Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 138 138, Dukel, it’s time to return to Terra and take over as Warmaster

The God of Plague has suffered an unprecedented defeat. His kingdom is collapsing, his authority is cracking, and the entire southwest of the high heaven is shaking. Elegies are sung in the gardens of Nurgle, just like in the garden of Nurgle. Encountered an apocalypse that swept through countless planes.

But no one mourned for this. On the contrary, every plane that could be touched by the current of the Sea of ​​Souls was filled with a cheerful atmosphere at this moment.

The Blood God roars with joy from his throne of brass, and the Lord of Fate exults in his crystal labyrinth.

Even the dark lords who were hiding in hiding were jumping for joy at this moment.

There is no spirit of respecting the old and loving the young in the Warp. The tragic defeat of Nurgle, the oldest of the Chaos Gods, is something that all beings would be happy to see.

No one will complain about this. There are countless pairs of greedy eyes in the darkness, spying on the realm of the gods all the time.

More than anyone else, they hope that the gods will fall from their thrones and be replaced by them.

As the youngest among the dark gods, he is also the one with the lowest sense of existence. The Lord of Joy was also smiling coquettishly in his palace. Although he did nothing in this war - Slaanesh still became the one who gained actual benefits from this war.

His blurred eyes full of desire penetrated the six layers of gauze, looking at the Imperial Legion that was thrown out of the realm of Nurgle, at the Heartfire, and finally at the one carried on the shoulders of the original body. Goddess of life.

This goddess was also the beloved of the Lord of Pleasure, had it not been for Nurgle who had snatched love from Him in the long past. He may have developed more than 666 interesting ways to play on the soft body of this goddess.

At this moment, Slaanesh looked at the goddess of life with eyes full of desire. He was extremely eager to hold this goddess in his arms as his beloved for a long time in the future.

His claws stretched forward, and the goddess was out of Nurgle's domain, now so within reach. But after much hesitation, the Lord of Joy finally retracted his claws.

The tragedy of Nurgle's Gardens is vivid in my mind. The bright flashes and crimson flames that erupted there are enough to scare away any chaotic existence.

It's obviously not a good decision to provoke the Curse now.

The Lord of Joy temporarily withdraws, but He is still joyful.

In His eyes, neither the Emperor nor the Primarch has truly ascended to godhood yet, and He has enough time to wait for the opportunity.

"Hehehe" Behind the psychedelic six-layer gauze, the Lord of Joy stared at the beautiful face of the goddess of life and the majestic body of the original body with eyes like autumn water. He panted and smiled sweetly.

In order to obtain supreme wonders and indulge in supreme pleasure, He has a lot of patience.

As the biggest victim in this war, the God of Plague shut himself up in his eternal mansion.

Even though His infinitely vast house was burned to black marks.

Nurgle just sat alone in the house, silently enduring the long-lasting wounds on his body.

The earth trembled, and it was rumored among the daemons that the burn would never heal, and Nurgle tossed and turned in his sleep, enduring the pain alone.

The ignited garden lost the laughter of the past, and in the peaceful and eternal heaven, the joyful atmosphere had disappeared. All the demons seemed to have become the appearance of Kugas, sobbing softly.

The great changes to the garden caused by this war will last for at least tens of millions of years.

Rainfather Rotigus could even smell the flames burning at Nurgle's sacred feet. He could also feel this feeling from his own body, which was a hot and painful scar.

He moved his organs. Only by doing this could he temporarily reduce the pain, but this was not always effective.

"I am not Kugas." Rotigs endured the severe pain and said to himself, "I will not be full of pain and sorrow forever."

Despite saying this, he was still very uneasy, full of gas, full of pain bubbles.

He walked in the garden and saw those sad demons like Kugas, sobbing softly.

"Frustration does not mean defeat, and failure does not mean the end of the war. Chaos is eternal, as always, it will just have to wait, won't it, my rotten friends?"

He asked the sobbing demons,

But they were immersed in grief and turned a deaf ear to Rotigs' words.

In this regard, Father Yu could only shake his head helplessly and walked into the woods of the garden, where he would find his old rival, Kugas.

He raised his eyebrows and rushed to the next tree, knocking and listening until he reached a magnificent gnarled tree, an ancient tree tall and decayed, teetering on the edge of collapse.

