Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 140 Chapter 140, The Submission of the Goddess of Life

Duker took Aisha to the combat command room of the Imperial Fleet, where think tanks from various battle groups were gathered here.

The indicator lights of the Thinker's biological computer, which is as thick as a column, are flashing frequently, calculating various parameters for the upcoming war.

However, what surprised the original body was that the priests of the Mechanicum were actually in the command room at this moment. The Great Sage Gris had left the foundry for a long time and came here in person.

"Gris, why are you here?" Duker asked curiously.

"Your Highness, I also came after hearing the news. The alien race we discovered this time is a group of space apes occupying the Imperial Galaxy." The Mechanical Great Sage continued, "This is an extremely rare race, and their genes are imprinted The technology passed down from ancient times is of great research value.”

The space apes are burly and have orange-red hair, which is similar to the orangutans of ancient Terra. Such a posture often leads people to misunderstand that this is a race that is similar to beasts, but in fact, they are all unparalleled technical experts.

They are extremely talented in technology and have a genetic understanding. According to legend, they are also the creations of the ancient saints. During the War in Heaven, they produced technological products for the ancient saints.

The Adeptus Mechanicus still firmly believes that ancient technology is imprinted in the genes of the space apes, and they are deeply fascinated by it.

"Gris, I can understand the attraction of space apes to you." Duker's eyebrows frowned slightly, "But we all know that it is almost impossible to enslave this race. They have no loyalty. He will try his best to escape."

The Empire has tried countless times to enslave the Space Apes and control their technology, but each time they have failed. The space apes tend to work only to satisfy their immediate needs, and they can always create devices that help them escape.

"Your Highness, we are also well aware of this, so we do not need mature individuals." Gris said humbly, "We only need some of their cubs as experimental samples for the biological sages."

The original body and the Great Sage calmly discussed the destination of these space apes. Their tone was as relaxed and natural as if they were discussing what to eat tonight.

The think tanks around them didn't feel anything was wrong, and they sometimes made some suggestions for the two.

Only the goddess of life standing behind the original body had completely different feelings in her heart at this moment.

The true appearance of the goddess cannot be seen by mortals. In order to avoid causing confusion, Dulquer personally put a robe on her. At this moment, Aisha's slender body was wrapped in a robe, and she felt a chill for no reason. This chill came from the contempt for life of everyone present.

She believed that if the Imperial Fleet encountered the Ark World of the Eldar today, they would still maintain this attitude and kill all alien lives without mercy.

"Okay, Gris, I agree to your request, but be careful not to cause trouble."

"Please rest assured, Your Highness. The scholars of the God of All Machines will never let you down." The great sage's mechanical eyes flashed red to express the joy in his heart.

The original body's eyes also fell on the star map at this moment.

The world we are about to arrive this time is a lost world that exists within the empire's territory, but has been out of contact for a long time.

There are many such worlds in the Great Rift, and the Empire's Ministry of Government has no time to pay attention to these lost worlds.

If they can remember this long-lost world within a hundred years, it is considered highly efficient.

In today's complex and bloated government affairs system of the empire, they often have to deal with a message from an interstellar war group asking for help from the Great Rift for decades.

Then Dukel laid out his battle plan as usual.

The huge imperial fleet suddenly broke through the barriers of the material universe and appeared in the target star field.

When the scene in space was presented to everyone, many people fell into silence.

As they expected, this lost world occupied by aliens had a fierce war with the Imperial Navy.

The remains of a large number of Imperial warships are still floating in space, and mummies whose water has evaporated are floating aimlessly in the light of stars.

No sound could be heard in the quiet space, but looking at the ruins in front of them, the unyielding war cry of the imperial soldiers seemed to echo in all ears.

Drones fly out from the imperial fleet one after another. These mechanical creations will collect all effective information on this battlefield.

Soon, the intelligence department compiled useful information and uploaded it to the original body.

Duker looked at the report in his hand and gradually analyzed the beginning and end of this space war.

In space, the Imperial Navy's 'Sword' class fleet battled with the space apes. The number of aliens was far greater than that of this fleet. Although this imperial navy relied on its unyielding fighting will and inflicted heavy losses on the aliens, it inevitably failed in the end.

The think tanks were also quietly looking at the report. From the cold parameters in the report, these experienced warriors could already see the despair of this imperial fleet a few years ago.

They could even imagine the scene of the Imperial loyalists roaring a helpless war cry before launching a fatal charge.

In today's galaxy, similar wars are breaking out in many corners of the Empire.

The small defensive navy resisted the raids of the aliens, and ultimately cost the lives of loyalists.

