Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 139 139. Goddess of Life: What is the difference between you and the Evil God?

"You will take over the responsibility of the Imperial Warmaster during the sacred celebration of Terra and re-open the glory of the human empire. Perhaps, this is not what I expect alone." After hearing the other party's refusal, Guilliman repeated again.

After hearing the voice, Dukel stared at the past seriously. Only then did he realize that Guilliman's current state seemed to be a little wrong. The other party's reason seemed not sober enough, and was closer to the state of sleepwalking.

Is this what the Emperor meant?

He thought in his heart. If you think about it this way, it can also explain why Guilliman, a psychic Muggle, can communicate with him over a long distance in the warp.

"Okay, as you wish."

Seeing this, Dukel had to agree. The Emperor has shown many miracles recently, and it would be good to return to Terra to see the old man's condition with his own eyes.

The Emperor's power is not without cost. Frequent use of the power of the Dark Lord will inevitably lead to the weakening of His human side.

Don't let one day Dukel still carry out an expedition, but Terra explodes in a muddle, that would be too much fun.

However, when the Primarch thought about returning to Terra, he would have to face the group of imperial parasites with supreme power, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

So he looked at Guilliman, or more precisely, he looked at the light behind him, and said bluntly,

"It needs to be made clear in advance that although you have no time to manage the secular world for thousands of years, you should also know what those insects corrupted by power have done. You know me, and there will be bloodshed when I go there. Aren't you afraid that the sacred soil of Terra will be filled with the blood of the powerful?"

Duke said without hesitation. With his personality, he would definitely not be able to tolerate those corrupt insects, and he would definitely kill them to turn the world upside down.

After hearing this, Guilliman was silent, or it could be said that the existence behind him was silent.

After a short silence, he seemed to have sorted out the answer and said,

"I have heard your petition. The stubborn disease needs to be removed quickly. If you are willing to take care of it for me, the lives of these people are at your disposal."

The magnificent voice echoed, and the Emperor agreed.

"Then you will see." Dukel smiled, with a bit of blood.


At the same time, the Blood Angels also returned to their fleet.

Commander Dante first carefully sealed the crazy ancestors who shouted "Warmaster" in the magnificent temple.

Then he stepped forward and walked towards the most holy and noble place in the fleet. His steps were brisk and his heart was pious like a pilgrimage.

After passing through the long and narrow corridor and heavy guards, he saw the young figure on the huge throne.

After seeing the other party, the fatigue accumulated in his heart from the days of fighting was swept away. That was his genetic father, the saint he declared his allegiance to for life.

"Dante, you are back. Have you won the glory that belongs to you?" Little Sanguinius also saw the other party at this time. While asking, he did not forget to eat the snacks made by the Sons of the People, so his voice was a little unclear.

But Dante could hear these words clearly. This calm Blood Angel also showed the joy after victory.

"Yes, Holy Father! We won. We did not let down the holy blood in our bodies and won an unprecedented victory for the Empire!" Dante excitedly recounted everything that happened in the Garden of Nurgle.

Sanguinius was also very excited. He clenched his still young fists, as if he wanted to participate in this war personally.

After telling the story of the war, Dante asked the doubts in his heart, "Holy Father, why did those ancient brothers call His Highness Dukel the Warmaster?" "Maybe he really is the Warmaster." When facing this question, the young Sanguinius's childish face showed wisdom that was inconsistent with his age. "Every Primarch has his own unique charm. I believe you have experienced it yourself. Although my brother is not good at speaking, he can always give people courage and strength through actions. In the era of the Great Crusade, in the period when the human empire expanded its territory, I think no one is more suitable for this position than him." "But." But Dante was even more confused after hearing the answer, "What happened to such a Primarch that made the Empire hide him for ten thousand years and even delete all the files about him?"

Sanguinius was silent after hearing this. After a long silence, he slowly spoke,

"Although I have experienced that era, the memories of those who experienced it have been erased, and I don't know more than you. My brother Dorn once opposed the act of erasing memories. The protests of the Primarchs were very effective, and Malcador agreed to restore his memory."

"But do you know what choice Dorn made after his memory was restored?"

"I can't imagine." Dante shook his head slowly.

"Yes, no one could have imagined it. Dorn, he was the most determined of the Primarchs. But after he learned the truth of the past, he took the initiative to request to have his memory erased again."

"Since then, we have understood that what happened back then is not something we should explore, but we still can't help but speculate. I once speculated that the disappearance of the Second Legion was related to genetic defects, and I was even afraid that the Blood Angels would repeat the same mistakes."

"But this is not entirely true." The Archangel's holy face also revealed bitterness at this moment,

"The Emperor seems to have been aware of our shortcomings from beginning to end. He was fully aware of it, but did not make it public. In his eyes, this is not an unforgivable sin."

"So I guess that what happened back then must be related to Ran Dan's alien appearance."

"Ran Dan Alien?!" A look of shock appeared on Dante's face behind the mask.


In the days that followed, the Imperial fleet turned course and headed back to Terra.

Facts have proved that returning to Terra does not hinder the progress of the expedition.

Today's galaxy is full of battlefields. No matter where you go, war and battles are inevitable.

Aisha, the goddess of life, also gradually regained consciousness. The heavy punches of the original body were not easy to withstand. Even though she was the goddess of the Eldar tribe, she had been in a coma for half a month.

After awakening, the first thing the goddess did was to request an audience with her primarch.

Led by a team of nuns, she went to Duker's office. As she walked, Aisha's eyes were always attracted to these nuns unconsciously.

As the goddess of life, she sensitively felt an almost crazy vitality from these nuns. This power fluctuated and changed with the emotions of the nuns.

