"Don't worry, whoever wants to touch her must first see if he can survive Lie Kongsi's finishing touch and split with Palkia's Yakong!" Tianlin promised earnestly.

"Very good, then it's decided, N, what else do you have to say?" Tou Zi nodded with satisfaction and looked at N again.

N had to say, "What else can I say? Forget it, just follow if you want!"

Seeing that this guy couldn't get rid of Tou Zi, his tone became more relaxed. Although he was [-]% helpless, he also contained [-]% joy. He actually didn't want to be separated from Tou Zi.

Afterwards, after a reluctance to say goodbye to Yayi, the two of them left Leiwen Town first. On the other side, Tianlin and Xiaozhi also rushed to Leiwen City.

They are also ready to capture the fourth badge.

The two sides chose different paths, Xiaozhi and the others took the road, while Tianlin was going to take Yayi through the forest.

Everyone else went down a different path, and of course, they all ended up the same, competing in the United League.

Among them, Bai Lu left angrily. She was very dissatisfied with Tianlin's partiality. She was also a rookie trainer. She wanted to travel with Tianlin and still had to make a request. On the other hand, Yayi didn't say anything, and Tianlin invited her. .

This double standard is too obvious.

In fact, Bai Lu was completely misunderstood. The reason why Tianlin cares about Yayi so much is because she sees her ability to reconcile the contradiction between ideal and reality in the future, and hopes to protect and take care of her.

It's a pity that Bai Lu ran away without giving Tianlin a chance to explain. It seems that this guy's impulsive personality can't be changed. Fortunately, her strength is not bad. Even if she travels alone, she can take care of herself. Lin was not too worried about her.

Soon, the bustling Pokémon Center became only Tian Lin and Ya Yi. Tian Lin put on his backpack and smiled at Ya Yi, "Let's go too, Ya Yi, I'll take you away. All over the crowd!"

"Well, please give me more advice in the future, Brother Tianlin!"

----Dividing line

Two days later, Tian Lin and Ya Yi had left Raven Town.

"Yi, over this mountain, we can reach Raven City." Tian Lin looked at the map and seemed very happy. It is true that this trip to Raven City is a little long. Ain Dook The Harvest Ceremony and the Battle Conference in Raven Town took a lot of time.

"Well, Brother Tianlin, it's very late today. Let's rest at the foot of the mountain for the night. It's very dangerous to cross the mountain road at night." Ya Yi suggested gently.

"Okay, you are tired too, you can rest well later, leave the tent dinner to me." Tian Lin touched the baotou of Yayi's (aiea) with a smile.

"It's okay, I can help too." Yayi is not as clueless as an ordinary newcomer. On the contrary, she has strong hands-on ability and is very serious in her work.

Tian Lin understood the reason why Tou Zi, N and Tou also loved her so much. After all, this little girl was so cute, cute and obedient, and Tian Lin couldn't help but love her like a little sister.

In the evening, after dinner, the two sat by the bonfire and chatted about their past travels.

"Wow, four consecutive league champions, so Tianlin brother, you are so amazing." After hearing Tianlin's brilliant record, Yayi's eyes were full of little stars.

You must know that Tou Ye, who she originally admired the most, had only won the league championship once. The reason why Tou Ye was so famous was actually because he was the second disciple of Adek.

Moreover, Adek had certified it before, and the current strength of Tou Ye was probably enough to match his eldest disciple.

Adek's eldest disciple, but one of the four heavenly kings of the United Congregation today, the fighting king Lianwu.

Looking at this cute girl with such admiration, Tian Lin couldn't help but feel a little proud, and changed his humble style before saying, "Of course, not only that, my journey will continue until I become the world's No. [-] treasure. The position of Master Dream."

"Well, I believe in you, I can feel that you are stronger than Brother Tou Ye and Sister Tou Zi." Ya Yi nodded earnestly, this is recognition of Tian Lin's ideal, but with her face, not only can you not feel it Serious, but all kinds of cute!

Tianlin laughed and said, "Thanks for the good words, yes, Yayi, your hometown is Cypress City, right? How can you be so familiar with Touya Toko from Luzi Town?"

"We met through brother Heilian. Brother Heilian is our upcoming gym trainer in Cypress City. He was also born in Luzi Town, and he was childhood sweetheart with brother Touye. When they sent brother Heilian to take office. , and I became friends with them."

As Mei recalled, she took out a Poké Ball, "My Ivy Snake is the original Pokémon they gave me."

"Heilian! It turned out to be him." Tian Lin naturally knew this person, and he was considered a celebrity, whether in his past or present life.

