"Three Evil Dragons, it's really powerful. I didn't expect such a strong person to be here. I wonder if Tianlin can win her?" Bai Lu didn't stop there, and continued to look for Tianlin to tell him about it. .

When she found Tianlin, he was also fighting. On the field it was Qingteng Snake VS Great Sword Demon. With the help of attribute advantages and naysaying characteristics, Tianlin's side of the Flying Leaf Storm burst into flames and won the game with a tyrannical momentum. .

"Tianlin, you are amazing, you can win so easily against the final evolutionary type." Bai Lu came over and congratulated.

"Why are you here, the game is over?" Tian Lin noticed that the wooden sign on Bai Lu's neck was gone, she must have lost, right?

Bai Lu stuck out his tongue embarrassedly, "Uh, I lost the first match. The people who came here today are all too strong, many of them are final evolutions with extremely high levels, and I'm not their opponent."

"That's true, don't be discouraged, you are just a trainer who has just traveled for a while, it is normal to lose the game." Tian Lin encouraged with a smile.

"Well, let me tell you, when I came to see you, I also met a very powerful trainer, she has one of the strongest Pokémon in our group, the three evil dragons of the quasi-god, but still Green flashing Pokémon!" Bai Lu remembered the business and immediately reminded Tian Lin of the powerful enemy he should pay attention to.

"Glittering quasi-god!" Tian Lin was startled, this kind of thing is not common, and the strength must not be weak. I have to say that the level of this battle ceremony is somewhat beyond Tian Lin's imagination.

"It seems that I have to continue to win, and then fight against the guy who has a flashing quasi-god, so that I can live up to the opportunity to make a special trip here." Tian Lin was not afraid of rejoicing, and immediately went to find his next opponent.

The opponent this time was a young man, and he used a Hayoke with intimidation characteristics. It was not the final evolution type, and its strength was not that strong. It was only about the elite level. When Tianlin saw this, he sent a small soldier to fight with it.

Its unyielding characteristics are launched under intimidation, and its attack power does not drop but rises, and it has almost risen to the upper and lower ranks of the elite, which is enough to fight the opponent.

"Hayok, make a slam!"

"Little Soldier, Chop Tile!"

The two sides were the ultimate hedging strategy from the beginning.

At the same time, another battle not far away had just been decided. Although the King Yanwu who defeated Bai Lu was not weak, it was a pity that he encountered three evil dragons this time.

With just one surf, King Yanwu was completely defeated, and the trainer girl of the three evil dragons won the victory easily again.

After winning several battles in a row, she wanted to take a break, so she came to the place where her mother set up the stall, and happened to see in the park in front of her, a Hayok and a colt knife were constantly fighting against each other.

For a trainer of her level, those two Pokémon were like chickens pecking at each other, nothing to watch, but it was not bad to pass the time.

"' "Isn't it good, that judging soldier is obviously much weaker than Hayoke in terms of hard power, but no matter the timing of the move or the power of the ultimate move, it can completely suppress the opponent, but it's a pity... ' the girl commented.

On the scene at this time, the little soldiers of the Judao seemed to have the upper hand, but she knew that as long as Hayok came back to his senses and used his strength, he could still win.

After all, the judao soldier was born not long ago, and the experience is not enough.

"Ha (what's that) York, the ultimate shock!" Finally, the opponent also realized this, and began to counterattack with a big trick.

"Come on, Judao soldier, the winner is a blow, use the tile to reduce the opponent's impact!" Tian Lin didn't plan to hide, as long as the Judao soldier succeeded in sustaining this blow, it would be the winner, because the ultimate impact The reaction force will turn the opponent into a lamb to be slaughtered.

'Boom! '

Splitting tiles against the ultimate impact, even if this is a fighting style trick, the power is still too far behind the ultimate impact, and the small soldiers are constantly suppressed and retreated.

Seeing that it was about to be unstoppable, suddenly a burst of light flashed from the little soldier of the Judao. At this moment, its power increased like a divine help, and it broke the ultimate impact directly and sent Hayok flying out, winning the game. victory.

"This is?" Tian Lin frowned, the strength just now was unusual, almost surpassing the quasi-celestial king, and it was not made by a small soldier of the current level.

Chapter [-] Victory Pokémon Bictini

"Mom, didn't the power of the judging soldier suddenly increase?" The girl looked at her mother in surprise, "Could it be that this is Victini's power?"

"Maybe!" The girl's mother wasn't very sure either, but the power was indeed similar to Victini.

In order to verify this conjecture, the girl came to Tianlin, "Hello, can you compete with me?"

Tian Lin came back to his senses from the surprise just now, and when he heard the girl's challenge, he replied indifferently "OK".

When someone invites you to fight, he will never refuse.

"Then, let's go, three evil dragons." The girl nodded and sent her own Pokémon first.

