Tianlin informed them that the alliance would come to deal with the food issue, and reminded them not to go down the mountain in the near future to avoid unnecessary fights.

As long as the ecological balance is restored, the contradiction between the two ethnic groups will naturally be resolved.

The tundra bears nodded and agreed, and they didn't want to fight with the group of guys below inexplicably, especially now that they couldn't even get enough to eat.

Seeing this, Tian Lin smiled and nodded to them, and left with Ya Yi.

"Frozen!" At this moment, a tundra bear stopped the two of them, only to see an ice cube in its hand, as if it wanted to give it to them.

"This is, don't melt the ice, do you want to give it to us?" Tian Lin had seen this thing not long ago, and Lan Ge Lei had it in his hand, which could improve the power of the ice element.

"Brother Tianlin, let's take it, this is a kind of good intention of the tundra bears." Ya Yi expressed respect, it is better to obey, anyway, this thing is not food, since the tundra bears have promised not to fight, then this thing is for them It's useless.

"Okay, thank you, Tundra Bear, don't worry, the food problem will be solved soon." Tian Lin assured again.

In order to realize this promise, Tianlin did not go down the mountain directly, but first went to Kurif's work place, contacted the Pokémon ranger organization, and asked them to send someone to monitor the work efficiency of the alliance.

The current senior ranger Hinata and the top ranger Ajie are his good friends, and they took up this task readily, which is the scope of their ranger's work.

At this point, Tian Lin was completely relieved, and after saying goodbye to Kurif, he went down the mountain to the other side.

On the other side of the mountain is the famous big city of Hezhong, Raven City.

If Feiyun City is the most developed city in Hezhong, then Raven City is the most fashionable city in Hezhong.

Contrary to the highly tense working atmosphere of Feiyun City, a commercial center, Raven City, known as an entertainment city, is full of a laid-back atmosphere. The main landmarks of the city include the Musical Theater Club, Gear Station, Grand Arena, Small Sports Field, and Trial House. , Amusement Park and Ferris Wheel.

Just standing at the entrance of the city, you can see the landmark giant Ferris wheel, which is known as a dating spot for couples.

"Wow, it's finally here, the Ferris wheel is so big!" As a little girl, Yayi, of course, can't resist the romantic atmosphere of the Ferris wheel.  …

"In addition to the gym, there are also many facilities related to battles. The starting point of the famous battle subway of Hezhong is here. In addition, there are many entertainment facilities, Mei, after you get the gym badge, if you like it here. , we can stay for a while and have fun!"

There are many places that attract the two of them, and Tianlin doesn't mind spending more time here.

"That's great, Brother Lin that day, let's go to the Pokémon Center to check in first!" Ya Yi said excitedly.

She didn't forget the most basic things. The first thing she did when she arrived in the town was to go to the Pokémon Center. This was the first point on the first page of the trainer's manual.

"I know a shortcut, come with me!" Tianlin brought Yayi to the subway entrance, "The subway in Raven City criss-crosses the whole city, so as long as we take the subway, we can get there as quickly as possible. It's time to get to the Pokémon Center."

"Subway, it sounds very interesting, let's sit down and try it out!" Yayi happily ran down first. As a native of Hezhong, she would not be unaware of the name of the subway, but this was her first time. One ride.

After getting in the car, Yayi was still looking around with interest, "Brother Tianlin, look, there is no one in the cab!"

Through the glass window, you can see that only one computer is working in the cab.

"Yes, this is called AT4.0O, an automatic train driving device, relying on the automatic control system, the main computer in the centralized management room, receiving the sensor signal, confirming the position of the train, completing the acceleration and deceleration of the train, or at the station. Fixed position parking and other actions." Tianlin explained.

"Wow, Brother Tianlin, you know a lot."

"Of course, I'm a doctor!" Every time Tian Lin faced the admiration of Ya Yi, he would subconsciously forget the word modesty. He didn't even think about it. He was a Pokémon Doctor, so what does it have to do with the subway?

In fact, he didn't understand that much at all, but when he entered the subway station, a handbook was given to them by a service staff, and it was just that Yayi was just playing and didn't see it.

Tian Lin also shamelessly accepted her worship.

Chapter [-] I heard that the ghost train shining beauty Xiaojuer appeared

On the subway, Ya Yi was looking around with great interest, but Tian Lin discovered a strange phenomenon.

Except for the two of them, everyone else sat quietly in the parking space, not to mention standing up. Many of them even closed their eyes and seemed to be afraid of something.

"What's going on here, their locals should have gotten used to this driverless train, are they so scared?" Tian Lin said to himself with some doubts.

