Another Dino, who has no sense of existence, said: "Am I a contestant? It seems that I have nothing to do with me, or I have already lost, why are you all discussing the title of the championship? Thinking is jumping too fast!"

The last day of the game is coming soon, and the first ones to play are Tou Zi and Luke.

"I want to be the hero and heroine together with N, and no one can stop it, let's go, Rogue Crocodile!" Tou Zi threw out the Poke Ball with full of fighting spirit, and the power of Rogue Crocodile showed her desire to win the championship vividly.

This is one of the first Pokémon that Touko has conquered, and his strength is no less than that of King Yanwu.

"I didn't plan to stop it!" Luke felt like he was about to cry. What kind of disaster was this? He just wanted to make a movie. Why was he involved in the war between two Heavenly King-level trainers, and now he had to face the Heavenly King-level The power of Pokémon.

"Guru!" After swallowing hard, Luke finally summoned up the courage to order, "Burning bug, use a jet of flame!"

The flames with a decent temperature sprayed onto the rogue crocodile, but unfortunately, the rogue crocodile usually practiced against King Yanwu. Compared with the high temperature of King Yanwu, the temperature of the burning worm was a shower for him.

"Using the rock collapse!" Tou Zi mercilessly gave the rock-type order that threatened the burning insects the most.

In an instant, countless huge rocks buried the Burning Worm.

The referee was unable to make a judgment because he could not see the figure of the burning worm. At this time, Mr. East George concluded, "Don't wait, such a strong rock-type attack, let alone the burning worm, even the Vulcan moth can't take it. Stay, let's judge directly."

"Yes, the burning worm loses its ability to fight, and the rogue crocodile wins!"

"Go and save the burning worm!" Touko ordered to the rogue crocodile.

The rogue crocodile walked in front of the rock pile, raised his arm and chopped it down. This is a fighting style's tile-splitting trick, which instantly turned the rock into powder.

The power of this rogue crocodile is moving, at least there is no opponent in Tianlin except Suijun.

The figure of the burning worm was revealed, and sure enough, as East George judged, it had completely lost its ability to fight.

Tou Zi glanced at Tian Lin provocatively. Tian Lin regretted it a little at the moment, not because he regretted the bet, but because he should not only log in Hezhong's Pokémon.

Knowing that this guy, Tou Zi, would use so much strength, he should at least call Lao Pu or Minas or the like casually.

The first thousand one hundred and twenty-three chapters of exclusive characteristics

"Go, Dharma Baboon!"

"Please, Dharma Baboon!"

The second game of the semi-finals started. Tianlin played against Dino, and the Pokémon they used were all Dharma Baboons, but Tianlin's was ice-type, while Dino's was fire-type.

"You really continue to use Bodhidharma, exactly as I judged, in terms of attributes, it is my advantage!" Dino seemed to have everything under his control.

"Yeah, it's exactly the same as what I judged!" Tian Lin also showed a smile. The team he chose this time was restrained by the fire element, and Dino just captured a Dharma baboon not long ago, so Tian Lin is also very It is easy to deduce his choice.

Although Tianlin's Pokémon today is still the baboon from before, those with sharp eyes can see that the scarf on its body has been replaced by a headband.

"Dharma Baboon, bodybuilding!" Dino knew that Tianlin's Dharma Baboon was fast, and he might not be able to match it, so instead of attacking immediately, he chose to strengthen it.

The main purpose of bodybuilding is not to strengthen the attack power, but the defense power to ensure that one can block an earthquake from the opponent.

Although it will still be severely damaged, the Dharma Baboon will enter the Dharma mode and become a Pokémon with super high special attack, even the Dharma Baboon who is high enough to kill Tianlin in seconds.

"Huh? The taste of Dino's choice is a bit strange?" Tiantong suddenly touched the chin-Bapin commented.

"Where's the strangeness?" Although Cabernet Sauvignon has always been very dissatisfied with Tiantong, she is the one who pays the most attention to him, and she asked immediately.

Tiantong rolled her eyes at her, fortunately she was also a sommelier, so such a big loophole in Dino's tactics was not discovered.

"Even if the Dharma Baboon enters the Dharma mode, how can Dino ensure that he will be the first to strike the next blow? You must know that the speed of the Dharma mode is slower than the regular one. He can take the first place with the reinforcement. Earthquake, but absolutely can't eat the second one." This is what Tiantong cares about, the most important thing in this tactic is to control the speed line, but it is obvious that even his A-level sommelier has not thought of controlling it. method.

The same question as him is East George, who is in charge of the commentary, "This bodybuilder, the purpose is to not be killed by one blow, but what should we do after that?"

"Guozi!" At this moment, N next to Toozi slowly spit out two words. Although he was not a trainer, he was the first to guess Dino's tactics.

"Hehe, so it is, Shi Tuoguo, worthy of being the runner-up in the original book, can think of such a tactic to counter my Dharma Baboon." What N can guess, Tian Lin can naturally guess, " It's a pity that you overlooked something, Dharma Baboon, make an earthquake!"

