"Okay, I can't ask for a battle!" Such a request, he would agree without him begging Tianlin, and he has always been happy with Pokemon battles.

After leaving the battle club, Tian Lin continued on his way with the newly obtained Pokémon egg, and at the same time, he had to train the newly evolved Pokékigu and the newly conquered red-faced dragon.

In this way, the speed naturally slowed down a lot, and after 2 days of rushing on the road, I finally arrived at Sanyao City.

"I'm finally going to challenge Hezhong's first gym, but I want to see how this is different from Kanto Shenao and other places." Tian Lin said with anticipation.

"Kanto and Shenao? Our customs and customs are very different from there." At this time, a green-haired young man came towards him, "Are you from another area, but the Pokemon you are holding in your hand is very different. Mengdan belongs to our Hezhong, I can smell the unique smell of Hezhong."

The young man leaned over and sniffed the Pokémon egg in Tian Lin's hand, and praised, "Well, this steel-like smell, it's definitely a steel-type Pokémon. of."

"Young man, you give me the feeling that gentleness and strength coexist, supplemented by this kind of Pokémon full of fortitude and unyielding will, it is a very correct choice."

The young man made a very professional evaluation of Tian Lin, and he could judge so accurately just by feeling. Tian Lin realized that he had met an extraordinary character.

"Are you, Pokémon sommelier?" Tian Lin asked.

Pokémon sommelier, this is a profession that is not found anywhere else, it belongs to Hezhong, just like a sommelier in real life who perfectly matches the wine and the meal, the sommelier of Pokémon is to judge the difference between the trainer and the Pokémon. A class of experts on the fit between dreams.

"Exactly, my name is Tiantong, a Pokémon A-level sommelier. I'm working hard to become an S-rank sommelier, and I'm also one of the gym trainers of the San Yao gymnasium you are about to challenge."

It turned out that he was the second male of the Hezhong, the wine waiter Tiantong, no wonder he gave Tianlin a familiar feeling.

"That's great, then, Mr. Sommelier of the gym trainer, I have other Pokémon that you need to evaluate, how about on the battlefield." Tian Lin said with a smile.

"Do you judge by battle? Well, it's a very popular approach," Tian Tong straightened his collar and invited like a gentleman, "Please come with me."

Tiantong led the way in front, and soon, the two came to a large hotel, pushed the door and entered, which was already full of people.

Two men who were somewhat similar to Tiantong were serving as waiters, one with red hair and the other with blue hair.

It seems that the owners of Hezhong are the same as Shenao, and each has his own sideline.

Although the surface here is a restaurant, the logo of the gym recognized by the alliance cannot be faked.

"Sir, what would you like to order?" At this moment, the blue-haired man stepped forward to receive him.

"One copy of the Gym badge of the Three Lights Gym." Tian Lin unceremoniously ordered.

The blue-haired man was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "Okay, please wait."

The man walked into the inner kitchen, the lights in the restaurant suddenly went out at this moment, and the spotlight lit up in front of them again. Together with Tiantong, the three people appeared under the spotlight.

"Tianlin, we are the triplets of the Three Lights Gym. If we want to get the Gym badge, we must defeat one of us. Come on, please choose. Who do you want to be your opponent?" Tian Tong stepped forward. step by step.

Tian Lin smiled, "Choice, this is the behavior of a child, I am an adult, of course I want all of them, the three of you, come together!".

The first thousand and fifty-four chapters three battles in the three Yao gymnasium

"Are you very courageous, then, let me, Lord Bert, come and fight you first." Among the three brothers, the fiery red-haired one stood up, "Let me show you the flaming flames of mine."

"Wait!" Tian Lin suddenly stretched out his palm to stop him, "I want you to come together, not one by one, I remember that in Hezhong, in addition to the regular singles and doubles battles, it is also very popular to have three-play and doubles matches. Roulette battle, the latter two are all battle methods that require sending out three Pokémon, how about three battles?"

"You bastard, are you too arrogant, and you want to fight one against three, I have never seen a person as arrogant as you." The blue-haired Koen was originally a relatively calm person, but now he is also being attacked by the sky. Lin's words were a little irritating.

"This is not arrogance, but self-confidence. I have heard for a long time that the three brothers of the Sanyao Gym have a tacit understanding of cooperation. I wonder if you can let me see it today." Tian Lin asked sincerely.

What he meant was very clear, he didn't look down on them, he just wanted to thoroughly appreciate the power of the three brothers, and also wanted to see the popular three-fight battle of Hezhong.

The three brothers glanced at each other, nodded, and Tiantong, the eldest brother, stood up and said, "Okay, then this gym competition will be a three-play battle, and all Pokémon on one side will lose their ability to fight. When the time comes, the game is over, understand?"

