After completing the handover, Tian Lin came to the sofa and sat down, and looked out the window from time to time, as if waiting for something.

At this time, the door of the Pokémon Center opened, and a beautiful elder sister in a white coat and fluttering hair walked in from the outside. When she saw Tianlin, she showed a very happy expression, "Little Tian, ​​I'm here. "

Tian Lin stood up and said with a smile, "Ms. Mi, long time no see."

The name of the person who came was Mako, who was a famous doctor in the Hezhong area second only to the yew tree. It is said that the doctors from the Hezhong area are really more beautiful than each other.

She is also Tian Lin's old acquaintance in Hezhong (good?)

At the beginning of Tianlin's time travel, after studying under Dr. Damu for a few years, one of the earliest published academic articles was "Conjecture on the existence of hidden characteristics of Pokémon".

This article coincided with the topic that Mako was studying at the time. After Mako read it, he went directly to Zhenxin Town, got acquainted with Tianlin, and the two studied together.

If what Tianlin released was just a conjecture, then the person who confirmed this conjecture was Mako, and because of this huge discovery, Mako became a senior researcher second only to the regional doctor.

In the following years, Mako continued to work on this research. Basically, what the hidden characteristics of all Pokémon are, she has confirmed, and she also named these hidden characteristics as dream characteristics.

In addition, she has also developed a special Poke Ball called the Dream Ball, which has a very high probability of capturing Pokémon with dream characteristics.

Of course, compared to her academic achievements, she has another characteristic, that is, she is Jun Shalan's lifelong enemy, because...

"Ah, Xiaotian, let my sister hug me." Zhenjian hugged Tianlin and kept rubbing his face, "Sister misses you so much, I haven't been able to touch your lovely face for so many years. My sister doesn't know how to survive."

Tian Lin was extremely ashamed. This real sister is good at everything, but she likes to rub his face. Maybe it was because he was young when we first met. Older women always have no resistance when they see a smart, sensible and handsome Xiao Zhengtai. Every time Mako treats Tianlin like a rag doll in his arms and rubs it around.

At that time, Zhenjian often made Jun Shalan furious. Is this for research?Is it clearly here to rob her brother? For this reason, Jun Shalan gets off work every day, and the first thing she does is to take Tianlin back from her.

"That, Sister Zhen Kam, don't do this, I'm not a child anymore," Tian Lin pushed away Zhen Kam embarrassedly.

Being held by such a mature beauty, even he would have to worry about it.

"Well, he's tall, handsome, and even more famous in terms of strength, haha, as expected of my lovely younger brother!" Zhen Kam looked at Tian Lin, touched his head and smiled.

In Zhen Kam's heart, Tian Lin was still the same child back then, and there was no difference at all.

PS: Modify the settings here. In the original game, the Dream Ball is used in the Forest of Linking, and the capture rate is X255, which is comparable to the Master Ball, but there is no Forest of Linking, so it is changed to a special one to conquer Monter. Pokémon, it is similar to the ultimate ball that specializes in capturing the ultimate alien beast.

The first thousand and fifty-six chapters of the dream ruins, the dream of Mako

"Shi Mengmeng, long time no see!" Tian Lin also greeted a pink Pokémon beside Mako.

It is a unique Pokémon of Hezhong, the dream of eating dreams. As the name suggests, it can devour the dreams of people or Pokémon. When it eats a good dream, it will spit out red smoke to express joy, but when it eats evil It is easy to have diarrhea in a dream.

Moreover, those who are swallowed by the dream-eater dream will not remember what dream they had when they wake up.

In fact, this time when Zhen Kam went to Tianlin, it was not just because she missed him, but also because she needed Tianlin's help this time. Zhen Kam took Tianlin to the outskirts of Sanyi City, where there was an abandoned factory.

"Sister Mako, did you come here to find that friend you used to be?" Tianlin once heard something, and Mako once did a research here.

Convert the smoke produced by the dream eclipse after eating the dream into an energy experiment that is beneficial to all personnel.

Dream Eclipse is the evolution of Dream Eater, its ability to devour dreams is far stronger than Dream Eater, originally.This is a very meaningful research. As long as the research is successful, the ultimate clean energy can be produced. After all, something as mysterious as a dream is much more environmentally friendly than coal-fired electricity.

It's a pity that I missed one thing, that is, there are good and bad dreams. If we say that, like Ash's dream, it is through his unremitting efforts to eventually become a Pokémon master, and N's dream is peace between humans and Pokémon. Getting along and getting their own happiness, these are the best dreams.

