"No problem, please come with me." Under the leadership of Aloe and Mu Li, the three passed through the reading room of the museum. In front of them was the battle field of Qibao Taoist Hall.

Mr. Mu Li opened the front door through the palm print authentication, (aiea) introduced with a smile, "This area in front is not allowed for ordinary people to enter."

Inside the gate, there are a dazzling array of bookshelves, which are full, like a library.

"This is a library dedicated to collecting valuable books. If you want to read the literature here, you must get my approval." Aloe introduced.

"The collection of books here ranks first in Hezhong. Regardless of history or culture, here, you can fully understand Hezhong." Mr. Mu Li added.

It can be seen that both of them are very satisfied and proud of the collection of books here.

"It's really good, then after the battle, can I read the books here?" Tian Lin was still quite interested in Hezhong's culture.

"Okay, you just helped the child's father, I am willing to make an exception for you, you can read it as you like." Aloe immediately agreed, as Tianlin's thanks for helping her husband just now.

"It's here!" Aloe walked to a bookshelf and moved one of the books.

At this time, there was a sound of an organ rattling at the feet of everyone, and then the bookshelf slowly rose, and a secret passage appeared underneath. I didn't expect this book to be the organ leading to the battlefield.

A few people walked down, and what they saw was a brightly lit battlefield.

Aloe walked to the opposite side of the battlefield and said, "Tianlin, come and experience it, what a gym trainer I am."

"The opponents you are fighting against today are them!"

Saying that, Aloe threw two Poké Balls, and two normal-type Pokémon appeared.

The first was a brown-furred, vest-patterned Whistle Rat.

The second is a long-haired dog with thick fur and a strong build.

These two are famous family pets in the Hezhong area. After Tianlin came to Hezhong, he has seen many of their initial forms. Tantanmo and Little York are quite happy to fight the final evolutionary type today.

"Normal-type Pokémon are very interesting, they are not restricted by their attributes, they can learn all kinds of unique tricks, and they are very suitable for gym battles, so challenger, how do you face me, these normal-type Pokémon What about the ever-changing skills?" Listening to Aloe's words, you can see that she is very good at ordinary Pokémon, and the levels of these two Pokémon are not low.

Whistle Rat Gym-level beginners, Long-haired Dog Gym-level high-level, are not so easy to deal with.

"Aloe girls, then I want to use them here, come out, Judao soldiers and red-faced dragons!" Tian Lin sent the Judao soldiers and red-faced dragons after consideration.

Judao Xiaobing has been training hard for this gym battle for so long. No matter how big the difference in strength is, Tianlin wants it to perform well.

The red-faced dragon is guaranteed, and with its current gym-level peak strength, a long-haired dog is enough to deal with it.

Chapter [*]: Whistle Rat VS Colt Knife Soldier

"Little Soldier and Red-faced Dragon are both good Pokémon." Aloe nodded admiringly, "Then, my starter is Sentry Mouse."

"Judao soldiers, get ready to fight!" Tianlin gave an order, and Judao soldiers took the initiative to go to the battlefield.

"The Whistle Rat vs the Colt Blade, the game begins!" Mr. Mu Li announced as the referee.

"Judao Xiaobing, use split tiles!" Tian Lin chose to strike first without hesitation. After all, there is a huge gap in strength, and Judao Xiaobing must seize every opportunity to attack in order to have any hope of winning.

"Break it out!" Aloe vera made the Whistle Mouse come up to it-.

In terms of attributes, on the attack side, fighting-type tricks can restrain evil-type tricks, and on the defensive side, judao soldiers can also resist evil elements.

This is a gap between two major stages in hard power, which cannot be avoided.

"Hehe, Tianlin, your Kudao soldier seems to be just a child. This kind of combat power is not enough to pass my gym. Why don't I help you." Aloe smiled, "Sentry mouse, make Stare out!"

The Whistle Rat stared at the little soldier with sharp eyes, and lowered its defense in one breath.

"Thank you, Ms. Aloe!" Tianlin said gratefully. As a gym trainer, Aloe couldn't possibly be unaware of the characteristics of the judao soldier, but she chose to help Tianlin to trigger it, no doubt in order to let the original crush the game. The game became a little more intense.

The more intense the battle, the stronger the Pokémon. Aloe is very good at implementing the responsibilities of the gym trainer. The gym trainer not only tests the strength of the challenger, but also guides the challenger to become stronger.

The judao soldier's momentum increased greatly for a while, and the blade on his body became sharper, and the unyielding feature was activated.

"One more time to split tiles!" The little soldier Judao raised his arm and rushed forward, meeting the front teeth of the Sentry Mouse again.

