

After hearing the name, Duker was stunned for a moment, and then became even more excited when Magnus explained it.

According to legend, there are three major treasure places in the universe.

They are - Blood Crow's storage room, Lion King's safe, and Figure King's museum.

Everything precious in the galaxy can be found there.

According to legend, even Guilliman's adoptive mother was collected in a museum.

Nowadays, most of the Necrons in the galaxy are waiting for the awakening of the Silent King, and Trazin the Endless is one of the few who is not asleep.

This Necromancer is the ruler of Solomnas, and he has proclaimed himself as the obligatory protector of the history, artifacts, and time of the galaxy. His active years are even longer than the history of the human empire.

And Trazyn, with his own strength, has shown the whole galaxy how idle an individual can be when he has an endless lifespan.

He redefined the "ownerless things" in the galaxy by his own standards, and used this standard to rob everything he set his eyes on. While he was doing all the bad things, he still used the body of his own kind. He took over the tombs and mechanical bodies of other Necromancers to walk around the galaxy on his behalf and collect various collections.

To this day, no one can be sure that he has seen his true body.

He can be called the galactic version of the thief saint.

Obviously, this is a tomb of a clone that collects collections for the Endless. In the eyes of any existence in the galaxy, this is a treasure chest with rich content.

Now the huge treasure chest is in front of Dukel, just waiting for him to explore it. How can he not be tempted?

"I didn't expect there would be such a surprise!" Dukel showed obvious impatience.

"Wait, brother, Trazyn's technological creations are very troublesome. I know him. He has a morbid emphasis on his collections. The defense system arranged in it will make every living thing regret that they have come here."

Magnus warned him again, his tone was very serious, with obvious retreat. Obviously, in the long past, his transaction with the Endless was not smooth, and it left him with a very bad impression.

"Why belittle yourself, brother." Dukel looked at him after hearing this, "In my mind, you are the most knowledgeable psychic master in the galaxy, and your psychic power is not inferior to the technological creations of the Necrons."

"Dukel, I never thought that I could hear words of praise from you." Magnus's one eye burst into light,

"But what cannot be refuted is that you are right!"

He said complacently. Since his head was cut off by his own blood and hung around his waist in shame, Magnus has rarely shown the self-confidence that a Primarch should have.

"That's how it should be." Dukel looked back at the members of the archaeological team with bright eyes and said loudly, "Although we are few in number, look at our members, two Primarchs, a great mechanical sage, a saint, and an Eldar goddess. We came together, how can we return in defeat? Today, let alone the tomb of the Endless's clone, even if it is the palace of the Silent King, I will personally seize his scepter!" The Primarch's emotions instantly infected everyone. The Doom Soldier, Mechanical Priest, and Battle Sisters present all clenched their weapons, with high morale in their eyes. Even the Eldar goddess Aisha unconsciously clenched her slender hands hidden under her robe at this moment. Although the goddess of life has a character like the Virgin Mary, she knows very well that this is a shameless robbery. But for some reason, this sense of violating morality gave her a very exciting feeling. Driven by the Primarch, she has even begun to look forward to what kind of treasure is hidden in this tomb of the Necrons. "This is not theft, Aisha. This is an archaeological excavation. There should not only be despair in life, but also surprises." She said this to herself in her heart, almost deceiving herself.

At this moment, even she herself did not realize that she was being subtly changed by the aura of the original body.


Just when the goddess of life reached a reconciliation with herself, the world suddenly trembled violently, as if the space dimension was disturbed and everything was shaking violently.

In the tremor, an extremely huge space mausoleum gradually emerged in front of everyone.

The mausoleum pyramid of the space undead was extremely huge. Even though most of it was buried underground and only a very small part was exposed, it was still towering into the clouds, and the top pierced the clouds.

As soon as this magnificent creation revealed its true appearance, Duke led the Doom Warriors to drive the aircraft and rushed to the entrance of the mausoleum.

The huge metal door was closed tightly, as if it did not welcome all guests from afar.

The mechanical sage and the priests followed closely behind. After they walked out of the aircraft, they immediately studied how to open the door.

However, the technology of the Necrons is too profound.

This resulted in this high-spirited tomb-robbing team being unable to even enter the door for a while.

"I can't wait any longer." Suddenly, Duker spoke.

