As long as you pay attention to the protection of sandstorms at all times, you can still reach Raven City safely and quickly.

Of course, doing this will miss many adventure opportunities in the desert. Many trainers who are a little confident in their own strength will choose not to take this official road, but directly traverse the desert.

If he was alone, maybe Tian Lin would choose to do this too, but now that there is a small tail behind him, he also has to consider the girl's safety.

However, what he thought was very good. He couldn't bear the girl behind him was a master who couldn't rest. On the way, Bai Lu seemed to be attracted by something.  …

"Hey, what is that, it looks so cute!" Said, Bai Lu got out of Tian Lin's back. She had promised well before, but she turned her head and forgot.

"Wait for Bai Lu, there is a real desert there, you can't step into it at will!" Tian Lin hurriedly called her back, but unfortunately, Bai Lu ran too fast and disappeared in a flash.

"Really, this is too worry-free!" Tian Lin sighed, this girl is obviously older than Xiaoguang, but she is not as mature as her. It is estimated that when she was at home, her parents were very protective.

But what can I do now, I can't let Bailu run into the desert and just leave it alone, Tian Lin had to quickly follow.

There are three major dangers in the desert, one is sandstorms, the other is ferocious Pokémon, and the third is disorientation. If you lose dry food and water for a long time, it will be miserable. If you are lucky, you can survive. If you are unlucky, you can only Buried by wild sand.

Although the Alliance has set up official roads, it still receives a lot of missing persons cases in wilderness scenic spots every year.

Fortunately, Bai Lu was not far away at this time, and Tian Lin quickly caught up with her, only to see what she was digging in the sand?

"Bai Lu, what are you doing?" Tian Lin stepped forward and asked.

 4.0 "I just saw something, but a sandstorm blew over and buried it." Bai Lu replied while digging, and soon, a light blue figure was dug out by Bai Lu, "Look, Yes, but what is this?"

"This is, Dharma Baboon?" Tian Lin said in shock. In front of him was the Dharma Baboon statue that Tian Lin had seen at the gate of the ruins before.

"Dharma Baboon? No, my father has Dharma Baboon. I played with it since I was a child. Dharma Baboon doesn't look like this." Bai Lu questioned.

"This is another form of Dharma Baboon, called Dharma Mode. Only Dharma Baboons with dream characteristics can become like this." Tian Lin explained, and then became confused again, "But, this guy should It's in the distant ruins, how can it appear here?".

One thousand and ninety-five chapters self-sealed Dharma mode Dharma Baboon

"Perhaps it was blown by the wind and sand? After all, the dust is so big." Bai Lu guessed.

"No, the dust is not big enough that it can even be blown. Don't look at the small size of the Dharma baboon in this Dharma form, it is actually close to 200 pounds, and in this form, it is as motionless as a mountain. "Tian Lin denied Bai Lu's point of view, and Bai Lu was immediately dissatisfied.

"It's not blowing, is it possible that it ran over by itself, I think it's dead at all?"

Bai Lu was right, this Dharma baboon had been sleeping at the entrance of the ruins for many years, and it had already dried up. In theory, it was impossible for him to move at all.

Unless, it is really alive!

Dharma Baboon, burning Pokémon, fire type, characteristic Dharma mode, calm personality (adding special attack and reducing physical attack), height 1.4m, weight 95kg, excellent qualifications, champion-level potential, current strength quasi-King of the mid-level, with skills : Arm Hammer, Brute Force, Head Hammer, Flare Charge, Jet Flame, Overheating, Supernatural Power, Remarks: Dharma Baboon, who has been sleeping for a hundred years, rests his body 08 in Dharma mode, due to the conflict of the laws of champion-level Pokémon not long ago And woke up, escaped the ruins and fell into a deep sleep again, which can be woken up with angry steamed buns.

Seeing the introduction of the system, it turned out that this Dharma baboon was alive, and the reason why it appeared here was his own fault. Because of the fierce conflict between Sakagi and himself, he made it escape from there because of fear.

At this moment, Bai Lu made an unexpected move. She actually took out the Poke Ball and kept hitting it on the Dharma Baboon.

"Bai Lu, what are you doing?" Tian Lin asked in surprise.

"Try to see if it is alive, if it is alive, then the Poké Ball should be able to subdue it!" Bai Lu's head was very active at this time, thanks to her being able to think of this way.

However, Bai Lu changed several Poké Balls, but there was no response at all, and she immediately lost her mind, "It's useless at all, it's really dead, originally I wanted to take a look at a Dharma baboon that was different from my father's. ."

Seeing her like that, Tian Lin smiled and comforted, "No, it is indeed alive, but it just fell into a deep sleep, but its deep sleep is slightly different from other Pokémon. It may be more appropriate to say that it is self-sealing!"


"Yes, I used the powerful super power of the Bodhidharma mode to forcibly seal myself. It was originally to protect the ruins, but the most important things in the ruins have been destroyed by me not long ago, so there is no need to keep guarding them. You can also subdue it, but find a way to wake it up first!"

After Tianlin finished speaking, Bai Lu suddenly looked at him with a strange expression, "Tianlin, you really didn't do a good job, you demolished his house for no reason, and also destroyed his treasures!"

