"Forget it, Xiaozhi, they can't listen to you, Nana, drive them out!" Tian Lin didn't plan to take action this time. After all, the master has something to do with the disciple. Let him do it.

"I know the master, go to the giant gold monster, and use your mental strength!"

The super-energy-type giant gold monster has great restraint on the poison-type stinger jellyfish. With its heavenly king-level mental power, it instantly restrains all the jellyfish, and controls them to float, throwing them all out of the cabin.

Another characteristic of stinging jellyfish is to bully the soft and fear the hard. They know that they are not the opponents of the giant gold monster Nana, so they sneaked into the seabed and escaped.

"Thank you, my name is Nobuko, I'm the intern at the Pokémon Nursery, I would have been in trouble just now if it wasn't for you~' ." Nobuko said with lingering fears.

"It's not a happy time, these Pokémon are in very bad condition!" Xiaogang showed his true nature as a breeder and started to treat those Pokémon. Only then did he discover that each of them was Already poisoned.

"No, these children are too young, their bodies can't bear such a poison at all, especially Pichu, whose body is the most poisonous, and it will be life-threatening!"

"Then what should I do, there is no medical equipment on this ship!" Xinzi suddenly panicked, after all, he was just an intern and seemed a little helpless.

"Don't panic, there is a way, Xiaozhi, how many sweet peaches are left in our bag?" Xiaogang asked.

Xiaozhi flipped through his backpack, "Not much, only two left."

"Not enough!" Xiaogang frowned, there were seven or eight injured Pokémon, two sweet peaches, even if they were chopped and made into sweet peach juice, they would not be enough.

"Xiaogang, Xiaoguang and I still have some yokan in the forest, we should be able to use it too!" Tianlin and Xiaoguang learned how to make yokan at the Morizhiyangkan.

Along the way, they will make some yokan from time to time to satisfy their appetite, and this yokan is not only delicious, but also has a miraculous effect on relieving various abnormal conditions.

"That's great, that's enough." Xiaogang happily took the yokan and said, "Tianlin, I'm going to cut the yokan into small pieces. I'll trouble you to make these sweet peaches into peach juice. These children are too young to swallow a whole sweet peach."

"I understand, leave it to me!" Tian Lin nodded. It was the first time he had listened to someone's command like this, but he had to admit that everything Xiaogang said was correct.

The two began to act separately. Xiaoguang and others who didn't understand this did not sit idle. They prepared ice packs and boiled hot water. They also took the initiative to do what they could.

Soon, the preparation of the special medicine was completed, and the slightly injured ones fell asleep after swallowing the yokan, while the more poisoned ones couldn't even chew their food, so they could only drink sweet peach juice.

The other Pokémon went well, except for Pichu, whose injuries were so severe that he couldn't even swallow the liquid peach juice at the moment.

Xiaogang's lucky egg was anxiously urging on the side. With a gentle nature, he really couldn't bear to see Pichu's painful appearance.

"Please, Pichu, drink it up!"

Xiaogang's sincere prayer and Lucky Egg's anxious mood reflect each other at this moment.

The light of evolution began to flicker, and the lucky egg evolved into a lucky egg.

"Auspicious eggs, you evolved to help Pichu, right, okay, then use the egg-born trick!"

Egg laying is the signature skill of auspicious eggs. Outside of battle, it can be used by other Pokémon to restore their stamina.

After the raw egg treatment, Pichu recovered a little bit of physical strength. It finally took the initiative to drink the sweet peach juice. After a while, I saw its expression stretched, and like other Pokémon, it fell into a deep sleep.

Seeing it like this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. It should be all right. It didn't take long for Miss Joy to come and give it a sub-system treatment. Pichu and the others will be able to recover completely soon.

"' "Mr. Gang, you did a great job for Pichu's emergency treatment, and their lives were saved, thanks to you. "Miss Joy admired Xiaogang very much, "If it were you, maybe you could be an excellent Pokémon doctor!" "

He does not mean that.

Xiaogang was stunned for a moment, Doctor Pokémon, he didn't know what to do next, but suddenly, he seemed to be pointed in the direction, he walked to the deck alone, and muttered to himself, "So, There is still this way to go, starting from a doctor, and then to the top of a breeder!"

