Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 136 136, Watch out, Nurgle. This is how the goddess of life is used! (big chapter)

At the core of Nurgle's Garden, there is the richest and most prosperous beauty in the highest heaven, and the tranquility of eternal stasis. But at this moment, the bright golden light belonging to the emperor was like an indestructible spear, piercing the tranquility of the garden, competing with the thick poisonous clouds in the sickly sky.

Two transcendent beings faced each other in an indescribable dimension, engaging in an incomprehensible battle.

High in the sky at the heart of the garden, an equally dangerous but visually more intense war was going on.

Without even needing to command, the imperial fleet led by Duker entered a state of full firepower. The high-temperature melt laser with cutting properties poured over the garden like a downpour covering the world.

These scorching rays of light pierced the plague fog in the garden, making a sizzling stench. Tens of millions of lasers cut everything here at extremely fast frequencies.

The dazzling light flashes all the time, making it impossible to see clearly with the naked eye.

Walking side by side with these lasers are macro cannons hundreds of meters in diameter and equally dense. With a whistling sound, they hit the ground of the garden heavily, causing the ground to collapse like a tsunami in the ocean, like a heavy punch that destroyed the world.

As soon as the flames of the white phosphorus incendiary bombs gathered, they were scattered by the aftermath of the world-destroying cyclone torpedo.

In this infinitely vast kingdom of gods, everything in the garden is being devastated by mortal firearms, and is reduced to ashes in the anger of mortals.

In just an instant, the fire of war escalated infinitely until it reached a white-hot state.

"Your Majesty the Emperor!"

Dukel roared angrily, pointing his finger to the sky, to Guilliman, to the golden light behind the giant,

"Everything is destroyed!"

"Kill!" His fighting spirit burned everything around him, and his courage kept colliding in the plague air. Amidst the war cry, he led the ground troops and rushed towards the garden that had been baptized by artillery fire.

"Charge and kill! In the name of the Emperor, everything is destroyed, everything is allowed, just for this moment, just this moment of glory!"

Dukel shouted, and the singing chainsword in his hand danced with his figure, shuttled across the battlefield at a speed that even the Space Marines could not see clearly, and blood and flesh flew everywhere in his path.

His essence is constantly liberated in the killing, and his body becomes taller and taller. The red flame stirs everything around him.

This is the core area of ​​the Plague God, and the process of wreaking havoc here will also produce corresponding results in the physical universe.

In the physical universe, countless deadly plagues have disappeared inexplicably.

One by one, suffering from terminal illnesses, they suddenly sat up from their beds.

When someone asked why these terminally ill patients recovered without treatment, the answers they gave were miraculously unified.

——In their dreams, a majestic giant laughed wildly and chased filth like a flock of sheep; and burned away the stubborn diseases in their bodies with red flames.


Duker laughed wildly, enjoying the carnival to the fullest. In the garden of God, he unscrupulously ravaged God's believers and chopped and killed everything in front of him.

Plague Apostle? kill!

He had stretched his body beyond the mountains and ran forward. The plague apostle who sounded the dirge was instantly trampled by his giant steel feet and became a dye smeared on the flesh and blood earth.

Plague Lord? kill!

He walked straight forward, completely ignoring the hill-like Plague Lord that stood in front of him. The huge body carried unstoppable power and instantly smashed the Plague Lord into pieces of rancid flesh.

The Great Unclean One? kill!

A Great Unclean One, as tall as a mountain, blocked his path. Dukel's charging footsteps became more and more rapid. He was in front of the opponent in an instant, grabbed the opponent's fat and ugly head, and inflicted a series of blows on him. heavy punch.

At this moment, the power glove exerted enough power to destroy the world. In the violent and intensive punches, the Great Unclean One was like a boat in a heavy rain. He had no power to fight back and could only endure it.

One punch. Two punches. Three punches.

The heavy punches continued to hit the Great Unclean One's head until the opponent's head exploded like a watermelon, and the fat body was completely eroded.

Eldar? kill!