After absorbing these dreams, Mengmeng Eclipse will naturally spit out the smoke of environmentally friendly dreams.

But in this world, apart from dreams, there is another thing called ambition, such as Sakagi Kuiqisi, etc., who want to rule the world, and there is a certain one-ball superman who only uses Pokémon as a tool and throws a ball when he sees an elf , The bottom of my heart is selfish to the extreme, and I never act for others.

The dream eclipse is precisely because it absorbs too many such desire-filled dreams, it becomes more and more unable to deal with the expanding-dream state.

As a result, the huge dream energy exploded, and the entire research institute was turned into ruins, and the dream eclipse also disappeared, and Mako stopped dream research from then on.

"Yes!" Mako looked a little lost, "I've come here several times to find it, but I can't find it."

The purpose of her finding Tianlin today is to help retrieve Mengmeng eclipse with his ability.

"Don't worry, Sister Zhen, I will do my best." Tian Lin said with a smile.

"Haha, I knew that little brother is the best." Zhen Kam was overjoyed, hugged Tian Lin's head directly, and buried himself in a mountain.

She used to do this often, but Tian Lin was a child at that time. Now that he has grown up, he almost lost control at this moment.

Kanto Zhenxin Town.

In the police station, Jun Shalan was recording the latest case information, but suddenly, a sense of unease came.

With a 'click' sound, the pen in his hand snapped.

"Sir, what's the matter with you?" The subordinates were startled.

"It's nothing, I always feel that something important is going to be snatched away, and I'm angry and uneasy!" Jun Shalan frowned and looked in the direction of Hezhong, where there is an enemy of her life, shouldn't that woman be against her again? What is her baby brother doing?

At the Ruins of Dreams, Tian Lin finally broke free from Zhen Lin's embrace, or in other words, after coming here, Zhen Lin took the initiative to let Tian Lin go.

"Sister Zhen, there is indeed an energy left here, it should be the energy of dreams." Tian Lin sensed.

"Sure enough, you can feel it from your words. Then have you found any trace of Mengmeng Eclipse? Although I can't see it, I know that it can't be wrong here." Zhenjian hoped.

Tian Lin nodded, "Don't worry, I have a way."

Speaking of Tianlin squatting down, the laws of running the whole body were continuously injected into the earth, and in an instant, bursts of purple smoke rose from the surface.

Tian Lin channeled all the dream energy left here in one breath.

Moreover, Tianlin opened the shield to prevent the leakage of energy, and then called, "Mengmeng eclipse, where are you? Come out quickly."

Tianlin can sense that Mengmeng eclipse is here, but it doesn't know whether it is unwilling to come out, or can't come out, or it just doesn't show up.

"Desire!" Tian Lin murmured.

"What?" Mako looked at Tianlin suspiciously.

"At the beginning, the dreams full of desires that Mengmeng Eclipse absorbed were still affecting it. I felt that its entanglement was still incomprehensible. That's why it couldn't appear. It was afraid that it would create disasters the same as before." Tian Lin replied.

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"So that's the case, so what should we do?"

"The solution is very simple. Since it is an evil dream that affects it, then it's better to neutralize it with a beautiful dream." Tian Lin smiled, "Sister Miku, look into my eyes."

Hearing the words, Zhen Kam subconsciously looked at Tian Lin, and saw the light in his eyes flowing, and soon, Zhen Kam spun around and fell into Tian Lin's arms with a plop.

Tian Lin leaned Zhen Kam against a wall and said with a smile, "Sister Shin Kam, have a good dream."

Dreams are the things that most attract dream eclipses, and the scattered dream smoke can also show people's dreams.

Soon, Mako's dream appeared in the sky like a projection.

.... 0 ...

"Haha, from today onwards, brother Xiaotian will leave with me, so you can stay in Zhenxin Town by yourself!" In the picture, Zhen Kam hugged Tian Lin, who was still a child, and looked proudly on his knees. Jun Shalan crying at her feet.

"No, give me back my brother."

Jun Shalan cried loudly, but Zhen Kam was unmoved at all. She carried Xiao Tianlin into the car and said, "From now on, Xiao Tian will be my brother alone, hahahaha!!!"

Hearing this incomparably evil laughter, Tian Lin broke into a cold sweat. This is really big sister, she is having an inexplicable dream. He wants her to have some beautiful dreams, not this kind of evil thoughts that separate siblings.