"Xiaogang, are you no longer confused?" At this moment, Tianlin Xiaozhi walked behind him.

"Yeah, Xiaozhi, Tianlin, after today's events, I have decided that in order to become a better breeder, I plan to become an official Pokemon doctor first, so that I can contact and help more people like today. Such a child in distress!" Xiaogang said frankly.

"It's really good Xiaogang, I believe, you will succeed." Xiaozhi is full of confidence in Xiaogang, they (good money) are the longest travel companions, no one knows Xiaogang better than him How powerful is the team.

"Just like this, I won't be able to accompany you in the future. You have to take good care of yourself." If there is anything Xiaogang can't worry about now, it's Xiaozhi.

"Don't worry about Xiaozhi, he has traveled to so many places. Besides, he may not meet other partners in the future. This guy's luck has always been good." Tianlin patted Xiaozhi on the shoulder and smiled. .

He is not talking nonsense, Tiantong, Citron, etc., except for the one who only loses the ball, which is not a good partner to help him grow.

Xiao Zhi also nodded and said, "Yeah, Xiaogang, just move towards your dream!"

With the support of his friends, Xiaogang completely strengthened his determination. The world's No. [*] Pokémon breeder in the future took his most important first step here.

While talking, the boat slowly arrived at Futaba Town, where Xiaoguang's mother Caiko was already waiting.

Here, it will also be the last stop of their divine journey.

Chapter [*]: The end of the journey of the light of the light of the champion package law

In the Shenao area, Xiaoguang's home, today is the day when Tian Lin and others left Shenao, and the ship set sail at noon.

In the morning, everyone was watching TV together, and a thrilling battle was playing on it at the moment.

Tianwang Championship Challenge, Shenao Champion Zhulan VS Four Heavenly King Daye!

Six-on-six full battle.

The game was almost one-sided. Daye only had one Flaming Monkey left, while Zhulan only lost two Pokémon, the weakest manatee and Roseredo in her team.

The outcome is already obvious, and the difference in strength between the two sides is very large.

And at this time, Zhulan finally showed her trump card, biting Lu Shark fiercely.

Zhulan's fierce bite of Lu Shark is more than ten times stronger than Xiaomao's current one. It is the pinnacle of champion level and one of the strongest Pokémon in the world.

Moreover, as a quasi-god, its racial ability value is not inferior to the legendary Pokémon such as Nightmare God and Beautiful Dream God. Don't look at Dakduo's six divine beasts, if you really encounter this fierce biting land shark, the team will be pushed possible.

Daye's Flaming Monkey and Bite Lu Shark also fought fiercely, but in the end they still lost to the ultimate shock and were defeated.

"As expected of Miss Zhulan, it's too easy to win, only 380 is afraid that she won't even show half of her strength!" Tianlin was not surprised at the result of such a competition, if it wasn't for Zhulan's disdain to compete for the world number one I am afraid that Emperor Dan may not be able to sit firmly on that throne.

"Miss Zhulan, is it too strong!" Nana said with emotion, the Four Heavenly Kings she wanted to look up to, but she couldn't even force Zhulan's true strength. The peak of the Pokémon world is really too high.

"That's why I didn't use the challenge right at that time, but chose to keep it temporarily, because I knew that if I didn't use a first-level god, I couldn't be the opponent of Miss Zhulan." Tian Lin smiled, he was the first time Admit that he is inferior to someone, but Zhulan deserves this honor.

Of course, Tianlin is also confident that he can surpass Zhulan in the shortest possible time.

"You guys, it's time for lunch, don't forget to catch the boat after you finish eating!" At this time, Caizi called out a few people.

During lunch, Xiaoguang told Caizi his next destination, "Mom, after I went to visit Dr. Damu and Sister Lan with Tianlin today, I went directly to Fengyuan."

"Well, yes, Fengyuan is the birthplace of the gorgeous competition. There are countless excellent coordination trainers there. After you get there, you have to work hard. When Tianlin is not by your side, you have to rely on yourself for everything!" Caizi urged Said, "Also, which Pokémon are you planning to bring to the new area, Bogaman?"