The next target appeared in Duker's field of vision, and he knocked the Eldar in front of him to the ground with one punch.

At this moment, all the Eldar races in the universe, no matter where they were, fell to the ground, wailing, as if they had suddenly received a heavy punch.

Seeing that the seemingly weak alien could withstand one of his punches, Duker's eyes became more murderous. He stepped forward, raised his steel giant foot, and was about to crush the opponent's spine with one kick.

Just as he was about to do so,

"Wait brother, this is not a demon! This is the Eldar!!!" Magnus, who was hanging on his waist, suddenly screamed, setting off a burst of thunder surrounding him.

"Father, please calm down!"

After Doom saw this, he reached out and grabbed the scarlet cloak of the original body with all his strength.

"Your Highness, this is not our enemy!"

Saint Efilar, who showed the posture of a living saint, also vibrated tens of meters of flame wings at this moment, streaking across the battlefield like a fireball, and stopped in front of the original body.

Compared to Dukel, who was able to stand shoulder to shoulder on the top of the mountains, Efilar, who was less than two meters tall, looked like a butterfly emitting firelight. But despite this, she still stretched out her delicate arms and desperately pressed them against the original body's forehead.

After being subjected to so many obstacles and with violent murderous intent in his eyes, Dukel showed a bit of confusion at this moment.

"What about the alien?"

His angry breath gathered into two rising flames, his charging body paused, and he asked in a thunderous voice.

"Your Highness, please take a closer look at her. She may be the person you said before the war started."

After hearing Efilar's reminder, the rising flames around him calmed down a lot, and Duker looked over carefully. He saw a slender and tall Eldar woman dressed in light veil lying in an inelegant posture on the fleshy earth of Nurgle's Garden.

Of course, this slender figure is only compared to his own. In fact, the opponent's figure is not much inferior to him, and the energy in his body is equally vast. He is a being far beyond ordinary people.

"Goddess of the Eldar? Aisha?" Duker called in a low voice. Only then did he recall the existence of the goddess of life.

But the other party didn't respond - after his previous punch, the Eldar had been knocked unconscious.

Duker leaned over and turned the other person over, revealing his face.

After seeing that conceptually beautiful face with all the beauty of life,

Good guy, it’s really her.

Duker thought in his mind that even if he had never met the other party, he could basically confirm the other party's identity through this face.

At the same time, there was some confusion on his face - shouldn't the Goddess of Life be in the deepest part of Nurgle's Garden? How could he suddenly run out and accurately block his charge?

What is the difference between this and stopping in front of a dump truck traveling at full speed?

I simply don’t know how to live or die!

After seeing the goddess of life, she completely fainted and lost the ability to move.

Without thinking, Duker roughly lifted the alien onto his shoulders.

"Continue our journey and continue the charge!!!"

Dukel carried the goddess of life and let out a war cry, and the red flames rolled up again.

But just when he was about to charge again.


The entire realm of Nurgle began to tremble violently, the sky collapsed, the earth agitated, and an unspeakable anger manifested throughout the garden.

Trees and swamps, earth and sky, everything is building their master's fury in this infinite realm.

The next moment, the endlessly dense demons in the garden quickly dispersed like a tide.

The Plague Ark, which was entangled with the imperial fleet in the sky, all retreated at this moment, and in the blink of an eye they turned into black spots in the sickly sky.

When the last Nurgle Demon disappeared without a trace, the Imperial soldiers froze on the spot, showing a bit of confusion.

"Is this over?"

Some people looked at the empty garden in a daze.

"Damn it, can a demon escape?!" Someone yelled unwillingly, and the celebration in the garden came to an abrupt end as if the stop button was suddenly pressed, so that the guests were not happy.

"Win! Another victory! Under the command of the Warmaster, we once again expand our territory!"

The Blood Angel's Dreadnought mechs frantically planted the Imperial flag at the heart of Nurgle's Garden.

Dante looked at this scene helplessly, just when he wanted to say something.