If Jun Shalan was here, she would definitely fight her hard. Sure enough, this woman never stopped thinking of robbing her brother.

"Cough cough, Sister Zhen Mi, don't think about anything else, think of something beautiful, such as the past with Mengmeng eclipse." Tian Lin used his super power to convey his voice into the heart of Zhen Mi.

"Mengmeng eclipse!" Hearing Tian Lin's words, Mako started talking in his dreams, "I miss you so much."

The next moment, the picture of the dream began to change, and it became a scene of Mako and Mengmeng eclipse living together.

They love each other and grow up together. This is a truly beautiful dream.

Attracted by these pictures, a purple figure appeared in the sky, which was the Mengmeng eclipse that disappeared in the explosion a few years ago.

After absorbing Mako's beautiful dreams, the power of evil dreams remaining in its body was neutralized, and it was finally able to show up.

Chapter [*]: Special Dream Ball and Mengte Essence

"It's finally here, Mengmeng eclipse!" Tian Lin quickly woke up Dr. Mako who was still asleep, "Sister, wake up, look who's back!"

Mako slowly opened his eyes, and the moment he entered his eyes was a familiar purple figure.

"Meng Meng eclipse, you are Meng Meng eclipse, that's great! You are finally back." Mako hugged Meng Meng eclipse excitedly, "Meng Meng eclipse, everyone must be together from now on."

This is a worthwhile reunion, a harmonious picture intertwined by two hearts that miss each other, Mako and Mengmeng.

"Xiaotian, thank you, thanks to you, I was able to reunite with Mengmeng eclipse." Zhen Kam took Meng Meng eclipse and Meng Meng Meng to Tian Lin and said gratefully.

"It's nothing, it's your own beautiful dream that saved the dream," Tian Lin smiled.

Speaking of this, Mako's face changed, "Yeah, I almost forgot, Xiaotian, "[*]", you dare to hypnotize me, did you peep at my dreams just now with the help of the smoke of dreams? I didn't do it What a strange dream?"

Because the dream was absorbed by the dream eclipse, Mako had forgotten the dream he had just had.

Tianlin defended in a panic, "No, sister, you just had a dream of living with Mengmengchu in the past, nothing else."

Of course Tian Lin couldn't admit the first dream he saw. If Zhen Kom knew that his dark side had been completely exposed to Tian Lin, he would definitely die, and he would even have the feeling of killing someone.

"Really?" Zhen Kam looked at Tian Lin with suspicion, and when he saw the sincerity of what he said, he reluctantly believed, "Okay, then forget it, for the sake of helping me find Mengmeng eclipse, I won't. You care about hypnotizing me."

After he finished speaking, he took Tianlin's hand and said, "Go, go to my sister's research institute. Today you can't leave without saying anything. You have to accompany my sister well. I just happen to have some gifts for you."

Tian Lin is also helpless about Zhen Kam's waywardness. Sometimes, he feels that Zhen Kam is not his sister, but more like a sister.

Mako's research institute is in the center of Sanyo City. Although she has given up research on new energy, she is still a doctor and is still working hard on the knowledge of dream characteristics.

"Come on, Xiaotian, come in with me!" Zhen Kam opened the door and took Tian Lin into the research institute.

Her research institute is relatively empty, and there are not many assistants, all because she likes to do it herself when she is researching, so that she can understand Pokemon more deeply.

"Sister Zhen Kam, what did you say you want to give me?" Tian Lin is still looking forward to it. Although Zhen Kam is unreliable in life, but in terms of research, he is a real genius, and he may develop something good again.

"It's these two things, the latest precious products of our research institute." Mako took out a few things from the cabinet, namely a dream ball and two potions.

"Isn't this a dream ball, and what is this potion?" Tian Lin wondered.

Mako smiled mysteriously, "Hey, Xiaotian, don't underestimate these two things. This dream ball and potion are made from the energy of dreams left over from the beginning. There is no second precious treasure in the world."

"Unlike ordinary dream balls, when this dream ball captures dream-type Pokémon, the capture rate is [*]%."

"What, you must catch it! Isn't that the catch rate is exactly the same as that of the Master Ball as long as the target is Mengte's Pokémon?" Tian Lin was shocked. The average dream ball just increased the catch rate several times, and this The effect is a hundred times stronger.

"That's natural, but don't be in a hurry to be surprised, there are even more powerful ones. These two medicines, I named Mengte Essence, have the effect of changing the characteristics, but they are the same as the characteristic capsule and the characteristic ointment. Changing properties can be different.”

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