"Is this Zekrom? It's really powerful!" Tianlin's eyes were solemn. Although he called the giant gold monster, the giant gold monster did not really break through the master level after all, and he did not have the qualifications to challenge the first-level gods. Resist for a while.

It seems that Palkia or Liekong will be called to sit down today.

"Wait, brother, Tianlin, why did you suddenly start fighting?" At this time, Jiang Ta and Kalita and their mother and daughter ran up with Bai Lu. They saw that the sword of the earth had not moved, so they were worried. .

"You ask him, this guy actually overloaded Victini's power in order to move the sword of the earth, which will kill it." Tian Lin said angrily.

"What?" Jiang Ta was shocked. She hoped that the land of the earth would return to normal, but she never hoped that it would be in exchange for Victini's life. "Dredo, before you acted, you didn't say you would pay such a high price. big price."

"Because I know that as long as I say it, you will definitely not agree, and I will bear all the faults!" Dredo didn't want his mother and sister to take responsibility for killing Victini, It's all up to him.

There is still a bit of humanity, but why should Victini's life be sacrificed in order to realize his ideal? After all, he is still selfish.

"Zekrom, are you going to be my enemy?" Tian Lin glanced at Zekrom and asked imposingly.

"Sorry, ruler, I have to do this today, because I feel it, and achieve my ideal consciousness." Zekrom's voice echoed in Tianlin's ears, and he had made up his mind to fight Tianlin.

"Since that's the case, then I won't be polite to you anymore, giant gold monster, shattered wish!" Tian Lin flashed a burst of anger, causing the giant gold monster to use its biggest trick at the moment.

The Destroyed Wish, which contained a trace of the steel law, was activated faster than usual, and after a while, the destructive silver-white light shrouded Zekrom.

Zekrom would not wait to die. Its whole body shone with terrifying purple thunder and lightning, colliding with the wish of shattering. The huge power of both sides made the world change color, the sword of the earth, and the hilt where everyone was directly flattened. .

This is one of Zekrom’s two exclusive tricks, the lightning strike. The two sides are equal in this blow, but the giant gold monster has already used all his strength, and Zekrom obviously has spare strength. After all, with Tianlin as its opponent, it does not It may be deadly, otherwise if Tianlin is accidentally killed, the situation will be serious.

"It's amazing, this shining giant golden monster is at least a hundred times stronger than my shining three-headed evil dragon. If Tianlin used it yesterday, I'm afraid that my three-headed evil dragon will fall down if it can't hold on to one move~ '."

"That's right, I didn't expect this to be Tianlin's true strength!"

Only then did Kalita and Bailu really appreciate how powerful Tianlin was.

"Zekrom, you can't fight here. If this goes on, the Sword of Earth will be destroyed by the aftermath of your battle." At this time, Drake became anxious. He wanted to pull up the Sword of Earth, not the Sword of Destruction. .

Victini was also in a hurry, the sword of the earth could not be destroyed, otherwise the dragon veins would be violent again.

Seeing that Victini kept talking beside Tian Lin, Tian Lin guessed, "You mean I don't want to destroy the Sword of Earth, right?"

Seeing that Tianlin understood what he meant, Victini was ecstatic.

"Host, Victini is right. The system detected that under the sword of the earth, the power of the dragon vein is extremely violent, and it is completely suppressed by the enchantment of the sword of earth. Once the sword of earth leaves here or is destroyed, the dragon vein will Ruined the entire Hezhong." The system also voiced at the right time.

"What, since this is the case, you can't shoot at will." Tian Lin was distressed. Suddenly, there was a loud dragon roar outside the sword of the earth. When Zekrom heard this voice, he immediately left Tianlin. With Dredo, flew out.

Everyone ran outside, only to see that a white dragon was confronting Zekrom.

"That's the giant dragon that symbolizes the real thing, Lexiram!" Deredo said in shock. After the black dragon, did the white dragon also wake up?

"Ruler, it's your truth that awakened me, and I'm willing to fight for you!" the white dragon Lexiram said.

After finishing speaking, Lehiram and Zekrom began to fight, with staggered flames and staggered lightning, blue flames and lightning strikes, and the two dragons each came up with their own unique tricks to fight against each other.

Flames burned the sky, thunder ravaged the earth, and the ancient disasters of the people of the earth seem to be reappearing today.

"Thank you, Lexiram!" Tianlin said gratefully, Lexiram's strength is on a par with Zekrom, they won't be able to tell the difference for a while, and Tianlin wants to take advantage of this time. It's not difficult to take down Dredor.

"Damn, we can realize our ideal soon, why do you want to stop it!" Seeing that his plan was about to fall short, Dredo roared suddenly, with a deep despair in his tone.

"'" Who are you selling your pity to at this time? Tianlin still disdains him, "If your ideal is at the expense of others, then perhaps it is more appropriate to call it ambition, don't insult such a beautiful word as ideal. "

"It's the same with Zekrom. You only have the consciousness to pursue your ideals, but you don't have the courage to face reality."