In his previous life, he was the main enemy of the game's protagonist, and later became a gym trainer.

In this life, he is the No. [-] person from Luzi Town, and he debuted at the same time as Tou Zitu. Although he is not as stunning as the two, he can be regarded as a very good trainer, at least not as a gym owner. question.

"Hezhong Luzi Town is really a good place for talents!" Tian Lin lay down on the lawn and looked up at the starry sky, "With this Heilian, Luzi Town also has a three-star rating, which is enough to be really new to us. The tribunal of the town of Samsung has resisted.".

The first thousand one hundred and twenty-eight chapters battle the tundra bears

The night passed, and in the early morning of the second day, Tian Lin and Ya Yi packed up their luggage and set off again.

The two chatted a lot last night, and Tianlin also learned more about Yayi's new partner. The Pokémon currently owned by Yayi, in addition to the ivy snake and the cold water monkey, there is also a goth baby. Three, she is still in confusion. Born in Hezhong, her parents and friends all hope that she will become an excellent trainer.

But Mei herself doesn't have such a big desire to fight. It's not that she doesn't like fighting at all, but she can see that her strength is not weak among rookie trainers.However, she still hopes to find her true dream and work hard for it.

Tianlin warned her that there is no need to worry about this. It is normal for a rookie trainer to be confused at the beginning. She is still young, and she can travel and find her way in the future. There are time opportunities.

Mei Yi also agrees with Tian Lin's proposal, she will definitely find what she really wants to do.

With longing for the future, the two stepped into the mountain ahead.

Unexpectedly, this time, the two encountered trouble.

"Brother Tianlin, this road is really difficult, my socks are dirty!"

Yayi couldn't stop complaining that for some unknown reason, the mountain was full of potholes, the mountain road was dilapidated, and there were fallen trees and trunks everywhere. The ground was also very muddy, and it was a mess.

"There must have been a torrential rain here a few days ago, Ya Yi, take my clothes and follow me closely." Tian Lin said back.

"Okay!" Ya Yi obediently pulled Tianlin's sleeve, not daring to stay away from him.

Seeing this, Tian Lin smiled, which was much more sensible than Bai Lu.

After walking for a while, the two suddenly found something that seemed to exist in a pile of broken wood.

A sneeze bear was crushed under the broken wood. Judging from its size, it was probably a newborn child.

The sneeze bear is the form of the tundra bear before it evolved. This group of evolution chains is somewhat similar to the bear baby circle bear. It was cute before evolution, but it is very violent after evolution.

"Brother Tianlin, this sneeze bear seems to be seriously injured, we can't ignore it!" Ya Yi hurried forward to pick it up, and found that it was very bad, with a lot of trauma and unconsciousness. The most troublesome thing was that its snot Almost melted into water.

The sneezebear's snot is like the flame on the tail of a small fire dragon, both its source of strength and a checklist for its health.

A healthy sneeze bear will have a very sticky nose, no matter how big it is, it will not fall, and it will emit a strong low temperature of ice-type Pokémon.

But the sneeze bear at this time is just the opposite. From the body to the nose, it is like ice cubes that are about to melt. The situation is very bad.

"It's really bad, I have to treat it quickly. I have a wound medicine, which can treat its trauma, Ya Yi, I remember that you have tree fruit. Grind it into tree juice and give it to it." Tian Lin He and Mei immediately split up and acted.

Tianlin first used the wound medicine spray to simply treat and bandage the injuries all over Sneezy Bear's body. After everything was completed, Yayi also came over with the prepared tree juice.

After Sneeze Bear took the tree juice, his expression improved significantly, and his body temperature began to drop, which is definitely a good sign for ice-type Pokémon.

Gradually, the sneeze bear also slowly woke up. At this moment, a few tundra bears suddenly came out from the grass on the side and surrounded the two of them.

"It's a tundra bear, that's great, you must be Sneeze Bear's companions, we've already treated the sneeze bear's injury, you can take it back and take good care of it!" Ya Yi walked over happily, wanting to Return the sneeze bear to them.

But these tundra bears all looked at Ya Yi viciously, and even to the sneeze bear in her arms, they didn't show any kindness.

"This situation is not right, Yayi, come back!" Tianlin realized that there was a problem, and quickly pulled Yayi back behind him. At this time, one of the tundra bears just sprayed out a blast of freezing wind, knocking Yayi where she was standing. It was frozen into a piece of ice, and Tianlin looked at the tundra bears alertly, "It seems that you and this sneeze bear are not from the same ethnic group. What do you want to do when you suddenly attack?"