Rotis didn't need to knock because he knew he had found his old rival.

"Kugas." He called the other person's name.

The swollen birth sac responded to his call, twitching and rolling, shaking the gnarled tree.

"Shh, shush, my old enemy, calm down." Rotigs soothed the other party, placing his plump and moist hands on the smooth outer skin, stroking until the movements inside calmed down.

"If we were killed for being stupid, we would all have to wait for our loving father's permission to come back to earth, wouldn't we?"

The outline of an unformed antler head appears and then disappears on the rubbery skin.

"You are indeed here," Rotigs said, and then sat down next to him. "I thought I was just here to tell you that you might not be able to go out for the time being."

"But in fact, I want to talk to you more, my rotten brother." Rotigs chuckled sheepishly,

"I thought I would laugh at you. However, the price I paid for this war has made me unable to take any pleasure in others' misfortunes. As expected, Mortarion stabbed his loving father with his scythe. He has his own ambitions, but personally, I despise him.”

"He thought he had won something for himself, but in fact, it was just a chess piece manipulated by others to hurt his loving father."

"Korgath, my loving father is a little disappointed in you. In fact, he is very disappointed. Look, what did you get in the end by following Mortarion's plan? You ignored your loving father's instructions for you to withdraw your troops from the territory of the Cursed and go to The order to fight against the demon army of Tzeentch."

"It's bad enough that you were tricked by Mortarion. The same mistake allowed the sons of the Damned to break into the garden, set fires, and wield swords. We have countless The brother is completely dead. Not only that, it also hurts the garden, hurts the loving father, me, and you."

"You're in big trouble, my rotten brother."

The birth sac swayed with Kugas' agony.

And when Rotigs was talking about Mortarion.

The Lord of Death has long been hiding in the most secret corner of the Supreme Sky. Compared to Kugas, he is the one who has really made a big deal.

Mortarion intercepted a large sum of money from his father's domain and successfully escaped with the money.

The amount of this huge sum of money made everyone excited, so everyone was looking for him.

Duker is looking for him, and his blood relatives want to snatch this huge sum of money and make it their own completely.

The demons of Nurgle were looking for him, seeking ill-gotten gains from their loving father.

Some of the Death Guards and the Plague Army that broke away from the realm of Nurgle are also looking for him and want to form a new force with him.

There are also various other forces, almost all of them are looking for him, each with their own agenda and their own evil intentions.

This may be the most popular moment in Mortarion's life.

But at this moment, the Lord of Death has no time to care. He is being wrapped in pain, and his essence is being eroded by death.

Numerous visions appeared in his mind.

Pictures and sounds from his memory kept appearing before his eyes and ears.

"Swear allegiance to me."

Mortarion knelt down on one knee and stared into the dark, barren swamp of Barbarus.

"Follow my expedition."

Mortarion knelt on one knee and raised his head, just in time to meet the newcomer's bright eyes. The stranger's words seemed to stop the passage of time.

"Hurry and surrender your loyalty to the loving Father."

Mortarion knelt down on one knee and saw the Terminus's rusted, damaged deck. He couldn't control his gaze, and happened to bump into that huge existence. Those terrifying eyes and the turbulent sky were completely swallowed up by it.

"The only way out, you have no choice."

His father, his Emperor, his loving father. The three voices overlapped together, crossing the barriers of time and space, telling the same sentence.

"You are my son." The three of them said at the same time,

"You are my champion. I have been waiting for you for so long, and the moment I have been waiting for has finally dawned."

In an eternal moment, past and present, their structures disintegrated and shattered, drowning him like grains of sand, suffocating Mortarion who didn't know what to do.

His father, his Emperor, his loving father, were all calling him. They made Mortarion an offer he could not refuse, and from now on, his oath and his honor would prevent him from pursuing other paths.

Mortarion had sworn to them that as long as he failed to defeat the Overlord, he would willingly kneel down and serve.

He struggled hard, desperately chasing truth and lies, desperately trying to separate these pale memories that repeated themselves.

"Mortarion, you have to bear with it," his adoptive father told him.

