Aloe took out a rectangular badge from his pocket. Like the badge of the Sanyao Gym, it has a slender design, and this badge resembles a purple spine. It is indeed a badge designed by the curator of the museum.

Tianlin accepted the badge and put it into the collection box, which was his second badge in the Hezhong area.

After walking out of the arena, Tianlin did not leave the gym directly. Before the game, Aloe promised Tianlin that he could consult the books here at will.  …

Tianlin is most interested in, of course, the most famous myths of Hezhong, the Black Chapter and the White Chapter. With the help of Aloe's husband, he quickly found the relevant books, and tried to memorize the contents of the books.

According to legend, the Hezhong area 2500 years ago was a country founded by a pair of twins and a dragon.Due to the inconsistency of goals, the differences between the brothers gradually expanded, and eventually developed into a war, and the dragon also split into two Pokémon, the real Reshiram and the ideal Zekrom.The war was inexorable. Neither Reshiram and Zekrom could defeat the other, and both exhausted their stamina, finally realizing that the wrong twin heroes had ended the war and returned to peace.

However, after the twin brothers were laid to rest, the sons who succeeded them rekindled the war, and the enraged Reshiram and Zekrom burned the United States with fire and lightning, and disappeared.

In addition, it is said that when the original dragon split, in addition to the will of the two dragons, ideal and real, there was also a body left behind, that is, the third dragon, Kyurem.

Zekrom, Lehiram, and Kyurem are the three strongest Dao dragons in the United States.

Tianlin closed the book and said to himself, "The strength of the three dragons in this way is already so strong 4.0, so how strong is the original dragon, even if Kyurem absorbs the other two dragons separately and becomes The Flame White Kyurem, or the Dark Kyurem, is far from the strength of the dragon's heyday!"

"But I always feel that I seem to have seen the original dragon. Is it my super ancient genes that are doing the trick again?"

"Tianlin, have you read it yet?" At this moment, Mr. Mu Li walked in. Before he knew it, Tianlin had watched it for more than two hours, and it was almost time for lunch.

"Sorry, I forgot the time!" Tian Lin returned the book, bid farewell to Mr. Mu Li and Ms. Aloe, and returned to the Pokémon Center.

Before leaving, Mr. Mu Li gave Tianlin a ticket. This is the ticket for tomorrow's treasure exhibition. Since the crying mask issue has been resolved, the exhibition can be held as scheduled.

Chapter [*]: Dragon's Bone Stolen Seven Sages Asura

After a night of rest at the Pokémon Center, Tian Lin came to the Qibao Museum again the next day. Mr. Mu Li warmly invited him, and because of his affection and reason, Tian Lin was not good enough to give this face.

Today's museum can be described as a sea of ​​people, Mu Li came to greet Tianlin with joy, "Tianlin, you are finally here, thanks to you, this exhibition can be held so smoothly, please enjoy it to the fullest today. ."

"Okay, if Mr. Mu Li has time, please introduce me to these treasures of the public." Tian Lin said with a smile.

"Haha, what's the problem, that's my responsibility." Mu Li not only brought Tianlin, but also a large number of visitors into the hall, where all kinds of famous treasures of Hezhong were displayed.

Mu Li first walked to a counter, pointed to the two stones inside and said, "Everyone, please see, these two stones are replicas called back cover fossils and feather fossils. The real ones can be resurrected as our famous fossil treasures. Kemeng, the original turtle and the archaeopteryx, if you have the opportunity to get the real thing in the future, you can come here to restore it!”


"Fossil!" Tianlin touched his pocket. When it came to fossils, he had one in his hand. It was given to him by Mr. Donggua, the owner of the Water Vessel Gym, but Tianlin still doesn't want to restore it. He has enough Pokémon, his energy is limited, and he won't be able to cultivate it any more, so let the Pokémon in it sleep for a while longer.