Duker looked at the wreckage of the space battlefield and remained silent. In this dark world, he has seen too many similar scenes.

As he said, the war in the galaxy will never stop, and the people of the empire are always in an endless and continuous war.

The alternation of identities between victim and perpetrator has become a fate that millions of races cannot escape.

In such an environment, remembrance and grief are meaningless. What Duker wants to do is to lead mankind to become the party that inflicts violence and become the eternal perpetrator of violence in the galaxy.

"Explore nearby galaxies, find enemies, and kill them."

The Primarch gave the order, and the loyal Imperial Legion implemented his will. The huge fleet array quickly dispersed, searching for the location of the aliens.

The Mechanicum's salvage ship went to the ruins of the war to look for the wreckage of the damaged Imperial warships.

Every naval vessel is a valuable asset of the Holy Empire, and the priests will salvage them and attempt to restore them.

A large number of airships shuttled among the space debris. They poked out mechanical arms and swarms of drones, working efficiently like swarms of worker bees.

In some relatively complete large wrecks, a large number of rescue boats cling to the fine gold frames like tent hoops.

The adamantium frames of Imperial warships are virtually indestructible and can almost always be repaired and rebuilt as long as a reactor explosion does not occur.

In an era when the empire's technology is declining, humans must be careful with their budgets. Some ancient warships in the navy have even undergone dozens of repeated repairs.

These wrecks are sent to the fleet of the Mechanicus, where they will be reborn and transformed. They will join Duker's fleet with a new look and fight for the Empire of Man again.

However, this space battlefield has obviously been cleaned up once by the victors of the war, and the imperial fleet only picked up some ruins and debris.

"Your Highness, Fleet No. 22 has captured a group of space apes. What should we do with them?" A captain's voice suddenly sounded from the voice channel.

"Adult living bodies are assigned to the Second Legion Machinery Factory, young living bodies are assigned to the Mechanicum, and some corpses are preserved and sent to the Children of the People." Dukel gave the order.

"As commanded."

The captain ended the voice communication and passed on the original body's instructions. The captured prisoners were pushed into the transport plane in batches.

"Captain, several alien civilian ships were spotted at the coordinates ahead. Please give us instructions."

At this time, the reconnaissance ship of this fleet reported to the captain.

"How about asking His Highness to send you to get married and promote friendship with the alien race?"

The captain asked the scout in return.


The captain's response made the young scout feel at a loss for a moment.

"If you don't want your wife to be an orangutan, then lead your scout ship to destroy them, even if they are civilians. In the name of His Majesty, and in accordance with the will of His Highness Duke, there are no innocent people within the borders of the empire. Alien!"


Soon, in the cold and dark universe, a few weak firelights lit up, representing thousands of alien lives, and the firelight disappeared fleetingly.

As the Imperial fleet approaches the system's major planets, more and more alien ships are destroyed.

After clearing out the alien space fleet, Duker led the imperial troops and prepared for landing.

Following the Primarch's command, an overhead drop pod was dropped to the surface, bringing the flames of war into this lost world.

In this world, the imperial civilians who were enslaved by the aliens saw thousands of bolides streaking across the edge of the sky.

They witnessed in disbelief that the alien masters, who claimed to be superior, let out panicked screams and fell into group chaos.

This world has lost contact with the Empire for decades. During these decades, the descendants of the survivors have been enslaved for generations and become the property of the aliens.

Every day, a large number of humans are put on ships and sold to other worlds like goods.

Those who stayed were required to work, dig minerals and plant crops to provide the aliens with the resources they needed.

Obedient humans were enslaved, while those who resisted were brutally tortured to death.

The corpses of the leaders who once led humans to resist are now hung on spiked stakes. The despair they felt during their lifetimes still remains on Lagan's corpse.

In the storm caused by the bolide falling to the earth.

The enslaved human civilians saw majestic warriors like gods walking out of the falling metal meteorites.

Many of these empire citizens, enslaved by aliens for generations, have forgotten the existence of the empire.

Only a small number of people recognized that this was the hero described in the myths and stories of their fathers, the guardian of mankind, and the angel of the Supreme God-Emperor.

These warriors were more powerful than the angels imagined by their fathers. The thick steel armor did not slow down their movements at all, and they were still strong and flexible.

The slaves saw their superior alien masters being ruthlessly slaughtered by each other.

No mercy, precise and efficient, like a cold war machine.

After the angels left, only broken flesh and blood was left everywhere.

Then, huge mechanical creations like towns descended from the sky, and tens of thousands of powerful soldiers and holy nuns walked out of them in an orderly manner.

