"Come back, Judao soldier." Tianlin took it back decisively and sent a second Pokémon, "Yuanlusha, please."

"Round Land Shark, wow, it's a Pokémon from another region! It's great, great!" Bai Lu, the off-line girl, saw the Round Land Shark, and her thoughts were flying.

"Don't think about it in the game, it's coming, Yuanlu Shark, Dragon's Wrath!"

Dragon's Fury is a very powerful skill in the early stage, because it is a fixed damage skill. If everyone is not very strong, once they are hit, they are likely to be killed in one hit.

Even a stir-fried pig with relatively strong physical strength, if its physical strength is not high, I am afraid that it can withstand at most two rounds.

This Bai Lu is not bad, but the three shots are also its limit.

"Zhaochaozhu, avoid it!" Bai Lu also knew this, and didn't dare to take the attack hard. Chaochaozhu avoided the attack by jumping.

"Okay, then use high temperature and pressure!"

Just like before, the fried pig's feet condensed flames and pressed down towards the round land shark.

"Next!" Tianlin ordered, the round land shark is not a foam chinchilla, its weight is more than 20 kg, and the fried pig is only a little more than twice that.

Under this weight gap, the power of this high temperature and pressure is not much higher at all.

The round land shark stretched out his hands and directly pressed the high temperature down.

"Unleash the wrath of the dragon again!"

An ultra-close-range dragon's anger blew the fried pig out.

The fried pig reluctantly stood up, but suddenly there was a sharp pain in his feet, and he fell unsteadily, only to see that there were some more wounds on his feet at some point in time.

"Fried fried pig, what's the matter with you?" Bai Lu asked anxiously.

"This is the characteristic of the round land shark. It has rough skin. If you let the fried pig come over like this, it has been stabbed by the round land shark." Tian Lin reminded.

"That's it, that is, you can't melee at will, then I will use special attacks, stir-fry pigs, and spray flames!"

"The round land shark, dig a hole in the ground!"

The flame power of the fried pig is not bad, Tianlin didn't want to take it hard, and the round land shark hid in the ground to avoid the attack.

Then he appeared directly under the fried pig, knocked it down with a punch, and won the game.

At this moment, the round land shark began to emit light, and it began to evolve. It was conquered at about the same time as Porkby. Porkby has become Pokekigu, and it should indeed be at this time.

As the body size continued to increase, the round land shark evolved into the fangtooth land shark.

Fang Shark, male, cave Pokémon, dragon type plus ground type, characteristic rough skin, cheerful personality (acceleration reduction special attack), supreme qualification, super champion-level potential, the current strength of the first-level quasi-king, has the skill: Dragon Fury, Dragon Claw, Digging, Quicksand Hell, Rockfall, Iron Head.

"Well done, Fang Lu shark!" Tian Lin is quite satisfied with its current strength. With its aptitude, when it evolves into its final form and bites the land shark, it will not be too difficult to break through to the Heavenly King level.

Chapter [-] The Haunted Museum

After the battle, Bai Lu took back the fried pig and came to Tianlin again, "Tianlin, although I lost today, but I just came out to travel not long ago, of course I can't beat you, a senior trainer, when we meet next time. , I will train the stir-fried pig and foam chinchilla to be stronger."

Bai Lu's personality is very good. She is not arrogant or discouraged in victory. She is somewhat similar to Xiaozhi. Of course, it refers to Xiaozhi during the Fengyuan Shenao period in Kanto, Chengdu.

"It should have such an aura, so let's fight again next time we meet!" Tian Lin said with a smile.

"Well, then the battle at the Seven Treasures Taoist Hall, you have to cheer up, bye!" Bai Lu actually left just like that, and she really came and went in a hurry.

After separating from Bai Lu, Tian Lin didn't sit still either, and continued to train the Judao soldiers on the road. Finally, the day before they arrived in Qibao City, the Judao soldiers broke away from the novice level and entered the ordinary level.

Qibao City!

The city is a town transformed from a warehouse 100 years ago. It is also a freight hub with well-developed railways and a large number of warehouses.