The two Pokémon were shaken apart at the same time.

"Judao soldier, spiritual blade!" The agility of the Judao soldier is amazing. After a few backflips, he rearranged his posture. Then he waved his arm and released a crescent-shaped blade, which hit the heart of the Whistle Mouse.

The mental sharp blade is a unique trick that is easy to hit the key point. Even a gym-level Sentry Mouse is not happy to be hit by this trick.

"Isn't it amazing? This little soldier has a talent for fighting." Aloe praised her, her competitive spirit has been aroused, "Sentry mouse, use the front teeth to kill continuously."

The power of the Killing Incisor is comparable to Bite, but for Sentinel Rat, this move is much stronger than Bite, because it is a basic skill and has a good additional effect.

"Split tiles!" Judao soldier waved his arms to meet him, the situation reversed again, and it was at a disadvantage again.

And I don’t know why, it should be a continuous fight against each other. There will always be one time out of five times that the judao soldier will make a mistake and cannot make a special move, resulting in being directly hit by the deadly incisor. Fortunately, it has the attribute of steel, otherwise already fallen.

"So that's the case, that staring is not just a simple act of kindness. In addition to reducing the defensive power of the judao soldier, it is also to test its characteristics." Tian Lin came to his senses.

Sure enough, the gym trainer's heart is also quite dark. Aloe's ordering of the Whistle Mouse's squinting, although it triggered the indomitable characteristics of the Kudao soldiers, but also proved that its characteristics are not mental power.

Therefore, Aloe will issue the order to kill the front teeth in a row. This trick has a 20% chance of causing the opponent to fall into a flinching state, and there is no mental strength to resist. Under the continuous attack, the small soldiers can only be continuously triggered to flinch, and then be beaten.

"The Whistle Mouse, the last blow, use the blow!" Aloe almost calculated the physical strength of the little soldier of the Judao, and planned to decide the winner in one breath.

"It's not that simple, Judao soldier, raid!" Tian Lin didn't give up either. The Judao soldier made the last resistance. With the preemptive skills, it quickly attacked the Sentinel Mouse.

The Whistle Mouse was hit hard and was about to fall down, but he saw that it actually supported its body with its tail and forcibly stabilized its body.

Then the Whistle Mouse backhanded and grabbed an arm of the little soldier, and fell directly over his shoulder.

"The little soldiers of the Kudao lost their ability to fight, and the Sentinel won the victory." Mu Li judged.

"Come back, Judao soldier, sure enough, just relying on the ordinary-level strength of the Judao soldier, it is really hard to match the gym-level Pokémon, but the performance is not bad." Tianlin took back the Judao soldier, and did not see any loss. The defeat was unexpected.

Judao soldiers have insufficient combat experience and strength, and have not learned many tricks, and they cannot reach the level of defeating the strong by the weak.

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However, it can severely damage the opponent's gym-level Sentry Mouse, and it is at least passable as the first gym battle.

"Red-faced dragon, it's your turn to fight."

Tianlin's second Pokémon appears, the dragon is a red-faced dragon.

"Red-faced dragon, Whistle Mouse, use angry front teeth." Aloe knows that this guy is much stronger than Judao soldiers, and the sure-kill front teeth may not cause much damage. It is better to use a fixed damage trick to forcibly cut half of your physical strength. of angry front teeth to maximize results.

"Red-faced dragon, use sharpening claws!" Tian Lin's action this time was somewhat unexpected. He did not order to dodge, but forced half of his stamina to complete the strengthening of the red-faced dragon.

.... . . .

The angry front teeth were biting on the red-faced dragon's arm. In the face of the huge pain, the red-faced dragon still did not change his face, and raised his other arm to prepare to counterattack.

"Dragon Claw!" Tianlin gave an order, and the red-faced dragon grabbed it violently. After grinding the claws, the red-faced dragon's attack power greatly increased, and the winner was decided with one blow.

"The sentinel rat is incapacitated, and the red-faced dragon wins."

"Although the Whistle Mouse was knocked down, I still have the advantage, long-haired dog, let's go!" Beside Aloe, the long-haired dog jumped to the center of the field and stared viciously at the red-faced dragon.

The red-faced dragon's aura suddenly dropped by one point. This is because he was caught in the characteristics of a long-haired dog, intimidating!

The strengthening of the claws that took half of the physical strength to complete was wasted in an instant.

"Long-haired dog, use the frozen teeth!" The long-haired dog exuded a chill in his mouth, and rushed towards the red-faced dragon.