"Stand up, my son." The Emperor, radiating dazzling light, said to him,

"Mortarion, get up quickly. There are other brothers waiting for you beyond the stars. Although you can't understand it now, as long as you work together, you will be able to restore the entire galaxy."

"You need an expedition, an expedition that will make your achievements immortal in history." Standing next to the emperor, the bright-eyed young man said to him straightforwardly.

"Get up." The rotten plague father said,

"You shall rise from the dead as my Prince. The mortal realm awaits your vengeance, which will serve one of its darkest and most horrific purposes. Your name will be feared until the last human soul fades. Entropic disorder.”

Mortarion also read the oath to them wholeheartedly, "I am willing to dedicate myself to your banner, sacrifice my blood, my bones, my indestructible will and spirit."


Looking at the scene in the illusion, Mortarion waved the death scythe in his hand crazily, wanting to tear all the illusions into pieces.

"I will never be loyal to the tyrant who persecutes me. I vow to overthrow the supreme overlord!"

He recalls his adoptive father throwing him into the poisonous mud of Barbarus.

He recalled that his Emperor had personally robbed him of his honor and deceived him.

He recalled that the so-called benevolent god used the poison of plague to perform the most horrific tortures in human history, torturing him and his descendants. But the aloof god only laughed coldly and cruelly.

"Welcome home," the overlapping voice said again.

"I belong to no one!" Mortarion also shouted.

Unmeasurable power of death washed over his warp essence, and the daemon body Nurgle had given him was now overwhelmed.

Mortarion was torn apart mercilessly, he was wrapped in the rich death, and the silence was renewed.

"I can bear it." Mortarion gradually stood upright.

"Even death cannot kill me."

The stinky devil's body turned into powder in death. After the old decay faded away, he also ushered in a new life.

Death's sickle shone with a cold light, like the pale, cold moon.

In the pain that penetrated deep into his soul, he used a sickle to tear apart the maze of memory, revealing a pale face. The corners of his mouth were pulled, and he grinned.

"The Milky Way is terminally ill. Life is the source of all corruption, the beginning of evil, and the poison that tortures the human heart."

"The only antidote is the death of equality, so that all sentient beings can rest in peace and the galaxy can return to peace."

"This is a supreme great undertaking, a glory that benefits all souls!"

Mortarion smiled, the smile of Death himself.

"Dukele, my former brother, my dear Warmaster."

"You will come and stop me, you should." The reborn God of Death whispered softly.

Then, his figure disappeared without a trace, and his voice died in the wind.


The Imperial fleet was also thrown out of the Nurgle realm, and every soldier of the Human Empire was celebrating their return at this moment.

"We won!"

"We left footprints in God's garden and escaped unscathed!"

"Praise to the Imperium, praise to the Primarch, praise to the Golden Throne!"

At this moment, the fleet erupted into the loudest cheers since the expedition, and everyone smiled with honor.

Even Duker was the same. He placed the Goddess of Life on the deck of the Soul Fire and looked up at the shrinking realm of the God of Plague. His eyes were also filled with joy.

Suddenly, he felt a gaze staring at him without hesitation.

Duker followed his gaze, and to his surprise, the owner of this gaze turned out to be Guilliman, who was known as a psychic Muggle.

"Dulquer, where will your journey take you next?" Guilliman's voice asked.

"There are too many places I want to go." Duker spread his hands, made a helpless gesture, and said with a smile,

"Working as hard as I do, I can't stop for a moment."

Duker said matter-of-factly. There are really too many targets he wants to defeat, including Mortarion who ran away with money, Abaddon who was victorious in every battle, followers of the Chaos Gods, aliens with hidden evil intentions, Ran Dan who has resurrected, and the original body who betrayed the empire.

His enemies span the physical universe and the spiritual realm, and the flames of his journey will ignite the deepest reaches of the stars.

He enjoys this.

"Yes, the galaxy is full of our enemies." Guilliman sighed. Compared with the endless fighting spirit in Dukel's eyes, his eyes were full of sadness.

"But, brother, we should all be ready to return to Holy Terra."

"You will take over the important responsibilities of the Imperial Warmaster during the sacred celebration of Terra and reopen the glory of the Human Empire. Perhaps this is not what I alone expect."

"Warmaster? Forget it, I'm already busy enough."

Dukel was noncommittal.

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