Today's Qibao City is a colorful and beautiful city. There are fountains, stained glass windows, and vacant railways in the city. The buildings and warehouses have been painted in various colors. As a developed area for battles, Qibao City also has Pokémon Center and Battle Club

The two most famous places in Qibao City are the Qibao Museum and the Qibao Taoist Museum. Moreover, these two are in the same place. The owner of the Qibao Museum is the owner of the Qibao Taoist Museum. The Taoist Museum is in the depths of the Qibao Museum~ .

As a landmark building, the Qibao Museum is very easy to find. Tianlin went straight there, ready to challenge the Qibao Taoist Hall immediately.

But for some unknown reason, the Seven Treasures Taoist Hall, which is obviously not a rest day, is actually closed.

Tian Lin was going to knock on the door when suddenly there was a scream of horror from the museum. Tian Lin raised his brows. He seemed to have encountered such a situation before.

Is this a nightmare again, or is it just haunted?

Tian Lin wanted to use brute force to break the door and rush in to save people, but the door opened by itself, and a middle-aged man stumbled out.

"Um, are you alright?" Tian Lin stepped forward to help him up, the man pointed at the corridor in a panic, and said, "Um, drive that away."

"Nothing?" Tian Lin looked towards the corridor, but found nothing.

"That's not the case. Just now, the fossils of the Fossil Helmet kept chasing me." The man was still a little frightened, and barely stood up.

Tianlin closed his eyes and felt it. Indeed, there was a wave guide left in the corridor, proving that there was indeed something there just now.

However, if there is a waveguide, it means that it is some kind of creature, at most a ghost Pokémon, not a real ghost, otherwise the waveguide will not be so clear.

"Let me go in and have a look, I'm the trainer who came to challenge the gym." Tian Lin said.

Those who dare to challenge the gym are all confident in their own strength. Following such a person made the man a little bolder, so he took Tianlin into the door.

Tianlin quickly found what the man said was the fossil helmet fossil, which happened to be in the exhibition hall.

"It's also specially put away. It seems that the guy doesn't actually have any malicious intentions. This gentleman, can you tell me what happened?"

"Okay, my name is Mu Li, and I'm the curator of this museum. In fact, a treasure exhibition is being prepared here, but the opening schedule has been delayed, and the exhibits were finally moved in last night."

"So, I made preparations with the staff and kept busy until midnight, and finally finished the work, but when I was left alone to make the final confirmation of the exhibits, something terrible happened."

"The lighting suddenly shorted out, there was a sound of footsteps behind me, followed by a cry, and finally, I saw a phosphorous fire in the corridor, which scared me and ran out of the museum immediately."

"I was really scared at the time, so I went home first. Today, I invited a lot of staff to investigate, but nothing was found. For safety reasons, I postponed the treasure exhibition."

"After the staff left, I came to the museum alone again, and the rest is the scene where I just met you."

After Mu Li said what happened, Tianlin confirmed one more thing.

"Uncle, it seems that every supernatural phenomenon happens when you are alone. This means that guy has no intention of scaring innocent people. If I guess right, you should have done something to make it angry. already."

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

"It?" Mu Li was startled, "Do you know who has been scaring me?"

"Yeah, I found out just now." Tian Lin came to a showcase, pointed to a mask in the glass and asked, "This mask is the mask of the Hezhong Ghost-type Pokémon Crying Cry."

Soul Pokémon crying mask, according to their research community, the beige mask held by the tail-like part of the crying mask is its face when it was a human before. Occasionally, it will look at the mask and cry.

This stuff is incredibly important for any crying mask.

Tianlin looked in one direction and shouted, "Crying mask, show up!"

In the darkness, bursts of purple smoke began to fill, and at the same time, ghost fires appeared in the void.

...... 0

It directly scared Mr. Mu Li to the ground.

Tianlin waved his hand to disperse the smoke and ghost fire, "Really, this is just a misunderstanding, you don't need to be so angry, Mr. Mu Li, please open the cabinet."

"Okay!" When Mu Li heard the words, he immediately opened the safe with his credentials, and the mask flew out immediately, shrouding Tianlin even more.

"Even I want to control, you are too tender." Tian Lin chuckled, grabbed the mask directly in his hand, and used the law of space to completely block it.