Seeing that the tundra bear could not succeed in a single blow, he immediately gathered into a ball, and at the same time spewed out a freezing wind attack.

"If you don't agree, you will fight. Your temper is even more irritable than the circle bear. Damo Baboon, use brute force!" Tianlin released the Dharma Baboon. bring.

Dharma Baboon withstood the cold wind and charged at one of the tundra bears with all-out punch, and the huge force directly knocked it out.

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The other few tried to catch them, but when they held up the Tundra Bear's back, they were all shaken away by the huge remnants of brute force.

If the gorilla pays attention to the headband, the Dharma baboon can always burst out with power far beyond the limit of its current level.

"Are you still coming?" Tian Lin challenged with a smile.

The tundra bears looked at each other for a while, and finally made the same decision. If they couldn't fight, they would run away, so these guys quickly disappeared.

These guys looked at the five big and three rough, fierce and vicious, and they escaped faster than anyone else.

"You two, are you okay?" A middle-aged man in green came running after the tundra bears were driven away, "I'm the security guard of this forest, Kurif."

...... 0

"Mr. Kurif, hello, I'm the Alliance Inspector, Tian Lin, this is my companion Ya Yi, do you know what happened to these tundra bears, why are they attacking us?" Tian Lin stepped forward and asked.

Kurif shook his head and said, "They didn't want to attack you, but this sneeze bear."

"Why, aren't they all the same kind of Pokémon?" Ya Yi wondered, this kind of behavior of beating her own people was really hard for her to understand.

"Actually, although they are all Pokémon in the same evolutionary chain, they belong to different groups. In this mountain range, there are two places inhabited by tundra bear groups, one near the top of the mountain and the other at the foot of the mountain. "

"This sneeze bear should belong to the mountaintop group. It must have been separated from its own group because of the storm two days ago. The one who just attacked you was from the foothills group."

"One thing I'm curious about is that these two ethnic groups usually don't make water from wells, so why are they suddenly hostile?" Mr. Culiff seemed to want to investigate the truth of the matter.

"There is nothing more than one reason for the inexplicable hostility. The competition for resources. I think something happened on the mountain or down the mountain. Please let me help in the investigation. It just so happens that I also want to return this child to the tundra bears on the mountain. ." Tian Lin suggested.

"Okay, please come with me." Kurif didn't hesitate, and took the initiative to lead the way. Watching Tianlin's performance in defeating the tundra bear, he knew that Tianlin was an excellent trainer.

Coupled with his identity as a search officer, he could not ask for the help of such a person.

Chapter [-] Arrives in Raven City

In order to find out the truth about the hostility of the tundra bear clan, Tianlin and Yayi followed Kurif up the mountain.

When they came to the territory of the tundra bear tribe on the top of the mountain, several people realized that the storm a few days ago was so strong that all the trees here collapsed and the fruit was rotten.

This caused an extreme lack of food, presumably the same situation at the foot of the mountain, and at this time, because the little sneeze bear was blown below, its clan followed in order to find it.

So of course the tundra bears over there think they are invading their territory and robbing the few food, can they not get angry?

"It looks like it's just a misunderstanding." Tianlin said to Cullif, "Because of the storm, I'm afraid that the bears in the tundra at the top of the mountain or the foot of the mountain have been very difficult recently."

"Trouble you immediately "[-]" to inform the alliance, first, from other resource-rich places, collect enough fruit and other food, and distribute it to the tundra bears to solve the urgent need; second, find professional afforestation personnel , restore the ecology here as soon as possible." Tianlin instructed in an orderly manner.

"Yes, I understand, I'll go back to my office to call immediately!" Kurif seemed to see his boss, and subconsciously executed the order.

Tianlin has climbed to the top too many times, and when he made the order, he unknowingly began to bring a bit of the breath of a superior.

"Brother Tianlin is so cool!" Yayi was full of admiration in her heart. The big brother who was usually gentle and gentle to him, did not expect to have such a serious side. At this time, he seemed to have more aura than Touya!

After Kurif left, Tianlin returned to his usual appearance and smiled at Yayi, "Let's go, Yayi, let's return the sneeze bear to the tundra bears."

When speaking to her, it was like a spring breeze, and Ya Yi felt very comfortable.

The two returned the sneeze bear to its group. This time, the tundra bears did not attack them, but instead expressed their gratitude again and again.

In fact, although they are a little anxious, they are not really unreasonable Pokémon.

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