The salesperson nodded, "Yes, there is only one, and it looks rather strange. A trainer picked it up and wanted to come here to recover, but no matter how many angry steamed buns were used, it failed. I think that Dharma baboon should be Really dead, he threw it in our shop.".

Chapter [*]: Regional Morphology of Dharma Baboons

"It looks strange, the dead Dharma baboon?" Tian Lin suddenly became curious, "Since that person threw the dead Dharma baboon here, can you show it to me?"

"No problem." The clerk said and turned to leave. After a while, he came out with a dried Dharma baboon.

It was very difficult for him to hold it, and he was out of breath when he put it on the ground. It seems that this Dharma baboon is very heavy, probably a lot more than the average Dharma baboon. If it does not have the power of Pokémon, it will be brought here from the desert. It's also a very difficult thing.

No wonder the people who brought it didn't want it when they couldn't be resurrected, saving trouble.

Tian Lin saw that this Dharma baboon was really very different. The appearance was divided into two parts, the head and the body, each with a face. The face on the head looked as cute as the ordinary Dharma baboon.

But the face on the body has a grinning image, giving people the feeling of a bad boy.

"Wow, this Dharma baboon looks really strange. It looks bad, but my Dharma baboon is better. At first glance, it looks like an honest child." Bai Lu didn't have a cold for this strange-looking Dharma baboon.

437 But Tianlin was shocked, and thought in his mind, "This, isn't this the Dharma baboon in the form of the Galar region, it actually appears here?"

Dharma Baboon (regional form), ice type, characteristic Dharma mode, bright personality (acceleration reduction special attack), height 1.8m, weight 125kg, excellent qualifications, potential of the king, the current strength of the king of high-level, has the skill: make trouble Ichiban, Brute Force, Earthquake, Flare Charge, Quick Return, Frozen Fist.

"Very violent Dharma baboons, but unfortunately they belong to Mengte!" Tian Lin shook his head, it wasn't that Mengte was necessarily better than the ordinary ones. At least the Dharma baboons in this area, with their ordinary characteristics, were better able to play their roles. The power of violent matchmaking.

And this Dharma baboon is indeed alive. The difference is that it belongs to the ice type, so naturally it cannot be unsealed with angry steamed buns. This time Bai Lu was right, and it should be Feiyun ice cream.

"Sir, you can take this thing with you if you like it, it's too heavy and takes up too much space." The clerk was very distressed, and the man had just threw the Dharma baboon away. He simply had no other way to deal with it.

Hearing this, Tian Lin hesitated a bit. This Bodhidharma baboon can't say bad, but it's not strong, unless it is to eliminate its dream and turn it into a normal feature, but in the current world, it seems that there is no such way. .

"I don't know if there is a solution for Sister Zhen Kam?" Tian Lin touched his chin and considered the pros and cons. According to Zhen Kam's achievements in Mengte, it may not be impossible. After all, she even studied the Mengte essence that makes dual-type Pokémon. Out.

After thinking about it, Tian Lin agreed, "Okay, leave this Dharma baboon to me."

Tianlin released the red-faced dragon and picked up the Dharma Baboon with the thanks of the clerk. He did not intend to wake it up in a hurry. Unlike Angry Mantou, the branches of Feiyun Ice Cream are everywhere, and it is not difficult to get it. , First confirm whether Sister Mako can change the characteristics. If not, he will send the Dharma Baboon back to the ruins and let it continue to sleep there.

After leaving the franchise road, Bai Lu and Dino found an open space, and then used angry steamed buns to wake up the sleeping Dharma Baboon.

The Dharma baboon got up very angry, and immediately attacked the two of them as soon as he woke up.

Dino is worthy of being the runner-up of the United States Alliance in the original book. The Pangyan monster easily solved the attack of the Dharma Baboon with a rock fall, and then took out the advanced ball to conquer it.

On the other hand, Bai Lu was miserable. She was no match for the Dharma Baboon at all. After all, this Dharma Baboon had the power of a quasi-celestial king. In comparison, her strongest fried pig was not at the level of a gym.

The flame attack is against the jet flame, and the fried pig is obviously at a disadvantage, not only because of the difference in the power of the ultimate move, but in the aeea mode, the special attack of the Dharma Baboon is too high.

Fortunately, the fried pig is also a fire type, and in the case of resistance, the Dharma baboon can't instantly kill it.

"Bai Lu, don't fight it head-on. If you can't beat it, just throw a super ball or a high-level ball directly. Don't be stingy. If one is not good, just two." Tian Lin reminded.

"Just throw the ball, why, if you don't fight to reduce your physical strength, isn't it difficult to conquer?" Bai Lu was puzzled, this is basic common sense.

"This little girl seems to know only a little about Pokémon." Dino is now considered a friend of the two, so he helped each other, "Dharma Baboon's Dharma mode has trigger conditions, only its physical strength is less than half. It will only change into this form when it is in the form of Bodhidharma, which means that as long as it is in the form of Bodhidharma, it itself represents the lack of physical strength of Bodhidharma baboons.”