"Is this the point?" Tian Lin knocked her forehead angrily. "You didn't listen to the most important information about relationships. I mean to subdue it, you must wake it up first!"

"It hurts!" Bai Lu asked pitifully, covering her forehead, "Then what should we do?"

"I have a way, take this thing back to the avenue first!" Tian Lin picked up the Bodhidharma Baboon, 200 pounds was hard for Bai Lu to bear, but it was nothing more than the current Tian Lin.

Not to mention that he has all kinds of different powers, just being a super true rookie, it would be a shame if he couldn't hold this thing.

You must know that this guy Xiaozhi can throw a 999.9kg small nebula to play with.

Although Bai Lu didn't know Tianlin's intentions, she still followed her obediently. This time, she didn't dare to run around. If Tianlin hadn't followed her, she would have been lost in the sand.

After a day of traveling, the sky was getting darker. From the map, Tian Lin saw an oasis ahead. Trainers who traveled through the wilderness would basically rest here for a while.

By the time Tianlin and Bailu arrived at the oasis, tents had already been set up in twos and threes.

"It's very dangerous to drive at night in the wilderness, let's take a rest here too!" Tian Lin found an open area to open his backpack and set up a tent.

When he was all done, he saw Bai Lu was looking at him pitifully, holding a tent in his hand, as if he didn't know how to start.

"You... don't you?" Tian Lin asked tentatively.

Bai Lu shook her head, she really didn't know it, Tian Lin couldn't believe it, she didn't even know how to set up a tent, how she traveled by herself until now, this is even more unreliable than the previous Xiaoyao Xiaoguang.

Compared with Alice's wild survival skill level of MAX, it is even worse.

"Forget it, give it to me, I'll help you build it, you go make a fire, and there will be fried pigs to help you, this is no problem!"

"Okay!" Bai Lu happily handed over the tent to Tianlin, and started to make a fire with her own fried pig.

Tian Lin looked at Bai Lu, who was a little clumsy when making a fire, and shook his head helplessly. It really was the daughter of the daughter who had just been released from the house.

After all preparations were completed, the sky gradually became gloomy. Tian Lin and Bai Lu leaned on the bonfire and ate a little dry food. Although Bai Lu didn't understand anything, it was fortunate that he didn't have any temper.

In a place like the desert wilderness, it's good to have something to eat. She understands this very well, so she doesn't complain at all.

"Tianlin, I didn't expect that there are so many trainers here. Judging from their appearance, they are more prosperous than us." Bai Lu felt that it was quite a hard day's walk today.

Tianlin said, "Of course, many 433 people here are not walking on No. 4 Avenue at all, but crossing the desert area. This is because they are very confident in their own strength and dare to do this. Of course in the desert Dangerous, but there are also many opportunities, all kinds of sand-buried treasures, or rare Pokémon living in the desert, are their targets.”

"I'm sorry, Tianlin, if I didn't insist on following you, you would definitely challenge the desert instead of walking this safe road with me." Bai Lu heard the words and suddenly felt very sorry.

"It's nothing, I've been to the center of the desert before, and it's boring to go again." Tian Lin said that it doesn't matter. Speaking of experience, isn't the battle with the champion Sakagi enough?

"Hello, may I ask if you are carrying a Dharma baboon in the Dharma mode?" At this moment, a young man with red hair came over and asked, "Introduce myself, my name is Dino, and I am a friend of mine. The Pokémon trainers targeted by the alliances picked this up when they were crossing the desert before, and it's exactly the same as yours."

I saw that the Pangyan monster behind Dino was also carrying a Dharma Baboon in Dharma mode.

"The Pangyan monster of the quasi-king level!" Tian Lin is more interested in this Pangyan monster than the Dharma Baboon. With such a powerful Pokémon, it seems that this Dino is not a simple role.

PS: Dino is the runner-up of the original UPI.

The first thousand and ninety-six chapters join the avenue to find angry buns

"Hello, I'm Tian Lin, the girl's name is Bai Lu, you're right, this is the Dharma Baboon in Dharma mode." Tian Lin stood up and looked behind Dino, "The one on your Pangyan monster , seems to be."

"Yes, I found this by accident when I was practicing in the desert. I thought it was just a statue, but Pangyan monster must bring it. Although I don't understand Pangyan monster's words, I can understand what it means. , it was to remind me that this Dharma baboon is alive," Dino explained.

Tianlin remembered that there was indeed more than one Dharma baboon that he saw outside the ruins at that time. It seems that they are scattered all over the desert now, so only those who are lucky can get it.

"Your Pangyan monster is very smart. It feels right. This Dharma baboon is indeed alive. Do you want to break its seal and conquer it?" Tian Lin has nothing to hide. Mobaboons rely on luck, so this Dino relies on courage and perseverance. After all, not everyone dares to go deep into the desert.

Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared and dare to challenge.

"In this case, you might as well leave the desert with me tomorrow, I have a way to revive this Dharma baboon." Tian Lin suggested.

