Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 143 143, Titanium: Do you need us to kill Dukel?

Humanity is the Emperor's currency, and there is no redemption in the dark galaxy. Every day that the human empire can survive requires countless blood and sacrifices to redeem it.

In this universe, the survival of any race is not what it deserves, but destruction is.

Duker knew this, and the Primarch knew that with his current abilities, the greatest kindness to the Empire was not to prevent the destruction of life, but to ensure that every penny of the Emperor's currency was spent well.

After he captured Nurgle's Garden with very low sacrifices.

Frankly speaking, as the biggest darkness in the galaxy today, the Chaos Demon is actually not having an easy life now.

According to the latest intelligence obtained by Dukel, the Chaos Demons even have a tendency to gradually fail to keep up with the version.

After suffering several consecutive heavy blows from the Imperial Legion, the victorious Warmaster Abaddon assembled the four armies of gods and demons to prepare for another dark expedition.

Unexpectedly, the expedition had just begun, but they directly ran into the Tyranid swarm and Ork greenskins who were fighting with each other near the Eye of Terror.

After a passionate fight between the three parties, Abaddon led his troops and fled. Subsequently, they encountered attacks from the Eldar, Necron, and various strange forces one after another.

Then, the demons broke out into civil strife.

Abaddon then led an army of demons to counter the rebellion.

Extremely busy.

Even just looking at these reports, Duker could imagine how difficult the other party's situation was.

And according to the news from the Crow King, during this massive dark expedition, Abaddon not only failed to capture the world belonging to the empire, but instead slaughtered a large number of aliens and demons.

"Isn't Abaddon really an undercover agent of the Empire?"

Duker asked in disbelief as he pointed at the report in his hand and looked at the nuns beside him.

Efilar and Shivala looked at each other in shock after hearing this. These two strictly trained nuns almost laughed out loud at this moment.


At this time, the nuns heard their master speak again,

"Are the alien races in the galaxy a little too active recently?"

Duker flipped through the report and muttered to himself, "Look at what these are, undead, tau, tyran, ratmen. There are even space dwarves? The throne is on top, these little guys haven't been here yet Extinction?"

When the original body was watching the report, he read it unconsciously, then took out a paper document and placed it on the table. He looked up at the nun and asked,

"Efilar, are you sure this report is true and not some kind of comedy story?"

Duker seemed to have seen something that was a little difficult for him to understand.

"The combined Imperial army composed of the Knights, the White Scars, the Raven Guard and the Catachan Corps actually lost to the Tau Empire?

Moreover, the commander of the Tau Empire, Shadow Sun, was able to kill an entire Raven Guard and assassinate the leader of the Raven Chapter who was planning to assassinate her? The empire also lost the official star because of this? "

Facing a series of questions from the original body, Efilar looked respectful.

"Your Highness, I guarantee with honor that this information is completely true."

Duker frowned, "That's really weird. The Raven Guard, who are good at infiltration operations, would be assassinated by counter-assassinations. Even the chapter leader was killed in the battle, but he was still killed by the Tau."

"Have all these crows been stamped with the Butcher's Nail? If I tell Clarks about this, my poor brother may be pissed to death in the subspace."

Duker knew the nature of the Raven King well. Although Clarks looked melancholy and dull, in fact, the Raven was not small in temperament at all.

The original body saw an unusual atmosphere from this report. No matter how declining the empire was now, the power of the Space Marines was far beyond what the Tau could offend.

Although among the young races in the galaxy today, the Tau tribe is developing very rapidly.

But their strength is really not worth mentioning in the eyes of the original body.

Dukel didn't even need to do it himself. He only needed to give the order to the Bonecrusher, and let Du Ge's great evangelist separate several ancient giant battleships from the huge orc fleet.

These forces alone are enough to drive the young Tau race into disarray.

But such a race, which is not worth mentioning in the galaxy, can actually make the Ravens break their wings.

"There is no such thing as luck in war." An obvious murderous intention appeared on Duker's marble-carved face. The Primarch put down the report in his hand,

"Efilar, convey my order to the intelligence department and continue to pay close attention to the movements of the Tau. This young race must have some extraordinary secrets."

"Let me open their heads, and all the secrets will be revealed."

"Yes, Your Highness."


Just as Dukel looked at the Tau with destructive eyes.

This young race has no awareness of impending disaster at this moment.

A hidden world in the Great Rift welcomes uninvited guests. They are a Tau fleet led by Tau Commander Shadow Sun.

This world was occupied by a group of weak ratmen, and the Tau wiped out this weak race with little effort.

While his subordinates were still collecting supplies and prisoners, Commander Yingyang followed the guidance in his heart and looked towards the top of the mountains in this world.