When Zekrom, who was fighting the white dragon, heard these words, his movements stagnated for a moment, and Leshiram did not want to take advantage of the danger and stopped the fight.

Tianlin continued, "I have been to a place similar to this one, called Mijina!"

"At that time, the meteorite fell from the sky, and the land almost fell into destruction. It was indeed Arceus who saved the land at the beginning, but it was only temporary. When the power left by Arceus there was exhausted, it would have become desolate. "

"But now, there is no need to worry anymore, because there are new rescuers, and they are all human beings."

"People rely on their own efforts to completely restore the land to life. It has been over ten thousand years, but it is still full of vitality. This is the realization of people's ideals."

"And yours, what is it?" The conversation turned, and Tian Lin asked Dredo, "Compared to the force majeure natural disaster of Mijina, your country can be attributed to man-made disaster. The so-called ideal hero is true. The brave men who wage war for their own selfish interests are nothing more than stupid jokes."

"In a thousand years, there is nothing that can't be changed. The reason why the land of the earth is still barren is your own problem. You gave up your hometown, and now you are sacrificing your life to fulfill your recovery. I Ask why?"

"Is that so!" Bai Lu didn't understand that much, but she only felt that what Tianlin said made sense, she supported, "I don't want to give anything, but I want to get something, isn't that an act of getting something for nothing? How can this be called an ideal? ?".

Chapter [-]: The Power of Real and Ideal Laws to Calm Down the Runaway Dragon Veins

Tian Lin glanced at Bai Lu with admiration. She summed it up very correctly. Tian Lin meant this sentence. If you don't work hard, why should you sacrifice others to reward you?

"Zekrom, if you can't even distinguish between ideals and ambitions, then you don't deserve to be called an ideal god." Tianlin asked the final question.

Black Dragon was lost for a while, and Dredo said anxiously, "Czekrom, don't listen to him, don't forget, how much effort we have made for the recovery of the land of the earth!"

The only thing he can count on now is Zekrom. If Zekrom also turns his back on him, then he will be betrayed by everyone.

Tianlin hit the railroad while it was hot, "It's also moving towards a goal. It is an ambition to satisfy yourself without sacrificing means or even sacrificing others. Only through your own disdain efforts to reach the end of the goal is the ideal!"

This is Tianlin's definition of ideals and ambitions, and the path of Black Dragon and Deredo has gone astray.

But at this time, there was no time for them to reflect, the earth suddenly shook, and everyone ran to the edge to look down, only to see that from the old site of the land of the earth, an ominous purple-red energy began to spread. Power represents death, wherever you go, flowers and trees, all life is passing away.

The Pokémon in the forest began to flee frantically, and that energy was still spreading to Aindook.

"The dragon veins are out of control, but why? The Earth Sword didn't move at all!" Tian 443 Lin's face changed greatly. According to the system, this energy was enough to destroy the entire Hezhong.

"The ruler, it's because of us." Lysiram flew over and apologized, "A thousand years ago, it was my battle with Zekrom that destroyed the stability of the dragon veins. Today, our battle makes it go berserk again. But after all, the sword of the earth is still there, and the rampage is not as serious as it was back then."

"The Sword of the Earth? It has such an important responsibility!" Only then did Dredo realize what a mistake he had made. Now the slight rampage of the dragon's veins is so terrifying. If the sword of the earth is drawn out, the dragon's veins will explode completely, I am afraid that it will be in an instant. will cause a catastrophe.

"Now is not the time for you to blame yourself, go down to save people, inform everyone in Aindook to evacuate, Bailu, you go too." Tian Lin reacted immediately and shouted to several people.

"Tianlin, what about you?" Bai Lu asked worriedly.

"I'm going to stop the dragon veins. Since it's only a small-scale outbreak, maybe I can do it with my own strength. Zekrom, Lehiram, the giant gold monster, help me!"

Tianlin jumped on the back of the giant golden monster and flew towards the old site of the Land of the Earth, where the dragon vein erupted.

Zekrom and Lysiram looked at each other and immediately caught up, and another small figure quietly followed.

"Tian Lin, you have to be careful." Bai Lu was originally just a carefree girl. It was the first time she had seen such a terrible thing. She couldn't do anything, so she could only pray for Tian Lin's safety.

"In the face of danger, the first person to rush up is myself, and the first person to think of helping others is others. It turns out that this is the person who truly possesses reality and ideals." Now, he turned his head and said, "Mom, Kalita, go down with me to save people. After this incident, I will take the initiative to surrender to the Alliance."

Tianlin has already left. If he is still here, he should be quite happy to hear Dredo's words.

When he came to the eruption point of the dragon veins, Tianlin jumped directly to the ground and stretched out his palm at the same time, "First of all, it is the law of space!"

Tianlin opened a shield and used the laws of space to isolate the dragon veins in a small piece of different space, so that the dragon veins could not spread out.

"Again, it's the law of time!"

The law of time stopped time, and the spread of the dragon veins stopped immediately.