Now the red-faced dragon's stamina is less than half, if it is hit directly by an ice-type skill, even if it doesn't fall, it will be a last resort.

"It's not that simple, Red-faced Dragon, try your new trick, garbage shooting!"

Originally, the red-faced dragon was only good at melee combat, and the only long-range attack was the Dragon's Wrath with fixed damage.

In order to make up for this shortcoming, Tianlin let the red-faced dragon learn garbage shooting, which is a rare physical attack skill in the long-range attack, which can make the red-faced dragon's superior physical attack effectively play.

The first thousand and sixty-nine chapters of the black and white legend of the basic badge united

On the field of competition, the red-faced dragon turned poison-type energy into dirty garbage and threw it at the long-haired dog. If you dare to take it hard, you have to give up the Frozen Fang attack and start retreating.

"I really didn't expect such a move, but the disadvantage of this move is also very big. The long-haired dog uses frozen teeth to attack while jumping left and right."

Aloe vera caused the long-haired dog to constantly shift its shape. She saw the shortcomings of garbage shooting. There is no perfect skill in this world.

Garbage shooting is powerful, has no side effects, and has a 30% chance of poisoning the opponent. Such a powerful move will inevitably be limited in some places, that is, its hit rate. The hit rate of this move is not [*]%, as long as the opponent is If you can't pinpoint your position, you can crack this trick.

""Four-one-three" hehe, red-faced dragon, garbage shooting, continue to fire!" Tian Lin smiled and gave instructions confidently.

The red-faced dragon's eyeballs turned in the direction of the long-haired dog's repeated horizontal jumps, and then the garbage shot spewed out, hitting the center of the long-haired dog's body, and one blow knocked it out.

"It's a very precise attack, it wasn't a coincidence just now." Aloe can naturally see that the attack just now was not luck, but that the red-faced dragon completely locked the long-haired dog, but she didn't understand how it was done.

"Ms. Aloe, do you think that I will not hesitate to let the red-faced dragon take half of my strength with an angry incisor, and I will also forcefully use the claws to sharpen the claws. Is it just to improve the attack power?" Tian Lin explained with a smile, "Don't forget , this move has another reinforcement."

"By the way, sharpening the claws can also increase the hit rate of Pokémon." Aloe then remembered another effect of sharpening the claws, but in the past, everyone didn't pay much attention to this effect, only focusing on its ability to increase attack power, so Even aloe vera was ignored for a while.

"That's right, this move is for garbage shooting. Red-faced dragon, keep attacking!" Tianlin ordered loudly.

With its precise gaze, the red-faced dragon completely blocked the movement route of the long-haired dog. Now it is difficult for the long-haired dog to connect to the red-faced dragon, so how can you fight it in close combat.

"That won't work, if that's the case, then use the maximum force to break through, long-haired dog, and use the ultimate impact!" Aloe rarely uses the ultimate attack in gym battles, because ordinary challengers can't handle it at all. Live, but she can see it today, the words Tianlin and ordinary don't go together at all.

The long-haired dog gathered the maximum strength of his body and rushed forward. After forcibly withstood a garbage shot, he finally came to the front of the red-faced dragon.

"As expected of Miss Aloe, you finally found a chance to fight in close combat, but in fact, in close combat, my red-faced dragon will not lose, use brute force!" Bulge up, open your palms, and prepare to meet the enemy head-on.

'Boom! '

In the stadium, because of the collision between the two sides, there was a loud noise, and I saw the red-faced dragon withstood the long-haired dog with both hands. This was a contest of strength between the two sides.

The long-haired dog digs the ground on all fours, and is still trying to push forward. The red-faced dragon is even more hideous.

"Red-faced dragon, you can't lose, use your tail to stabilize your body." Tian Lin shouted.

Hearing the words, the red-faced dragon directly inserted its tail into the ground, and with the help of the power of the earth, it began to gradually gain the upper hand.

When the strength was exhausted, the impact of the long-haired dog finally could not be maintained and began to decline.

"Good chance, red-faced dragon, do it!"

"Red!" The red-faced dragon roared, lifted the long-haired dog, and then threw it out. The long-haired dog turned several times on the ground before stopping, only to see that its eyes were circled, and it was obviously powerless. battle.

"The long-haired dog lost the ability to fight, and the red-faced dragon won, so the winner of this game is the challenger Tianlin!" Mr. Mu Li announced Tianlin's victory.

"Tianlin, it's a fascinating battle performance. You and your Pokémon are very good." Aloe is quite satisfied with this game. The collision of strength and strength has made her blood boil, "Lai , this is the proof of winning the Qibao Taoist Hall, the basic badge."

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