Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 137 137, Nurgle’s triple defeat

"Charge! Loyal soldiers! Plant the banner of the Imperial Sky Eagle into Nurgle's eternal mansion!"

The Primarch shouted, although he also knew that this was impossible in this battle, but this did not prevent him from leading the expeditionary legion to fight for it.

Even though he was carrying the unconscious Goddess of Life on one shoulder, Duker still ran rampant on the battlefield without affecting his movements at all.

In fact, it was helpless for him to carry the goddess of life all the time.

No matter how weak the goddess may seem, she is a true lesser god. In this bizarre warp, her authority is extended, and her power is far beyond the imagination of mortals.

With such a being, at least in this sea of ​​souls, it would be difficult for Duker to leave her to mortals for safekeeping.

——You can't cut off the head of the goddess of life and hang it on your waist every day.

Duker also planned to use the other party's power to heal the Emperor's dead body.

Make the mummy sitting on the throne grow flesh again.

Even for the sake of the next plan, we cannot treat this goddess the same way we treat Magnus.

And in the unnamed place above the sky, part of Nurgle's gaze in the poisonous plague is always watching the goddess of life carried on the shoulders of the original body. The whole garden was shaking, the wrath of the Plague God was like three levels of purgatory, and His wrath had endured seven reincarnations.

But He could do nothing.

As a god, not only was He unable to harm the thugs who robbed the goddess, he was also being harmed by the thugs' biological father.

Dukel's twenty-two days of arson made the area due north on the outside of Nurgle's domain extremely vulnerable to the scorching heat.

The Emperor's power continuously extends, expressing his great power with infinite light, piercing his will and power into the body of the Plague God.

The previous reckless punishment on Duker had already cost him an extremely painful price.

At this moment, not only was He unable to do anything, but he was also constantly being hurt. His skin was charred and his flesh was rotten, and his bones were broken and his tendons were broken.

What makes him even more angry is that those who hurt him are far more than just these thugs who come from afar from the north of Chaos.

And His immediate neighbors.

To the northwest, the demon army of Khorne slaughtered everything in the garden, uprooting the flowers, plants and trees. Whether it is the powerful Nurgle demon or the insignificant germ, they have become the target of the bloodthirsty demons at this moment.

The fruitful garden of eternal stagnation has all turned into the blood prison of Shura.

Regarding this invasion, the Blood God showed great importance.

Angras the Unbound is also known as the Skull Throne Guard, the Deathbringer, the Lord of the Bloodthirsty Demons, and the Kin of Khorne. This powerful bloodthirsty demon is the general appointed by the Blood God this time.

After Skarbrand was banished, the powerful Prince Khorne became Khorne's chief daemon.

Of course, for the god of war and courage who is known for his small army,

Although his chief demon Anglas has so many famous names.

But if I could only use one sentence to describe the fighting power of this great demon.

That is - he was beaten by Luo Jia.

——Still in subspace.

But even so, this is a rare and generous act for the Blood God.

——After all, there really aren’t many capable people under the Brass Throne.

In the northeast of the garden, the plan of the Tzeentch Demon Army is about to reach its final stage.

At this moment, everything in the garden is covered in crystal.

The budding flesh flowers and the land studded with mold have now become exquisite creations condensed in crystal. At a glance, it looks like a magical world in a magnificent fairy tale.

And in the center of this magical world, nine huge crystal castles are about to be completed.

Hidden in the depths of the supreme sky, in the infinitely extending crystal maze, the Lord of Destiny, who had ascended the throne, let out a triumphant laugh as his plan succeeded.

At higher levels, the dimension of illusion and disorder.

A game of cards belonging to the Chaos Gods is going on.

Tzeentch sat calmly in his seat, and opposite him, the ancient god who exuded the stench of decay was also sorting out the deck of cards in his hand.

Nurgle looked at the cards in his hand, and in the infinitely extending green shadow, there was a foul-smelling mouth that evoked a smile. Countless plagues and flies spilled out of his mouth, spreading his gospel.

"Natural Disaster Stars", "Seven Plagues" and "Savage Garden"

Nurgle took the lead in playing the deck, and he smiled proudly.

In response, Tzeentch shrugged noncommittally and also threw out three cards in his hand.

"Nine Mantras", "Blood God Covenant", "Crystal Ball"

When these three cards were thrown out, the natural disaster stars and the garden were trembling.

Nurgle instinctively felt that something was wrong, so he cautiously took out the guard.

"Plague Legion", "Great Unclean One", "Death Scythe"

And all of this seems to be within Tzeentch's expectations.

