Magic Shine is an area-wide attack that covers the entire court. No matter how fast the centipede is, it is useless. Because the field is so big, Tianlin can only choose the double protection, but it is a pity that luck will not always favor him. This time, The double bond failed.

Seeing the pink light completely submerging the centipede, Tian Lin gritted his teeth and said, "Hold on, this blow is the key, hold on, you can win!"

Tianlin did not give up hope, the magic flash was not a flaming tooth, and the attack of the fairy system was not only unable to restrain the centipede, but also resisted by it.

In addition, King Blue's special attack can't even match half of the physical attack, and it is still possible for the centipede to block this attack.

The first thousand one hundred and twenty-five chapters of the Jedi counterattack of the wheel ball

Looking at the uncomfortable appearance of the centipede under the cover of light, Tian Lin was anxious, but his expression remained calm. "Is the gap in basic strength still too great? Even if there is resistance, the damage is so huge."

"However, I think the pressure is almost there."

As soon as Tian Lin's voice fell, the centipede covered by magic began to emit light. As the leader of the centipede group, its strength was outstanding among centipedes.

If it wasn't for the purpose of leading its younger brother in the form of a centipede, it would have completed its evolution long ago.

The centipede's red body rolled up in circles with the light, gradually turning into a purple wheel ball.

Wheel Ball, Male, Centipede Cocoon Pokémon, Insect-type and Poison-type, Special Acceleration, Cautious Personality (Adds Special Defense and Reduced Special Attack), Height 1.5m, Weight 62kg, Excellent Qualification, Champion-level Potential, Current Strength Gym-level Rank, with skills: poisonous diamond, insect bite, hold, poisonous tail, poisonous needle, crazy rolling, highly poisonous, iron wall, venom trap.

"Finally evolved, very good, let's win, wheel ball!"

After the evolution of the wheel ball, the special defense has been greatly increased, and the physical strength has also increased. Finally, it has survived this magic 08 shine.

As a result, it also triggered the fifth attack of Emperor Bruce's poison.

Tian Lin can be said to have won, because he still has this move.

"Wheelball, use it to defend!"

Needless to say, Tian Lin directly set up to defend his position. Emperor Blu couldn't learn to feint this move. Unless it was a Z move or a giant move, he would be able to defend completely no matter what his opponent made.

When the guarded light dissipated, it was almost the sixth attack time of the poison.

The sixth poison is lethal, which is common knowledge for any trainer, because the damage of the six has accumulated to 21/16, which is more than 1, no matter how strong the Pokémon is.

"That's great, Tian Lin won!" Bai Lu said happily, because this group of people who had eaten inside and out, had been taken care of by Tian Lin, and now he is completely biased towards Tian Lin.

"You won, didn't you?" Tou Zi smiled, "It's so naive, King Blu, slow down the attack, do it again, the magic shines!"

"How is that possible?" Tian Lin was also surprised. Emperor Blue would fall after being poisoned this time. How could it have more physical strength to attack.

Could it be that he was carrying a tree fruit?

Tianlin flashed an idea, but he quickly denied it. After five episodes of the poison, theoretically, Emperor Blue's stamina was only 1/16. If there was a tree fruit that should have been taken long ago, it could not have been delayed until now.

Just when he was puzzled, he saw a crisp bell-like shaking sound from Huang Huang first, and then the sixth attack of the poisonous poison. What was moving was that it really survived.

The next moment, Emperor Blu immediately launched a counterattack, and the magic was still shining, and this move had a better chance of hitting.

In fact, as long as it can hit, it doesn't matter what kind of trick, because of the huge strength gap, the physical strength of the wheel has already bottomed out.

In desperation, Tian Lin had to continue to defend, but unfortunately, Shuanglian Bao still failed. It seems that the first light powder caused the opponent's attack to miss, and all his luck today has been exhausted.

In the end, the light covered the audience, and the last Jedi counterattack of King Blu won the victory for Tou Zi.

"The wheel ball lost its ability to fight, and the Blue Emperor won the victory. The winner of this competition is the player Tou!" The referee made the final judgment.

"Tianlin actually lost!" Xiaozhi rubbed his eyes, since the two debuted together until now, he seems to have never seen Tianlin lose.

And this time, Tian Lin obviously considered every step and tried his best to compete, but he still lost. He didn't expect Tou Zi's strength to be so amazing.

"Chechin Ball, thank you for your hard work, come back and rest, this time it's my fault, and I ignored the fact that the opponent is also an experienced player." Tian Lin took back the wheel ball, he was not lost, no one was wrong Losing, the gap between the strength of the two Pokémon is so huge, it is normal for him to lose to Tou Zi.

However, he had to figure out why he was defeated. "It should be because of the bell that rang at the end, An Xian Ling? No, An Xian Ling's voice is clearer, and this thing does not have the effect of resisting the poison. So, it should be..."