Then Mr. Mu Li introduced the rare treasures from all over the world in the museum, such as bones held by some kind of Pokémon as weapons, masks that people used to wear during sacrifices, stone slabs with uninterpreted characters engraved, buried The ancient cobblestones in the desert, the meteorites with cosmic viruses attached, the fossils of Pokémon wrapped in hard armor, etc., are really dazzling.

"Finally, what I want to introduce to you is this, my wife and I's favorite collection, the Dragon Bone." Mu Li led the crowd to a huge skeleton.

Mu Li stepped forward and touched the bones, sighing, "Yeah! No matter when you look at this skeleton... it's fascinating!"

"Everyone, this skeleton was left behind by a Dragon-type Pokémon. It was probably due to an accident while flying around the world, and it turned into a fossil."

"If the estimate is correct, it should be a fast dragon, but from the size of the skeleton, it can be seen that this fast dragon was at least several times larger than our common ones."

The ancient Pokémon are indeed huge, and this fast dragon should not be simple. Of course, it is more than one grade worse than Tianlin's friend, the super ancient fast dragon.

However, ordinary visitors have never seen such a large fast dragon fossil, and they have stepped forward to record and take pictures.

However, at this moment, the lights of the museum suddenly dimmed, and at the same time, all the doors and windows were suddenly closed, and the curtains fell, causing the entire museum to be pitch black, and no fingers could be seen.

At the same time, there was a strange clicking sound in the venue, and then the alarm sounded loudly in the museum.

"What's the matter?" Someone exclaimed and panicked, and the museum suddenly became a mess.

"Whistle Mouse, use the flash!" At this time, Aloe vera shot, and the Whistle Mouse lit up the entire venue with the flash trick. As the vision recovered, everyone calmed down.

At the same time, Mr. Mu Li ordered the staff to open the curtains and open the doors and windows. He restored the lights and everything returned to normal. Fortunately, no one was injured because of the accident just now.

"Ah, that dragon skeleton is gone!" At this moment, someone pointed to the center and shouted, and saw that the huge fast dragon skeleton originally placed in the center of the venue had disappeared out of thin air.

"Ah, the child's mother!! It's not good! It's not good! The skeleton is gone!" Mr. Mu Li knelt on the ground with his head in his arms, looking panicked, that's their baby.

"Don't worry, Mr. Mu Li, it is impossible for them to take away such a large skeleton. The click sound just now must be that they broke the skeleton, then wrapped it up and mixed in the crowd, and finally escaped when you gave the order to open the door. Presumably I haven't gone very far now, and if I can catch up immediately, leave it to me!" Tian Lin comforted.

"Then I'll trouble you, Tianlin. I don't know who the thief just now is. I'm worried that they will come back and steal the rest of the treasures, so I must be stationed here now." Dare to steal things in front of her gym owner, it is really deceiving, but she also knows that the bigger picture is more important than the skeleton, there are more treasures here, what if the other party turns the tiger away from the mountain?

"Yeah!" Tian Lin nodded, then rushed out of the museum, the guide spread in all directions, and soon saw a few people running anxiously, "Is it there?"

With a sound of 'swipe', Tian Lin used his super powers and used teleportation to chase after him.

Soon, those few people ran into the jungle outside Qibao City. Tianlin didn't startle the snake, thinking that this is where they meet, and maybe they can catch the person behind the scenes.

After a while, an old man dressed in a style very similar to the previous Kui Qisi appeared. Needless to say, he must be the other members of the Seven Sages, and this matter was really caused by the plasma group.

However, this sage did not have the uncomfortable gloomy feeling that Kui Qisi brought to Tian Lin before.

I saw him saying kindly to a few people, "It's okay, my important partners who swore allegiance to my king, you have worked hard this time."

"Lord Asura, for our king, this is what we should do, but we checked this skeleton on the way, and it seems to be just an ordinary dragon Pokemon fossil, not what we are looking for."