"Legion of Tzeentch", "Changing Demon Lord", "Thread of Destiny"

He threw his cards on the table.

Looking at these two cards, the Plague Lord showed a bit of disdain. With these few cards alone, the opponent had no chance of winning.

But at this moment, he suddenly discovered that the opponent's round was not over yet.

Now it's still Tzeentch's turn.

I saw the Lord of Destiny, Shi Ran, opening the hand of cards that He had thrown down in the previous round.

He opened the "Nine Words" and took out a "Son of Vengeance" (Guilliman)

He opened the "Blood God Covenant" and pulled out a "Blood God Legion"

He opened the "Crystal Ball" and drew out a "Lord of Destruction" (Dukele)

The smell of blood, the roar of revenge, and the endless red flames swept across the entire card table almost in an instant.

Nurgle's natural disaster star card suddenly appeared cracks visible to the naked eye.

The situation on the card table was instantly reversed, and Nurgle was at a disadvantage.

The miasma around the Plague God suddenly expanded, but he remained calm.

He flipped over his "Garden" card, drew one, and threw the "Garden of Fertility" on the table.

That is the core of Nurgle's realm. The Plague God is full of confidence. He firmly believes that no existence can break into his heaven.

But Tzeentch's smile remained calm.

He pulled the "Thread of Destiny" on the table and pulled out a "Scythe of Death" (Mortarion).

Then he shook the "Scythe of Death", and the cards were shaken off one by one and fell on the card table.

——"Son of Vengeance", "Lord of Destruction", "Emperor of Mankind"

There were three cards, one heavier than the other, and the whole card table was shaking.

The "Garden of Fertility" was instantly pierced by golden light, and red flames burned brightly on that card.

Nurgle's breathing became heavy, and the rich miasma boiled in his anger. His disadvantage expanded again. He must do something to reverse the current situation.

After thinking briefly, he smashed an extremely heavy card on the table.

Accompanied by a loud roar and a distorted scene so thick that it was impossible to look directly at it, this card revealed its true appearance.

——"Triple reincarnation"

This triple reincarnation card, which represents death, decay, and rebirth, is one of Nurgle's trump cards and is the core of his authority.

Threefold curse, threefold divine gift, and threefold poison, these are ancient powers that have existed in the past, present, and future since the birth of the universe. In this field, He will be omnipotent.

Nurgle raised his eyes, filled with sevenfold eye disease, and looked at the Lord of Destiny who was facing him.

He hoped that within his ancient authority, the other party could show the due willingness to retreat despite difficulties.

But the result was very disappointing to Him.

Tzeentch's demeanor remained calm.

The Lord of Destiny picked up the "Army of Tzeentch" and "The Lord of Changes" on the card table. After combining the two, a new card appeared in his hand.

——"Crystal Castle"

Looking at the nine crystal castles standing in his garden, Nurgle's rotten eyeballs showed a bit of disdain.

It is simply ignorant to try to shake His ancient power with such a humble creature.

But he did not take it lightly. As an eternal opponent, he understood the opponent Tzeentch just as the opponent also understood him.

There is no way the opponent only has this one card.

Nurgle began to guess the cards in the opponent's hand, but no matter how his corrupt brain thought, he could not figure out what kind of cards the opponent would play.

His authority is infinitely ancient, His power is infinitely great, and His reincarnation has no flaws.

The God of Plague really couldn't figure out what kind of cards the opponent should use to resist his "triple reincarnation".

But when he saw Tzeentch throw out the next card, even a loving father with a philanthropic heart could no longer restrain his anger. He was furious and furious as he had never been in thousands of years.

I saw Tzeentch once again pulling the thread of fate, and once again pulling out a piece - the Scythe of Death


A shattering sound resounded in the void.

The card that represented the eternal power of the God of Plague also showed signs of fragmentation at this moment.

The entire universe was trembling. No matter it was the material universe or the supreme sky, there was a terrifying whistling sound at this moment.

"Bang bang bang!——"

The God of Plague slapped the table angrily, and he even wanted to overturn the entire card table.

But when He wanted to do this, blood-red, golden light, and purple phantoms, three phantoms as great as the two, appeared around the card table at this moment, and appeared at the table that belonged to them.

The entire card table was motionless.

The game has become a reality, and there is no possibility of regret.

The God of Plague roared, and terrible wounds gradually appeared on his body.

Tzeentch's smile grew stronger. He looked at the last card in his hand.

——It was a giant sword burning with infinite golden flames.

And behind the Lord of Destiny.

