The place where the group of people are at the moment is the entrance town of Tianjian Bridge.

Don't look at the small population of this town, but it is very prosperous, all because of the three words Tianjianqiao.

Tianzhijian Bridge is the longest and most spectacular bridge in Hezhong. It spans the entire Feiyun Strait and connects the largest city of Hezhong, Feiyun City and Yache Forest. Such a bridge is erected on the sea and serves the transportation industry of Feiyun City. Provides great convenience.

Countless trainers who go to Feiyun City will choose to pass this bridge, which has also led to the economic development of several towns under the bridge.

The group did not choose to cross the bridge directly, and finally returned to the town. They always had to take a good rest. After checking in at the Pokémon Center, everyone planned to take a good look at this bustling town under the bridge.

It is better to come early than to come by coincidence. Today, they just happened to open a friendly shop. This is a facility specially built by the Alliance to support the trainers who have just come out of the forest, or those who are about to enter the forest, to replenish their supplies.

It specializes in selling things that are closely related to Pokémon, such as pokeballs, medicines, tree fruits, etc., or wild life necessities, such as tents, ropes, etc.

The rest are like beautiful clothes, precious jewelry, brand-name perfumes, etc. that girls like. Sorry, they are not sold here. If you want, please go to Feiyun City ahead.

In the past few days, the materials prepared by Tianlin and Tiantong have been almost consumed in the Yacar Forest, and now it is time to replenish.

Everyone walked into the mall, and Alice, a country girl, was quickly attracted by the dazzling array of products.

"Yiya, there's so much stuff here, right?"

Fang Ya got out of Alice's hair and nodded, it and Alice rarely come to such a prosperous place.

In fact, the real prosperity is not here. As the largest city in Hezhong, Feiyun City is the trend center of Hezhong.

"Miss, is this Fang Ya yours? Would you like to come here to see our props, it's very useful to you." The appearance of Ya Ya made some shop assistants discover business opportunities. After all, dragon-type Pokémon are not that common. of.

Curious, Alice walked to a gem store.

The lady at the counter said warmly, "Miss, your Yaya looks very cute, and your strength must be very good. We recommend you to use this dragon gem, which is a prop that can further enhance Yaya's dragon power, although It's a one-off, but when used at a critical moment, it works amazingly."

The Dragon Jewel, of course Alice, who is aiming at the Dragon Master, will not be unaware of this thing. When the Pokémon you carry can use a dragon-type move, the power will be increased once, which is a consumable item.

"This, I don't think I need it anymore." Alice waved her hand and refused embarrassedly. The only dragon-type trick that her teeth can currently know is Dragon's Fury. Power, and she has no money, no matter how much she wants, she can only think about it.

At this time, Tian Lin came over, looked at the billboard, and said, "It seems that you can also barter here. In this case, you can see how many gems this moon stone can exchange for you."

Tianlin handed over the stone that Aloe had given him.

The clerk took the moon stone and tasted it, "Sir, this is a medium-to-high moon stone. According to the exchange rate in our store, it can be exchanged for 6 consumable gems, but considering the moon stone ratio From the rarity of ordinary water stones or fire stones, it can be increased to 8 for you as appropriate."

8 yuan, Tianlin thought about it, it is reasonable, if it is an equivalent transaction, this type of moon stone can be exchanged for about 10 one-time gems, but people open a shop to make money, save yourself going. Time to find a buyer and earning two one-off gems is not too much.

"Okay, give me one each of the eight attributes of grass, electricity, dragon, fire, flying, insect, ice, and ghost."

"Okay, please wait a moment, sir." It was a lot of business. The salesperson was very satisfied and went to prepare. After a while, he came over with 8 gems of different colors.

Tian Lin checked it a little, and it was indeed the attribute gems he wanted.

"Thank you." Tian Lin took the gem, then took out the grass electric dragon three-attribute gem, and threw it to the three of them, "Xiaozhi, Tiantong, Alice, then."

Tianlin was never stingy with his friends, and he gave each of them the three most suitable gems.

"Thank you, Tianlin!" Alice happily held the dragon gem. Although Fangya 4.0 has no other dragon skills, as long as you train hard, you can learn it soon. This gem will one day Useful.

"Well, this gem has the fragrance of grass, and it is a gift from a friend. It's really touching." Tian Tong smelled the grass gem in his hand and made a speech from the sommelier.

Xiaozhi is used to it. From childhood to adulthood, as long as Tianlin gets something good, he will never forget himself and Xiaomao, and he will definitely take it out and share it with them, so he always thinks about it again, one day, he will You must also find an opportunity to repay him.

After a few people collected the gems, they planned to continue to visit the mall. At this time, Xiao Zhi noticed that there was a long queue in a store not far away that did not know what to sell. It was so popular, which aroused everyone's enthusiasm Curious, ready to go and find out.

Chapter [*] Lady Sommelier Cabernet Sauvignon

A few people walked to the door of the most lively shop, and when they saw the sign on the shop door, Tian Tong suddenly realized, "So it is, this is a sommelier shop!"

"The sommelier shop, what does this shop sell?" Alice asked.