They liberated slaves, cleared the battlefield, and fought positional battles with the large alien forces. Their heroic attitude also left an indelible impression on the slaves.

When the powerful imperial forces landed in this world, the outcome was already determined.

The weak ground forces of the space apes could not fight against the imperial warriors at all. Although some of their warriors had combat capabilities that were not inferior to those of the Astartes, these warriors who were invincible in their eyes were equally vulnerable in front of the Primarch and the Second Legion.

Those self-proclaimed powerful war equipment were like paper in front of the Second Legion's exclusive psychic weapons.

The surviving space apes trembled, and they felt the fear they had given to humans as victims.

When the alien army was completely defeated, the space apes laid down their weapons and stopped resisting.

Duker did not order them to be slaughtered.

"Send them to the mechanical workshop."

Under the command of the Primarch, transport boats loaded with alien captives sailed towards the Fire of the Mind.

"Duke, do you want them to work for you?" The goddess of life, who was covered by a wide robe, asked happily at this moment. Compared with the cruel atrocities that the Primarch had committed in the past, the enslavement of the space apes at this moment actually made this kind goddess feel a little happy. No matter what kind of slavery it was, the Primarch at least gave the other party a chance to survive. For the first time, Aisha felt the meaning of kindness from Duke. "Work? It can be considered as work." After hearing his question, the Primarch showed a strange smile on his face. "Aisha, are you interested in visiting and seeing how they work for me?" Duke asked her. "Really?" Aisha was a little surprised. What the space apes are experiencing now may very well be what the Eldar people will encounter in the future. For the sake of her people, Aisha also wants to know the final fate of these space apes. This should have been a secret, a secret that she had to go through thousands of hardships to explore. But she didn't expect Duke to be so generous and directly reveal these truths in front of her. ——No matter how extreme the other party's words are, 22's master has a kind heart after all.

The goddess of life thought silently in her heart.

Not only her, but most of the space apes crowded in the transport cabin also have the same optimism. In their opinion, the other party did not kill them directly, and they should covet their technical talents.

Some aliens who are familiar with human language even heard the word "machine factory".

It sounds like a place where mechanical creations are produced. After their explanation, the space apes feel more at ease.

They have sufficient confidence in their ability to escape.

As long as they are not killed directly, they are confident that they can get rid of this place soon.

"Before escaping, we must leave a big surprise for these hairless monkeys."

Some space apes thought maliciously.

This optimistic idea continued until the landing of the transport plane, until they were pushed into huge iron cages, and then pushed into the workshop like goods.

When the hatch opened, they saw batches of demons and aliens being pushed onto the assembly line, a row of terrifying torture instruments, and sewage pipes draining blood and minced meat. The apes screamed in fear, realizing that the other party not only had no intention of letting them live well, but also had no intention of letting them die well! "Duke, is this the job you gave them?!" At this time, the goddess of life and the original body also came to the mechanical workshop. At this moment, Aisha also saw the hellish scene on the assembly line. "Yes, welcome to the Second Legion Mechanical Factory of the Human Empire." Dukel said with a smile, "As you can see, the jobs I provide for these captives are - raw materials."

"This is the most efficient way that I and the research team have developed together." Dukel explained with a smile, "This production line will deal a double blow to the flesh and soul of all raw materials, so as to improve the soul quality of the raw materials."

As he spoke, a large number of aliens and demons were thrown into the assembly line without stopping, and under torture and illusion, they suffered double torture of body and mind.

And at the last process of the assembly line, a tall warrior stood there. Through the armor worn by this warrior,

Aisha recognized that it was the offspring of the original body.

The warrior inserted his hand into the groove in front of him, as if transmitting some kind of energy, and then a burst of black liquid like ink was evenly sprinkled on the assembly line like raindrops.

When the seemingly harmless pure black liquid was sprinkled, the demons and aliens who had been tortured to numbness, at this moment, made sharp screams.

Aisha saw with her own eyes that even those Nurgle demons who had never known what pain was were wailing in pain, with tears of blood constantly flowing down their disgusting faces.


The moment the goddess of life looked at the black liquid, she made a disgusting retching sound. The extreme darkness made the goddess of the Eldar with strong perception feel extremely uncomfortable.

"What is that?!" Aisha asked in disbelief.

"That is the darkness that I mentioned before, belonging to humans."

As he explained, the huge engine roared, and a piece of metal sheet, as light as nothing, was squeezed out.

"These high-quality souls that have experienced pain will be extracted and squeezed by my heirs, and eventually form high-quality energy that is exclusive to us." Duker handed over the metal sheet.

"I named it Yajin Energy, let's feel it——"

Aisha, who was so shocked that her mind went blank, took the piece of metal blankly.