"It's the Shell Bell!" N came over with Tou Zi and explained, "This is a gift I gave her, I can't stop her from participating in the battle, so I can only give her some props that can make her friends less hurt. already."

"As expected." Just like what Tian Lin thought, this is really a prop that fits N's character. Compared to two Pokémon being injured, as long as this prop is used, at least one can be guaranteed to suffer less damage.

The Shell Bell is different from the Anxian Bell. It belongs to a combat prop. The effect is to attack and absorb the opponent's physical strength to recover itself. It is with this ability that Emperor Blu absorbs a lot of physical strength from the wheel ball with the first magic flash, and barely survives. A sixth round of poison.

"Hey, how is it, Tianlin, I won you this time, let me tell you, this is just interest. When the league matches, I will be completely ashamed in the full competition." Tou Zi was happy at the moment. Incredible, she can be said to be the first person to defeat Tianlin in an official competition.

Although it was only a small competition, it at least proved to the world that Tian Lin is not invincible. Isn't his invincible golden body broken now?

"Miss Touzi is really amazing. I'm convinced that I lost this time. In the league competition, it's your turn to welcome me, the 457 challenger, as a winner." Tian Lin smiled indifferently, it was just a defeat , to him it was nothing at all, and he didn't need to develop something ethereal such as invincibility.

One hundred victories in one hundred battles and ninety-nine victories in one hundred battles, the gap is not that big, the former data is just better.

"This guy, why don't you care." Tou Zi felt that she had punched cotton. She was thinking of victory. Is this person so relieved?

"Tuozi, as I said, you are too concerned about winning and losing. You have the desire to win, but you can do it without sticking to winning or losing. This is the mentality that a strong person should have." N said lightly. .

Tou Zi nodded thoughtfully, "N, although you say that you hate fighting, but I feel that if you step into the field of our trainers, you will definitely be a player that will not lose to me and Touya, or even enough. A trainer that rivals Tianlin!"

Tou Zi would not think that she really surpassed Tian Lin just because of a small victory, she knew that her overall strength was still below Tian Lin.

This game is the best proof that she was forced to do so when the difference in Pokémon's strength was so huge.

Not to mention, in the competition, Tianlin had two consecutive failures in double protection, but if she succeeded once, she was the one who lost, and she was able to win, more because of luck.

Chapter [*] Tou Zi and N Tianlin's Perfect Plan

This East George Battle Conference is over, the champion is Tou Zi, and the runner-up is Tian Lin. After that, Dino defeated Luke to get the third place. In the illustrations of the three, they were quickly entered into the corresponding BP points.

In addition, Touko also got a full set of feathers.

The result this time was normal for Hezhong's local trainers, because Tou didn't participate. Tou Zi was the second-ranked existence in the younger generation of Hezhong, so it was strange that she didn't win.

"It's such a pity, Tian Lin, you've won by just a little bit!" Back at his partner, Xiaozhi Bailu and others surrounded him, comforting him one after another.

They were afraid that Tian Lin would not be able to accept it, after all, it was the first time he lost in an official match.

"What are you worried about? Is my ability to bear so weak? Victory or defeat is just a matter of military affairs." Tian Lin said with a smile.

Seeing that there was no sense of reluctance in his smile, it didn't seem like a fake, everyone was relieved, and Xiao Zhi joked, "Tianlin, I also caught your hand this time, if I lose you in the game. Tell Xiaomao about it, guess what his expression will be."

"Probably the first is unacceptable, then the rage and anger, and then the venting. If you tell him, I will feel sorry for the trainer who goes to his gym to challenge, and he will definitely be tortured by blood." Tian Lin's expression was calm, but he revealed A dark belly look.

Xiaozhi was speechless for a while, he thought he had caught Tianlin's handle, but this guy didn't care, he didn't care.

After the closing ceremony, several people came to the Pokémon Center first, and Tian Lin had to treat the centipede.

It's just that as soon as they entered the door, they heard the sound of two people arguing.

"N, why do you have to leave alone, am I so unacceptable to you?" Tou Zi's voice was angry with a trace of grievance.

"Tuozi, your strength is really good, but in my eyes, you are just someone who hurt many of my friends. I'm walking on a completely different path from you, so I'm sorry~'." N said too much, But his tone was apologetic.

Yayi on the side was about to cry when she saw the two arguing. Tian Lin came up and patted her on the shoulder, "Sister Yayi, what's the matter with these two."

"Brother Tianlin, it's like this, because Sister Tou Zi won the victory, so I found the director named Luke to replace your scene with Brother N, but Luke said that because Brother N didn't participate, he couldn't be replaced."

"So Sister Tou asked Brother N to take a Poke Ball to take a picture, but Brother N refused her, and said that he would never become a trainer for enslaving Pokémon, and proposed to leave alone." Mei explained.

"So that's the case, N this guy, still can't get out of the horns." Tian Lin had nothing to do with the two of them.

