A red and white ball took the crocodile into it, and after a few slight shaking, it gradually became calm.

Xiao Zhi stepped forward and picked up the Pokémon Ball, "Great, I got it, the Punk Crocodile!"

"Xiaozhi, this crocodile is very good, nurture it well, don't let it down to its high potential." Tianlin reminded him that he didn't want Xiaozhi to focus on the two royal families of Nuan Nuan Pig and Water Otter. Thus ignoring such a powerful combat power.

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"Well, I see!" Xiao Zhi agreed.

After subduing the sudden appearance of the crocodile, the group finally boarded the Sky Arrow Bridge. There, they encountered another obstacle. A Gothic lady cast a mist on the bridge, attracting all the passing pedestrians. The world it recalls.

Before the Sky Arrow Bridge was built, it was still possible to cross the river by a ferry. At that time, it became a good friend with a little girl on the ferry, but since the Sky Arrow Bridge, the ferry's business has also increased. just disappeared.

The little girl left here, and in order to keep the good memories, she forcibly created a space for memories with her strong mental power.

At first, even Tian Lin accidentally fell into it, but fortunately, he quickly realized that something was wrong, and used the law of space to forcefully open Miss Goth's space.

Therefore, Miss Goth was very resentful of Tianlin. Just when the two sides were fighting, the little girl at that time suddenly appeared, and she had grown into a beautiful big sister.

She came here on purpose to see Miss Goth, and seeing her friend who grew up, Miss Goth completely untied her heart, followed the lady away from the bridge, and everyone was able to successfully pass.

It didn't take long for a few people to finally walk to the other side of the bridge. The extremely prosperous city ahead was the Hezhong Center, Feiyun City!towel.

Chapter [-]: The omen of disaster, the anxiety of insect-type Pokémon

Feiyun City!

It is a seaside city in the south-central part of the Hezhong area.The difference from the previous cities is that Feiyun City is a huge city, with skyscrapers and ordinary high-rise buildings standing shoulder to shoulder.

This is the commercial and economic center of the Hezhong area. Vending machines can be seen everywhere. There are countless hurried pedestrians on the streets of the city, forming a noisy and busy picture.It is located in the Central Peninsula of Hezhong, with the desert to the north and the ocean to the south, making it a port city.

Feiyun City is also one of the largest cities in the Pokémon world, and it is also a city where cultures blend, including many things that have not been seen in other regions.The core area of ​​the city is the central business circle, with many skyscrapers and office buildings, and the central area is a park.The southern periphery is the port.

"Wow, it's really big here!" Alice couldn't help but sighed because it was the first time she came to such a big city in "April [-]".

Tian Lin couldn't help but agree, "Yeah, it is even more developed than the Golden City and the Golden City, and it is worthy of being the largest metropolis in the world."

"You are all here for the first time. The most famous dessert here, Feiyun Ice Cream, is a world-famous delicacy. We must go and eat it." Tian Tong suggested.

Feiyun Ice Cream is the same famous food as Chengdu Angry Mantou, Hoenn Fuyan Senbei, Shen Ao Sen's Yokan, Carlos Miaregre Pie, and Alola da Malasada.It is rare to have such an opportunity, and Tianlin naturally wants to taste it.

Alice couldn't wait any longer. She wanted to go now, but was stopped by Xiao Zhi, who was eager to challenge the gym. At his strong request, everyone decided to wait until they got the badge before going there.

"The gym is right in front, so let's go through the park!" Tian Tong recognized the way and walked in front, but when the group was about to pass through the park, Tian Lin saw a familiar figure standing in the park Under the big tree, it seems to be investigating something.

"Mr. Yadi, why are you here?" Tianlin stepped forward, and that person was Yadi. He frowned and looked very uneasy.

"Oh, Tianlin, you are finally here, but I have been waiting for you."

"Yes, it's not just me, this is my friend Ash, who is also here to challenge the gym." Due to Tianlin's intervention, Yadi left Yacar Forest early, so Ash and his party didn't know him at all.

"Hello, it's rare for you to come to challenge the gym, but I'm sorry, can you wait for me for a while, there is one thing I care about that I must investigate?" Yadi said apologetically.

"Did something happen?" Tian Lin also realized that there might be something wrong.

Yadi's expression became serious, "Since last night, the Insect-type Pokémon in the city seem to have noticed something and have been very restless."

"I've heard that when a catastrophe is imminent, the insect-type Pokémon will start to get very anxious." Alice heard a lot of stories from the grandmother of her hometown, but she really didn't want to go to the catastrophe. direction to think.

"Yeah, Insect-type Pokémon have the ability to sense electromagnetic wave phenomena that humans cannot detect, which has long been scientifically proven."

