"Monte Essence can bring out the dream characteristics of Pokémon without changing its original characteristics. That is to say, Pokémon that use Monter Essence will become rare dual-type treasures. Dreamy."

The real wild words are amazing. I didn't expect that her research on dream characteristics has gone so deep. These two things can be called epoch-making works.

But unfortunately, the raw materials for production have been used up, and Mako does not plan to restart the Dream Energy Project. That is to say, these two things cannot be mass-produced at all. Now Mako has a unique treasure in this world.

Tian Lin showed a touch of emotion and said, "Thank you, Sister Zhen, for giving me such a precious treasure."

"It's nothing, didn't you help me find Mengmeng eclipse too, and you are my most beloved brother, who else can I love if I don't love you?" Zhenjian's favor for Tianlin is not under Jun Shalan at all, no wonder Will have a dream of snatching him from Jun Shalan 0  …

Tianlin accepted Mako's gift and stayed in her research institute for a few days, accompanying her well for a while.

It wasn't until one day that Tian Lin heard that Tian Tong, one of the gym trainers of the Three Lights Gym, was going on a trip with a young man with Pikachu, and he was not ready to leave.

Ash's progress has already surpassed him, and he can't be too far behind.

In the early morning, at the door of the Mako Research Institute, Dr. Mako looked at Tian Lin reluctantly and complained, "Can't you stay with my sister for a few more days, I'm leaving so soon."

"Sorry, Madam Mistress, in order to join the Hezhong Alliance, I can't always be so comfortable. When I have time later, I will definitely come to see you often." Tian Lin said with a smile.

"Well, then it's settled!" Hearing this, Zhen Kam smiled relievedly, and quickly helped Tian Lin pack up his luggage and watched his back leave.

Mako, who returned to the research institute, did not start work immediately, but made a call to the police station in Shinshin Town, Kanto region.

"Hello, this is Jun Sha, do you want to report the case?" Jun Shalan answered the phone.

"Miss Lan, hello, I'm really wild."

When the voice of the real wild came, Jun Shalan almost pinched the receiver subconsciously, "It's you, what are you doing with me, you bad woman?"

"It's too much. I've been taking care of Xiaotian's younger brother for many days. It's fine if you don't thank me. You even scolded me."

"What 4.0, what did you do to my brother, I warn you, if you dare to attack my brother, I will immediately rush to Hezhong to fight with you." Jun Shalan suddenly exploded, Tianlin is her anti-scale .

"No, I didn't do anything." Mako looked innocent.

"Then why are you looking for me?"

"It's nothing, I'm just showing off with you, Xiaotian has been living with me these days, and I'm his sister these days!" Zhen Kam finished with a smile, and then before Jun Shalan could reply, he directly Hang up.

The straight-minded Jun Shalan was furious, but she had nowhere to go.

"Hmph, let you show off in front of me often, but I won't be mad at you this time." Every woman has a deadly enemy. As long as she talks to Jun Shalan, the gentle Mako immediately turns into a black-bellied witch. .

Chapter [-]: The rattan snake appears to subdue Sister Snake

After leaving the Mako Research Institute, Tianlin headed for the next town alone.

The advantage of traveling alone is convenience. In addition to specially made Pokémon food, he no longer has to prepare three hearty meals every day, just eat some dry food.

When it comes to diet, Tian Lin is not so particular about his diet, he used to do it for those female companions.

During lunch one day, Tian Lin tore open a box of biscuits, took out a bottle of water, and prepared for a hasty affair, but he didn't expect that he had just finished eating a few biscuits, and while he was drinking water, he didn't know where to stretch out a piece of water. The vine whip stole all the rest of his food.

"Dare to steal my things, who is so bold." Tian Lin chuckled, but he was not angry, but he was even more curious.

Using his super power, Tian Lin made a teleportation and immediately followed the vine whip.

After two dodging, he finally saw a green Pokémon eating his biscuits in the grass.

"It's a rattan snake, there are actually wild rattan snakes in this place!" Tian Lin said in shock.

Isn't the one in front of him exactly the same as that guy from Emperor Xiu, the grass family of Hezhong? 08.