"That's it, okay, then let's go, super ball!" Bai Lu heard the words without hesitation, and threw the super ball directly.

It's a pity that the first ball was shaken twice and failed.

Bai Lu was not discouraged, and threw the second and third balls again. Finally, she successfully subdued the Dharma Baboon.

For her without the superhuman characteristics of one ball, it is not bad to be able to conquer within three balls.

But she will be busy in the future. After all, she has not really defeated the Dharma Baboon. I am afraid that the Dharma Baboon will not recognize her for a while. How to open the heart of the Dharma Baboon depends on her own ability.

"Okay, then you two, I am going to participate in the East George battle in a month, and I have to win the badge of the Raven gymnasium, so I will leave here, Tianlin, thank you for your help, I was able to conquer it so smoothly. Dharma baboons." Dino thanked the two and decided to leave.

"East George's battle? Mr. East George also invited me to participate in it before. Where will it be held, and if I can make it in time, I will also go and see it." Tian Lin asked with great interest.

"Do you want to participate too? That's great. Although I haven't seen your strength, I know you must be a great trainer." Dino said, "The East George Battle Conference will be held just a short distance from Raven. The nearest town in the city, Raven Town, I look forward to your arrival."

After Dino finished speaking, he packed up and left.

Tian Lin planned to go to the nearest town here to get in touch with Sister True Wild. Bai Lu, for some unknown reason, had already walked out of the wilderness area, but he still had to follow Tian Lin.

Maybe it was because he was taken care of by Tianlin more along the way, and now he can't accept himself alone for a while.

Tian Lin had nothing to do with her, so he could only agree to follow.

The red-faced dragon hugged the stone statue of Bodhidharma and silently followed behind the two of them. Although the stone statue was close to 250 jin, it was the same for its extraordinary strength. It was as easy as holding a plush toy. .

Chapter [*] Amy Red-faced Dragon Civil War

After leaving the franchise road, Tian Lin and Bai Lu didn't know how to reach the next city immediately, and there was still a long way to go from Raven Town.

At this time, it is best to ask someone for directions. Just in time, a young lady with short hair and blue clothes came across.

"Hello, this lady, may I ask, do you know how to get to the nearest town here?" Tian Lin stepped forward and asked.

"The nearest town, not far ahead, there is a place called Aindook. It is said that the town was built by the people of the earth. Now it has fallen, so there is no special mark on the map. What's your urgency? If so, you can go there, as the Harvest Festival is being held there recently.” The woman~ introduced.

"Ain Dook, thank you, then let's go there quickly, keep up, Bai Lu, the red-faced dragon!" Tian Lin shouted behind him.

The red-faced dragon picked up the Bodhidharma baboon statue and walked past the woman. The woman quickly turned around and said to Tianlin, "Wait, is this red-faced dragon yours?"

"Yeah, this is my Pokémon."

"Well, hello, my name is Amy, in fact, I just became a trainer recently, and my initial Pokémon is also a red-faced dragon, but I don't know how to cultivate dragon-type Pokémon, I I originally wanted to wait until I became more familiar with it before taking it on a trip, but I just couldn't make up my mind."

Hearing this, Tian Lin said, "So it turns out, the starting Pokémon is the most noble dragon-type Pokémon. Your starting point is much higher than others. So, can you show me your red-faced dragon?"

"Okay, come out, red-faced dragon." Amy released her red-faced dragon. Compared with Tianlin, it is slightly smaller in size and only slightly weaker in strength. It has reached the level of a high-level gymnasium, and it is also Forced features.

It is a powerful and arrogant dragon. No wonder a rookie trainer can't control it well. It shouldn't be cultivated by Amy herself, maybe it's a Pokemon of the elders in the family.

Of course, the relationship between the red-faced dragon and Amy doesn't seem to be bad, but it is quite good. In this case, it is not too difficult for the two to cultivate a tacit understanding.

"Are you going to fight? There is no better way to cultivate a tacit understanding between Pokémon." Tian Lin suggested.

"Oh? Can I do it, but I've never used a red-faced dragon to fight anyone." Amy hesitated. She used to fight against wild Pokemon. The fight made her nervous all of a sudden.

"Don't worry, there must be a first time. Dragon-type Pokémon are all very aggressive, especially the red-faced dragon's violent temper. This is a step you must take." Tian Lin said, looking towards He took his own red-faced dragon, "Red-faced dragon, come and be the opponent of this junior!"

"Red!" The red-faced dragon nodded and walked in front of Amy, exuding a pressing aura.

Amy's red-faced dragon saw this, and the protector was eager to block in front of his master. Now that the arrow is on the string, it has to be sent. When the two dragons meet, a battle is inevitable.

"Then, let me put some pressure on you first, the red-faced dragon, the flame fist!" Tian Lin made the first move, but he still had room to use the flame-type trick that was not effective against the dragon element.

However, the flame fist has the additional effect of burn, coupled with the forcible characteristics of the red-faced dragon, once it successfully hits, the damage will never be low.