She could feel that the weight of this piece of metal was even lighter than a swan's feathers.

Even though her fate was ill-fated and she suffered many hardships, Elsa had never seen such a rigorous and detailed process. Even terrifying demons are nothing more than livestock to be processed here. This cold malice gave her an unspeakable sense of terror.

When humans are cruel, even demons are inferior.

"That's the full weight of 10,000 tortured souls."

When Dukel's voice sounded in her ears, the palm of the goddess of life trembled suddenly.

After visiting the production line of ‘Yajin Energy’, Duker left the machine workshop with the goddess of life.

When leaving, the goddess of life also noticed carefully that there were many assembly lines similar to this but with different functions in this factory.

Elsa even had a ridiculous thought at this moment - she would rather the souls of the Eldar fall into the hands of Slaanesh than live here.

At this moment, the war in the lost world has come to an end.

When the last recalcitrant alien warrior was beaten to the head by an imperial soldier.

Dukel descended into this world again.

Among the landing fleet, the nuns with alert eyes walked out first.

Then came a whole squad of heavily armed Doom Slayers.

Together they form a protective circle, alert to threats that may come from anywhere.

Then the liberated human slaves saw with their own eyes the true appearance of the majestic demigod.

The appearance of the original body made the crowd suddenly restless.

Wherever Dukel walked, the liberated imperial subjects all chanted his name enthusiastically.

It was deafening, resounding through the sky.

He readily accepted this. He was the well-deserved savior of the world, and countless humans were saved from suffering because of him.

In the eyes of the people of the empire, he is now the incarnation of the Holy Emperor, a demigod walking on behalf of His Majesty in the world.

Countless humans, freed from suffering, cast their fanatical eyes on the original body.

There is hope and faith in their eyes, and they are eager for Dukur to open up a better future for them.

Duker smiled and walked past them. Where he walked, countless mortals held up the soil he had stepped on with their hands.

Even the blood dripping from the scarlet cloak made the people of the empire flock to him.

They firmly believe that the blood and soil that came into contact with the original body are sacred things.

Whenever they gained something, there would be loud cheers among the people.

Amid the cheers and fanatical belief of the people, Dukur displayed the charisma expected of a Primarch.

Whether they were the people of the empire or the loyal soldiers, they all looked at him with admiration and piety.

But when such a scene fell into the eyes of the goddess of life.

At this moment, she felt a sense of fear that was no less frightening than when she was in the machine factory.

Every fanatical shout from the people of the empire made the goddess's body tremble.

She hugged her robe tightly, almost shivering.

It seemed that what surrounded her was not the cheers after victory, but the roars of the most terrifying demons in the galaxy.

Like a restless little beast, she shrank amid the cheers of humans,

She followed behind the original body carefully, following every step.

Suddenly, the original body's footsteps paused slightly, and a huge black shadow covered Aisha's whole body.

"You have one last chance," she heard Duker say.

She raised her head, and her trembling eyes happened to meet the bright eyes of the original body. Those eyes filled with endless fighting spirit seemed to turn into the most dangerous vortex in the galaxy at this moment.

"Survive or perish, this is your last chance to choose." Dukel's tall body looked down at her.

It was like a mountain was pressing down on her chest, and the suffocating pressure surged over her. As the goddess of life, she actually felt like she couldn't breathe at this moment.

Feeling suffocated, Aisha saw many illusions. She saw the Eldar's comfortable Arkworld being ignited by the flames of war. She saw the Eldar's people being sent to the assembly line like livestock and tortured.

After experiencing the double torture of soul and body, the pain-stricken souls of tens of thousands of spirits turned into a metal sheet lighter than feathers.

The Eldar worlds were overthrown amidst the cheers of humans,

The armies of the Imperium reveled in the ruins of the Eldar world.

Every image that emerged made her almost suffocated in pain.

At this moment, whether these pictures will become reality is all in her mind.

"Has the choice been made?" the Primarch asked again.

"I have no choice"

Elsa knelt down in despair, kissed the steel boots of the original body, and offered the highest courtesy.

"Master of 22, the original destroyer of the place of intersection and symbiosis, I am willing to dedicate myself to your banner, and I will serve you forever. I only ask you to grant me liberation, and I only ask you to preserve a place for my clan to survive."

“I will be at your disposal, both spirit and body.”

When she said the last sentence, a series of tears slid down the corners of her eyes, forming crystal-clear and full jade-like tears on the ground.

A new link of faith also appeared in the eyes of the original body at this moment.

But Dukel's eyebrows frowned.

Such purity of faith alone is far from enough.

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