He thought that these people were worried about the subway AI problem. It has been running for so long and the system is completely mature. How could accidents happen easily.

'Ding dong! '

At this moment, the train bell rang, "Everyone, the Pokémon Center Station has arrived, please get off the train and pay attention to safety when getting off the train."

"Yi, we're here, let's go!"

"it is good."

The two walked out of the train and returned to the ground, only to hear a sigh of relief from the other passengers who also got off the train, "Huh, fortunately, I arrived at the station safely on 08 without seeing that thing, if it wasn't for work, I don't want to take the subway anymore!"

"Why? This subway is fast and stable, and it's very comfortable to sit on!" Ya Yi asked in confusion.

"Little girl, you're from out of town, right? No wonder you have to know what happened here recently." A passenger said in a low voice with a dark face and lingering fears, "Actually, a supernatural phenomenon has happened here, and there are often strange cars. The train passed by suddenly, people called it a 'ghost train', and it was said that anyone who saw this train would be unlucky."

"Ghost train, is it an urban legend again?" This kind of urban legend is the most commonly heard in this kind of metropolis. Tianlin doesn't take it to heart, although urban legends are often true.

"Brother Tianlin, I have heard a saying that urban legends are often true." Yayi grabbed Tianlin's arm with a look of fear. It seemed that as long as it was a girl, she would be afraid of things like A Piao. "What should I do, I think the subway is very interesting and want to take a few more rides, but now I'm scared again."

Yayi said aggrievedly, and the uncles next to her quickly stopped her and said, "Little girl, don't sit again, you are so cute, I heard that the ghost's favorite is a girl like you, and she will definitely take you down. caught."

Those people reminded them kindly, but they made Yayi's face pale, and her whole face was leaning against Tianlin's chest.

"Really, don't scare her!"

Tianlin lightly stroked Ya Yi's hair and comforted, "Don't worry, Ya Yi, it's just a small ghost train, I'll fix it later, and make sure you take the subway safely."


"Of course it's true, even if I do encounter ghosts, I can send them to see their king!" Tian Lin smiled, he was not joking, as long as there is a mirror or lake, no matter what ghosts, they will be sent in minutes. See Giratina.

Thinking back then, the evil spirit that I met at the summer camp of Dr. Shinao Yamanashi was probably already dissipated.

He didn't want to deal with this kind of thing at first, because he had never heard of any abnormal situation, but since it was Ya Yi who spoke, his double-standard problem was committed again, and this incident had to be resolved.

Of course, before that, Tianlin still decided to get the badge first, maybe the gym trainer of Raiwen gym can know what news.

No matter what you do, intelligence is always the greatest weapon.

After checking in at the Pokémon Center, the two went straight to the Raven Gym.

Mei Yi was immediately attracted by the poster at the entrance of the gym, and even the shock just now was forgotten by her.

There are not many things that can make girls forget the fear from A Piao, one of which is idols.

"Wow, Brother Tianlin, come and see, it turns out that the gym trainer of Leiwen gymnasium is the super model Miss Xiaoju'er!"

"Little Ju'er, do you like her very much?" Tian Lin asked.

"Of course, as long as she is a girl from Hezhong, who doesn't like sister Xiaojuer, she is a woman who is at the forefront of the trend of Hezhong. She is known as a shining beauty. As long as she stands in the spotlight, she will attract everyone. People's eyes." Ya Yi said, with little stars in her eyes.

"In that case, we came at the right time, you see, this poster says, there will be a Xiaojuer fashion show in a few days, we will get the badge today, then solve the ghost incident, and finally wait for you to finish the fashion How about we leave again?" Tian Lin said, pointing to the information on the poster.

"Brother Tianlin, you are so kind, thank you!" Yayi jumped up and down excitedly, she had always wanted to see a fashion show of Xiaojuer with her own eyes.

"Oh, being liked by such a warm and lovely little fan, my mood really shines like a star at night!" At this time, at the gate of the gym, a tall and perfect blonde short-haired woman walked out with a blond hair on her head. A pair of headphones and a black and yellow striped shirt made the woman look charming.

"You are, Miss Xiaoju'er, hello, I'm Tianlin from Zhenxin Town, I'm here to challenge Leiwen Gym!" Tianlin has always admired beauty, but in his opinion, this little Juer's beauty , can indeed be ranked in the top three among the beauties he has seen.

Slightly better than Sundina Zi and other women, and Zhulan and Ke Na can match. If Ya Yi grows up, it may be similar, but she is still a bit young.