Shadowsun is the hero of the Tau Empire. She commanded the Tau fleet, snatched an almost impossible victory from the evil and ferocious Human Empire, and once again opened up territory for the Tau Empire.

But this victory did not make her happy for long. Shortly after the victory, her mind was stirred by a force that made it difficult to calm down, and a voice kept bothering her.

Scenes began to appear in front of her eyes, and those scenes seemed to come from the future. She saw the fall of the Tau Empire, her home ablaze with crimson fire.

Humans, who were extremely hated by the Tau, walked among the ruins of their homeland. The figures of these human warriors were extremely tall.

A pair of bright eyes with cold murderous intent, looking down at the Tau people like ants, and there was also a fighting spirit in their eyes that made her feel uneasy.

In the red firelight, she heard countless Tau allies wailing in despair.

This feeling has grown stronger almost every day since Shadowsun's counter-assassinations of Imperial Space Marines.

Even if she closed her eyes, she could still see these terrible disasters.

Countless Tau planets are burning, the earth is shattered, and the corpses of Fire Caste warriors are strewn in the orbit of space.

The crimson flames were like a doomsday disaster sent by the gods, completely destroying everything without caring about their feelings.

Yingyang has not shared this incident with others. This feeling may be just some kind of mental illness. She does not want her compatriots to think that she is a person suffering from delusional disorder.

In order to explore the truth of all this, she followed the whispers in her heart and came to this hidden dark world.

From the mouths of those ignorant rat people, she learned that the top of the mountains on this planet was a disaster place called "Ashes".

It is a cursed and forbidden place.

Anyone trying to go there is either dead or crazy. Therefore, no one in this world has dared to approach there for a long time.

"Curse? Ha." Tau commander Ying Yang sneered a few times. As a materialistic race, she never believed in these metaphysical words.

However, when her fleet scanned the world, the results shocked her beyond measure.

"Commander, according to intelligent measurements, there are no mountains in this world, only plains."

The Tau officers reported what they saw to Shadow Sun, as if they had seen some supernatural phenomena that they could not understand.

"It should be some kind of technology that can block detection."

Yingyang looked at the top of the mountains and said. Although she didn't have much confidence in her heart, in order to make her subordinates think that she was a calm commander, she still had to explain herself.

Then she took the guards and set foot in the world herself.

This is a wild world, with hot and violent winds sweeping across the dry land. The two red suns above our heads are like two scarlet devil eyes.

Yingyang walked on the hard and dry ground that had been burned. Through low bushes and tall forests.

The warriors of the Fire Clan guarded her and helped her solve all the troubles she encountered along the way.

"The Greater Good."

When she climbed over one low hill after another and reached the foot of the mountain tops, she saw another scene.

Yingyang was shocked by what he saw. Even the Fire Clan warriors were stunned on the spot.

What they saw was an ancient and terrifying battlefield. The area of ​​this battlefield was much larger than it actually was. The space was folded by some unknown technology and hidden in the cracks of space. Therefore, it would not be detected by the spacecraft's detection system. Scanned to.

The corpses of countless human warriors are spread out on this battlefield, and the huge war machines are now only the rusty remains, which seem to be telling the horrors of this war to those who come after them.

In the center of the battlefield, the tall mountain peak piercing the sky was wrapped in a special force field. The top of this mountain seems to not exist in the real world, but is somewhere between illusion and reality. The first time anyone sees it, anyone's heart will be affected by it.

The Tau warriors were unable to use words or other means to express the shock they felt at this moment.

This scene brutally violated some of the most basic laws of physics in Tau knowledge.

No matter how much they had despised humans, at this time they had to admit that compared to the ancient human empire, the Tau Empire was still somewhat insignificant.

However, they also firmly believe that the higher good of the Tau will replace this decadent human empire and become the new overlord of the galaxy.

The stars belong to the more energetic and organized Tau race, rather than the brutal and vicious humans.

The Tau warriors walked along this ancient battlefield.

Those heroic remains that have not been corrupted by time are still showing them the most heroic posture at this moment.

In this terrifying atmosphere, Yingyang and her team walked through here almost cautiously.

Deep in the battlefield, they also discovered an ancient ruins.

Yingyang could hardly imagine that such a huge human ruin was hidden in this seemingly small place. Those majestic architectural ruins, even after thousands of years of wind and rain, still retain the symbols of the human empire.

Just from these majestic ruins, Shadow Sun can glimpse a glimpse of the former prosperity of the human empire.

Yingyang's face was very calm. Although there was a storm in her heart, there was still no change in her expression.

"What exactly happened here? What are these terrifying humans fighting against? What kind of war was it that could forge this battlefield?"

