The old man's eccentricity is no longer concealed.

If there are disciples and grandchildren, what is the relationship between grandchildren and disciples? As for Xiaozhi, is there such a person in Zhenxin Town?

The three shook their heads, helplessly walked to the backyard of the institute, and released all the Pokémon on them.

Except for Xiao Mao, the other two's thoughts have not changed. Since they are going to go to a new area, they have to conquer the excellent Pokémon there, so they will not carry too much.

Xiao Zhi will always be Pikachu, and Tian Lin has already thought about it. This time, he will only bring the round land shark and Pokebi. They were caught too late in Shenao and have never had any opportunities to cultivate them. Besides, their talents are amazing. It would be a shame to put it in the backyard for retirement.

Tianlin is not a wise man, not even a quasi-god.

But then there is a question, where to go?Tianlin has long thought about it. The Hezhong area is an area where fighting is extremely prosperous. There are no other competition systems such as gorgeous competitions and triple crown satellite competitions.

Yes, there are all kinds of different battle competitions, the East George Battle Tournament, the East George Battle Tournament, the Battle Metro, and the Youth Cup, etc. It is a very suitable area for ordinary trainers.

And Xiaozhi doesn't seem to have decided yet. He originally wanted to go to Carlos to see the place where Xiaomao once fought, but under the introduction of Tianlin, when he learned that the Hezhong battle was so prosperous, he immediately changed his mind. , he's going there too, defeating stronger opponents.

"Tianlin, I have your phone number!" At this moment, Xiaojian ran out, not knowing who would call the Damu Research Institute, and it was Tianlin who was looking for him.

"Strange, who would be looking for me?" Tian Lin walked to the phone, and there was a grumpy female voice and a helpless male voice.

"Tianlin, come to Hezhong immediately, this time, we must defeat you!"

"That, Touzi, don't you be in such a hurry, we are an invitation, not a provocation!"

"Is there any difference, anyway, they're just getting him over first and then flattening him."

This man and woman are the famous geniuses of Hezhong. Tou Ye and Tou Zi, like Ah Yin, returned to Hezhong after the Chengdu Alliance lost to Tianlin, and took Adek as a teacher for a long time. It seems that his strength has greatly increased, and Tou Zi can't wait to seek revenge from Tianlin.

Therefore, a phone call came, and I was afraid that Tianlin would go to another area. With Adek's ability, it would be easier to get the phone number of Dr. Damu's house.

"Tuozi, Touye, it's been a long time since I saw you. It seems that you are having a good time." Tian Lin was very happy to see his friend he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Don't fight haha, do you dare to come!" Tou Zi's character was really straightforward.

Seeing her so enthusiastic, Tianlin naturally wouldn't refuse, and his own destination was also there, "Okay, don't worry, I will come soon, and the Hezhong area will definitely be conquered by me."

Hearing this sentence, Tou Ye's expression also became serious, "I can't pretend that I haven't heard this sentence. If you want to conquer Hezhong, it's not that simple, and I will definitely stop you."

Across the screen, between Tian Lin and Tou Ye, the fighting spirit was awe-inspiring, and the fire was shining everywhere.

At the beginning, Tou Ye was no different from Ah Yin's strength, and Tian Lin also wanted to know what level he had reached now.

Back at home, Tianlin explained his thoughts to Sundae and the others. Sundae became more sensible. She no longer persuaded Tianlin to give up traveling and concentrate on cultivation. She knew that Tianlin didn't like that kind of life.

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This time, she took the initiative to help Jun Shalan pack her bags, just like a good wife and good mother.

At this point, Tian Lin feels a little guilty about Sunda Nazi. He spends less time with them. In order to make the family more lively, this time, he asked Xiaomeng and Shirabi to stay and replace him. Accompany your family.

A few days later, in the early morning of Zhenxin Town, the wanderer will travel far.

"Tianlin, take good care of yourself when you arrive at Hezhong. Also, you must remember, be careful, do you know that woman?" Jun Shalan warned earnestly before parting.

Tianlin of course knew who she was talking about. There was a woman in Hezhong that could be called her lifelong enemy.

Tianlin naturally agreed to his sister's words again and again. As for whether or not he would comply, I don't know.


Afterwards, Xiaozhi, Tianlin, Xiaoguang, and Nana came to Changqing City in a car arranged by Sundae.

Here, Tianlin and Xiaozhi got out of the car. They were going to take a plane to Hezhong here, while Xiaoguang and Nana would go to Kuye City, which was farther away, to take a boat to Fengyuan.