In that place that was not discovered by any great being, He held thousands of hands behind his back, and each palm took out a thick stack of cards.

He has too many cards.

It can't be finished, it can't be finished at all.

He has nine ways to win this game, nine ways!

"Everything is according to plan." The Lord of Destiny smiled proudly.


Time in the supreme heaven is disorderly and chaotic, without any rules at all.

While the game of the gods is on.

The war in God's heavenly garden is also going on.

In that incomprehensible dimension, the battle between the Plague God and the Emperor of Mankind has come to an end.

High in the sky, the thick plague miasma gradually dissipated.

Nurgle's power retreated into his eternal home.

Robert Guilliman, floating high in the sky, also opened his eyes at this moment, and infinite light bloomed from his eyes.

"The time for revenge is now! God of Plague, the oldest of the dark gods, the evil deeds you have done are about to be reckoned with!"

Guilliman roared angrily, and the light condensed on him became more and more dazzling, like a star, enough to make a mortal blind instantly.

He seemed to be gathering strength.

It's like the final judgment is going on.

"It's impossible what should I do? Shouldn't they all be dead? Why is this happening?" Mortarion was murmuring in the Garden Jungle.

He constantly turned to the great art of "numerology" and followed the guidance of this art to carry out his great plans.

There was never any hesitation.

But at this moment, he hesitated.

No matter how he calculated, this great art was telling him that this was the moment of his true liberation.

The final link in his great plan.

For countless years, he had been looking forward to this moment, when he would be able to escape from his predicament and overthrow the tyrant above his head. From now on, he would no longer be under any control.

But when this moment really comes,

Mortarion hesitated, he recoiled, he feared.

In the palm that Nurgle slapped at Duker before, he saw what kind of power a loving father had.

He couldn't imagine the price he would pay if his great plan failed.

He also saw what kind of power his former brother, now the Lord of Destruction, wielded.

That is the supreme power after awakening to one's own essence. It is a power that no existence can compete with except the dark gods.

"Even if the plan succeeds, I will still face the pursuit of my blood relatives."

This also frightened him, Mortarion thought uneasily, feeling that he was now in a dilemma.

Just like he did in the past, he carried out his plan with great satisfaction every time, but at the most critical moment he stalled.

Mortarion has thousands of reasons to declare his indomitable will to the outside world, but he can never deceive his own scarred heart.

At this moment, he would rather do nothing than make a mistake.

If no one gives him a push.

His steps forward will stop forever.

But this time, Mortarion didn't have much time to stay.

It took only a moment for the force to move him to come.


Suddenly, the creak of the door opening came from Nurgle's ancient house, faint but full of ominous omens.

The door to the eternal mansion of the Plague God has never been opened before.

Mortarion turned around very, very slowly and looked at the house. A small window opened from the gable wall, revealing dark pupils that were deeper than the dark forest.

"Forgive me, dear father." Mortarion said timidly.

Guilliman's eyes also looked over at this moment, with terrifying penetrating power, as if he could see through the entire world at a glance.

The eyes that were like the center of the Milky Way, shining like millions of stars, were staring at the intimidating black eternal mansion.

"You are a traitor, Mortarion." Guilliman spoke, but his voice did not sound like his own. He was speaking on behalf of some great being.

"You are good at destroying everything that could have been done with your own hands. You are just a victim like a monster. Mortarion, maybe one day you can be saved, but until then, you have to return to your own choice. Master."


Mortarion yelled, but it was too late.

A force stretched out towards him, like an owner pulling on a dog's chain, and pulled hard!

Suddenly, his penis flew towards his back, and he felt a burst of extreme fear.

At the same time, he also felt extremely angry.

"No one can control me." Mortarion said. At first, the voice was very soft, but as he continued to repeat it, the voice continued to echo in the garden like a magic spell.

"No one can control me!" Mortarion repeated angrily, "No one!"

He took out a glowing light ball, and this time, he swallowed it without any hesitation.

This was the elixir he sought from the Goddess of Life, enough to temporarily break Nurgle's chains of decay.

In his roar, there was a harsh breaking sound in the void, as if an invisible chain was completely cut off at this moment.

Mortarion's figure also fell down before flying into the open door.

"Forgive me, loving father!"

In his almost crazy voice, the Lord of Death picked up his Silent Scythe and waved it vigorously.

The sharp scythe cut through the poisonous gas in the garden, and finally penetrated deeply into the ground of the garden, the earth of flesh and blood belonging to the God of Plague.

The ground of the Endless Garden was shaking crazily at this moment. In this garden, in front of the residence of the God of Plague, a huge crack was torn out.