But Amy, a beginner, didn't know the seriousness of the situation at all, and he hesitated when he gave the order. In the end, the red-faced dragon was punched in the chest by the flame fist and retreated continuously.

Seeing this, Tianlin immediately shouted, "Miss Amy, you must first try to stop your opponent's movements, and give orders faster and more decisively!"

"Okay, red-faced dragon, use the infuriating bomb!" Amy quickly issued a counterattack order.

Tianlin frowned, "True Qi bomb? That kind of trick is useless, red-faced dragon, dragon claws!"

But I saw Tianlin's red-faced dragon stretched out its dragon claws and held up the infuriating bomb. Under the huge grip, the infuriating bomb instantly burst.

"The red-faced dragon is a physical-attack-type Pokémon, try to use physical attacks as much as possible. If you must let it learn long-range attack tricks, then learn the garbage shooting of the poison system." Tian Lin has completely turned on the guidance battle mode, and it is this A thank you gift from a young lady who just showed him the way.

"That's it, the crimson-faced dragon can't shoot me with garbage, but if there is a physical attack, there are others, the red-faced dragon, use the dragon's claws!" Amy gradually found the feeling, and the red-faced dragon became more and more vigorous.

The two red-faced dragons started a rapid counterattack of the dragon claws, which had the mighty momentum of a dragon civil war.

However, Tianlin's red-faced dragon clearly overwhelmed the opponent, both in terms of strength and attack speed, firmly occupying the initiative.

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"Red-faced dragon, weaken a little bit of strength, and slow down a little bit of attack speed." At this moment, Tianlin forced his voice into a line, and only conveyed the command to his own red-faced dragon.

The red-faced dragon understood and began to slow down quietly. Before he knew it, the two red-faced dragons became indistinguishable.

"That's great, you played really well, Red-faced Dragon, continue to use the dragon's claws at full speed." Seeing that her Red-faced Dragon slowly went from a disadvantage to a tie, Amy was getting better.

The red-faced dragon also trusted Amy's instructions more and more, and the arm waved faster and faster. In the end, it surpassed the speed of Tianlin's red-faced dragon, grabbed the opponent's shoulder with one paw, and beat him back.

"Red-faced!" Amy's red-faced dragon roared loudly. This was the first time it hit an opponent in this game, which made it excited.

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"Go after the victory, go, red-faced dragon!"

"It seems to be a little more confident now, but it's not good to be too confident. At this time, we need to give some blows, garbage shooting!" Tian Lin showed the garbage shooting trick he just told Amy.

Poison-based long-range physical attack skills, including the additional effect of poisoning, are definitely one of the most suitable tricks for the forcible red-faced dragon.

The attack power of the dragon claw is obviously not enough to face this move. Soon, Amy's red-faced dragon was buried by countless garbage.

After finally getting out of the garbage heap, he saw that the opponent's claws had come directly in front of its red head. Tian Lin stopped at the last minute, otherwise once the dragon claws were caught, the winner would be decided in an instant.

"Okay, let's go here, Miss Amy, do you understand, the red-faced dragon with forced characteristics doesn't need any other fancy things, as long as it keeps attacking and then attacking."

"It's obviously not enough for your red-faced dragon to have only one dragon claw. What you need to learn is the more powerful dragon-type skill Reverse Scale, and the poison-type trick that was just shown to you, garbage shooting."

"Trash shooting my red-faced dragon club, I can teach you, as for the reverse scale, this guy of mine is also learning, if you don't mind, we can learn together, there is a competitor, I think they will learn more atmosphere! "Tianlin laughed.

"Yes, thank you very much for your advice!" Amy bowed to express her gratitude.

Chapter [*] Arrived at Ain Dook

After half a day, Tian Lin first handed Amy the trick of garbage shooting, and told her to train the red-faced dragon in a hurry, and then, it was the practice of the anti-scale trick.

The so-called same-sex repulsion means that when two Pokémon of the same race stand together, they will always compare each other. In just half a day of hard work, Tianlin's red-faced dragon has achieved better results than in the past few days.

It was difficult to get started before, but now it has been initially understood, and the bottleneck of its strength seems to be a little loose. It seems that it will soon be able to enter the quasi-king level.

Tianlin is naturally very happy about such progress, and the Aindook's Harvest Festival Battle Conference is just right for him to experience it.

"Thank you very much for your advice today, then I'm going to say goodbye. Aindook is not far from here. If you two rush now, you can reach "[*]" in about two hours." Amy After expressing gratitude to Tianlin, he left.

Tian Lin also took Bai Lu to the direction of Aindook.

Passing through the forest in front, I came to a small town in the mountains. There is Aindook. Although it is not well-known on the navigator's map, in ancient times, this was the record of the legendary dragon. where the dragons were worshipped in castles built by the people of the earth.

Looking up from the forest, you can see the huge castle, as if a giant sword was inserted into the mountain peak, it looks particularly spectacular, just like its name, 'Earth Sword', as its name suggests.

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