"This is not a shop that sells real items, but a Pokémon sommelier to diagnose the suitability of each trainer and their Pokémon, so that trainers know what kind of Pokémon they are suitable for. ." Tiantong explained.

"Pokémon sommeliers also have grades. First of all, after passing the test of the Pokémon Sommelier Association, they are recognized as C-level sommeliers. Above this, they are B-level, A-level, and then the highest is S. class."

"Generally, a C-level sommelier can only be an assistant, and a B-level sommelier can conduct a simple adaptive diagnosis for rookie trainers. To serve senior trainers and open a sommelier shop independently, the level must be at least A-level."

Tiantong said proudly and straightened his collar, "To tell you the truth, I am currently A-level, and I am charging to S-level. If an S-level sommelier is a champion, even the champion of the king is qualified to give advice. Oh!"


At this time, the curtain was drawn, and a beautiful lady with long wine red hair bid farewell to a trainer who had received positive comments and was smiling, and greeted, "Next, please come in."

"It's a female sommelier, Tianlin Xiaozhi. They are called lady sommeliers. You can also ask her to evaluate her. Even if they are both A-level sommeliers, everyone's advice is different. " Tiantong suggested.

"Well, it sounds good, very interesting. I would like to see how this A-level sommelier commented on me and my Pokémon." Tian Lin was about to take a stand, so he ran over and lined up.

When Xiao Zhi saw this, he also queued up behind him with great interest.

"Then you are here to evaluate, and I will be in charge of purchasing materials." Tiantong is like a housekeeper, handling things in an orderly manner. Alice is afraid that he will not be able to take it alone, so she also volunteers to help.

"I don't know how long it will take, it's so slow." Xiao Zhi said anxiously, looking at the unmoving team.

At this moment, behind the two, an uninterested sommelier shop suddenly stretched out a palm and beckoned to them, and a female voice came from inside, "Sir, if you don't want to wait, I can also conduct an evaluation here. There's also the lady sommelier."

"That's great, Tianlin, it's very empty here, so let's choose this one!" Xiaozhi was excited.

This guy is impulsive again. Whoever said that it is a good thing not to wait. The so-called cheap is not good. Most of the time, sales and service quality are directly proportional.

But before Tianlin could stop him, Xiaozhi had already entered the store, and Tianlin had no choice but to follow.

There was indeed a sommelier lady in a red suit who looked about the same age as the two of them.

"Hello, I'm Xiao Zhi, he is Tian Lin, we are all trainers who travel with the goal of being a Pokémon master." Xiao Zhi introduced himself and Tian Lin.

"Hello, my name is Cabernet Sauvignon. Don't look at me so young, but I am an excellent sommelier lady recognized by the Pokémon Sommelier Association!" Cabernet Sauvignon introduced herself proudly, "Except for trainers and Pokémon. In addition to the suitability, such as the adjustment of Pokémon food, and the strategy of battle, I can give the most suitable suggestions."

After Cabernet Sauvignon finished speaking, he stepped forward and looked at the two of them, pointing to Tian Lin, "Then, please invite the more handsome Mr. Tian Lin to come first!"

"Obviously it was me who came first, this face-seeing world!" Xiao Zhi suddenly began to think about it full of resentment.

As soon as he came, he was at peace, Tianlin simply sat down in front of the woman, "Hello, lady bartender, I want you to help me evaluate these four Pokémon, come out, Ivy Snake. , Colt Sword Soldier, Red-faced Dragon, Crying Mask."

Tian Lin released all the four Pokémon captured in Hezhong in one breath. He wanted to see how the waitress in front of him would comment.

"Okay, I'll help you with the tasting now, Bonjour! Newtastingtime, silvouspla?t!" (Hello! This is the new tasting time, please!)

Every sommelier seems to have a mantra before the tasting, and Cabernet Sauvignon seems to be a combination of French and English.

"Then, let's start with the most powerful red-faced dragon." Cabernet Sauvignon walked to the red-faced dragon and watched it carefully, "Well, the characteristics of this red-faced dragon seem to be forcible and aggressive. characteristics."

"It's very steady to step on the ground with both feet. It can be seen that he is usually a good player in standing and outputting."

Listening to the evaluation of Cabernet Sauvignon, Tian Lin's eyes lit up. There is indeed something in this Cabernet Sauvignon. What she just said is correct. This is how Tian Lin cultivates the red-faced dragon.

Then Cabernet Sauvignon stepped forward and looked at Tian Lin again, "From the time you entered my sommelier shop, you were vigilant at first because there were no other customers, and then you felt that I was not malicious and relaxed, so you are also a A person with a delicate mind and a calm demeanor."

"No problem, I give you and the Red-faced Dragon 95 points. You are definitely a very suitable partner. The remaining 5 points are because you have just conquered it, and your understanding is slightly insufficient. You can add it later when you are familiar with it." Cabernet Sauvignon gave the final evaluation.

Tian Lin clapped his hands in admiration, "Not bad, your comments are very good, I am very satisfied."

"Thank you!" Hearing Tian Lin's words, Cabernet Sauvignon felt recognized, and while the iron was hot, she then evaluated the remaining Pokémon.