"Understood, please start as soon as possible!" Tian Lin had no opinion on the rules.

Several people came to the opposing battlefield, and the three brothers threw Pokeballs at the same time. Their three Pokémon were the 'True Royal Three' of Hezhong, the Cold Water Monkey of the Water Type, the Cauliflower Monkey of the Grass Type and the Fire Type. Fragrant monkey.

All of them are well cultivated. The strength of the cold water monkey and the hot monkey is the middle level of the gymnasium, and the strongest cauliflower monkey is the high level of the gymnasium. The ability is really good.

"Please, round land shark, Pokekigu, red-faced dragon~'!"

Tianlin sent three Pokémon on his body in turn, with Pokekigu in the middle and two dragons on either side.

Unlike doubles, the position of the Pokémon is extremely important.

According to the three-play battle rules, the location of the Pokémon will have an important impact on the battle.Each Pokemon can only attack its adjacent Pokemon, the Pokemon in the middle can target all Pokemon, and the Pokemon on both sides can only attack one side.

For example, if the Pokémon in the middle uses the attack skills against all enemies (such as rockslide, blizzard, etc.), it can attack 3 of the opponent's Pokémon, but when the Pokémon on both sides is used, it can only attack two of the opponent.

That is to say, except for Pokekigu, which is in the center, the round land shark can only attack the cauliflower monkey in the middle position and the Smoky Monkey in the opposite position. Similarly, the red-faced dragon can only attack the cauliflower monkey and the cauliflower monkey. Cold water monkey.

Tian Lin couldn't help shaking his head, the opponent's choice seemed right, because the cauliflower monkey was the strongest, so it was placed in the most important middle position.

But the grass-type resistance is too poor. If Tianlin chooses, it should be the cold-water monkey of the water-type.

"Since you have chosen so, then Round Land Shark, unleash the wrath of the dragon on the Cauliflower Monkey, the red-faced dragon, keep up with the Round Land Shark, and strike with a flame fist!"

"Pokokigu, a stand-in!"

In addition to Pokekigu casting a stand-in, Tianlin made the other two Pokémon launch a concentrated attack on the Cauliflower Monkey at the beginning, after all, such a good target.

"Cauliflower monkey, defend!"

"Fragrance monkey, use tricks."

"Lenghui Monkey, you also used tricks."

The Fragrant Monkey and the Cold Water Monkey were both strengthened, while the Cauliflower Monkey opened its shield, completely defending against the attacks of Dragon Fury and Flame Fist.

"It turns out that I deliberately put the cauliflower monkey with more weaknesses in the middle. The real purpose is to act as a bait to attract firepower, and then to defend the defense and attack, calmly win the opportunity for the two younger brothers to strengthen their peace of mind!" Tian Lin suddenly said.

"That's right, then Korn and Bert started to fight back, the Cauliflower Monkey, using the seed machine gun on the round land shark."

"Fragrant Monkey, use a jet of flame on the round land shark!"

"Lenghui Monkey, use a water gun on the red-faced dragon."

Tiantong gave an order, and after the two brothers were strengthened, they launched a fierce counterattack.

Different from Tianlin's idea of ​​solving the middle first, the two brothers want to solve both sides first. After all, Pokekigu has launched a stand-in. They are just wasting time to destroy this thing, and its position is in the middle, and anyone can beat it. , until both sides are resolved, it is not too late to deal with it.

"It's a good idea, but you don't want to attack Pokokigu, so I just want you to turn your attention to it, Pokokigu, look at me!"

Pokekigu's stand-in beckoned to the opponent, and in an instant, he attracted all the targets of the three attacks.

This is the intention of Tianlin to put Pokejigu in the middle. Only in this way, it can play its role to the greatest extent.

Among the three monkeys, the most powerful cauliflower monkey also has the fastest attack speed, but its grass-type attack can't help the flying-type Pokékigu at all.

Who called it the only one of the three monkeys that was not strengthened? It sacrificed itself for others, which caused its lack of attack power. Even if all the seed machine guns were hit, it would not be able to knock out Pokekigu's substitute tongue.

Immediately afterwards, the other two monkeys with the same speed hit the avatar at the same time with flames and water. Although the avatar was successfully dispersed, it was too much of a loss. Three attacks would disperse such a thing, and any other substance. No sexual harm.

"'" Round Land Shark, Dragon's Fury, Red-faced Dragon, Flame Fist! "

At this time, the round land shark and the red-faced dragon suddenly appeared on the left and right sides of the cauliflower monkey. They had been waiting for a long time.

In the end, Dragon Fury and Flame Fist hit respectively, killing the cauliflower monkey on the spot.

"Decoy, it's not just you!" Tian Lin said with a smile.