Hearing this, both Tianlin and Alice closed their eyes. Tianlin was searching for the diffusion waveguide, while Alice was sensing nature.

It was Alice who opened her eyes first, "There is indeed a situation, the direction is there!"

"Alice is really fast!" Immediately afterwards, Tian Lin also opened his eyes. I don't know if Alice's judgment was accurate or coincidental. The direction she pointed was the same as the direction Tianlin searched for the anomaly.

Everyone followed the direction pointed by Alice, but they came to the door of Feiyun Ice Cream Shop, which was not open today.

"Alice, you, you only have ice cream on your mind!" Ash said.

"That's not it!" Alice retorted loudly, nature really told her that there is a situation around here, although I don't know why it happened to be an ice cream shop, she couldn't wash it even if she jumped into the Yellow River!

"No, there is indeed an anomaly here. There are many waveguides, Xiaozhi, can't you feel that a lot of waveguides are gathering here." At this time, Tianlin reminded.

"What did you say?" Hearing this, Ash closed his eyes, and since he subdued Lucario, under its teaching, Ash also began to gradually learn how to use the waveguide.

"Really, there, countless waveguides have gathered!" Xiaozhi pointed to the ground, where it happened to be a manhole cover for an underground water channel.

Port cities like Feiyun City will have underground water channels, and they will also lead to wilderness areas outside the city.  …

"So, the Pokémon that used to live in the wilderness also migrated here in large numbers through this surface waterway!" Yadi suddenly thought of something.

Tianlin lifted the manhole cover without hesitation and jumped down, "It's useless to say so much, why don't you just look at the actual situation."

"Tianlin, wait!" Xiaozhi and the others also jumped down.

Not long after the group advanced in the waterway, they saw a centipede stuck in the water pipe, with only a tail dangling outside.

"He seems to be stuck inside!" Xiao Zhi stretched out his hand, ready to rescue the centipede.

Tianlin stopped him immediately, "Wait, Xiaozhi, the centipede's characteristic is a poisonous stinger, and it will be poisoned if you touch it with your hands. Leave it to me, please, the little soldier!"

"Smart, the judao soldier has the attributes of steel, and is not afraid of the poison of centipedes." Yadi praised Tianlin's delicate mind.

The little soldier Judao stepped forward and grabbed the centipede's tail, and with a gentle pull, he pulled it out.

Tianlin stepped forward, sprayed the wounded area where the centipede had just stuck, and put on a simple bandage.

The centipede smiled and thanked Tianlin.

"Looking at your size, you should still be a centipede in your childhood. Why did you come to the underground waterway and put your head 4.0 into that kind of place?" Tian Lin was very puzzled. The centipede should be a treasure living in an underground cave. Can dream, and the environment of the underground water channel is completely incompatible.

At this moment, a loud noise caught everyone's attention, and a large group of centipedes were seen passing through the underground water channel in groups.

The number is astonishing, and they seem to be very hostile to Tian Lin and others. Several of them made harsh noises at a few people, trying to force them back.

When Tian Lin saw this, he immediately put down the soundproof barrier. Seeing that the harsh sound was useless, the centipede directly launched an attack. Countless poisonous needles flew towards him. down all attacks.

But there are too many opponents, and it is impossible to fight in a place like the underground waterway. In desperation, Tian Lin and others can only choose to retreat temporarily.

Chapter [-] Feiyun City Centipede Panic

Under the attack of the centipede group, everyone had to quickly climb out of the underground waterway and return to the ground.

But what caught everyone's eyes was a very bad situation.

The streets and exterior walls of buildings in Feiyun City are full of centipedes raging everywhere, and there are even groups of centipedes attacking the city with poison needles or venom.

The scene of the stinger jellyfish destroying the city in those days seems to be repeated today.

To make matters worse, through the sewers all over the city, a large number of centipedes have already invaded the city center. If there is no effective counterattack, Feiyun City will fall.

"How could this be, why did the centipede destroy the city?" Yati said sadly, just as Alice believed that there were no bad children in the Dragon-type Pokémon, he also believed that the Bug-type Pokémon were all good guys.

"Several, it's very dangerous here, please take refuge immediately." Miss Junsha drove to Tianlin and others.

"Miss Junsha, I'm Yadi, what's the situation now?" Yati stepped forward to reveal his identity. He was a gym trainer in Feiyun City, and he was responsible for defending the city. 08

"Mr. Yati! It's great that you are here too. Now there are a large number of centipedes in every corner of the city, and Dr. Yew has begun to investigate."

