"You know her?" Alice asked Tiantong.

Tiantong nodded, "Well, she once challenged me at the Sanyao Gym, and she lost at that time."

"Tiantong, when I meet you here, it means your end is coming. I must avenge the revenge of the gym competition that day! I'm very unwilling to lose to you, and I use a bunch of righteous reasons to come. Criticize my Pokémon!" Cabernet Sauvignon looked at Tiantong viciously, vowing to take revenge.

Tianlin Xiaozhi moved away silently, obviously, the following is not their home court.

Cabernet Sauvignon repeated what Tiantong said at the time, "Your Pokémon has been kept in a too harsh environment, it's too bad, it's too bad, come back to challenge me again after a makeover, hahaha.... .."

Tian Lin approached Tian Tong quietly, "Hey, Tian Tong, were you really so vicious at the time, and you laughed so evilly? If it's true, don't talk about her, anyone will want to beat you up when they hear it."

"No! How could I say such a thing." Tian Tong immediately denied it.

"Hmph, anyway, what you said is almost the same as what I just recited." Cabernet Sauvignon said firmly, it seems that the picture just now was completely imagined by herself.

"So, I felt unwilling, and decided to become a sommelier too, and then beat you to the bottom of your evaluation. Now, my dream is to beat you first, and then become the best S-class sommelier lady."

A defeat, but let Cabernet Sauvignon find its purpose in life, which is a blessing in disguise.

"'" So, what level are you now? "Tiantong cared, although he was misunderstood, he was quite honored to be regarded as the goal of his efforts.

It's a pity that when it comes to this, all the momentum of Cabernet Sauvignon suddenly vanished, and he said hesitantly, "C...C grade!"

"C-level, isn't that a rookie level?" Tian Lin understood, no wonder Cabernet Sauvignon's comment on Xiao Zhi was so one-sided, and she couldn't get to know him in depth. It turned out that she was still a novice, but her comments on herself were not. It is quite in place, and the qualifications are not bad.

"If you are C-level, you can only be an assistant to an A-level sommelier. Even a rookie trainer needs at least a B-level to evaluate, let alone an elite like Xiaozhi Tianlin who scored in the top few at the conference. Trainers, if you don't have the A-level level, you can't judge them correctly." Tiantong taught him a lesson.

According to the sommelier's manual, it may be acceptable to judge a newcomer, but for a senior trainer like Tianlin, it is not enough. He has a variety of fighting styles, and his style can be constantly changed. If Cabernet Sauvignon wants to In-depth evaluation of Tianlin, I am afraid that he will not be able to see through him completely.

Tiantong sincerely hopes that Cabernet Sauvignon will not be so ambitious. Why does the Sommelier Association set ABC grades? It is to hope that they can be down-to-earth and move forward step by step.

But his words, Cabernet Sauvignon, were completely unheard of at the moment, but because of Tiantong's teaching from a higher place, she became even more angry, "I don't want to be told by you, just use the battle to prove that I The strength now is completely above your price!"

Facing the challenge of Cabernet Sauvignon, Tian Tong smiled, "Okay, I will accept your battle request!".

Chapter [-]: Sommelier Showdown This is the time for tasting

It was originally a debate between the sommeliers, but at this moment, because of Cabernet Sauvignon's dissatisfaction, it turned into a Pokémon battle.

Sure enough, once there is a conflict between trainers, a fight is the best way to tell who is right and who is wrong.

The two agreed on a two-on-two duel, and Cabernet Sauvignon gave priority to Pokémon, which is the evolution of the water otter, the double-edged pill.

The Pokémon that Tiantong is best at using is the grass-type Cauliflower Monkey, which has a very large advantage in attributes, but unexpectedly, he uses the Stone Crab.

"Double-blade pill, make the water fluctuate!"

Cabernet Sauvignon saw that its attributes were dominant, and launched the attack without hesitation. The water fluctuation did hit the stone crab. According to the attributes and level, it should be able to achieve a one-hit kill.

Tiantong smiled and shook his head, "What a monotonous attack, Shiju Crab, use a broken shell!"

I saw Shiju Crab's body shook, pushed away the water flow, and then broke the stone on his body, greatly increasing his strength and speed.

"How could it be able to withstand the water fluctuations?" Cabernet Sauvignon smelled incredible flavors.

"The characteristic of the stone crab is its sturdiness. No matter how strong your strength is, it is impossible to kill it with one blow." Tian Tong smiled, "Then it's over, the mellow fragrance of the stone crab, now Only to be distributed, cross scissors!"

Shiju Crab clasped his hands together, and smashed the double-edged pill with one blow, with a full effect 417.

Tiantong successfully won the first victory, and his tactics were exactly the same as Yadi's. First, he relied on his sturdy characteristics to withstand the opponent's attack, and then he used the broken shell to complete the strengthening in one breath, and the last blow was sure to kill.

As expected of both gym trainers, they thought of the same tactics.

It's a pity that Cabernet Sauvignon is not as lucky as Tianlin, and has completed the evolution of Pokémon in the battle, so there is no way to turn defeat into victory.