Shituoguo is a kind of tree fruit, and it is a relatively rare type. After the Pokémon carries it, take it in a critical situation, and the next attack will become a preemptive attack. This is the tactic that Dino thought of getting the first move .

And Tianlin, as he wished, gave him the earthquake trick he wanted that was enough to cause huge damage.

"Come on, I'm sure to win!" Dino was very confident that the Dharma Baboon after strengthening his defense would be able to barely resist the earthquake that was not his own. At that time, the chance to kill with one hit would come.

Like the previous one, Tianlin's Dharma baboon jumped high and then stepped on the ground violently. A more terrifying shock than the previous one covered the entire competition venue.

"How can this power be so great, it is more than one level stronger than yesterday's!" Even everyone in the audience was shocked at this moment.

Kenny Yang held the handle, gritted his teeth and said, "I see, it's a series of props, and when dealing with me, it's a scarf that increases speed, and today I changed it to a headband that increases attack, no wonder the power has become stronger. "

"However, this power is too much, just pay attention to the series, is there such a big increase?"

After yesterday's defeat, Kenny Yang went back to do his homework, and had basically discovered half of the secret.

The shaking stopped after a long time. The referee finally got up from the ground, checked the situation, and found that Dino's Dharma baboon had passed out.

"Dino player's Dharma baboon lost his fighting ability, Tianlin player wins!"

"What, it's impossible, I'm still being killed in seconds even after raising the defense. Could it be that my calculations are wrong?" Dino didn't dare to say anything. Can answer your doubts.

"Well, is this the exclusive characteristic of the ice-type Dharma baboons in the rumor? I only heard about it before, but today I finally see it." Yes, this time it was completely confirmed.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

"Exclusive characteristics?" Everyone originally thought that the two characteristics of the ice-type Dharma baboons were the same as those of the fire-type Dharma baboons.

The Dharma mode is already an exclusive feature, but from the tone of East George's current tone, this ice-type Dharma baboon probably has another exclusive feature.

"The characteristic of the ice-type Dharma baboon is called Yichi Yiyi. The effect of this characteristic is very simple and powerful. The physical attack power of Pokémon is increased by 50%, but once a move is used, other moves cannot be used. ' explained East George.


"That's not exactly the same as the negative effects of the series!" Kenny Yang immediately exclaimed, no wonder his Thunder Zebra would be instantly killed before, and his opponent did nothing, which is equivalent to one more dragon dance.

East George nodded, "Well, what's even more powerful is that once a Dharma baboon with this characteristic carries a series of items, the effects will be superimposed, especially when wearing a headband, it's not as simple as 1 plus 1 equals 2 , but 1.5 times 1.5, the attack power of Dharma Baboon is increased to 2.25 times at the beginning."

"In contrast, Dino's Dharma baboons only increased their defense by 1.5 times after one bodybuilding. The gap between them is so huge that it is normal to be killed in seconds."

"What I admire more is that Tianlin players face different opponents, and the timing of the selection of props is really good. For high-speed Pokémon, he wins by paying attention to scarves, and for high-durability Pokémon, he pays attention to headband system. Enemy, if you can't infer Tianlin player's choice in reverse, it's really hard to guard against."

East George gave Tianlin a very high evaluation. What he liked most was to see such an excellent trainer appearing at the conference he held, winning again and again with his own wisdom and the powerful strength of his Pokémon.

"But now, all of my tactics have been exposed. I still don't know what to do when facing Tou Zi?" Tian Lin was a little worried. Although he won, he had all his cards. It seems that the final in the afternoon will be difficult. towel.

Chapter [-]: Crossing the Strength Gap, Poisonous Consumption Flow Tactics

"The East George Battle Conference has finally come to the final round. The final winner is about to be decided today. The two who won in the fierce battle will finally fight for the victory."

"Then, let's start the finals now! The Tianlin contestant from Zhenxin Town in the Kanto region will challenge Miss Touko, our well-known genius trainer!"

Tianlin and Touzi stood on opposite sides of the battlefield and heard the host's introduction.

This host is obviously biased. Why is it that Tou Zi is famous when it is his turn to appear? In terms of fame, Tian Lin is definitely bigger, and it is a sadness to fight away.

"Get ready for your first defeat, Tian Lin." Tou Zi took out the Poke Ball with full of fighting spirit, "Please, Emperor Blue!"

"Emperor Blu? Don't you need those two Heavenly King-level Pokémon that are stronger than you? If you use Rogue Crocodile or King Yanwu, I will lose "four, five, seven" miserably!" Tian Lin laughed.

"No, if I had known that you only registered so many Pokémon, I wouldn't even use the Blue Emperor, but used some of the same level as you, which would convince you to lose." Tou Zi proudly said. road.

