The two climbed up the mountain. From a distance, they saw two Four Seasons Deer on the cliff. They were standing on the edge of the cliff and seemed to want to pick the fruit on the edge of the cliff, but one of the Four Seasons Deer was about to fall. fall.

Seeing this, its companion bit its little tail in time. Unfortunately, the power of a Pokémon like the Four Season Deer is limited, let alone rescue, and even the companion was almost not taken down by himself.

Not far from these two little guys, in a cave, a little little guy was scared to death. It originally wanted to rush out, but when it saw the approaching Tianlin Bailu, it seemed a little hesitant. It is afraid of humans.

"No, Tianlin, those two children are in danger, we have to save them!" Bai Lu said anxiously.

"Well, it's not too late, leave it to me." Seeing this, Tian Lin rushed over without hesitation, jumped on the edge of the cliff, jumped to the side of the two four-season deer, and picked them up.

At this time, the cliff seemed to be unable to bear the weight of him and the two Four Seasons Deer, and began to collapse. Tianlin immediately carried his superpowers, and one dodge took the two Four Seasons Deer back to the ground.

When the crisis was over, Tian Lin smiled slightly and gently comforted the two frightened Sijilu, "It's alright, eat some Baofen to suppress the shock!"

The deer of the four seasons are very fond of Tianlin who rescued them, and obediently ate the Baofen sent by Tianlin. The delicious food made them forget the fear just now.

Seeing this, Tian Lin calmed down and smiled, "Okay, let's go back to the forest, don't go to such dangerous places casually in the future."

The two four-season deer left, and in the dark, the little figure was relieved, but it secretly looked at Tianlin, and Tianlin's performance just now left a deep impression on it.

"Hey, Tianlin, why are you here now?" Bai Lu shouted loudly on the other side of the cliff.

Tianlin pointed to a cave in front of him and said, "It doesn't matter, there is a way to the sword of the earth, let's meet in town!"

After saying that, Tian Lin walked towards the cave. He knew that his position was right below the Sword of the Earth. This mountain was very steep, and the town of Aindook was along the foot of the mountain. of mountains.

The roads in the cave are intricate and complicated. Tian Lin used the power of the waveguide to explore while advancing. At this moment, he detected a strange waveguide and seemed to be still guiding him.

"This waveguide is a bit similar to Dream and Shirabi's. Could it be that there is a Pokémon of illusion here?" Tian Lin looked back.

As if knowing that Tianlin noticed him, the small figure immediately hid.

Tianlin smiled and didn't bother him about the behavior of the three hundred taels of silver in this place. Illusionary Pokémon generally doesn't like to appear in front of humans. He knows this. Since the child doesn't want to appear, he doesn't have to go into it. .

Slowly, as Tianlin went deeper, the cave gradually turned into steps. As the steps went up, an old door was pushed open, and he came to a place similar to a utility room.

"Little guy, I don't know who you are, but I just thanked you, I made this thing for you, I hope you like it!" Tian Lin put a box of Baofen on the ground, and then closed the door, he knew While he is still there, the Eudemons will not appear 0 ........

As the door closed, after a while, a small figure flew over, with a yellow body and huge and sharp ears forming the shape of the letter V.

It is the legendary Pokémon that represents victory, Bictini. According to legend, as long as its trainer is captured, it can become invincible.

Victini picked up a piece of Baofen and put it in his mouth, and immediately, the sweet and delicious taste attacked its taste buds, and Victini showed a lovely expression of incomparable enjoyment.

If Tian Lin, who has already left, sees this scene, he will definitely be very happy.

At this moment, Tian Lin came to the balcony of the Sword of Earth Castle, from which, looking down, the whole town of Aindook was unobstructed.

Tianlin found the stairs to leave the castle, and soon, he met Bailu who entered the castle to find him.

"Tianlin, hurry up, or we won't be able to catch up with the battle meeting!" Bai Lu dragged Tianlin to the town center. One of the reasons they came here was to participate in this meeting.

At this time, a young man walked down the stairs, looking at what he was wearing, he should be a local, and he was a remnant of the people of the earth.

"Hello, if you are in a hurry, let me lead the way."

"My name is Dredo, and I'm the Work 4.0 worker in charge of the restoration of this castle." The young man introduced himself.

"Thank you, my name is Tian Lin, this is Bai Lu, we are both Pokémon trainers traveling in Hezhong." Tian Lin also quickly introduced himself and expressed his gratitude.

Under the leadership of Dredo, Tianlin and Bailu finally came to the town of Aindook. Today, the town is really lively and crowded, and many local people have set up stalls here. Today But it's a great chance to make a fortune.

