"Here, it is called the land of the earth, and it is said that it contains the power of dragon veins. The so-called dragon veins are the invisible huge power flowing on the earth."

"The people of the earth flexibly used that power to create a beautiful place where Pokémon, humans, and nature can live in harmony." Jiang Ta imagined the scene with a smile. happiest time.

.... 0

Tianlin frowned at this time, the so-called prosperity and decline, when a country's national strength in all aspects reaches its limit, if you can't be prepared for danger, then I am afraid that a turning point is coming.

Just listen to Mo Mengduo continue, "At that time, the king had a pair of twin princes. Both of them were talented with both wisdom and courage. They were called the ideal brave man and the real brave man respectively, which shows how good they are."

"And the two of them, each followed by a giant dragon, are the gods who symbolize ideals and reality, Zekrom and Lysiram, and they will only give power to those who are recognized by them."

This is the legend of the founding of the United States that Tianlin read in the Qibao Museum before. The opposition between reality and ideal is often the root cause of the outbreak of war.

"Because of the problem of the country's future, the two princes went on completely opposite paths, and even led to a large-scale war." Mo Mengdo said exactly what Tian Lin thought.

Zekrom and Lehiram, these two giant dragons, as first-class gods, once they start a battle, they are bound to make the entire kingdom go to pieces.

Moreover, their strength is equal, and the final result is bound to be a loser for both parties. The back of the mayor's book records that after being severely injured, they changed their postures and turned into stones, and they fell into eternal sleep from then on.

Chapter [*]: The Approval of Dredor's Ideal Black Dragon

"And then, did this country perish?" Bai Lu was a sentimental girl. Hearing the tragic story behind her, she felt a little uncomfortable now.

The girl Jiangta shook her head, then sighed, "Although it didn't perish, but after the war, the entire land of the earth became devastated and no longer prosperous. When the two princes finally realized that they had made a big mistake, it was too late. ."

"Because the energy of the dragon veins has been chaotic, and seeing the sight of the destruction of the earth, the king decided to use the power of Victini."

Viktini is known as the Victory Pokémon. According to legend, the trainer who conquered Viktini will never fail. Its body can generate endless power, and it can transmit this power to other Pokémon.

Tian Lin had already experienced this just now, and the power of the fangtooth land shark just broke through his limit.

But "four four three" alone, with a victorian, wants to deal with the loss of control of the dragon veins of the whole earth, I am afraid it is not enough.

Jiang Ta continued, "In order to concentrate Victini's power, the king used guarding stone pillars to set up a barrier around the castle. The castle carried people, flew across the sky, and finally came to this mountain."

"However, the king has exhausted his strength, and the guardian stone pillars and the enchantment have stayed like that. Since then, Victini can no longer leave the enchantment."

In other words, this Viktini has probably lived in the castle for thousands of years.

"Not long after, the chaos of the dragon veins finally subsided completely. The two princes deeply reflected on themselves, and placed the dragon stone formed by the two giant dragons in a place no one knew about."

This is all the legend of the people of the earth, and the story is told here, but Dredo said again, "The people of the earth who lost their bond with the earth are scattered all over the world, leaving only the missing Victini. ."

"That's right there, the old land of the earth."

Deredo came to the window and pointed to a wasteland in the distance. Even in the past thousand years, it was still very barren, not to mention the vitality of the year, not even able to grow a tree.

"I have always hoped that the land of the earth can be revived!" Dredo looked at the land, full of ideals, he looked at his mother Jiangta, "Mom, you once said that you hope that the land of the earth will recover. The status quo, this is also your ideal, right?"

Hearing this, Jiang Ta showed a look of hope. This is not just her ideal. Every citizen of the earth has this beautiful wish.

She has been there with her children when she was a child. After thousands of years, the land there is still barren and no grass grows. She knows very well that there is no energy swimming in the land of the earth, and no life can survive there for a long time.

Tianlin also knows that this situation is similar to Faens of Fengyuan and Mijina of Shenao. The power of the earth has been exhausted. It is difficult to restore the land to life quickly with the power of nature alone. Arceus or Kirachi and other divine beasts help, otherwise it will take countless people's efforts from generation to generation.

The people of the earth have lost their hometown, and Tianlin can understand their feelings somewhat, because he is a traveler, and his hometown, he can never go back, for him now, Zhenxin Town is a new hometown .

If the new town is really destroyed one day, I am afraid that he will be unacceptable, and even fall into a rampage.