"N, I don't believe you can't see it. I treat my Pokémon sincerely and never enslave them as you call them." Tou Zi stared at N tightly, and there was even a little weeping in her words. How could he not know the purpose of N deliberately saying such hurtful words, he just wanted her to leave.

But the more he understands, the more saddened he is. N looked at Tou Zi's tearful eyes, and unconsciously felt a little distressed. A strong girl like her would cry unless she really cared.

But he had to leave. During this time, he had finally won the free days from Kui Qisi, in order to see with his own eyes what the life of trainers and Pokémon was like.

He is now ready to go back to the plasma team. As the king of the plasma team, he has to start his own plan.

These days, N has indeed seen many kind trainers who treat his Pokémon with sincerity, such as Xiao Zhi, Tou Zi, Ya Yi, Tian Lin, etc. If everyone in the world is like them, he may give up his plan.

Unfortunately, under the deliberate guidance of Kui Qisi, he saw more people abusing and enslaving Pokémon, and even poachers who persecuted the lives of Pokémon.

After all, people like Tianlin Touzi are only a few, so instead of giving up, he has become more determined. Humans really cannot live with Pokémon. As for the liberation of Pokémon, he can only face the sky. Lin et al said sorry.

"Tuozi, I admit that you are a very good trainer. However, I still think that people and Pokémon should be separated. For this ideal, I will spare no effort." N didn't say it clearly, but from his words, God said Lin could feel his determination to go to war with the entire Hezhong and even the entire world.

Therefore, he didn't want Too Zi to continue to follow him. Not only did he not want Too Zi to be in danger, but also because Tou Zi was the only person in the world who could shake his ideals. He was afraid that one day he could not help but give up everything for Tou Zi.

"'" I don't care about so much, but I want to follow you even more, to stop your unrealistic ideal, and you are not a trainer, if you say this to people everywhere, sooner or later, you will be defeated without the ability to fight back. Give me a beating, I can just protect you! "

It seems that Touko doesn't know the real situation of N. At most, she thinks N is an idealist, doing things like persuading people to liberate Pokémon everywhere.

In fact, N and his plasma group have already started a world-shattering plan.

N sighed and looked at Tou Zi, who couldn't enter the oil and salt, he could only say, "What about Ya Yi, you also know that my ideals will offend people, you are powerful and not afraid of anything, you can't also put Ya Yi at risk in."

Tou Zi was at a loss for words, she almost forgot that she also needed to take care of the new trainer's younger sister, Qing.

Just when she was struggling, Tian Lin suddenly came out, "I have a way to get the best of both worlds."

"What way?" N and Tou Ziqi (Li Zhao) looked at Tianlin together.

Tian Lin smiled lightly, grabbed Tou Zi's shoulder and pushed it to N's side, then pulled Ya Yi to his side, saying, "Tuo Zi, you can follow this guy N, sister Ya Yi can't be taken care of by me. It's alright, don't worry, I won't let Mei suffer a little bit of damage, how about it, this plan is perfect."

Since Touzi has become N's flaw, how could Tianlin let N block this flaw? On the contrary, he wants to make this flaw bigger and bigger until the day N faces reality.

Yayi's pretty face turned red in an instant. Although Tian Lin didn't mean it that way, when he said this, it sounded like a confession.

"Good idea, Tianlin is very powerful and has great ability to bring new people. They will definitely become good partners." Xiao Zhi, Tie Hanhan, who doesn't understand anything, gave a wonderful assist at the right time.

The first thousand one hundred and twenty-seven chapters, together with Yayi, the heroine is officially launched

"Okay, you guy, you don't even want to cover up your coveting sister Yayi right now, right?" Tou Zi glared at Tianlin, "You're a defeated general, I won't take sister Yayi easily. Leave it to you!"

"Then do you have a better way? The current situation is that you can only choose one of N and Yayi." Tianlin raised his eyebrows fearlessly, "Besides, Touzi, you don't think that you will win such a game as me. The game has really surpassed me, right?"

"I..." Tou Zi wanted to argue, but didn't know what to say. In her opinion, if Tian Lin made a full effort, she knew that she was still inferior to Tian Lin for the time being.

"Tuozi, don't listen to this guy, you should take Yayi with you!" N tried to stop Tianlin's conspiracy, but he still hoped that it would be better for Touzi not to follow.

"Sister Touzi, Brother N, don't fight anymore, I'm willing to go on a trip with Brother Tianlin." At this time, the master spoke, and Yayi was extremely intelligent, she had already seen that Touzi liked N, and she didn't want to destroy it because of herself. The bond between the two.

Besides, the feeling of being a light bulb every day is really uncomfortable!

Yayi leaned against Toozi's ear quietly and said, "Sister Touzi, don't worry, I will take good care of myself, and you must do your best, Brother N actually cares about you very much."

Tou Zi immediately understood Ya Yi's thoughts, and since that was the case, she would not be hypocritical, "Okay, that day Lin, my sister Ya Yi will be handed over to you for the time being, if something happens to her, I will never let you go. "

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