Vine Snake, female, grass type, grass snake Pokémon, lush characteristics, introverted personality (adding special attack and reducing attack), height 0.7m, weight 8.3kg, supreme qualification, champion level potential, current strength elite level high-level, with Skills: Vine Whip, Parasitic Seed, Charming, Flying Leaf Storm, Grass Field, Super Absorb.

"Female rattan snake? Could it be Xiaozhi's snake sister?" Tian Lin had some guesses in his heart. After all, female Yusan family is very rare, and now it is near Sanyao City, how can there be one? Such a coincidence.

To be honest, Tian Lin was a little moved. This snake sister is even better than the original book, with field skills and strong output ability.

"I'm sorry, Xiao Zhi, I want NTR you once today, I want this grass snake."

Tian Lin made up his mind that if it were Pikachu, Little Fire Dragon, Little Flame Monkey, and Cuckoo Frog, these Pokémon in various regions of Xiaozhi, Tianlin would not make up his mind, because without them, Xiaozhi's strength would be greatly improved. decline.

Tian Lin has a feeling that Xiao Zhi is also a very important person in the future, so the stronger he is, the better.

But he always has a few dispensable characters in each region.

For Hezhong, even if Sister Snake is one, subduing her has little effect on Xiaozhi.

Because in the original book, Xiao Zhi's cultivation of Snake Sister is not high at all, and his aptitude potential is far higher than Nuan Nuan Pig and Water Otter, but his mind is more concerned about the other two, which makes Snake Sister so powerful. The potential has not been realized, which is undoubtedly a pity.

After making up his mind, Tian Lin stepped forward, "Yo, little guy, are my biscuits delicious?"

Teng Teng Snake, who was eating happily, suddenly became alert, stepped back again and again, opened the distance from Tian Lin, and then looked at him alertly.

"Is there a sense of crisis, um, girls go out alone, they should protect themselves." Tian Lin said with satisfaction, "Teng Teng Snake, my food is not so easy to eat, compensate yourself to me Bar."

Tian Lin took out the Poké Ball and initiated a request to subdue it.

Teng Teng Snake stared at Tian Lin, did not engage in combat, but turned and ran. It is a girl, not as aggressive as those male Pokémon.

Tian Lin was stunned when he saw this scene. It was the first time he had encountered such a situation, "Want to run? It's not that simple."

In the forest, Tianlin and the rattan snake chased and fled. The rattan snake moved very sensitively. With the help of the rattan whip, the petite body walked around in the woods.

But no matter how fast it moves, how can it be faster than Tianlin's super power.

No matter where the rattan snake moves, Tianlin can appear in front of it at the next moment.

Half an hour later, the rattan snake has become out of breath, and it has not finished the biscuits just now, and now the stomach is beginning to growl, and it really has no strength to continue to escape.

"What's the matter, I'm tired, and I'm hungry, right? Come, eat this." Tian Lin smiled and took out a few pieces of pink Baofen from his bag. For Pokémon, this thing is more delicious than biscuits. .

Teng Teng Snake swallowed, but in the end, he couldn't stand the temptation, and after taking Bao Fen, he ate.

"Haha, it's delicious, do you want to come with me, I can make it for you every day in the future." Tian Lin continued to tempt.

In fact, with Tianlin's strength, it is not difficult to forcibly take the rattan snake away, but Tianlin doesn't want to do so. If possible, he hopes that Pokémon can follow him voluntarily. At least, after accepting his challenge to subdue him, he will be upright. hands.

After eating Baofen, Teng Teng Snake felt satisfied. He had to admit that it was tempted by Tian Lin. The food just now was really delicious. If he could eat it every day, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with following the person in front of him.

However, the arrogant Snake Sister will not give in so easily, it jumped a few steps away and was ready to fight.

This information is telling Tianlin that although it did not directly agree, it can give him a chance to conquer.

"That's enough, go, Pokkigu!"

The battle of subjugation officially started, and the rattan snake did not launch an attack, but winked at Pokekigu playfully and released countless loves.

This is its best trick, charming, and very suitable for female vine snakes. The male-to-female ratio of Yusan is 7:1. Female Yusan is extremely rare, so this trick is enough to work for most Yusan.

Unfortunately, this move is useless against Pokékigu, because it is also a female 403.

"Pokokigu, use your command!"

Poke Kigu was hit by love and was completely unmoved. With a backhand command, a big snake glared, paralyzing the rattan snake, and his luck was very good.