417 Snake sister has dual characteristics, amazing aptitude potential, and arrogant personality. Only a trainer with the same pride can perfectly control it. Tianlin fits it, and Tianlin has been cultivating it recently, and the tacit understanding is not low. 98 points.

Judao Xiaobing has just been born, but his body has perfectly inherited the toughness of Steel-type Pokémon, and his character is warlike. It is a good partner for trainers who aim to master Pokémon.

The crying mask looks a bit naughty and likes to prank people, but its mental power is stronger than ordinary Pokémon. Tianlin is a superpower and can suppress it, and it is also 90 points.

"It is indeed a bit of a standard, Ms. Cabernet Sauvignon, I agree with your evaluation, this is the evaluation fee!" Tianlin paid the fee boldly.

Cabernet Sauvignon is very happy. This is the first pot of gold she has won since its opening. Tianlin's recognition is also the best encouragement for her, which greatly increases her confidence.

"It's me, it's me, Cabernet Sauvignon, you can also help my Pokémon look!" Xiaozhi couldn't wait, even if it was just a review from the sommelier, he didn't want to lose to Tianlin.

Since each of Tianlin's Pokémon is around 90 points, he will hit 100 points, completely surpassing Tianlin.

"Okay, no problem, leave it to me!" At this moment, Cabernet Sauvignon was in a good mood and immediately agreed.

Chapter [*]: The Battle Between Cabernet Sauvignon and Tiantong Sommelier

"Well, Pikachu, this is a very rare Pokemon in the United States, and the fragrance it emits is also very novel!" Cabernet Sauvignon rarely saw Pikachu, and his interest was hooked.

"Well, I don't need to watch between me and Pikachu. My compatibility with it is definitely the best." Xiaozhi doubts that he will not doubt the bond between himself and Pikachu. [*]% confident.

Cabernet Sauvignon was a little disappointed to hear that Pikachu could not be evaluated.

Xiaozhi took out the Poké Ball, "I want you to help me see, this guy, come out, bug treasure bag!"

What Ash released was a treasure bag of bugs that he had just captured in the Yacar Forest.

"Okay, let me see!" Cabernet Sauvignon was the same as just now, carefully observing the body of the bug treasure bag, but his face was not as good as when Tianlin was just evaluated.

"How is it?" Seeing her expression, Xiao Zhi felt a little uneasy.

"The suitability between you and that worm treasure bag is... it's terrible!" Cabernet Sauvignon gave a low score ruthlessly, "The characteristic of this worm treasure bag is worm premonition, but I observe You come down, you should be a trainer with a more impulsive personality, and a bug treasure bag that is more suitable for the characteristics of chlorophyll."

"Okay, quickly replace this worm treasure bag!"

"How can this work?" Xiao Zhi immediately denied, how could he abandon his partner just because of a single evaluation.

"What, are you questioning my professional sommelier's words? Besides, if there are such insect-type Pokémon, don't you want as many as you want? Just listen to me." Cabernet Sauvignon dissatisfied.

"Actually, what she said doesn't make any sense at all." Tian Lin suddenly cut in the queue.

"Tianlin, why do you even say that?" Xiao Zhi never expected that Tianlin would stand on the side of Cabernet Sauvignon.

"Don't worry, listen to me, Xiao Zhi, you are a very good trainer of the fast attack type. For you, the faster the Pokémon, the more power you can use. Therefore, the speed is doubled on a sunny day. The chlorophyll characteristic insect treasure bag is indeed very suitable for you~'." Tianlin explained.

Cabernet Sauvignon nodded with satisfaction, "You really are my bosom friend, that's exactly what I thought."

Unfortunately, before she had time to be happy, Tianlin poured cold water on her, "However, your evaluation of Cabernet Sauvignon is too superficial. Xiaozhi is indeed impulsive. She has a tenacious character and is also a character who is very good at survival.”

"You may not have seen Xiao Zhi's performance on the Shenao League. His flaming monkey has mastered his own fire to the point of perfection. Xiao Zhi is the kind of person who is in a crisis, the more he can withstand the pressure, A trainer who bursts out several times his usual strength, therefore, the feature triggered by the critical moment of Insect's Premonition is also very suitable for Ash."

Cabernet Sauvignon was speechless. Last time, she failed the sommelier upgrade exam, and the evaluation teacher's evaluation of her was the same. The evaluation was too superficial, and it was impossible to understand the trainer and Pokémon under evaluation.

"It really deserves to be Tianlin, let me just say, how can I not be compatible with the bug treasure bag!" Xiao Zhi smiled.

At this moment, there was an applause from outside the store, "Well, that's a very correct comment on Xiao Zhi, Tian Lin, you have the potential to become a Pokémon sommelier!"

The two people who walked in were Tiantong and Alice. They had already purchased the supplies, but when they came back, they couldn't find Tianlin and Xiaozhi. They just came over after hearing Tianlin's comments.

Seeing Tiantong, Cabernet Sauvignon also exclaimed, pointing at Tiantong and screaming, "Ah, it's you, Tiantong, the gym trainer of Sanyao Gym!"

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