"Really, let's go, Centipede!" Tian Lin's choice was unexpected. In the final final, he did not use the strongest Dharma baboons among the three, but the Centipede who was only in the first stage.

"What do you mean?" Tou Zi felt that her dignity was touched, and Tian Lin was clearly looking down on her.

"Don't underestimate my centipede, it's extremely poisonous!" Tian Lin does not allow anyone to underestimate his partner, even if the odds of winning are not high, the centipede will show its own momentum.

The terrifying poisonous mist began to spread, and soon spread all over the audience. The poison of poison-type Pokémon is inevitable. No matter how strong the Blue Emperor is, he can only fall into the poison at this moment.

"Hmph, because the strength gap is too big, so do you want to rely on poisonous consumption to win? It's a good idea, but it's a pity that you take it for granted. Can your centipede withstand my blow from Emperor Blue?" Tou Zi said to himself, "Emperor Bruce, use flaming teeth!"

Emperor Bruce opened his bloody mouth and gathered a strong flame, biting towards the centipede.

"No, it's actually a flame attack, and the centipede can't stop it." Xiao Zhi said worriedly.

Toxic tactics, the most important thing is to drag a word, but now the gap between the strengths of the two sides is too big, everyone is worried that the centipede can't even hold a single move, how can it be delayed.

"Hundred-legged centipede, avoid it!" Tian Lin quickly ordered.

But everyone is not optimistic about his command. The difference in strength is not only reflected in strength, but also in speed. Even if King Blu is not a speed-type Pokémon, it is not impossible to surpass the centipede for a while depending on the level gap.

But at this moment, the sun shone on the centipede, reflecting a ray of light that stabbed Emperor Blu in the eyes, and the emperor suddenly lost his head. In addition, the centipede quickly rolled over, and it suddenly fluttered. empty.

After escaping this blow, not only did the poison on Emperor Blue's body attack for the first time, but the centipede's Mengte also activated. With the help of acceleration, its speed increased by one step, and it was about the same as Emperor Blue at this moment.

"Just now, was it a coincidence, try again, Flaming Fang!" Tou Zi attacked again, not believing in evil.

But this time Tianlin doesn't plan to fight his luck any more, "Hold on!"

Hold on to completely block the attack, the poison and acceleration are activated again, the damage of Emperor Blue begins to accumulate, and the speed of the centipede finally surpasses that of Emperor Blue.

"Damn, you can only hide, as long as you bite you, you will be dead, if you have the ability to double protect!" Tou Zi was furious, and Emperor Blue's flaming teeth attacked again.

"Avoid!" This time, Tian Lin's instructions were much more calm than before, and he didn't bet on double guarantees. This time, he was confident that the centipede would be able to avoid it.

The result was still the same as before. Due to the reflection of the light, Emperor Blue's attack target was slightly deviated, and because the speed of the centipede was greatly increased, it was not as embarrassing to hide as it was at the beginning. With multiple legs, it was easy to dodge the attack.

Then the poison accelerates the third attack.

"It's like this again, the light just now is not a coincidence, by the way, it's a light powder." With a flash of light, Tou Zi finally found the clue. It turned out that Tianlin brought the light powder to the centipede.

Light powder, as the name suggests, is a sparkling powder. When carried by Pokémon, the light will confuse the opponent, making it difficult for the opponent's attack moves to hit.

"It turned out to be a light powder. This choice really exudes a wonderful taste. Tian Lin is completely gambling!" Tian Tong said clearly.

The Cabernet Sauvignon on the side analyzed it and recognized it, "Yes, although the light powder has the effect of reducing the opponent's hit rate, the decrease is not too much, at least the basic hit rate of the flaming teeth of the Blue Emperor should still be there. More than 80%, even if the centipede's evasion action is slightly reduced, it will not be lower than 70% 0......"

"That is to say, the odds at the beginning of this match are 7:3, Touzi is 7, and Tianlin is 3, but as the first attack was dodged, Tianlin's winning rate has begun to pick up now, almost 6:4. !" Kenny Yang calculated.

Bai Lu and Ya Yi looked at a few people blankly. Do they really speak human language? Why can't they understand a word? This tactic is really embarrassing for rookie trainers.

In fact, the reason why Tianlin's chances of winning are rising is because of the characteristic of acceleration. The faster the speed, the higher the probability of moving to avoid attacks. Although this is not as direct as the shadow clone, it is actually an improvement.

This is the difference between real-life battles, not only tricks like shadow clones can increase the evasion rate.

"Damn, since that's the case, the magic is shining!" Tou Zi didn't dare to gamble any more. The poison had already occurred three times, and half of the six fatal attacks had passed. If Tian Lin delayed her again, she would really lose here today.

"Keep it!" Because the double protection has just been given up, the chance of defending has returned to normal at this moment.

This time, the centipede became a 4.0-power defense, which was delayed until the fourth attack of high toxicity and acceleration.

"Continue to attack, the magic shines!" Tou Zi could only order urgently at this time, which was a crucial blow.

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