His Pokekigu is also a bait, and it is more advanced. After all, the cauliflower monkey is passive. If the opponent is not fooled and does not attack it at the beginning, the tactics of the three brothers will not be self-defeating.

Tianlin's bait, however, is active. If you are interested in me, the opponent's attack has no choice at all, and it is [*]% hand-to-hand.

"Then next, it's you!" Tian Lin looked at the Fragrant Monkey. To deal with this fire-type Pokémon, Yuan Lu Shark can be said to be able to capture it.

As for the red-faced dragon that cannot attack it, he is responsible for pulling the cold water monkey. First, it will not let it support the hot monkey, and second, it will not let it take the opportunity to strengthen. In the face of the red-faced dragon's onslaught, the cold water monkey can't take care of itself, and naturally can't tell the difference. Energy to do other things.

The first thousand and fifty-fifth chapters get the badge Mako debut

Just when the cold-water monkey was chased by the red-faced dragon, on the other side, the fragrant monkey was even worse. It was attacked by Pokejigu and the round land shark.

"The round land shark, make a burrow."

"Pokkigu, shake your fingers!"

Tianlin did not attack immediately, but wanted to try his luck.

The next moment, Pokekigu's hands lit up, his whole body jumped up, and he pressed down quickly.

This action is either the weight of the flying body or the pressure of Mount Tai, but the height of the weight of the flying body is higher, so it must be the pressure of Mount Tai.

"It's too bad, since that's the case, Saoxiang Monkey will use the devil's fire on Pokékigu." Bo Tei has no other way, Tianlin has two Pokémon, one is attacking from top to bottom, and the other is from bottom to top Sneak attack, there is no way for the monkey to evade, the only way is to reduce the opponent's strength to reduce the damage.

The spooky ghost fire hit Pokkigu, burning it and reducing its power.

Pokejigu itself has no attack power, and his weight is not heavy. This hair Taishan is as light as a feather. The Fragrant Monkey just blocked it lightly, and successfully blocked Pokejigu.

"It's a good idea, so you can calmly block the attack of Pokejigu, and at the same time pay attention to the underground attack of the round land shark." Tian Lin praised, and then reversed the conversation, "However, even if Pokejigu is The attack power has dropped, and this Taishan topping is definitely not a useless trick!"

Although there was no injury on the Saoxiang Monkey, its muscles contracted and could not move, apparently in a state of paralysis.

This is an additional effect of Taishan's topping. The original trigger probability is 30%, but with the blessing of Pokeji Gutianen's characteristics, it has been increased to 60%, and the trigger probability is more than half.

Tianlin's face is not dark. He has never had a situation where the water cannon misses 4 consecutive times. It is natural to trigger such a high probability of additional effects.

The paralyzed Saoxiang Monkey's mobility was greatly reduced. Even if he found the attack point of the round land shark, he did not have the energy to avoid it. In the end, he was attacked by the digging hole and flew away, and soon followed in the footsteps of the cauliflower monkey.

"In the end, only you are left, Cold Water Monkey and Koen." Tian Lin looked at the last opponent and ordered, "Yuan Lu Shark, it is cooler to the corner of the battlefield, go there and bring it, Pokekigu, and use magic. Shine, red-faced dragon, dragon claw!"

The round land shark couldn't attack the cold water monkey because of the rules, so he just found an open space to sit and watch the play, typically where it is cool to stay.

Pokejigu teamed up with the red-faced dragon and launched a rush attack.

Originally, the cold-water monkey was beaten by the red-faced dragon, and it was only able to support it by constantly dodging with its relatively petite and sensitive body.

The blinding light that flashed from Pokekigu was not only powerful, but the flickering light made the Cold Water Monkey unable to open his eyes, as if he was temporarily blinded.

After finally holding on to the end of the magic flash, the cold water monkey opened his eyes in confusion, but only saw an extremely hideous face.

The red-faced dragon raised the dragon's claws high, grabbed it violently, and buried the cold water monkey underground in one fell swoop.

"The cauliflower monkey, the fragrant monkey, and the cold water monkey all lost their ability to fight. The winner of this game is the challenger Tianlin." The referee immediately announced.

The three brothers took back the three monkeys, and Tiantong, as the eldest brother, sent Tianlin the gym badge.

The badges of the Hezhong region are different from other regions. They have a slender design. The Sanyao badge is composed of three diamond-shaped connections. The center of the diamond is inlaid with blue, red and green gemstones. The three attributes that the three brothers are good at.

Saying goodbye to the three brothers, Tian Lin went to the Pokémon Center, and it was the trainer's duty to hand over his partner after the battle to Miss Joy.

An almost doll took over the Poké Ball from Tianlin. In Hezhong, auspicious eggs are extremely rare, and the Pokémon that replaces auspicious eggs is an almost doll.

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