But no matter what, she could feel the power that mortals with this vitality would unleash.

This was a strange phenomenon that she had never encountered before.

Soon, Aisha saw the original body sitting behind the desk through the door of the office.

The Primarch looked different now from the ferocious form she had seen on the battlefield.

Duker sat behind the desk, writing strings of words on the scratch paper with the quill in his hand, making a rustling sound. The entire office was shrouded in a quiet atmosphere, and the original body in this atmosphere was like a calm scholar.

"You're here, what do you want from me?" Duker asked without raising his head as the quill kept swinging.

"Of course I'm here to meet the owner of this place." Aisha replied.

"Actually, I'm a little curious." The pen tip paused, and Duker looked up at her, "Why did you appear in front of me accurately on the previous battlefield? The garden of the God of Plague is infinitely vast. If you hadn't taken the initiative to show up, , I just want to find you is not easy. "

"Mortarion told me. He said 22 is your number." A smile appeared on the face of the goddess of life, which immediately filled the room with life.

"Numbers? His numerology again? Just because of such a ridiculous thing, you don't hesitate to show up and take the initiative to become my prisoner?" Duker was a little unbelievable.

"No matter what it is, I am willing to believe it. In fact, I made the right bet, and my situation has not become worse than before, right?" Aisha's smile did not disappear, and she continued,

"More importantly, I hear a new melody in this number. I and my people have not heard this voice for countless years. This is 'Hope', and I am the first to hear this voice Yes, but I won’t be the last.”

"Okay." Dukel nodded.

Considering the other party's previous experience of drinking soup in the garden, there really wasn't anything that the other party didn't dare to do.

As long as she can escape the control of Nurgle and Slaanesh, going anywhere in the galaxy is considered paradise for this goddess.

"So, what are you going to do with my prisoner?" Elsa asked again.

"I want to possess you." Duker said bluntly,

"The beauty of life is enough to make everyone want to stop. Naturally, I am among them. This is the attraction of power. For us who exist forever, there is no greater attraction than this."

Considering the identities of both parties at the moment, he had no need to hide his thoughts.

"From this perspective, those dark entities and I have the same attitude towards you."

The possession that Duker talks about is of course not simple lust, but bringing the other person into his heart and completely possessing everything about the other person.

As long as he enters the heart network, both will and power will belong to him, the master of the heart network.

Duker has a method that can force people to connect to the heart network. On this point, Bonecrusher Salaka has enough say.

In fact, if Elsa didn't take the initiative to look for him.

Duker will soon throw this goddess into the small dark room of the great mechanical sage Gris.

In the torture of the Adeptus Mechanicus, even a stone will offer its loyalty to the Imperium while screaming in agony.

Although the will of the Goddess of Life is likely to be far greater than that of the Bonecrusher, it is only a matter of time. Duker's life is very long, and he has plenty of time to wait.

After hearing these words, the goddess of life fell silent.

At this moment, she suddenly felt like she had just emerged from a tiger's mouth and entered a wolf's den.

Elsa doesn't know what the other person will do to her, but her intuition can sense that the suffering she will suffer will not be easier than in the garden.

"According to legend, God once established twenty-two roads to the sky. At the end of each road, there is a supreme throne. Each road corresponds to the truth in the development of the universe. Only the 22nd road is special. Yes, it is the end and the beginning." The goddess of life slowly said,

"Master of 22, I can surrender to you and offer my loyalty to you. But before that, please answer me a question."

"What's the problem?" Duker asked.

"If one day you save the human empire from darkness, what will you do after that?" The goddess of life looked at the original body seriously.

"I will be a pioneer. Of course, this is from a human standpoint. From your standpoint, you can call me an invader."

"But if you do that, you will destroy the hard-won peace with your own hands. What is the difference between you and the dark gods?" The goddess of life frowned.

"It doesn't matter what you think. Maybe there is no difference at all. The war among the stars will never stop, with victims and perpetrators taking turns. Most people put the Human Empire in the position of the victim, and their hearts are full of despair. But just Personally, I never think so."

"This is not because of the power I possess. It is because I can feel the darkness in the human heart. I have used the malice I collected to forge divine weapons. This dark power is enough to make demons cry blood and make insects go crazy. ”

"After witnessing this darkness, I concluded that our people could never be victims in the galaxy."

Duker looked outwards, his sight spreading outward like an endless flame, as if he wanted to take in everything within the stars.

"If perpetrators and victims are the inevitable fate of millions of races across the stars, then my race should be the one who commits violence."

"Even if it makes the stars burn and the sea of ​​stars boil. I will also open up a territory for the empire of mankind, and I will plant the flag of the empire on every star I can see. Until I shed the last drop of blood on my body, Until I am forgotten, but until then, my journey never stops.”

The Goddess of Life's eyes were fixed on the original body's face, not missing any expression on the other side - she knew that the other side was serious. At this moment, even though she was a god, she still felt the coldness that penetrated into her bones.

She seemed to have heard the wailing sounds of tens of millions of races and trillions of creatures.

Only then did she gradually recall that when the human race appeared in the galaxy, it appeared within the sight of the gods.

This is a race that never knows what peace is.

This young race has gone through countless ups and downs in just tens of thousands of years, and has brought most of the galaxy into its territory.

Aisha began to question her previous decision in her heart, wondering whether it was right or wrong for her to come here.

Suddenly, she saw the original body sitting opposite turn his head, as if he had received some kind of message. Then Duker spoke to her and said,

"My fleet happened to find a world occupied by aliens. Let you see with your own eyes how we treat aliens."

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