"Xiaoguang, you must take good care of yourself. If you run into trouble there, you can go to Dr. Odamaaki and Mr. Chisato. Mr. Chisato is Xiaoyao's father, and he will definitely help you."

"Also, Mr. Watanabe's girlfriend, Ayako, the legendary coordination trainer, and Mr. Adam, Mikri's master, are also in Hoenn. You can ask them for advice."

"By the way, Hoenn is also one of the areas where super evolution is prevalent. If you have the chance, you can try to find evolution keystones and super evolution stones..."

Tianlin held Xiaoguang's hand, as if he wanted to explain everything in his heart. Xiaoguang listened to each word and nodded. She knew that Tianlin really cared about her.

"Master, don't worry, with me here, don't worry about anything, I will definitely protect Sister Xiaoguang." Nana made a promise.

"Okay, Nana, then I'll entrust Xiaoguang to you." Tian Lin slowly let go, the car started again, and gradually moved away.

Xiaozhi stepped forward and patted Tianlin's shoulder, "We have to go too!"

"Well, let's go!"

The two also quickly boarded the plane.At the gate of the gym in Changqing City, Xiao Mao looked at the plane that had taken off and just passed over his gym, and said slowly, "My journey is over, but yours is not yet, even for mine, keep working hard. !"towel.

Chapter [*]: The Welcome Ceremony of Zekrom on behalf of the United States

"Very well, Hezhong District, here we come!"

The plane landed at the airport in Luzi Town. As soon as Xiao Zhi got off the plane, he couldn't wait to run out of the airport.

"Wait, Xiao Zhi, we haven't picked up our luggage yet!" Tian Lin hurriedly called out.

Both of them had checked luggage and had to go to a fixed location inside the airport to retrieve it.

"Tianlin, help me to get mine too!" Xiao Zhi didn't want to worry about such trivial matters at all, he just wanted to see what the Hezhong area was like.

"Really, it's still this virtue. Xiaogang is not here, so I don't know if you can support yourself." Tian Lin sighed helplessly and walked towards the luggage room.

However, Ash and Pikachu, who came outside, suddenly stopped, and they felt an unusually powerful force approaching them.

"Pika!" Pikachu looked up at the sky with a serious face, and saw a huge thundercloud of "Three Eight Seven" slowly approaching them, and soon, it flew right above them.

There seems to be something in the thundercloud, and you can vaguely see that it is a pitch-black dragon, exuding a powerful aura that is not inferior to Dialga and Palkia.

Suddenly, the giant dragon dropped a thunderbolt from the sky and slammed directly on Pikachu.

After a while, Pikachu fainted to the ground, and the thundercloud slowly dissipated, and the sky returned to normal, as if nothing had happened.

"Pikachu, are you alright?" Xiao Zhi hurriedly picked up Pikachu and was relieved to see that it gradually woke up and there was no injury on his body.

Then he looked at the sky and said, "What was that just now?"

"Xiao Zhi, why are you standing there, take your luggage back." At this moment, Tian Lin came out and threw Xiao Zhi's bag directly to him.

Xiao Zhi took the bag, and then remembered that there is also a Pokemon encyclopedia here, "Tianlin, did you just see the thundercloud in the sky, and there is a dark dragon inside it. , do you know what Pokemon that is?"

"Leiyun, Heilong!" Tian Lin was startled, how could he not know this image, "I haven't seen the Leiyun you mentioned, but if I guessed correctly, you may have met the first-level god of the Hezhong. , the god of ideals, Zekrom!"

"Is he really a first-level god? Sure enough, I feel that the power of that guy just now is not inferior to that of Palkia. It's really great. I saw such a strong Pokémon on the first day I came to Hezhong. , how lucky!" Xiao Zhi exclaimed excitedly.

Tianlin, however, is not surprised. Xiaozhi, like him, is a magical beast. No matter how strong or rare a magical beast is, as long as they want to see it, they can always see it.

"Hello, you are Tianlin and Xiaozhi, right?" At this moment, a nice voice sounded behind the two of them. The person who came was a beautiful big sister. Tianlin knew her and published it in magazines that introduced researchers from all over the world. As seen in her picture, she is Dr. Yew of the United States.

This time, at the request of Dr. Damu, he came to pick up Tianlin and Xiaozhi.

"I'm sorry to pick you up so late, the Leiyun just now is really amazing!" Yew apologized repeatedly.