"It's not over yet, my second one is the budding deer!"

The budding deer is a grass-type Pokémon that changes its shape according to the season. The budding deer of Cabernet Sauvignon is spring-like, with several beautiful peach blossoms growing on its antlers.

"Then I'm going to replace the Pokémon too, come back, Shiju Crab. Next up is my best Cauliflower Monkey!" Tiantong also showed his ace, Cauliflower Monkey.

"Cauliflower monkey, seed machine gun!"

This time, it was Tiantong's turn to strike first, and the seed machine gun successfully hit, causing damage to the budding deer. Seeing this, Tiantong smiled confidently and entered the evaluation time, "Very good, Itstastingtime!"

Tianlin guessed that the main purpose of the seed machine gun was not to attack, but to test the properties of this budding deer. Since the seed machine gun can cause damage, it proves that its characteristics should be chlorophyll and Not herbivorous, in this way, Tiantong's winning rate has been greatly improved.

"Cabernet Sauvignon, in your battle, I felt the earthy aroma and strong potential, but it will take quite a long time to be able to taste it carefully and truly mature!" Tiantong's evaluation is very simple , Cabernet Sauvignon has good quality potential, but it is still too tender.

Subtext, you are still far away!

"Really, I'm just very unhappy with your comment, Sprout Deer, using wooden horns!"

The wooden horn is a grass-type skill. Once it hits the opponent, it can not only cause damage, but also absorb the opponent's stamina. It is a good trick that combines attack and recovery.

But how could Tiantong be hit so easily, "Cauliflower monkey, make a burrow."

The cauliflower monkey dug a hole to hide in the ground and lost its attack target. The budding deer could only stop and look around alertly.

"Cabernet Sauvignon, today I want to show you what the esoteric battle is, go cauliflower monkey!"

The cauliflower monkey broke out from the back of the budding deer, and the digging trick successfully hit the budding deer's hind feet, causing its body to lose its balance. At this time, Tiantong asked the cauliflower monkey to continuously use the seed machine gun to attack the left and right sides of the budding deer. side.

"Whether it's front or rear or both sides, sometimes, confusing the enemy with a complex aroma is also the taste of Pokémon battle. Then, at the most critical moment, regardless of other factors, give the opponent the last chance with the strongest scent. strike, and make (aiea) the flames of the sun."

The place where the cauliflower monkey finally appeared was directly in front of the budding deer. Because it had been attacking from the back and the side, the budding deer at this time ignored the front. fell down.

"The winner is determined, the two battles are completely won, and the winner is Tiantong!" Tianlin pronounced the sentence.

"Cabernet Sauvignon, in fact, I think your potential is really strong, but it will take time to unearth all of it." Tiantong, who won, did not sneer at Cabernet Sauvignon, but sincerely commented.

"Ah, it's such a review again, that's what you said last time, really, I'm just unhappy with your review, wait, I'll definitely become an S-rank lady sommelier and defeat you completely. "Although it was defeated, Cabernet Sauvignon still refused to admit defeat, and it also strengthened its career as a sommelier lady.

Hearing this, Tian Tong smiled and said, "Well, I will wait for this day."

Looking at Tiantong's smile, a blush appeared on Cabernet Sauvignon's face, whether it was shame or anger.

"You blushed like a bubble teapot! Hold it up if you like it, and punch it if you don't like it." Tian Lin complained silently beside him. Are you abusing a dog with a sundae when he's not around?

"Forget it, that's it for today, Tiantong, the showdown with your sommelier will be reserved for next time, and Xiaozhi, when we meet next time, I must replace all your Pokémon, No need for Mr. Tianlin's, his Pokémon are very good." Cabernet Sauvignon slipped away as if flying.

After putting down a bunch of cruel words, Tiantong seems to have got a more troublesome rival.

"What's up with me?" Xiao Zhi said that he was also shot while lying down, which was really unfair.

After leaving the mall, after a night of rest at the Pokémon Center, everyone planned to go to the Sky's Arrow Bridge, and then rush to Feiyun City.

On the way, they first encountered three mischievous duck babies. They wanted to make a whole group, but with Tianlin, how could they easily succeed, and they were easily beaten by Pokekigu and solved.

Seeing this scene, Tianlin suddenly thought of the Rockets trio. Since he came to Hezhong, he seems to have not seen them for a long time. I don't know what happened to them.

In fact, it's not that Tianlin can't meet them, but that they deliberately avoided Tianlin.

The Rockets who came to Hezhong were much smarter and knew that they were no match for Tianlin, so they chose to stay away. They seemed to have other plans.

Then, the group encountered a black-eyed crocodile with sunglasses. According to Xiao Zhi, this black-eyed crocodile was the one they met at a hot spring resort before. For some reason, it actually followed them all the way. here.

Chapter [-] Xiaozhi subdues the crocodile and arrives in Feiyun City

The black-eyed crocodile stepped forward and called Pikachu a few words with a bit of provocation. It was obvious that it was here to invite battle.