Trainers also use the power of Pokémon to serve everyone, Goth Kid squeezes fresh juice for children, Goth Baby uses super powers to cut watermelons for people and so on.

Among them, there is a Pokémon that completely attracted Tianlin's attention. It was a giant clay puppet, but unlike ordinary clay puppet giants, it was silver-white and turned out to be a shining Pokémon! .

Chapter [-]: Harvest Festival Contact Mako

"The shining clay doll giant's strength has reached the peak of the quasi-celestial king, and half of his foot has almost stepped into the level of the heavenly king. If this guy's trainer also participates in the battle meeting for a while, it will be really interesting." Tian Lin looked at The clay doll giant thought.

It is said that the mud doll giant was invented by ancient people as a labor force, so the power of the mud doll giant is very huge. , obviously more than 2.8m, even close to 3m.

"What a huge Pokémon!" Bai Lu sighed, it was the first time she saw a real clay giant.

But soon, Bai Lu's attention was attracted by some hawkers.

The variety of goods on the stall is very rich, including small ornaments, masks, ornaments, etc., and most of them are based on a kind of Pokémon.

"Is this, Victory Pokémon, Bictini?" Tian Lin asked as he picked up a pendant.

"Yeah, this is one of the most famous Pokémon in our town. It is said that since a long time ago, there has been a Bictini living in the castle, but almost no one has seen it!" 08 patiently introduced, "I heard that it will give people strength, and those who receive its blessing will win every battle."

"Sounds amazing, I want a pendant, and in the next match, as long as I hold this, I will definitely win." Bai Lu was completely fascinated, and bought the goods without hesitation.

At the same time, Tian Lin also thought that the phantom Pokémon he encountered under the castle just now was probably Victini.

After buying the pendant, the two first signed up for the battle competition. At this time, Tian Lin asked, "Bai Lu, where is my red-faced dragon?"

When they parted just now, the red-faced dragon followed Bai Lu.

"In the Pokémon Center, I opened the room, and after the red-faced dragon put your Dharma baboon statue in place, I handed it over to Miss Joy to recover its strength." Bai Lu replied.

Tianlin said with satisfaction, "You did a good job, thank you."

Although Bai Lu has zero knowledge in many travel common sense, she can still make accurate judgments about Pokémon.

There was still a while before the competition started, and Tian Lin arrived at the Pokémon Center first.

At this time, Miss Joy had just done a health check on the red-faced dragon and fed it a bottle of delicious water to restore its strength.

"Red-faced dragon, do you look good? It's up to you in the upcoming battle!" Tian Lin patted the red-faced dragon's thick arm and laughed.

"Are you the trainer of the red-faced dragon? Your red-faced dragon has been cultivated very well, and your body is also very healthy. Come on in the game!" Miss Joy said that the red-faced dragon is in good condition at this time, and there is no problem in playing.

"Thank you for your compliment, Miss Joy. Excuse me, where is the phone number here?" Tian Lin didn't forget important things. The reason why he was so anxious to find the town was to get in touch with Zhenjian as soon as possible.

"The phone is in the room on the left at the end of the corridor." Miss Joy pointed out the direction, and Tian Lin brought Bai Lu to a videophone.

He dialed the number of Shin Kam Research Institute, and the person who answered the phone was Shin Kam, when he saw Tian Lin, he was all excited, "Xiao Tian, ​​you finally came to me, even if you want to challenge the gym, You have to report to my sister from time to time that she is safe, otherwise I will be so worried!"

Zhen Kam said that she was very resentful, but she actually knew that there were not many people in the entire Hezhong who could threaten Tianlin. The so-called safety, in fact, didn't need to worry at all, she just hoped that Tianlin would find her more.

"Sorry, Sister Mako, I often forget about myself during my travels, and my mind is full of Pokemon things. I will definitely seek you out in the future to report safety." Tian Lin hurriedly said.

Only then did Mako nodded with satisfaction, "Well, is that how it should be? Okay, so let's get down to business, what's the matter with you suddenly looking for your sister this time, where do you need my help?"

Mako's understanding of Tianlin must be related to a certain Pokémon.

Tian Lin told her about the Dharma Baboon, and Zhen Kam suddenly said, "The Dharma Baboon in the Galar region, you got the Dharma Baboon from Mengte, but you want its ordinary characteristics more. Orangutan mean it?"

"Yes, I think the power of this gorilla's single-mindedness is greater than that of the Dharma mode." Tian Lin explained, "I have the characteristic capsule, the characteristic plaster and the Mengte essence you gave me, but these are all There is no way to change it from Mengte to normal, so I want to ask you if there is any way to do that?"