"Well, since it has nothing to do with the giant 413 dragon that our plasma team is pursuing, then let's give up the dragon bone. After all, this is an important thing for others." Asura sighed, and it could be seen that he didn't seem to like doing this. This kind of robbery is just out of frustration for the sake of ideals.

"Young man over there, please show up and take your things back!" Asura looked at the bushes where Tian Lin was hiding. As expected of one of the Seven Sages, he had already discovered Tian Lin.

Now that it has been discovered, Tian Lin didn't intend to hide, and went out directly, "The seven sages of the plasma group, what is your purpose?"

"The purpose, of course, is to realize the ideal of our king. In order to liberate Pokémon, we have to resort to trickery and looting before we can take Pokémon or something from the trainer." Asura said, "I know You, Tian Lin, an extremely powerful trainer, but you know that your power is based on the wanton manipulation of Pokémon battles."

"We want to liberate Pokémon. For this purpose, we will not let go of those who get in the way. Don't stop us again, or you will suffer."

Asura handed back the dragon bone, put down the cruel words and left, Tianlin did not stop him, because he could see that this Asura was not evil, just like N, who was liberated by Kuiqisi The dream of the dream is brainwashed.

For such a person, Tian Lin hopes to have the opportunity to lead him back to the right path in the future.

Chapter [*]: The Bottleneck of Training the Vine Snake in the Yachi Forest

After taking back the Dragon Bone, Tianlin returned to the Qibao Museum. Seeing him, Aloe and Mu Li came over anxiously. After checking, they found that the Dragon Bone was intact and only needed to be stitched together again.

The two of them breathed a sigh of relief, and thanked Tianlin for thousands of years. In order to thank Tianlin, Aloe gave him a relatively high-quality moon stone, which was exactly the same as in the game.

Afterwards, Tian Lin bid farewell to the husband and wife, and in order to advance to Feiyun City, where the next gym is located, he entered the Yacar Forest, which is the only way to Feiyun City.

The size of the Yacar Forest is beyond Tianlin's imagination. From the navigator's map, its area is not under the Evergreen Forest in Kanto. Without the use of superpowers, Tianlin estimates that it will take at least two or three days to walk. go out.

But that is also in line with Tianlin's intention. He just can exercise his Pokémon in the Yacar Forest, especially the three little guys, the crying mask, the rattan snake and the little soldier.

The level of the crying mask and the rattan snake is not low. As long as you train a little, you will soon be able to usher in evolution, and the little soldier of the judao needs a lot of training to improve his strength.

There is a straight road leading to Tianjian Bridge in the Yacar Forest, but it is artificially opened, so it is rare to encounter wild Pokemon, so the opportunity to exercise is lost. For this, Tianlin deviates directly from the road, Entering the natural labyrinth of the forest.

He has the ability of waveguide to protect himself and is not afraid of getting lost.

And the more such a place is, the more good things can sometimes be found. Not long after entering the forest, Tianlin found a moss rock, which could allow Yibu to evolve into Ye Yibu.

He also picked up a miracle seed near the stone. This is a good thing. It has a similar effect to the mysterious water droplets that increase the power of the water element. The Pokémon carrying this can increase the power of the grass-type trick by 20%.

Tianlin did not hesitate to give it to the rattan snake to carry.

Then, Tianlin ushered in several days of penance, and every day he found all kinds of wild Pokémon to fight.

In the Yacar Forest, there are not only various grass-type insect-type Pokémon, but also fighting-type Pokémon such as throwing ghosts, striking ghosts, and carrying teenagers, and there are even rare dolls.

What Tian Lin likes most is to meet almost a doll. This guy has a lot of physical strength. Every time he defeats it, Pokémon can get a lot of battle experience. It is really the best upgrade package for traveling and training Pokémon.

It's a pity that he didn't encounter any outstanding talents, otherwise it would be good to conquer one.

Today, Teng Teng Snake has locked on another target, which is the evolution of the transporter, the iron-boned native.

The experience points gained by defeating evolved Pokémon are much more than those that have not evolved, and Tian Lin will naturally not miss such a good opportunity.