"The three shining evil dragons, so you are the trainer that Bai Lu said." This is the first time Tian Lin has seen Hezhong Quasi-God. They are both dragons. Compared with the gentle and honest Kuailong, the domineering Flying Dragon is extremely domineering. , The handsome and fierce bite Lu Shark, these three evil dragons give people a more terrifying feeling, which is in line with the characteristics of their evil-type Pokémon.

Perhaps this is the unique charm of the evil dragon. Tian Lin was very lucky, and the first one he saw was the flashing form.

"Since the opponent is the quasi-god of Hezhong, then it is more suitable to send you to fight!" Tian Lin immediately made a choice, "Fantooth Lu Shark, please!"

"Wow, it's Fang Fang 440 Lu shark, you can actually see it fighting against three evil dragons!" Bai Lu's eyes suddenly lit up. Quasi-God battles are rare. The only pity is that Tianlin is still in the second stage. The sharp-toothed land shark, if it evolves to bite the land shark fiercely, can be regarded as a real even-handed battle.

"The fangtooth shark is a ground-type Pokémon, but the three-headed dragon's characteristic is to float. It seems that this game can only be attacked by the dragon-type trick. The fangtooth shark uses the dragon's claws." Tian Lin's mind Thinking about the strategy, and did not flinch because of the level disadvantage, but took the initiative to launch an attack.

"Three evil dragons, use the wave of dragons!" This girl is also a very courageous trainer, decisively fighting against Tianlin.

The powerful dragon-shaped energy collided with the dragon claws of the fangtooth land shark, and the level suppression was very obvious. After a huge explosion, the three evil dragons did not retreat, and the fangtooth land shark was sent flying to the side. among the grass.

At this moment, no one noticed that a small Pokémon hid in the grass, flew to the side of the Fang Lu Shark, and injected its power into the Fang Lu Shark.

Fang Fang Lu Shark opened his eyes violently, and jumped back into the field with a rush of anger, and without waiting for Tianlin's order, he rushed towards the three evil dragons at an extremely fast speed, and shot them with an iron head. Knocked out of the field.

"This power, this speed, is almost reaching the level of the king, and there is indeed a problem." Tian Lin realized that something was wrong, and something was helping him cheat.

At this time, Fang Fang Lu shark waved the dragon claws, ready to take advantage of the victory to pursue the game in one fell swoop, but Tian Lin ordered, "Stop me, Fang Fang Lu Sha!"

He stopped Fang Lu Shark's movements, then walked over to the referee and handed over his wooden sign, "Referee, I admit defeat in this game."

In fact, Tianlin may have already lost the last game, and Judao Xiaobing just took advantage of that strange state to turn defeat into victory. Tianlin didn't know how to win the first time, but he knew it the second time. Under such circumstances, he would not be willing to rely on such means to win.

"Hoohoho!" Fang Lu shark walked in front of Tianlin and kept complaining. It clearly won, but why did the owner voluntarily admit defeat, which made it very uncomfortable.

"Okay, don't care about the outcome, ask yourself, is the power you suddenly increased just now your own?" Tian Lin asked back.

Fang Fang Lu shark was suddenly discouraged, it didn't know why it was so strong just now, but it understood that something was helping it secretly, and that was definitely not its own power.

"If you want to win, then continue to train hard. When you evolve into a fierce bite land shark, I promise you will not lose to the three evil dragons again." Tian Lin smiled and comforted him, he didn't care about his own The undefeated golden body was broken, so why should Fang Fang Lu shark care about a victory that he should not have won.

"Are you very tolerant, obviously you have the winning ticket, but voluntarily discarded the victory that was about to be achieved." At this time, the girl took back the three evil dragons and walked over.

"I admire you very much. My name is Kalita. I'm a native of the earth. It was Victini who helped you just now, right? It gave you the power of the knight and the fangtooth land shark."

"Hello, I'm Tianlin. My guess is the same as yours. It should be Biketini helping me." Tianlin did not deny it. It seems that after leaving the cave, Biketini has been invisible. Follow him.

He took out his Baofen box, "Come out, little guy, I know you are here, do you want to eat Baofen?"

I haven't heard back for a long time, and it seems that Victini still has some concerns.

Tian Lin continued, "Don't eat it, then I'll give it to the Fang Lu Shark. It's a big eater, and it will definitely eat it all up."


At this moment, a baby-like milky voice suddenly sounded, and an invisible Pokémon opened the Baofen Box, took out two of them, and ate them in small bites. Although one bite was not much, But the mouth is very fast, it seems that it really likes the Baofen made by Tianlin.

After eating Baofen, the little guy seemed still unsure, and even took the initiative to reveal his figure. The V-shaped shape that represented victory made Tianlin and others completely confirm their identity, and it really was Victini.

"Oh my god, I was actually tempted by Bao Fen to show up!" Kalita covered her mouth and dared not believe it. Bictini has always been a legend here, and has never been revealed to others. I didn't expect such a temptation. .

Of course, this is Tianlin. If it were someone else, even if the delicacies of mountains and seas were placed in front of it, it would not come out. Maybe it was Xiaozhi.