As if the sky was collapsing, a terrifying sound suddenly resounded. Between the sky and the earth in this garden, the sound was so loud that it was simply shocking.

The next second, the entire sky suddenly darkened.

It was as if the day suddenly turned into a gloomy night.

Everyone in the Imperial Legion looked up unconsciously.

The next second, everyone's mouths opened wide, their eyes widened in horror, their bodies couldn't stop shaking, and their breathing almost stopped.

A hand that covered the sky and sun, as if it were boundless, blocked everything in their field of vision.

The sickly sky was suddenly oppressed, and the boundless thick fog of plague was instantly crushed.

The huge, stinky, rotten fingers were like countless planets connected together. Even though they were separated by countless dimensions, everyone could still see clearly that they were covered with countless densely packed plague cysts, and the traces of festering and corruption were clearly visible.

"Nana. Na."


"Duker yes yes yes Nurgle."

Magnus, who was hanging on his waist, saw this scene clearly. As the original body, he seemed to have seen an incredible sight and stammered.

There was also extreme despair in his voice.

Dukel's body, which was as big as the mountains, was like an ant under this big hand, and his huge head looked towards the sick sky.

His millions of eyes opened at the same time, and he could clearly see that when this big hand fell, in the mysterious latitude, the two supreme beings who were originally evenly matched with each other instantly broke the deadlock - as if they had caught a gap, The golden light pierced the poisonous sac of the plague like a sharp sword.

He could even hear the sound of bloodshed coming from the unknown place.

That's why he was even more horrified,

"Is Nurgle crazy? Even if he is stabbed by the Emperor, he still wants to slap me?!"

He showed an incredulous look, unable to think of the reason why the other party did this.

"I'm sorry, my son."

At this moment, a solemn voice full of divinity appeared in Duker's mind with an extremely abstract concept.

And in this message, the original body was also relieved of the doubts in his heart in an instant.

He looked at the goddess of life who was being carried on his shoulders.

"It turns out it's for women."

Dukel sneered disdainfully.

He had not expected that snatching the goddess of life would make Nurgle lose his composure.

The Plague God was desperate to stop him from snatching and to take back the goddess of life.

For this, he even did not hesitate to be stabbed by the Emperor.

However, considering that Nurgle had challenged Slaanesh for the goddess of life, Dukor felt that all this was inexplicably reasonable.

At this time, there were thousands of voices in his mind apologizing to him. That was the voice of the Emperor. This attack had already left the place where the gods were fighting. Even the Emperor could not block the wrath of the Plague God for the Primarch in time.

And the attack of the true god, even if it was a casual attack in the battle, was not something that a demigod could contend with!

"God? Just a dog." Dukor's fighting spirit was not extinguished because of this. Although he did not have the power to contend with the true god, it did not prevent him from curling up his mouth with disdain.

"Grandfather, forgive me. Please forgive me"

In the hidden jungle of Nurgle's garden, Mortarion knelt on the ground.

Witnessing Nurgle's rage, he kept begging for forgiveness like a child caught making a mistake.

"Hahaha, it turns out that gods can also be angry." In the Empire's legion, some soldiers laughed as they witnessed the miracle in the sky.

"Die in glory, may we meet again under the throne."

"I have a question that I have been holding back for a long time. Which bastard stole the cans I stole from the Son of the People?!"

"It's me, what's wrong? The cans taste really good."

"It turned out to be you, bastard! We are brothers from the same hometown, how could you do this?!"

"Yes, we are from the same hometown, we are as close as brothers. I can safely give my life to you on the battlefield, but cans are absolutely not allowed!"

"Damn bastard! I will duel with you under the throne!"

"Hahaha, okay, when we return there, right in front of His Majesty, I promise to beat you to a pulp! Crybaby!"

In the despair of the end of the world, the soldiers of the Empire's legion walked side by side with their fighting brothers. They gathered around Dukel from all directions, and everyone had no regrets on their faces, and they all looked calm, as if they were not facing a dead end, but a pleasant journey.