But Tianlin also looked down on them. After all, a thousand years have passed, and the place is still so barren. In other words, it is not that the land gave up the people of the earth, but they gave up the land.

"Now, I can finally realize the wishes of my mother and all the people of the earth." Dredo suddenly said, for this ideal, he has worked hard for so many years.

In the past few years since he left the land of the earth, he has traveled all over the land of Hezhong, snow fields, deserts, cliffs, etc., but he still found nothing.

None of the people of the earth believed that he could do it, and when he returned to Eindorok lost, he heard that voice.

"Is that only your ideal?"

"Such an ideal, let's give it up!"

The sound came from the castle of the Sword of Earth, and Dredo followed the sound to the deepest part of the castle's underground, that is, inside the blade of the Sword of Earth.

For some reason, Deredo came here. It turned out that the road below would choose the person who moved forward, and that was the ideal road of trial.

At the end of the trial road, Dredor got the legendary black dragon, Zekrom, who belonged to the ideal hero.

"I have seen it, your consciousness of pursuing ideals!" Zekrom agreed with Dredor's ideals, and his determination to resurrect the land of the earth was infected with it, and it finally woke up from its thousand-year sleep.. ......

Zekrom decides to help Dredor and solve the crisis for the land of the earth.

In the next six months, Dredo took Zekrom on the journey again. With the powerful power of Zekrom, he was able to destroy icebergs, shatter tsunamis, shatter the huge sand tornado in the desert, and save countless people of the earth. .

With the call of the legend, the people of the earth returned to Ain Dook one by one at his request.

In Luzi Town before, the reason why Xiao Zhi was able to meet Zekrom was only because Dredo happened to pass there.

At that time, Zekrom noticed the extraordinaryness of Pikachu, and also sensed that Ash was a young man with great ideals, so he stepped in to help, solve Pikachu's physical problems, and gave the highest law of thunder.

"Zekrom told me that in the past, the people of the earth used the sword of the earth to control the energy of the dragon veins!" The land of the earth, so that the power of the dragon veins can flow into the land of the earth, and the land can be revived and restored to life.

This method sounds a bit tricky, and with Zekrom's recognition of Dredo, for a while, Jiang Ta, Momendo, Kalita and other people of the earth all had the brilliance of hope in their eyes.

"It's really a good way to 4.0, so that your hometown can come back!" Bai Lu was also happy for them, she liked the beautiful country in the story very much.

"It seems that something is wrong?" Only Tian Lin always felt that they seemed to have overlooked something.

But he didn't speak, because he was an outsider after all, the sword of the earth belongs to the land of the earth, and he has no right to interfere with what they want to do.

And if Victini is willing to help them, Tianlin will also respect its idea.

At this moment, Victini was playing in the courtyard, and it didn't even know the thoughts of the people of the earth such as Dredo. Dredo looked at it, and there was some apology in his eyes that no one noticed, but he soon became firm.

He must restore the original appearance of the land of the earth. For this ideal, no amount of sacrifice is worth it.

Chapter [*]: Tianlin's Approval of the True White Dragon

Early the next morning, Deredo was recognized by the clansmen and finally began to implement his plan. He climbed to the top of the Sword of the Earth, three super-power Pokémon symbol birds, Miss Goth and artificial cells. The eggs stood on three sides, and there were also a large number of single egg balls surrounding the sword of the earth.

Back then, the old king controlled the Sword of the Earth because he had a strong mental power. Unlike Dredo, he could only rely on the power of super-type Pokémon.

"The people of the earth will regain their bond with the earth today." Dredo murmured excitedly, his eyes showing unprecedented desire, and at the same time, he opened the barrier.

The guardian stone pillars around Ain Dook began to emit strange purple light, and the stone pillars that had been standing around the town for thousands of years actually started to function.

Above the Sword of Earth, Dredo looked at Victini and said, "Victini, please lend me your power to represent victory!"

This sentence is exactly the same as the last sentence the old king said to it in 08. The memory seems to return to the past, and Victini flew to Dredo subconsciously.

But the next moment, the four stone pillars suddenly revolved around Viktini, and issued the same enchantment that surrounded the entire Ain Dook. Viktini realized that the opposite was not the kind old king, but Someone who tries to use its power in vain.

Victini slammed into the barrier, but unfortunately, it is not a combat-type beast, and its strength is not enough, and the strongest fire-type ultimate move, V Heat, cannot be used flexibly.