Now that guy is in a hurry, it finds that he can't control his mask, let alone cover Tianlin, he can't even get it back.

With no other choice, the crying mask could only show up, a black figure appeared in the air, and there seemed to be tears in the corner of his eyes.

That is the crying mask, yes, it is looking at Tianlin pitifully, hoping that Tianlin will return the mask to it.

"I understand, it turns out that this mask is a crying mask, I thought it was just a replica!" Mu Li finally understood what happened.

He did commission a replica of the death coffin to be made. Although there was an extra mask when it was delivered, he thought it was a gift, but he didn't think much about it and just put it in the display cabinet.

In fact, the mask was just accidentally removed from the crying mask, which of course angered it, thus triggering a series of follow-up events.

Chapter [-]: The Gym Battle Begins to Conquer the Crying Mask

After listening to Mr. Mu Li's explanation, Tian Lin felt that this guy was also unreliable.

"The mask is the most important thing for the crying mask. You lock the mask in the cabinet, of course it will be angry with you!" Tian Lin touched the head of the crying mask, and passed a gentle force to comfort it. angry mind.

Mr. Mu Li hurriedly stood up, apologized to the crying mask, and bowed deeply, "The crying mask, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean it, but I still did something wrong, I'm really sorry to you."

Mr. Mu Li's apology was very sincere. The crying mask was relieved because of Tianlin's comfort. Now that he apologized so sincerely, he forgave him.

Seeing this, Tianlin put the mask back on the crying mask, and it suddenly became happy.

"Ah, ah, it's really lively here. I didn't expect that so many things happened after I left for a few days." At this time, a tall, dark-skinned middle-aged woman walked into the museum, "The child's father, you It's too careless, you can't even recognize the original mask and the imitation of the crying mask, thank you for being the curator of the museum."

410 The woman scolded Mr. Mu Li, seeing that she called Mr. Mu Li the father of the child, and the two should be husband and wife.

"Child's mother, you're back," Mr. Mu Li introduced to Tianlin, "Tianlin, this is my wife and the trainer of the Qibao Taoist Gym, Aloe Vera."

"Hello, Ms. Aloe, I'm Tian Lin, I'm here to challenge the Seven Treasures Taoist Hall today." Tian Lin stepped forward.

"Well, I accepted your challenge. Judging from the fact that you just resolved the anger of the crying mask so easily, you should be a trainer who can easily connect with Pokémon. I am very curious about your strength. Strong?" Aloe nodded and agreed to Tianlin's appointment.

On the other hand, the crying mask who got the mask back did not leave, but flew around Tianlin, as if he was reluctant to bear it.

It seems that it likes the power when Tianlin just appeased it, after all, it can make it calm and very comfortable.

That is natural, that is the reversal power of Pluto Dragon Giratina. As the power of the top ghost family, it is strange that the crying mask does not like it.

"Haha, it seems that there is one more thing you need to do before the battle starts. This little guy should like you, how about it, don't you try to subdue it?" Aloe said with a smile.

"Well, crying mask, do you want to come with me?" Tian Lin asked as he took out the Poké Ball.

"Cry, cry!" Crying mask nodded with a smile, put his head on the Poke Ball, and it didn't shake at all after being received.

"Very good, the crying mask has been subdued!" Tianlin was very fond of this crying mask. Judging from its previous actions to scare Mr. Mu Li, it was very good at spiritual power.

Crying mask, female, soul Pokémon, ghost type, mummy, arrogant (add special anti-deceleration), height 0.5m, weight 1.5kg, excellent qualification, potential of the king, current strength elite level high-level, Possess skills: immobilization method, night magic shadow, black fog, ghost fire, trick defense, misfortunes do not come singly, trick space, sharing pain.

Tianlin guessed it well. The level of this crying mask is not low, and it is not far from evolution. It is a good real-time combat power.

Of course, Tianlin doesn't plan to use it against aloe today. Generally, it is against the ghost type. No one can do anything about it. If it is delayed for a long time, it will be hit tomorrow.

"Okay, Ms. Aloe, I'm fully prepared, I'll leave the gym battle." Putting away the Poke Ball, Tianlin walked to Aloe.

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