"Your Highness." Efilar came to the Primarch holding the Eagle Banner of Destiny, and said gently,

"Your Highness, we are not afraid, death is our duty. But you can't be lost here, you are the pillar of the empire, the leader of the warriors, and the hope of the empire."

She handed the Eagle Banner of Destiny to Dukel, "In the dirty domain of Nurgle, the think tanks cannot open the teleport. But I tried, and only your flag can open a passage to leave here. This passage is not stable, and it can only accommodate your strength to pass through."

"Your Highness, we will escort you away for the last time."

Efilar took a gentle smile and looked at the master she served with some nostalgia. After saying this, her wings of dozens of meters waved again, and her whole body burned with scorching flames.

The flames burned fiercely, as if to burn out the energy of every cell in her body.

She flew above the nuns, raised her arms and shouted,

"Burn, sisters! Let us sing one last song."

"For the Empire, for the glorious Lord of Destruction!"

"For the Empire! For the glorious Lord of Destruction!"

"For the Empire! For the glorious Lord of Destruction!"

At this moment, all the nuns who joined the Heart Network burned their blessings to the extreme, and they lit up the sky-high flames together.

The pious and pleasant singing drifted out from the flames, making the soldiers of the Empire couldn't help humming.

Unfortunately, the singing did not last too long.

Dukel's mountain-like body moved. He reached out and held the saint flying in the sky in his palm, and extinguished the flames lit by the nuns.

"Your Highness, why is this?!" Efilar knelt on one knee in his palm and asked in panic. The ceremony was interrupted and the last escape route was cut off. This made her face anxious and tears slid down the corners of her eyes.

"My girl, when can you command me?!"

Duker taught.

"But, Your Highness"

"He won't leave. He has made a decision and cannot change it." Magnus said dully, "Brother, I will be killed by you."

His huge single eye looked up at the sky, at the shocking palm that was pressing down from the sky at a rapid speed, and his face was ashen.

The end of the plague has arrived.

"It's your honor, brother."

Duker's mouth curled up a smile, and he also looked up at the sky, the light in his eyes was almost crazy.

One, two, three.

Duker counted silently in his heart, and with the numbers in his heart, he became more and more crazy. As he continued to count, his essence was boiling, everything around him was burning, and the red flames all over his body suddenly surged.


When he counted to this point, the void was trembling, as if countless invisible shackles were instantly broken, and the accumulated flames spread out, reaching the end of the sight for an unknown distance of tens of thousands of miles.


The divine power was like a prison, like a plague hell-like palm, descending faster and faster.

A suffocating sense of oppression arrived instantly.

Before the God of Plague's hand actually touched it, the entire garden had already begun to boil. Like boiling hot water, countless bubbles continued to rise, and a large amount of fine rotten smell rose high into the sky.

The distance is getting closer and closer, and the speed of the palm's descent is getting faster and faster.

Duker could even see clearly the worms writhing on the surface of the rotten palm.

70 million meters

seven million meters

seven hundred thousand meters

Dukel's majestic body stood like a mountain top in the center of the world.

Seventy thousand meters.

The palms are getting closer and closer.

"Get up!" In an instant, a crazy sound like thunder burst out from Duker's mouth, and his hands were raised instantly.


The huge palm fell instantly, pressed down, and collided with Duker's hands.

The power that was so terrifying that it couldn't be shaken even a little bit swept through the whole body along the palm of his hand.

Thousands of deadly plagues combined into vicious vines and spread towards his body.

The majestic demigod's body suddenly cracked, and countless cracks covered the whole body like spider webs.

Red flames that were as thick as liquid flowed out of these cracks like blood.

Duker's knees buckled under the pressure for just a moment.

But he did not give in. His eyes were blood red with endless madness.

The violent sounds kept coming from his throat, like a series of thunders, exploding one after another in the sky that mortals could not see directly.

Dukel roared, unleashing all his strength and exerting all his strength.

Gritting his teeth.

"Hold on. My son, hold on."