Endless dark breath spurted out, killing everything in Mortarion in just an instant. His whole body was dying, and his armor, flesh, weapons, and essence... everything was suffering.

But in this dark death, he took control of new power, a power that belonged to him.

His skin and flesh were festered and his bones were rotten, but he still clenched his teeth, his eyes overflowing with rich darkness, and he roared ferociously, as if to declare his new life,

"I am Mortarion, the Lord of Death! I am the embodiment of death, and I am an unyielding rebel. I swear to completely overthrow all tyrants in the galaxy, and my scythe will harvest the blood of all dictators!"

With his roar,


A harsh cracking sound resounded in the void of Nurgle's heaven.

Death, decay, and rebirth, the threefold cycle that envelops all living things, the eternal and unchanging supreme power of the God of Plague, now shows signs of fragmentation.

Among them, representing the death corner, there were obvious scratches from the sickle blade.

At this moment, Nurgle's wounds were even more severe than those the Emperor had inflicted on him.

"Well done, bro!"

Duker, who had led the army all the way, saw this shocking scene just in time.

He laughed unbridled,

As he laughed, the black mist of death that Mortarion raised thickened, and the Gardens of Nurgle fell apart.

This mysterious paradise is like a leaked ball at the moment. It is constantly leaking and shriveling as the black mist of death overflows.

And Duker also raised the weapon in his hand while laughing,

"But that's it for you, brother."

Without any hesitation, he charged at Mortarion.

The Lord of Death snatched part of the power of death from Nurgle's garden.

But this does not mean that these powers of death belong to Mortarion.

As long as Duker kills the opponent at this moment, then all the power of authority will belong to him.

He once again raised his heart to plunder.

Dukel didn't feel any psychological pressure about killing Mortarion.

But when he charged.


Every plant in the garden oozes anger like thunder.

After seeing Dukel snatching away the goddess of life, he rushed towards Mortarion snatching the power of death.

This loving father who had a heart of love for all living things was completely unable to restrain his anger at this moment.

From the beginning of His birth until now, Nurgle has never been so angry.

Nurgle was furious.

But He could do nothing.

Because the golden light that made him feel extremely disgusted shone again.

Guilliman shined in the air. He had completed charging up his power. His eyes, surging with golden light, took a deep look at Duker and Mortarion.

Then he shouted angrily at Nurgle,

"God of Plagues, listen!" Guilliman's voice roared through eternity, and the fire on the sword grew stronger and stronger, until the fire seemed to burn out time.

"I am Robert Guilliman, loyal heir to the Emperor of Terra. Lord of Plagues, you deserve not to die today, but know that I remember you. I will come back for you, and you will burn. All gone!”

He grasped the Emperor's Sword in both hands and raised it high. A rising wave of fire swept through the garden.

"Wait, old man, don't!" Dukel quickly raised his head and shouted.

He was still some distance away from Mortarion, and once the Emperor exerted his power, everything would be burned and they would all be expelled from the Garden.

Once he left the blockade of the Garden, finding Mortarion would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

“No time”

A sacred voice suddenly appeared in Duker's mind.

Then he heard angry shouts coming from Nurgle's mansion, and a wave of fire hotter than a million suns devoured everything in its path.

The entire garden was almost burned to the ground at this moment, turning everything into pure nothingness, not even ashes left.

The trace of the fire finally stopped in front of the door of the Eternal Mansion. But even so, the endless-looking hall of the house was still shaking violently, moss-covered tiles kept falling from the roof, and the soaked wood emitted foul-smelling steam.

"This is a warning. The Warp is in balance with the physical universe. But for so long you have been tipping that balance, but understand that it is not just the Warp that can move forward. This realm is not real, only will. It’s true. And there is no one in this realm that can overcome my will!”

"Remember, Plague Lord, and bring this news to your brothers, I am not speaking for myself." Guilliman waved the flaming sword in his hand, his voice magnificent,

"I am speaking for the Emperor of Mankind!"

With his voice,

Everything here is falling, Durkor and the goddess of life on his shoulders, the Imperial Legion, Guilliman, and even Mortarion, they keep going down, keep going down, until their figures are far away from Nurgle of heaven.

Everyone's faces showed a little confusion, as if everything that happened in the garden before was a fantasy dream.

But what they did and the significant impact it caused told everyone that everything was true.

Southwest of Chaos Realm.

On this day, the supreme heaven belonging to Nurgle shrank by nearly one-third.

The eldest among the dark gods ushered in his triple defeat.

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