The rattan snake saw that it was charming and ineffective, and also knew the gender of Pokekigu, no longer playing small tricks, a violent whirlwind was blowing all over the body, and the leaves were flying around.

This is the grass-type ultimate trick, Flying Leaf Storm.

"Has the Flying Leaf Storm appeared, then Pokokigu, shoot flames!"

The jet flame and Flying Leaf Storm collided head-on. Although the power was a little lower, it had an attribute advantage. For the first time, the two sides were evenly divided.

Seeing this, Tianlin smiled confidently, "Very good, it's over now, use the flame again."

The second flame spewed out, and the rattan snake continued to resist the flying leaf storm, but the power of this shot was far less than the previous one, because of the side effects of this move, each use would greatly reduce its special attack.

All the leaves were instantly burned, and the vine snake was also hit by the flames. Tian Lin seized the opportunity and threw the Poke Ball.

The rattan snake has been paralyzed and attacked by flames. At this moment, there is not much strength to struggle. The elf ball only flickers a few times and then completely stabilized.

Tianlin has already shown his strength, and Teng Teng Snake is completely convinced! .

Chapter [-] The naysayer, the rattan snake, Xiaozhi fights the emperor again

At the end of the battle, Tianlin gave Teng Teng Snake a simple treatment, and also used anti-anaesthetic to relieve the paralyzed state. It was not seriously injured and recovered quickly.

"Do you know where you lost?" Tian Lin asked with a smile.

The rattan snake nodded, and then sent a leaf storm towards the open space.

It is very smart, knowing that this move is the main reason for its defeat, because it has not yet evolved, its special attack is not high, and if it is reduced by the side effects, it will immediately lose the ability to resist.

"That's right, it's because of this, but you can't give up this trick, because it will become your strongest and best trick in the future." Tian Lin said solemnly.

Just when Teng Teng Snake was puzzled, Tian Lin took out the gift of Sister True Wild, Mengte Essence. He didn't expect to meet a suitable Pokémon so soon.

"Come on, take this, from now on, Flying Leaf Storm will not only be no longer a burden, but will become your core skill."

Teng Teng Snake took the essence, and Tian Lin was already its trainer. It didn't hesitate, opened its mouth and poured it directly.

A burst of light appeared on the surface of the rattan snake, and the rattan snake showed a very uncomfortable expression. Tianlin was also constantly observing its physical condition. Fortunately, there was no problem.

The reason why it is so uncomfortable is because the body is fusing that huge medicinal power.

After a while, the Vine Snake's body became stable. It felt the change in its body, and subconsciously launched another flying leaf storm. Unexpectedly, after using the ultimate move, not only did the special attack not decrease, but it increased by two levels.

The rattan snake has lush characteristics and naysayers.

Tianlin used the system to check its information. Sister Zhenjian didn't fool him. The essence was indeed a great treasure, and the dual-character vine snake was born.

In order to make the rattan snake adapt to its new power, Tianlin trained it in the forest for several days and fought with many different wild Pokémon, which not only made it more advanced in Flying Leaf Storm, but also It has greatly increased its strength and has now reached the peak of the elite.

With such an excellent talent, the original book Xiaozhi didn't care about it, but instead focused on the not-so-good Nuan Nuan pigs and water otters. He really picked sesame seeds and lost watermelon.

A few days later, Tian Lin left the forest. First, the training of the rattan snake can temporarily come to an end. Second, the Pokémon egg on his body has begun to shake from time to time, and it is almost time to hatch.

For the little life to be born, Tian Lin must go to the town with the Pokémon center as soon as possible.

And the nearest town here, from the map, is a town called Calendo Town.

Tianlin quickly rushed there, and after handing the Pokemon egg to Miss Joy for inspection, he confirmed that the life inside the egg was indeed about to be born, and it was very healthy, which made Tianlin very happy.

Miss Joy judged that it would take about 1 to 2 days for the birth date, so Tian Lin decided to stay in Calendo Town for 2 days and leave after the eggs hatched.

Fortunately, there is also a battle club in this town, so he is not bored.

When I came to the East George Battle Club, the person in charge here is the same as Tangcao Town, and it is also Mr. East George, but the question is why it is exactly the same.

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