"Monte becomes a common trait, there is no way to do it." Mako touched his chin and thought, "I was one of the people who participated in the research and development when the common trait was made into Monte's plaster. There is a lot of information on this.”

"However, almost no one would think about reversing the rare Mengte back to the normal characteristics, so I haven't researched it in reverse. Since it's my brother, you want it, I'll try it and wait for my good news." It can be said that she is so indulgent that she hung up the phone without hesitation and threw herself into the research.

It is very reassuring to leave everything to Zhentian Tianlin, even if it fails, it is nothing, Tianlin just has the mentality of giving it a try.

Back in the town center, finally, the battle meeting is about to start.

In the square in the center of the town, a middle-aged uncle stood on the stage, "Ladies and gentlemen, 440 parents, young masters and young ladies, and Pokémon, welcome to the harvest festival in Aindook."

"I'm Mo Mengduo, the mayor here. This year, our orchard has a bumper harvest of plump and plump fruits. Are you looking forward to this year's harvest festival?"

Facing the mayor's question, the people of the town answered him with a warm call.

"Very well, then now, I'll announce here that the long-awaited Harvest Festival Battle Conference officially opens!"

"The rules of the battle are very simple, please have a one-on-one fair and just Pokémon battle with the trainers you meet in the town!"

"The trainer who can hold the participation card and persist until the end is the winner of today's game."

The mayor announced the rules of the competition, and Tian Lin picked up a wooden sign with the "Sword of the Earth" in his hand, which was handed to him by the staff when he signed up.

Tianlin hangs the wooden token around his neck, that is to say, everyone has to find a trainer with a wooden token for free battle, and the lost wooden token will be recovered by the staff, so they cannot lose a game and must fight to the end.

"Then, the battle begins!"

The moment Momondo announced, the trainers in the audience cheered and dispersed. From now on, this town will become a battle town for the trainers.

Chapter [-]: The Battle of the Great Colt Swordsman vs. Hayok Flash Three Evil Dragons Appear

"It's up to you, Red-faced Dragon!"

Tianlin quickly found the first opponent to fight, a little girl with blonde hair. Her Pokémon is the final evolution of the three vine snakes, the monarch snake.

"Monarch snake, use the blade!"

The monarch snake came to the red-faced dragon in the blink of an eye. The attack speed of the snake-like Pokémon was extremely fast. With the tail as a knife, the blue blade quickly slashed down.

But this is a melee combat skill. In terms of attack power, the red-faced dragon is much stronger than the monarch snake, so Tianlin will not dodge.

"Red-faced dragon, flame fist!"

The red-faced dragon gathered fire in the fist and resisted the blade of the monarch snake. Although it did not have the same attributes, but with its forcible characteristics, the power of this flame fist was not inferior to that of any fire-type Pokémon.

Under the scorching flames, the grass-type energy of the monarch snake was quickly burned.

After spinning three times in the air, he was thrown out fiercely.

"Very good, garbage shooting!" After throwing away the opponent, it is a long-range attack skill.

Countless dirty garbage smashed towards the monarch snake, burying the opponent under the garbage mountain. The monarch snake finally showed a head, but quickly fell down and lost its fighting ability. I don't know if it was hit by the red-faced dragon, or Smoked by garbage.

Tianlin's first battle went very smoothly, but Bai Lu on the other side was in trouble. She was using stir-fried pigs, and her opponent was the evolutionary King of Yan Wu. Regardless of race or level, the opponent had to lead by a large margin.

However, Bai Lu, relying on the smaller body of the fried pig, fought a guerrilla war with King Yanwu, and had a slight advantage at the beginning.

But soon, the opponent stopped playing and chose to drop ten times with one force, relying on the tyrannical flash charge to push horizontally, while Bai Lu ordered Chaochaozhu to fight back with stored energy flames.

However, the power of the flashing flame charge was too much more than that of the accumulating flame, and the stir-fried pig was sent flying out and lost its fighting ability.

After a fierce battle, Bai Lu regretfully lost.

Bai Lu, who lost the game, had to give the wooden card to the referee. In this case, she planned to find Tianlin to cheer him on. Unexpectedly, when she passed an alley, she saw an unexpected Pokémon.

A local girl wearing the costume of the people of the earth, but the Pokémon she uses is the three evil dragons of Hezhong Quan Shen, and these three evil dragons, like the clay puppet giant just now, belong to the shining Pokémon, and the whole body is green.

"It's over, Three Evil Dragons, Dragon Wave~'!"

With just one blow, the opponent's Pokémon Rumbling Pheasant fell down. Even the ultimate evolutionary family bird, in front of this flashing quasi-god, was simply not enough to see, and the power was too disparate.

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