"If that's the case, then let's start rescuing the people immediately! I'm a high-ranking investigator of the Alliance, and it's my duty!" How could Tian Lin back down at this time? Since Dr. Yew is in charge of the investigation, he only needs to do his best to assist the staff Evacuate.

Back then, when his strength was still weak, he was not afraid of the stinging jellyfish that attacked the city, but now the centipede with only one hundred legs can't scare him.


At this moment, there was a big explosion not far away. It was obvious that someone was fighting. Now the reason for the sudden anger of the centipede group has not yet been found out. It is only feared that it will backfire. Tianlin is more worried about it. this.

"That direction is, the Pokémon Center!" Yadi immediately determined the location of the explosion, and the group hurried over. The Pokémon Center is the most important place, and it must not be damaged.

At the entrance of the Pokémon Center, several trainers have gathered. They brought several fire-type Pokémon, such as Dharma Baboon, Fried Pig, and Sauteed Monkey. It is obviously a battle team formed against the centipede. .

One of the familiar figures attracted the attention of several people. After holding the camera to take a few pictures, the man threw a Pokeball and released a Pokémon that looked like an oil lamp.

It was a ghost-type and fire-type Pokémon in the Hezhong area, the ghost of lights, and that trainer was Xiudi.

"Let's do a trick together, spray flames!" Following Emperor Xiu's instructions, the trainers took action one after another. The four Fire-type Pokémon spewed flames at the same time, forcing the centipede group to retreat.

It was enough to do this, the centipedes would retreat, but Emperor Xiu and others planned to take advantage of the victory, and the flames knocked several centipedes flying.

Such a move completely angered the remaining centipedes. The next moment, countless venoms sprayed out, not only attacking the four Pokémon, but even the Pokémon center was affected to a certain extent.

"Emperor Xiu, stop, don't rashly attack the centipedes!" Xiao Zhi hurriedly stepped forward to stop the battle.

"You get out of the way, I don't have time to fight with you right now. These centipedes are attacking humans blindly. It's natural to expel them," Xiudi replied with plausibility. In some respects, his actions did not Wrong, just a little more aggressive, after all, protecting the Pokémon Center is the first priority.

It's just that he didn't notice that these centipedes had already planned to retreat after being forced by the flames. It was because of his aggressiveness that they fought back.

"Dr. Yew is already investigating the cause, you stop the attack first."

"Too naive, this is completely different from the rural Kanto where you live."

Seeing that Emperor Xiaozhi was about to quarrel again, Tianlin shouted, "Shut up for me, now is not the time for you to quarrel."

"Really, one is too hasty and the other is too slow, it's not good, listen, the current situation is urgent, we can't not but also can't do it rashly, I ordered all the trainers in Feiyun City to summon all the trainers in Feiyun City. , release fire-type, flight-type, rock-type Pokémon, drive away the centipede group in the form of feint, and drive them to the central area for protection, as long as they don't really hurt them too much, they won't be too big counterattack."

"Then, I will find the leader of the centipede group. As long as I control it, I can control all centipedes. Finally, as long as Dr. Yew investigates the cause, I can prescribe the right medicine and completely solve this incident."

"Good idea, I agree!" Yadi immediately agreed.

"What, are you a high-ranking investigator?" Emperor Xiu was surprised, he didn't know Tian Lin had such an identity.

"This is true, you don't even know the first genius of the alliance that shocked the world, it seems that the trainers in my Hezhong area are a little bit watching the sky." At this time, a middle-aged man with extraordinary bearing came. "I am the mayor of Feiyun City, and now I agree with the Tianlin Inspector's suggestion, all trainers, act according to the instructions."


Under the command of the three leaders, the gym trainer, and the high-ranking investigator, all the trainers started to move together.

Tian 423 Lin nodded in satisfaction when he saw this, and then looked at Emperor Xiu, "Emperor Xiu, let me ask you, Tou Ye, didn't he travel with you, why would he let you do such a ruthless act?"

Knowing Tianlin's identity, and being stared at by Tianlin again, the pressured Xiudi subconsciously replied, "Too has already left, he just took me for a while, and after my strength has improved to his satisfaction After the level, let me continue to practice, and he himself went to a place to practice."

"It turns out that if he was here, the situation wouldn't be so bad." Tian Lin said no more, turned to leave, and the most important thing for him now is to find the leader of the centipede group.

At the same time, the Yew Research Institute, Dr. Yew, is using satellites to probe the reasons for the mass migration of centipedes.

Originally, centipedes dig holes on the ground to make their nests to live, and the reason why they start to migrate in large numbers is most likely because of some abnormal changes in the ground. She is now trying to find out where the changes are.

"Well, this is it?" Soon, Dr. Yew discovered something unusual, "Could this be the reason why the centipede escaped from the ground?"

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