"This black-eyed crocodile is interesting, let me see how it can carry the handle?" Tian Lin has already recognized it, this is the only Pokémon in the Hezhong area that can be called fighting. The role belongs to Hezhong. If it weren't for its existence, Xiaozhi of the original Hezhong would be really weak and sad.

Black-eyed crocodile, male, desert crocodile Pokémon, ground type plus evil type, characteristic intimidation, uncertain personality, when wearing black glasses, it is stubborn (additional attack and special attack), and without glasses, it is timid (acceleration subtraction). Attack), height 0.7m, weight 15.4kg, excellent qualifications, champion-level potential, the current strength of the elite junior level.

After reading the information from the system, Tian Lin couldn't help but sigh, what kind of magical operation is this? Although dual-type Pokemon is extremely rare, he has seen a few, such as his own fast dragon, ivy snake, and others. Xiaozhi's Kirby, etc., but the dual personality is really unprecedented. This black-eyed crocodile is very strong with glasses, but without glasses, it is completely useless.

"Xiaozhi, the reason why this child is following you is that one wants to fight Pikachu, and the other may be because he likes you, so you can accept the challenge. How about accepting it by the way? This child is very strong." Tianlin suggested. , this black-eyed crocodile is still very good overall.

I took away the vine snake that originally belonged to Xiaozhi, then let him get the black-eyed crocodile in advance. With more time to cultivate, will he become stronger in the competition.

"Okay, then Pikachu, let's go!"

Pikachu jumped off Xiaozhi's shoulder, and its strength recovered very quickly. At this moment, it was about to re-enter the gym level. Even if the attributes were unfavorable, it would be no problem to deal with this black-eyed crocodile.

"Then let's start, Pikachu, use a flash of electric light!" Ash gave an order, a flash of light rose from Pikachu's feet, the speed increased to the maximum, and he slammed into the black-eyed crocodile with all his strength.

When the black-eyed crocodile was wearing black glasses, it was really not afraid of danger. It didn't dodge at all. With its own strong defense, it forcibly blocked Pikachu's attack.

Then, the black-eyed crocodile opened its big mouth and bit Pikachu. This was the bite of the evil-type skill. With the increase of the black sunglasses, the power of the evil-type skill was greatly increased, and even the black-eyed crocodile's teeth became sharper.

Although Pikachu's power was temporarily missing a lot, but the combat experience was still there, without Xiao Zhi's order, it took the initiative to use the iron tail, and the gleaming tail directly smashed the black-eyed crocodile out.

"Well done Pikachu, eh?" Ash just wanted to praise Pikachu, but he didn't expect that the black-eyed crocodile had undergone amazing changes at this time.

Its body began to flash white light, and it actually began to evolve.

The evolutionary type of the black-eyed crocodile is a hybrid crocodile. Its appearance is similar to that of the pre-evolutionary black-eyed crocodile. The biggest difference is that it can stand on two feet.Except the belly is pink, the whole body is brown, with more black stripes than before evolution, and there are two more rows of protrusions on the back, and there is a large black block.There are still three claws on the four feet, and the original front feet have become hand-like.

"The crocodile, doesn't it look good? Well, as Tianlin said, I'm coming to subdue you now!" It can be evolved during the battle, or at a critical moment, it can be seen that the aptitude of this crocodile is indeed very extraordinary. Chi was really moved.


The bastard crocodile roared, and used a powerful rock-type attack with sharp stones, and countless sharp sharp stones attacked Pikachu.

"Pikachu, use the electric ball!"

Although the electric skills are ineffective against the crocodile itself, it is not a big problem for defense. Pikachu threw a huge electric ball and the sharp stone attack collided head-on, and the two unique tricks just canceled each other out.

At this time, the gangster burrowed into the ground, and once the ground-based skills hit, it was difficult for Pikachu to resist.

"Pikachu, calm down and feel the surroundings, you can definitely avoid the attack." Ash reminded.

"Pika!" Pikachu nodded, closed his eyes, and his strength had not recovered to the peak. At this moment, he could rely on his rich combat experience.

The crocodile quickly dug a hole in the ground. Pikachu gradually sensed the shaking of the ground, and the soil in front of him began to loosen gradually. Pikachu suddenly opened his eyes and jumped into the air.

The bastard crocodile jumped out of the soil, and its movements were completely captured by the skin god.

"Yes, is this the level of battle that Pishen should have!" Tian Lin is quite satisfied with Pikachu's performance today, what is the appearance before, if it loses again and again, countless champions of heaven will fall at its feet High-level Pokémon cry.

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"Very good, Pikachu, use the iron tail again!" Xiao Zhi also seized the opportunity, Pikachu rolled over in the air, his tail turned into a weapon, and he slashed straight down, just hitting the shoulder of the crocodile.

The huge impact made the crocodile go numb in an instant, unable to move.

At this time, Pikachu made up the flash of electricity again, and won the victory completely.

"Just now, go, Poké Ball!"

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