Victory, Victory Pokémon, super power type plus fire type, characteristic victory star, timid character (acceleration minus physical attack), height 0.4m, weight 4.0kg, king qualification, the potential can be infinitely close to the first-level god , the current strength fluctuates from novice level to champion level, the power in the body cannot be used at will, and there are skills: flame bomb, auxiliary power, mental strength, light wall, shadow ball, magic flash, V flame spirit).

After reading the introduction of the system, it turns out that this child is just like the original Shirabi, a non-combat-type Pokémon with great power but unable to use it.

At the time, the rabbi trained hard because of the hardships of Bishas, ​​and now he has a powerful strength that is infinitely close to a first-level god, but this Viktini is still a child who doesn't know how to fight.

The first thousand one hundred and three chapters The legend of the founding of the people of the dragon and the earth

This Victini is very timid, but also very familiar. Anyway, he has already come out, so he simply let go, and soon became one with Tian Lin and others.

Looking at Victini's happy appearance, Kalita sighed, "I didn't expect Victini to show up because of you, it's a miracle at all."

Kalita looked at Tian Lin with a burning gaze. This handsome little brother seemed to have a different kind of charm, which could attract wild Pokémon and even Eudemons to approach him.

"Maybe it's because I have conquered other Pokémon, so Victini felt the aura of my family from me." Tian Lin explained.

This shocked Kalita and her mother. The Pokémon were unbelievable, and they were much rarer than ordinary second-level gods. Unexpectedly, this young man had conquered species other than Bictini.

The two sent an invitation to Tianlin. Under the leadership of Kalita and her mother, Tianlin and Bailu came to the orchard of the previous mayor, Momendo.

Kalita's mother's name is Jiangta. She is not just a stall owner, but is actually one of the leaders of the people of the earth. The shining clay giant before is her Pokémon.

"Hey, two, how are you!" The young man who kindly guided Tianlin in the castle of the Sword of the Earth appeared again, and now he was standing with the mayor Mo Mengduo, "We meet again."

"It's really fateful, Mr. Dredo. Thanks to your help before, we were able to sign up for the match in time, but it's a pity that Bai Lu and I were not strong enough, and we both lost!" Tian Lin said bitterly.

"That can't be helped. After all, is your opponent me? I'm the one who will inherit mother's position as the elder of the people of the earth in the future! Right, brother?" Kalita's nose turned up, and she finally fought against the champion of the conference. It's her, and she deserves it, but she seems to be getting carried away now.

She ran to Deredo to show off that the two were siblings.

"Poor strength? The world-famous Mr. Tianlin actually laments that he is not strong enough. You are too modest." Dredo shook his head. It seemed that he recognized Tianlin long ago, and yes, it is said that he has been outside all the time. Experience and knowledge are naturally much stronger than his sister.

"I'm afraid, you won't even use one-tenth of your strength against my sister!" Although Dredo was a question, he said it very firmly.

Tian Lin even heard a trace of fear for him from his tone, which made him a little puzzled. They are not enemies, no matter how strong he is, why should he be afraid.

"What, is he so good?" Kalita covered her mouth in disbelief. She felt that she didn't fight very hard.

Bai Lu also looked at Tian Lin in surprise. She only knew that Tian Lin was very strong, but she had no idea how strong he was, but she could tell from Dredor's tone that he was strong enough to be frightening.

"Dredo, you kid, you haven't contacted your family for more than half a year. When did you come back?" At this time, Ms. Meta rebuked her.

"Just two days ago, at the request of the mayor, I am now helping to restore this castle in disrepair." Dredo explained.

"Mo Mengduo, even if you are the mayor, don't let my son do things all the time!" Jiang Ta suddenly dissatisfied, she didn't really care about Dredo helping out, but since she's back here, at least she should go home first Check it out.

Mo Mengduo apologized again and again, and finally got Jiang Ta's forgiveness, and then he took everyone into the orchard he was proud of.

The air in the orchard here is fresh and comfortable, and it is precisely because of this that Jiangta and Kalita suggested that Tianlin bring Victini to play here.

"Brother, Victini really exists!" Kalita showed off to her brother, she was the first to see Victini.

Unexpectedly, Dredo didn't show any surprise when he heard the words, but said lightly, "Well, I know!"

His performance made Kalita a little strange. As a citizen of the earth, when he heard the news of Victini, this reaction was too calm, right?

During the conversation, several people came to the mayor's house, Mo Mengduo took out a thick book from the bookshelf and introduced, "Actually, Jiang Ta and I are both descendants of the clan known as the 'people of the earth'. , what I want to say next is the story of our people of the earth and Victini."

"All ears." Tian Lin was also quite interested in the history of Hezhong.

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"More than a thousand years ago, our family was under the rule of the king, and the country of the people of the earth was very prosperous." Momendo opened the book, and there was a picture on it. It was an old and peaceful king, and his Beside him, there is a Victini.

That is to say, this Viktini may have been the companion of the old king a thousand years ago.

Then, Mo Mengduo turned to the next page, this time it was a beautiful scene.

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