Moreover, most of the fighting-type Pokémon are belligerent, and Fujiteng Snake just went up and hooked his fingers to provoke it, and immediately aroused the fighting spirit of the iron-boned natives.

"Very good, it's coming, Teng Teng Snake, Feiye Storm~'!"

The unique trick that Teng Teng Snake has been practicing is naturally Flying Leaf Storm. After unremitting training, its Flying Leaf Storm is not only more powerful and faster, but the number of times it can be used in a game has also increased a lot, and it is now 7 times, and will soon be able to reach the maximum limit of 8 times.

The iron-boned native raised the steel bar in his hand to try to defend against the Feiye Storm, but he did not expect that after carrying the miracle seed, the power of the rattan snake had reached a new level. When he came out, his entire body was also blown away, and he stopped after hitting a big tree.

Seeing that the iron-boned native couldn't stand up, Tian Lin sighed, "It's over with one blow, it seems that this iron-boned native is a bit low in terms of physical strength, after all, it is an evolutionary type, I wanted to subdue it. watch."

This time, Tianlin dispelled his original thoughts and went up to treat the iron-boned natives. The iron-boned natives woke up and saw the rattan snake as if he had seen a devil, and he was scared away as if flying.

Tian Lin was very fortunate to see this. "Fortunately, fortunately, he didn't subdue him. Not only is this guy not highly qualified, but he is so timid that he doesn't even have the courage to take revenge."

"Dangdang!" Teng Teng Snake nodded, non-committal to Tian Lin's thoughts.

Tian Lin squatted down in front of Teng Teng Snake, "Teng Teng Snake, your strength has improved a lot recently, you should be at the gym level, it seems that the six-game winning streak against Xiu Di has accumulated your experience value to It’s the limit, we will work hard in the past few days and wait for you to evolve before leaving the Yacar Forest.”

Tianlin doesn't want to be like Xiaozhi in the original book, who has a treasure mountain without knowing it. The aptitude and potential of this snake sister is more than that of Tianlin's original wooden Shougong, so it must not be wasted.

It's a pity that in the next few days, Tianlin did not encounter any decent opponents, and it was difficult for ordinary weak bugs to provide any experience to the rattan snake.

Just when he was distressed, he encountered a strange guy who was hiding above the treetops. He didn't expect that in the depths of the forest, there would be other people besides him.

The man was wearing a green long-sleeved shirt, striped trousers on his legs, and wavy hair, looking a little fashionable.

"' "Hello, who are you...? "Tianlin immediately stepped forward to ask.

"Shh!" The man suddenly stretched out a finger, "Don't speak so loudly in the forest, but it will scare the sleeping Bug-type Pokémon in the forest."

"Okay, what are you doing in that kind of place?" Tian Lin lowered his voice and asked softly.

The man jumped off the tree trunk gently, "I am living in nature like Pokémon, but even if I explain it, you may not understand it, my pure heart."

"Pure heart?" Tian Lin really didn't understand, what this thing is.

"Me, I usually can draw and design clothes. If I really want to say it, I can say that I am a genius artist." This person is very thick-skinned, how can he say that he is a genius.

"It's just that I recently encountered a creative bottleneck, so I came here. I think that as long as I live with the Pokémon in the forest, maybe I can get the inspiration I want from them."

"Oh, this is what you call a pure heart, a whole-hearted devotion to art." Tian Lin said suddenly.

"Yes, I'm glad you understand, but then again, what are you doing here? This is not the road leading to Feiyun City or Qibao City. It's easy to get lost if you enter here rashly." The man asked rhetorically.

Tian Lin smiled and said, "Just like you, I also have a pure heart, and I also fell into a bottleneck."

"The heart of pure love is the love for one's own Pokémon, and the bottleneck is my vine snake. It is only one step away from completing the evolution, but there is no good opportunity!".

Chapter [*]: The evolution of the rattan snake comes from the gaze of the holy swordsman

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