It was the first time that Xiao Ju'er saw someone watching her without even a momentary 460 distraction. The guy in front of her was either a top trainer with a strong and determined mind, or a blind man, or a super straight guy (such as Xiao Zhi).

Otherwise, it can only be a guy who came out of a back-to-back mountain with a somewhat wrong orientation.

Xiaojuer naturally ruled out the latter categories, because Tianlin of Zhenxin Town, she has never heard of this name, one of the top powerhouses in the world today, who can reach this level, how can he be beautiful Color moved.

"Welcome, Mr. Tianlin, I am willing to accept your challenge, let's play a sparkling and dazzling battle!" Xiaojuer has to bring sparkles or The words dazzled, it seems that this should belong to her mantra.

A few people walked into the gym, and Xiao Ju'er turned around and said, "Mr. Tianlin, and this little sister, I will wait for you on the battlefield first. To challenge me, you must pass the test of our gym!"

Inside the Raven Gym is a large playground-like facility. It is worthy of being a Gym of the Electrical Department, and has always been so individual.

To go to the battlefield, you must take a roller coaster. This is a test of the courage of the challenger in the gym. If you don’t even dare to ride the roller coaster, then you should go home as soon as possible. Traveling such a dangerous thing is not suitable for you, and you can save it. Waste of time to challenge the gym.

Chapter [-]: The Shining Battle of Xiaojuer in the Raven City Gym Tournament

"Roller coaster, it seems to be very interesting, Mei, are you afraid?"

Mei is not a challenger, if she is afraid, she can go to the battlefield with Xiaojuer and wait.

But she shook her head decisively, "Don't be afraid, I'll accompany you."

"Okay!" Tian Lin smiled and took her hand, and got on the roller coaster together.

The roller coaster is extremely fast, and it will go through many circular bends, which is really exciting. Ya Yi said that she is not afraid, but when the speed reaches the maximum, she still screams.

Fortunately, Tianlin held her hand all the time, otherwise she would not have the courage to ride.

After a while, the speed of the car finally began to drop, and the roller coaster stopped smoothly before a battlefield.

After getting out of the car, Yayi's chest heaved up and down, her heartbeat was extremely fast, and she seemed to have some lingering fears.

"Sister Yayi, you have done a good job. It's human nature to be afraid of danger, and the ability to overcome fear is the real trainer. Congratulations, you have taken a small step into the road of a trainer!" Xiao Ju'er He walked over and praised Mei.

"Well, thank you, Miss Xiaoju'er." Yayi calmed down and responded with a smile.

"Yi, go sit and have a rest, and take a good look at my battle method." Tian Lin helped Ya Yi to sit on the chair, and then returned to the battle field by himself, "Miss Xiaoju'er, our battle can begin. Bar?"

"Of course." Xiao Ju'er snapped her fingers after she finished speaking. Suddenly, all the spotlights converged on her. "Everyone in the audience, be dazzled today!"

Suddenly, a large number of girls screaming sounded in the auditorium. I didn't expect that most of the fans of Xiaoju'er were actually women.

Men in the Pokémon world are really not good enough.

"Then now, the challenger Tianlin, the Raiwen Gym match against Gym trainer Xiao Ju'er is about to begin!"

"Trainers on both sides can use three Pokémon each, and the one who loses all combat ability loses. During the game, only the challenger has the right to change the Pokémon~'!" The referee quickly finished the game. rule.

As a gym trainer, Xiao Ju'er naturally dispatched Pokémon first, "Come on, let's sparkle today, and the electric current will dazzle everyone, let's go under the spotlight, thunder and lightning zebra!"

Xiaoju'er's first show is really a thunder and lightning zebra, a Pokémon with flashing electric lights, which can very well reflect the charm of electric-type Pokémon.

"To deal with the electrical system, the first choice is the ground system, and the second choice is the dragon system grass system, then go, ivy snake!"

There are all three attributes of Tianlin, but the ground system can be reserved as the trump card, and the green vine snake is the best as a starter because it needs to be strengthened.

"Grass-type Pokémon? To deal with this kind of Pokémon, my Thunder Zebra has long been prepared to use the stored energy flame attack!"

The flame-type attack is extremely effective for the grass-type ivy snake. More importantly, Xiaojuer hopes to increase the speed of the lightning zebra through this trick. This is her best tactic. When the speed of the lightning zebra increases to The biggest, often able to fight opponents without the ability to fight back.

"Stop it with the flying leaf storm!" Tian Lin gave an order softly.

This made Ya Yi on the side and Xiao Ju'er on the opposite side bewildered, "It's Feiye Storm when it comes up, and it's used for defense, it's too wasteful!"

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