"Dr. Yew, you don't have to worry, we're all fine," Tian Lin said with a smile.

"Well, then welcome the two of you to the Hezhong area, Tianlin, Xiaozhi, I have heard about the brilliant achievements you have achieved in the various league competitions, please give me more advice in the future." They were familiar with each other, but her warm welcome made them feel good.

The two got into Dr. Yew's car and headed for her research institute.

Sure enough, there were Pokémon in the Hezhong area along the way, and Xiao Zhi basically didn't know him, and his eyes lit up when he saw the brand-new Pokémon.

"It's the Four Seasons Deer, the Doudou Pigeon is flying, and the Tantan Mouse is hiding in the grass, and the Dancing Swan is the one that can swim in the water and fly to the sky." In the encyclopedia, Tianlin could only satisfy his curiosity and introduced him one by one.

"As expected of Dr. Damu's direct disciple, I didn't expect you, Tianlin, to know a lot about our Pokémon." Dr. Yew praised.

"In order to win all battles, I have worked hard on Pokémon knowledge!" Tian Lin is usually modest, but he is quite confident when it comes to Pokémon knowledge.

As the car drove through a forest, the two saw more different Pokémon.

It's just that Pikachu was a little uncomfortable along the way. Perhaps it was injured a little by Zekrom's attack just now. Yew suggested to check it immediately after arriving at the research institute.

It just so happens that Pikachu is an extremely rare Pokémon in Hezhong. Even Dr. Yew is rarely seen, and Xiaozhi's unusual skin god is even more piercing. As a doctor, she has long wanted to study it. watched 0 ........

Dr. Yew's research institute is not far from here, and it takes less than half an hour to arrive by car.

Pikachu was placed on the inspection equipment, and the data detected were all normal, which made everyone subconsciously think that it was all right.

"Doctor!" A chubby young assistant walked in. "A rookie trainer who started his journey today has arrived and is waiting in the lobby to receive the initial Pokémon."

"Ah, it's already here, I didn't expect it to be so late!" Dr. Yew suddenly remembered that she still has work to do today to distribute rookie trainer Pokémon.

As soon as he heard that he could see the three initial Pokémon of Hezhong, Xiao Zhi immediately became interested, and followed the doctor to the hall excitedly.

In the hall at this time, a teenager in orange clothes was shooting around with a camera.

I think he is the rookie trainer who is going to travel today.

"Hey, Emperor Xiu, wait!" Dr. Yew greeted.

"Hello, Dr. Yew, it's finally time for me to embark on a journey and become an official Pokémon trainer. Please give me the initial Pokémon immediately!"

"I know, you've been waiting for this day for a long time. Welcome to Pokémon World 4.0." Dr. Yew said with a nonchalant smile.

"Did you get so excited that you couldn't sleep in the middle of the night yesterday? I was like that back then." Xiao Zhi seemed to recall his original self, and greeted Emperor Xiu very familiarly.

"Who are you?" Emperor Xiu glanced at Xiao Zhi and asked lightly.

"Hello, I'm Xiao Zhi from Zhenxin Town in the Kanto region, and this is my hometown Tianlin. We all came to the Hezhong area for the sake of cultivation." Xiao Zhi introduced himself.

"Kanto region, is it really a new town?" Emperor Xiu laughed disdainfully, "It turned out to be a trainer from the countryside."


Emperor Xiu's words made Tian Lin very dissatisfied, and his arrogance must have a limit. If Emperor Xiu was just a newcomer who had not even obtained a Pokémon, Tian Lin really wanted him to see the strength of Samsung in the true new town.

The first thousand and forty-three chapters of the three families of the public and the royal family debut

"What are you talking about, Zhenxin Town is not a country place!" When he heard the word "countryside", Xiao Zhi immediately went wild. Although he was usually heartless, he still attached great importance to his hometown.

"Anyway, I haven't heard of it." Emperor Xiu still had that disdainful expression.

"Then don't show your ignorance in front of us." At this time, Tian Lin said, "Since you said you don't know each other now, please remember that after this year's alliance competition, the name of the true new town will definitely be It will resonate throughout the congregation.”

Tianlin's aura was fully open, and a strong sense of oppression was pressing on Emperor Xiu. For a time, Emperor Xiu was out of breath.

"Mr. Adek?" For some reason, Emperor Xiu remembered Adek, the United Champion who he had met when he was a child, and the pressure on him from the man in front of him was not inferior.

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