"Finally, it is the law that reverses the world and the power of evergreen."

The reversal power of the Pluto Dragon makes the time begin to flow backwards. Tianlin wants to restore the dragon veins to before the outbreak, and the power of evergreen is injected into this land, hoping to use the power of life to restrain the rampant dragon veins. Exudes the breath of death.

However, the power of the dragon veins is too great, even if only a small part of it spreads out, it is not something that Tianlin, a human being, can stop.

The corners of Tianlin's mouth began to ooze blood, and Lai Xiram said, "Ruler, your strength is very different from the dragon veins, and if you use the four supreme laws at the same time, your spirit can't resist it. "

"It doesn't matter, the goal is to completely solve the dragon veins. This is my ideal now. Even if I can't do it, I can save a few people if I can. This is my reality. In front of your two giant dragons, I will make it happen. Carry it out to the end." Tian Lin said with a painful smile.

Zekrom and Lysiram suddenly felt a sense of thought, this is a thought that fits their laws!

"I see, you realize your ideal consciousness!"

"I see, you have the courage to face the truth!"

The declaration of the black dragon and the white dragon resounded in the sky, and two different energies of black and white rushed towards Tianlin at the same time.

Hei Long said first, "Ruler, this is my law that symbolizes ideals. When you move towards ideals without hesitation, it will increase your power in an all-round way!"

Bai Long said later, "Ruler, this is my law that symbolizes truth. When you move towards truth without fear, it will also increase your power in an all-round way!"

The two laws of ideal and reality are completely different from Tianlin's original laws. They are not so mysterious, and the effect is simple and rude, which is the increase.

When Tianlin implements the ideal and reality, these two laws will greatly enhance the power of Tianlin's other laws.

In an instant, Tianlin's space law, time law and power of reversal were increased to a terrifying level, and even began to gradually suppress the dragon vein, but the dragon vein's rampage was also getting stronger, and in the end, the two sides only reached a level of evenness.

"Tini!" At this moment, Bictini appeared, it is also a Pokémon that masters the laws, and its laws represent victory.

"Thank you, Victini, if we join forces, we will be invincible. Let's use the V flame!" Tianlin ordered.

"Tini!" Victini's body erupted with a strong flame, the temperature was so powerful that it even surpassed Lexiram's interlaced flames and blue flames.

This is the most well-deserved flame-type move, except for the Z move.

Intense V flames hit the dragon veins. In the different space created by Tianlin, the place where the dragon veins ran wild was completely turned into flying ash. Tianlin took this opportunity to mobilize the law of time and the power of reversal to the maximum extent, and reversed the time and space. Return the power of dragon veins to the time before the outbreak.

"Phew! Finally succeeded in quelling the anger of the dragon veins!" Tian Lin let out a sigh of relief, this time he was almost finished. Fortunately, the law of the two dragons was given to him, and with the help of Viktini, this was the case. Frightened.

However, a blessing in disguise, Tian Lin found that the land of the earth, which had no energy at all, actually had a little weak life response at this moment. Yes, this earth is alive, but not because of the power of the dragon veins, but because of the real life of Tian Lin. The power of evergreen under the double blessing of ideals.

But this power is still very weak, as fragile as a baby, to make it fully grown, it still needs people to nurture it slowly.

Chapter [-] Shuanglong left the land of the earth to restore the news of the true wild

"Ruler, thank you for preventing the recurrence of the disaster that happened a thousand years ago." The white dragon and the black dragon flew in front of Tianlin and said, especially Zekrom, the cause of all this was because of him and Dredor, if it was true Therefore, it destroyed the Hezhong, and it was to blame for its death.

"It's nothing, you guys, are you leaving?" Tian Lin sensed the departure of the two giant dragons.

Zekrom said, "Yes, after waking up again after a thousand years, it is destined that someone full of ideals will come to find me. I thought that person was Deredo, but now it seems not, I will turn into a ball, and then Find another place to sleep on until someone with real ideals finds me."

"It's the same with me, Tianlin, although I wake up because of your truth, but in fact, you are a person who has both reality and ideals, not the object I really wait for, and I will turn into a stone of light again, waiting for the real hero. Wake me up again." Leshiram made the same decision as Zekrom.

"It seems that the two of you will inevitably have a fight in the future." Tian Lin sighed. Reality and ideals are opposites. Unless you have both, as he does, then only one of them will meet, and that is the absolute limit of ideas. -Pair conflict.

"Czekrom, Lehiram, you will definitely meet your real masters in the future. Maybe their ideas are opposed to each other, and they are not wrong, but sometimes, the opponents don't necessarily have to fight to the death and learn from each other. It is also a good way to grow together.”

"As the strongest first-level gods, in addition to protecting and helping your own trainers, you should also guide them to grow." Tian Lin advised.

Leshiram and Zekrom nodded thoughtfully, and said in unison, "Lord Ruler, I will listen to your words, then, farewell!"

After Ssangyong finished speaking, they entered the overclocking mode and disappeared into the sky at a speed so fast that they could not see their bodies.

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