In his mind, thousands of crazy voices were calling for his consciousness.

At this moment, Duker suddenly withdrew his hands and waved his fists one after another. He wanted to fight back!

Until the oppressive palm is crushed, or until he dies!

His hands shattered into pieces, and his flesh and bones were corrupted and turned into broken powder.

With his hands gone, he used flames to condense more arms to carry his anger.

Countless arms, countless punches, just like his endless rage,

“Fuck me, go to hell!!!”

Boom boom boom! ——

It was like God beating His war drums, the drums beating continuously.

If you can't beat the opponent with one punch, then use a hundred punches, a thousand punches, or ten thousand punches!

Finally, the huge palm stopped falling.

It suddenly exploded high in the sky, turning into a dense poisonous mist that engulfed the original body.

"Has our master won?"

"He really took it."

The shouts of countless people resounded throughout the world in an instant. Countless people raised their heads and looked nervously at the poisonous and thick fog.

My heart was deeply shocked.

Dukel's voice also turned into a hoarse and crazy roar at this moment, and spread, "Watch the God of Plague!"

As his voice came out, everything in this world, whether it was demons or humans, was trembling.

Countless emotions are bursting out in the soul.

The rotten hearts of the demons were shaking.

The eyes of the Imperial soldiers turned red.

The red flames burst out from the thick miasma of the plague, purifying all the poisonous mist of the plague in the blink of an eye.

Even from a long distance away, mortals could see extremely clearly that Duker's arms were shattered, and every one of the expanding cracks on his towering body was shocking.

"Ha ha ha ha!--"

But even after suffering such severe trauma, this majestic figure like a god was still laughing wildly.

The burning desire to fight has not been extinguished, and the flame is still burning.

Countless imperial soldiers ran over, and they gathered at the feet of the demigod, looking at this tall figure.

"Nurgle, the god of plague, master of seven and three." At this time, Dukel's voice sounded again,

Along with his voice, like a miracle, his severely injured body recovered quickly in the fire at a speed visible to the naked eye. His broken arms grew again, and his bones, tendons, blood vessels, and flesh...

"Look well and study hard"

The imperial soldiers watched all this happen in admiration, watching the miracle appear in front of them. Then they saw their master raising a big hand above his head,

In the light and shadow of the flames, a comatose Spirit Race woman wearing a gauze fell into his palm.

"The goddess of life, this is how it works!"

Duker looked at the poisonous miasma high in the sky with disdain, and suddenly clenched his huge palms hard.

——Magnetic field rotation·life absorption!

After restoring his arms and having more direct contact, his life-draining ability can be maximized.

Even the deepest scars on his body are closing quickly at this moment. The Goddess of Life is like the best blood bag in the universe at this moment. In fact, if it weren't for her existence, even Dukel wouldn't be able to survive the wrath of the Plague God.

This moment was like going back in time, as if all the hurt he had suffered had never existed.


Amid the loss of a large amount of vitality, even the Goddess of Life groaned in obvious discomfort.


At this moment, everything in the garden was furious, and the jungle and swamps made terrible screams.

High in the sky, the poisonous plague twisted, and vicious roars came from it.

The emperor's gaze also came over. He looked deeply at Duker, and then the dazzling golden light shone again.

This time, the golden light covered the world, no longer giving the God of Plague any chance to vent his anger.

"God of Plague, it seems you failed to defeat me."

Dukel held high the Destiny Eagle battle flag in his hand, and the cloak behind him was billowing like a sea of ​​blood. He was full of fighting spirit, and his laughter was high-spirited.

"I am the second son of the Emperor, the eternal flame of the Holy Empire, a traveler in the land of original truth, and the wheel of eternity! I will carry out mankind's pioneering and enterprising spirit, always. As long as I exist, the Empire will expand its territory. My courage will never be exhausted. When I leave, my will to enterprising will not be cut off.”

He looked at the Imperial Legion, "Children, let us plant the flag of the Empire all over the heaven of Nurgle!"

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