"Your Highness, have you cracked the technology of the Necrons?" Gris asked in disbelief. There was admiration in his tone. At this moment, in his mind, the Primarch was the most knowledgeable existence in the galaxy.

"No, I don't understand the technology of the Necrons either." Duker shook his head, "but I know a little bit about boxing."

In the shocked eyes of the Great Sage, the Primarch walked straight to the front of the gate and raised his huge steel foot.

As the Primarch, Duker's body of the material universe is extremely strong. His subspace essence, after absorbing the faith and the devil's origin, is also transformed into his power. After gaining the loyalty of the goddess of life, his life magnetic field technology has been upgraded to 250,000 horses, which also makes his power surge.

Under multiple reinforcements, he now has enough power to destroy the planet continent.

And when such power is combined with god-like martial arts, all the power is concentrated at one point and explodes.


Gris witnessed with his own eyes what it means to have great power to create miracles.

Amidst the roaring noise, he saw that the metal gate, which could withstand orbital gun bombing and could be called the crystallization of Necron technology, was rapidly deforming at the moment.


Finally, there was an overwhelming sound, and a large part of the wall collapsed. This huge technological pyramid, like the most ordinary building, was kicked out by the original body.

The most cutting-edge technology is being trampled by the most primitive brute force. At this moment, the great mechanical sage even feels like his faith has collapsed.

He heard Duker cheering,

"The treasures of the Endless One, the greatest collector in the galaxy, let us come and see his collection. We will definitely return with a rich harvest from this trip!"

In the atmospheric storm of catharsis of power, Gris's mechanical eyes flashed twice, but in the end he didn't say anything more.

Everyone entered the tomb of the undead. At this moment, the tomb was also in a mess.

Among the ruins of the passage, a group of underworld spiders who were maintaining the damage to the tomb rushed out.

After discovering an intruder, the red light emitted from their electronic eyes penetrated the darkness in the tomb.

"Intruder detected - initiate defensive protocols."

There was a murmur in the body of the Underworld Spider.

They attacked everyone very quickly.

At the same time, a group of Lich Guards and Scarabs responsible for guarding the tomb also woke up.

But it was destroyed by the tomb robber team like a tomb.

They disarmed the guards inside the tomb at extremely fast speeds and massacred these immortal guards.

Under the detection of the mechanical priests, they quickly found the treasure room of this tomb - a huge museum filled with countless treasures.

Seeing the collection inside, everyone including Duker couldn't help but exclaimed in amazement.

Weird styles, technological creations belonging to various races.

There are also a large number of living creatures placed in the stasis field.

The goddess of life looked at the collection in front of her in a daze, not knowing what she was thinking.

It was a dark Eldar wearing dark black armor, holding a purple short knife, and tapped the black display base with his slender feet. It fully demonstrates the lightness and speed of the Eldar.

There was also a huge Orc warrior next to him. His body was two shoulders taller than a normal Astartes, and his majestic shoulders were tight.

It can be seen that the owner of this museum has good aesthetics and exquisite technology. He has permanently stopped every creature in the most beautiful moment.

Although this is just the tomb of the Endless One's clone, the collection here is still extremely rich. The entire museum is equipped with dimensional space folding technology, and the internal space is extremely vast.

Almost everyone will find something that interests them here.

The engine oil guys of the Mechanicum discovered a lot of STC templates here.

“Oh my god, it’s the holy toaster!”

exclaimed one of the Mechanic-Priests.

These unknown technology templates are the most important thing to them. Just finding a new STC template is enough to directly promote a low-level priest to a sage.

When a world discovers STC templates, regardless of whether they are actually useful, this group of crazy mechanical priests are willing to start a holy war for it.

In the entire galaxy, no one understands the joy of archaeology better than the Mechanic-Priests. Stimulated by the STC template, they are like a group of locusts in red robes, plundering everything they are interested in.

"This is."

At the same time, Duker looked at the collection in front of him with a shocked expression.

In front of him, on the stand of the stasis force field, was a metal scepter burning with endless flames.

"Brother, I have to say that your luck is really good." Magnus said slowly, he was also shocked by the harvest of this trip.

"Fragment of the Star God—Nyadrazasa the Burner, the scourge of all things." The original body told the origin of this treasure.

Duker didn't know whether the treasure belonged to Trazin or to the original owner of the tomb.

But he can be sure of one thing. Among the many collections present, there are very few that can exceed the value of this treasure.