"Really, that's great, thank you very much!" Dino was overjoyed. He just saw that the two of them also brought a Dharma baboon, and wanted to try their luck, but he didn't expect that this person really had a way.

The two made an appointment to leave tomorrow, and Dino returned to his camp.

"Tianlin, are you so warm to strangers?" Bai Lu only asked after Dino left. Since the last time she parted, she has deliberately checked Tianlin's information.

As a result, there were a lot of comments about him on the Kanto Chengdu website, such as the powerful Heavenly King trainer, the youngest doctoral researcher, the alliance's high-ranking investigator, and so on.

There is also a netizen named 'Wood gave birth to a silver', commented that he is a bad guy, and reprinted and liked it tens of thousands of times.

Those Bai Lu in front of her have not seen much, but she is particularly aware of the fact that she is a good person. After all, she has never seen him angry because of her willfulness, and he is never stingy when others ask for help.

Isn't this what a bad guy is?

After listening to Bai Lu's comments on the Internet, Tianlin still had some idea of ​​his reputation in Chengdu, Kanto, and he was no less than the Four Heavenly Kings, so the previous comments were very normal.

But this is a bad guy. It is obvious that someone deliberately spread it out. What kind of wood gave birth to a silver one, doesn't it mean that Sakagi gave birth to Ah Yin? Isn't it bad for Ah Yin to report his ID number directly? Do this kind of bells and whistles.

"This, in fact, I'm not a bad person. I just rely on my parents at home, and friends when I go out. It's always right to have a little more good fate~'." Tian Lin said with a smile.

After listening to his words, Bai Lu nodded silently. In fact, she doesn't know much about it now, but in the future, Tianlin will stop a huge disaster in the Pokémon world because he always implements these words.

In the early morning of the next day, it was just dawn, and Tian Lin and Bai Lu, who had rested all night, got up early and packed their luggage, and Dino also came to their side as scheduled.

The three set off towards the north, and in about half a day or so, they can walk out of the wilderness area.

"Tianlin, what do you think is the way to resuscitate the Dharma baboons?" Bai Lu couldn't hold back her curiosity and asked.

On the side, Dino also pricked up his ears. He was not too familiar with the two of them, so it was inconvenient to ask more questions, but in fact he had wanted to know for a long time.

"Since you want to know so much, let me tell you, to revive this Dharma baboon, you need a food called Angry Mantou. The Dharma Baboon is a fire-type Pokémon, and the Angry Mantou can maximize the blood in their hearts. ." What Tian Lin said was exactly the awakening method in the original work, and it was absolutely effective.

"Angry steamed buns, I've heard that they seem to be a specialty of Kaji Town in Chengdu. We don't have this kind of stuff, right?" Dino said in distress.

"Yeah, our Hezhong's specialty is Feiyun ice cream, can we use this instead?" Bai Lu was so cute and cute, causing the two people on the side to sweat madly. Now the Dharma Baboon is calm enough. To give them Feiyun ice cream, do you think they have not sealed themselves thoroughly enough?

Tianlin didn't bother to pay attention to the off-line girl, looked at Dino and said, "Don't worry, you can buy it, on the way to Raven City, there is a place called Qiaoying Avenue, also known as Join Avenue, I don't know you Have you heard of it?"

"Joining the Avenue, yes, why did I forget this place? It's an avenue that gathers all kinds of shops. I heard that there are shops in other areas. Maybe you can find angry steamed buns." Dino became excited all of a sudden, It's a good place to buy a lot of weird items.

With anticipation, a few people quickened their pace, and after half a day, they arrived at the entrance of the joining avenue. After crossing this avenue, even if they walked out of the wilderness area, they were not too far from Raven City.

"'" Wow, it's so lively here, I didn't expect the exit of the Wilderness Scenic Area to be such a big shopping mall. "Bai Lu was attracted by the dazzling array of products.

Especially the clothing stores and gourmet stores made her drool.

Fortunately, Tianlin grabbed her in time, otherwise she would have lost her mind.

The three quickly found a supermarket that sold Chengdu products. Tianlin stepped forward and asked the salesperson, "Hello, is there any angry steamed buns here?"

"Angry buns, yes, you are also here to revive the Dharma baboons, right? Several trainers have come here to buy Angry buns in the past few days." The clerk immediately guessed the intentions of several people.

It seems that there are far more people in this world with extensive knowledge than Tianlin. There are still other people who know that Angry Mantou can revive the information of the Dharma baboons. The Dharma baboons near the ruins have all found their own owners.

"That's right, please give us two angry buns!" Dino stepped forward eagerly. He couldn't wait to get a Monte Damo baboon.

"Guest, don't worry, our angry steamed buns are definitely the most authentic, and the success rate of recovery is as high as 99%!" The salesperson warmly received, and took out two angry steamed buns and handed them to Bai Lu and Dino to kill each other. .

Bai Lu and Dino didn't recover on the spot at the first time, otherwise they would fight with the newly recovered Dharma baboons. Wouldn't they dismantle this franchise road? Let's go out and talk about it.

However, Tian Lin was a little more puzzled, looked at the clerk and asked, "You said 99%, is there still a Dharma baboon who can't recover?"

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