A series of doubts appeared in her mind, such as epic war sites, magnificent buildings, and incomprehensible technology.

These are things that the current Tau clan cannot achieve despite all their efforts.

She couldn't even imagine what kind of monsters could fight to the death with humans on such a battlefield.

Yingyang couldn't help but feel lucky. Fortunately, the Human Empire was too busy fighting those terrifying things to worry about the expansion of the Tau Empire.

She walked deeper into the ruins.

As she got closer, the illusion in her eyes became more real, and the voice lingering in the depths of her soul became clearer.

During their exploration, they came to a huge altar, on which dense and complex ancient inscriptions were engraved.

Around the altar, Shadowyang also noticed thick flags. Some of the symbols on those flags were recognizable to her - White Scars, Raven Guard, and Space Wolves.

But there were more flags that she had never seen before. But she could also deduce that those were also the flags of the Space Marines of the Human Empire.

one two three

She counted them one by one and found that there were nine flags.

The interstellar warbands of nine human empires once gathered on this battlefield.

This was also powerful beyond her knowledge.

Suddenly, she saw deep black liquid flowing and spreading along the lines of the altar.

Several Fire Clan warriors quickly used their most advanced detection equipment to detect the composition of these liquids.

But no matter how they analyzed it, they could not know the true identity of this dark liquid. In fact, according to their instruments, these liquids did not exist at all!

"Commander, we should leave!"

The Fire Clan warrior had a very bad feeling. When he saw these ink-like liquids, he felt a fear from his soul.

This is the instinct originating from the soul, which is urging him crazily to stay away from those liquids.

"Wait for me here." Yingyang said to these Fire Clan warriors, then strode into the altar,

"I need an answer."

As she stepped on it, the entire altar seemed to have come to life, coming alive in just a moment.

Weird voices sounded in her heart, as if there were countless pairs of eyes and hands watching and playing with her soul.

Terrifying shadows crawled out of the pitch-black liquid, and a sourceless, garbled sound came from everything around.

This time, even the Fire Clan warriors accurately heard the noise originating from their souls. They kept turning their bodies, trying to locate the source of the sounds.

Their mechanical goggles rotated, searching everything around them.

But they couldn't see anything. In this unfamiliar realm, in this noise originating from the soul, these proud warriors of the Tau tribe were as helpless as children at this moment.

They can't see anything and can't do anything.

"Stop playing tricks, practitioners of the higher good path are not afraid of any strong enemies." Yingyang's face was cold,

"No matter who you are, get out. Since you summoned me here, why hide?"

Along with her voice, the surrounding dark liquid suddenly boiled, containing the aura of disaster, and gathered into a completely dark shadow in front of Yingyang.

"Who are you?!"

Yingyang asked, although when faced with this shadow, she had the urge to flee quickly.

"You don't need to know who I am, you're just here to get an answer, aren't you?"

The man asked rhetorically.

"It's nothing more than some witchcraft tricks. I will not become a slave who takes orders from you, let alone live in the darkness like you."

Yingyang pretended to be disdainful, her heart full of wariness. Although she didn't know where these unknown creatures came from, she had some guesses in her mind.

It was an existence that the Human Empire had fought against with all its strength, and it was even more dangerous to the Tau Empire.

"Why deceive me? I can see through your mind." The black shadow laughed, and then Yingyang suddenly realized that the other party had never actually made any real sound, and all the information appeared directly in her heart. ,

"Those are not false illusions, but the real future, and you and I both know it."

There was a trace of solemnity on Yingyang's face. She came here quietly because the illusion frightened her.

All the Tau cities were burning with red flames, and all her compatriots and allies were reduced to ashes, and all these terrifying scenes came from a man with a cold expression.

The billions of lives of the Tau tribe seemed not worth mentioning in the eyes of the other party.

"How to prevent everything in the illusion from becoming reality." Yingyang asked directly, "Or, you can tell me the man's information, and we will kill him before the disaster strikes, at any cost!"


Yingyang's words actually silenced Heiying.

The arrogance of this young race seemed to have deeply shocked him.

After a while, his voice sounded again deep in Yingyang's heart.

"Strong self-confidence is a rare advantage, but sometimes being too confident is a kind of ignorance." The black shadow said slowly,

"I will give you information about that person, and all you have to do is lead him to the designated coordinate system, that's all."

"Is it that simple?" Yingyang asked in disbelief.

"In fact, it's not simple at all."

"If we do what you say," Yingyang asked again, "what can you give us?"

"Your race will survive. Is there a higher price than this?"

After hearing this, Yingyang fell silent, and after a long time he spoke with difficulty,

"there is none left."

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