The Star God was once the greatest enemy of the Necrons. He was the embodiment of the rules of the material universe and a god walking in the realm of reality.

The Burner is also an extremely powerful existence among the Star Gods. To him, everything in the material realm and subspace is just firewood. And he is fire, the fire that ignites everything and burns everything!

He is the eternal flame that consumes everything, the ancient being that devours stars. But in that battlefield 60 million years ago, as the Necrontyr targeted the gods who had deceived them, these seemingly invincible Star Gods finally came to their end.

The Silent King himself thrust the spear into the heart of the Burning One, and the endless fire subsided.

The Burner was broken into countless fragments by the Necron, becoming their eternal energy source or a proud collection.

Duker held the scepter in his hand without any scruples and looked at it carefully. The high temperature on it made his palm feel a slight sting even through the power gloves.

But soon the same crimson flames burned from his hand and enveloped the entire scepter.

The tingling sensation in my palms immediately disappeared.

In the collision between flames, the huge heat energy that merged into one place caused the space around him to fluctuate violently.

Just when he wanted to put the scepter back into the stasis field and pack it away.

Duker suddenly felt that with the collision of flames, his essential ability absorbed a faint trace of energy.

This seemingly weak but actually violent energy, at the moment it was absorbed and transformed, violently collided with the laws of the material universe within his own body.

Under the collision of this force, Duker felt that the bottleneck of his biomagnetic field of 250,000 horses was slightly loosened.

"Does it mean that if you want to break through 250,000 horses and break through the constraints of the laws of the material universe, you need to absorb the power of the Star God?"

Duker guessed in his heart, his eyes became brighter and brighter,

"Does that mean that when the life magnetic field exceeds 250,000 and pushes this technology to a higher level, I will eventually have the power to rival the Star God?"

Even though it was just a guess, when he realized this, he gave up on returning the scepter to the stasis field and held it tightly in his hand.


Suddenly, Duker heard a strange sound. He followed the sound and saw Efilar standing there angrily, clenching his fists hard. The huge force made the saint's armor tremble. An overwhelmed whine.

The original body was even keenly aware that the nun's body was trembling with extreme anger.

What did she see?

Duker walked over curiously.

But at the moment when he took steps, Efilar instantly showed the posture of a living saint, with flame wings stretched out from behind, and stopped in front of Duker in the blink of an eye.

"Your Highness, this is an unclean thing. In order to prevent your eyes from being desecrated by this thing, please allow me to block your way."

Seeing her solemn look, Duker blinked.

Before he could speak, Magnus on his waist spoke first.

Efilar's size was still too small for the original body. Although he blocked Dukel's sight, he did not block Magnus's.

"Dukele, I saw it. This is the battle nun's personal sacred Q-q bra? It's really Trazin's bad taste."

I don't know if it was an illusion, but after hearing these words, Duker saw a touch of rosy color appear on the living saint's porcelain face.

Magnus's one eye released a colorful light, he looked at the nun and asked,

"Efilar, is this yours?"

"Your Highness Magnus, if you can clearly see the collection date of this blasphemous object, you should understand that this object is three hundred years older than me." Efilar gritted his teeth and said,

"The existence of this thing is a stain on the Battle Sisters. The Endless Trazin is a heretic who deserves the death penalty, and this place is also an unclean place. Your Highness, after this operation is over, I want to personally destroy this blasphemous place." World, please approve.”

Dukel nodded, destroying the alien world is the right thing to do.

On the other hand, Gris, who was on the side, showed obvious reluctance when he looked at this huge treasure room.

"Efilar, we are here for archeology. Isn't this a bit too extreme?"

Efilar responded to the question of the Great Mechanical Sage, "When we take things from these abominable metal dead people, it is not archeology at all. This is the kindness granted to them by the empire, and it is a just judgment!"

Gris: "."

After hearing the saint's words, the great mechanical sages were silent.

What a righteous judgment.

I thought that the Mechanicus considered tomb robbing as archaeology, which was shameless enough, but I didn't expect that there were experts.

However, Gris stopped arguing. First of all, the other party was a woman, and secondly, she was the most favored person under the Lord of Destruction.

The Great Mechanical Sage sees clearly that neither of these two identities can be reasoned with.

When these two identities come together in the same person, then the other person's truth is the truth.

Gris could only comply.

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