In the end, Victini, who was completely bound, forcibly activated the power in his body because of the enchantment, and increased it to the bodies of countless super power-type Pokémon.

With the power of the super-type Pokémon, the Earth Sword was slowly pulled out from the ground.

"Golden monster, cannon light cannon!"

At this moment, a powerful silver light shot towards the barrier that enveloped Victini, shattering it instantly, and Victini successfully escaped.

Losing the support of Victini, the Earth Sword fell again with a bang.

"Tianlin, what are you doing?" Dredo was instantly angry. Seeing that the plan was about to succeed, he suddenly ran out of a spoiler.

Victini flew to Tianlin's side and cheered, and it was really frightening just now.

Tian Lin touched its head with a smile, and then asked Dredo, "What? I should ask you this question. I felt something was wrong yesterday. You plan to use the power of Victini to move. The sword of the earth, but how to move it?"

"Originally, I thought that you wanted to use the powerful super power of Victini, after all, it is also a super power-type Pokémon, but I never imagined that you wanted to use its special power to greatly enhance many super powers. The power of Pokémon, and let them move the Earth Sword."

"You know, even if Victini is an phantom beast, it is life-threatening if it increases so many Pokémon in one breath."

"Tianlin, you are right, this is the only way I can think of. Victini's super power is very strong, but it has not been trained at all. Maybe give it a few years of hard work, and it will It is possible to move the sword of the earth alone, but now, there is no such time, and the people of the earth can't wait so long." Dredor did not deny his plan.

He came to the edge of the castle, pointed downwards and said, "Tianlin, look at the people of the earth below and look at their expected eyes."

"Their family has been in exile for thousands of years. Those who have lost their homes have left their homes. Some are in the wilderness, some are in the snow, and some are in the desert. Life is extremely difficult. When I found them, if I hadn't used the power of Zekrom to help They defuse the disaster, and they may well have disappeared."

Now, the people of the earth have found hope again. Even though a thousand years have passed, the people of the earth still have deep feelings for this land that belongs to them.

"It's really pitiful." Tian Lin sighed, just when Dredo thought he could understand him, he didn't expect Tian Lin to change the subject and said, "But, so what, poor people must have something to hate."

"This piece of land is gone. The world is very vast, and the alliance has never excluded the people of the land. They can live in major cities. As long as they work hard, everyone can achieve happiness on their own."

"On the contrary, they always hold unrealistic fantasies, hoping that a miracle will happen, and the land of the earth will be restored to its original appearance. Didn't they create such a miserable day?"

"What did you say?" Dredo was instantly angry, "How could someone like you understand the pain of being left home!"

Before the words were finished, Tian Lin dodged and used teleportation to appear in front of him, grabbed his neck, and said angrily, "Dredo, do you think I don't understand?"

"Let me tell you, my family is called Yanhuang, and my hometown is called Huaxia. It is a hundred times greater than your homeland on earth. No matter where I go, I will never forget the blood on my body."

"You can at least see where your home is. As for me, the real situation is that I can't go back or even see it. My hometown can only be in my memory forever."

"But I'm not complaining, but I choose to accept this reality and move towards a new life, and I won't hurt innocent lives for my own ambitions!"

Tian Lin's eyes were firm and unpretentious, and he was infected. Below the castle, a white stone shone brightly, covered with a layer of intense flames.

"Reality, I feel the power of reality." The white stone gradually turned into a huge white dragon under the flames. "Young man above, your courage will turn into reality."

Immediately, the white dragon flapped his wings and rushed out towards the outside world.

Above the castle, Deredo ordered the super-power Pokémon to attack Tianlin. In order to avoid the attack, Tianlin let go of Deredo.

Deredo said angrily, "Tianlin, what you said today is useless. In order to regain the bond between the people of the earth and this land, it is worth any sacrifice, even if it costs you and Victini's life."

"Tini!" Victini seemed to want to persuade. The old king actually told him that the sword of the earth could not move, otherwise it would cause chaos in the dragon veins again.

It's a pity that it doesn't understand telepathy, so it can't tell Tianlin and Dredo of such important news.

The only thing that can be hoped for now is that Tianlin can defeat Deledo.

Suddenly, over the castle, an astonishing lightning struck down, and the giant golden monster stood in front of Tianlin and took the attack with a cannon.

A domineering black dragon flew into the castle, it was Dredor's collaborator, the god symbolizing ideal, Zekrom! .

The first thousand one hundred and six chapters realize the ideal consciousness and face the real courage

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