Hearing this, Xiaoguang shook his head, "No, I'm going to bring six Pokémon, Pogaman, Pokkis, Fireball, Pachiritz, Curly Ear, and Ivory Pig, they are my best buddies. , I will bring as much as I can."

Xiaoguang and the original Xiaozhi made completely different choices, but that was also good. The gorgeous competition is different from the ordinary battle, and the coordination between the trainer and the Pokémon needs to be maintained at all times.

Caizi smiled in approval, "Okay, mom will prepare enough Pokémon food for you, come on!"

After lunch, everyone said goodbye to Caizi and boarded the ship to Kanto.

The ship's arrival time is noon tomorrow. Before that, they can still gather together. After arriving in Kanto, everyone will part ways.

Tian Lin stayed in his room. There was another treasure on his body that had not been opened, and that was the system's Shenao champion package.

After winning the Shenao League Championship, the system update progress has reached 75%, and there will be no shortage of big gift packages.

This time the gift package does not seem to be very rich. Except for the two bottles of potions that can make Pokémon have unlimited potential, the others are alliance coins, or increase the training position of the mimetic space, etc., but there is one very important thing inside. thing.

A light of law can help Pokémon to comprehend the corresponding attribute rules. According to the system, this is the key for ordinary Pokémon (aiea) dreams to break through to the master level of the high realm. This thing is more precious than the previous gift packs combined.

For the ultimate potion, Tianlin gave two copies to Banquilas and Martial Arts Bear Master respectively through the battle box. Their strength in Tianlin's team belongs to the top level, but they have never had their own adventures, and Tianlin will make up for them today. .

As for the light of the law, there is no doubt that it must be handed over to the giant gold monster. This is not Tianlin's partiality. At present, among his ordinary Pokémon, the giant gold monster is the strongest, and it is an innate king with unlimited potential. Because of the potion, the acquired form is much stronger, and only it can have the opportunity to comprehend the law faster.

The next day, the ship arrived in the Kanto area, the fork between Nibi City and Changqing City, Xiaogang said goodbye to everyone, his trip ended here, and from now on, he will continue to be active as a Pokémon doctor.

After Changqing City, the Changqing Taoist Hall is being renovated. Although Xiao Mao has not yet taken office, a large photo of him has been hung at the gate.

This saucy bag really doesn't know how to write the word "low-key" at all.

After traveling for a long time, the four finally arrived at Zhenxin Town near evening.

"This is the real new town. It's similar to the feeling of Futaba Town. It's really comfortable." Xiaoguang likes it very much, because it's the same as Futaba Town, it's an original town.

"Xiao Zhi, let's part here, see you tomorrow at the doctor's side!"

At the entrance of the town, Tianlin Xiaozhi went home. Tianlin took Xiaoguang Nana to open the door. What he saw was his sister who had been waiting here, Nazi Sundae, and Kanon in human form.

Tianlin walked into the house and said, "Everyone, I'm back!"

"Welcome home!" Sundae smiled charmingly. There was no big welcome party. Everything seemed quiet and harmonious. They were like old couples, loving and loving, but they were flat. Such a feeling, but It makes Tianlin very comfortable, and also has the joy of returning home.

"Sister Nazi, I miss you so much!" Nana rushed into Nazi's arms. For her, Nazi was like her own sister when they traveled together.

Nazi touched Nana's head, "I saw it on TV, your strength has improved a lot."

"Sister Sundae, Sister Nazi, hello, this is the first time we meet, I'm Xiaoguang." Although Xiaoguang had been on the phone with Nazi and the others many times, it was the first time they met in reality, and she seemed a little nervous. .

However, Sundinazi likes this little sister very much, but for Tianlin, she rolled her eyes.

"Xiaoguang, Nana, you are welcome!" Finally, Jun Shalan, the head of the family, warmly welcomed the two of them.

Everyone walked into the house, and as the door slowly closed, the entire journey of Shenao also announced the complete end at the same time.

Hezhong precipitation

Chapter [*]: Gathering and Parting Start a New Journey

"Well, the three of you have a wonderful journey this time, and you have performed well."

In the Damu Research Institute, Dr. Damu, as the leader of Samsung in Zhenxin Town, is listening to their travel summary for the past year. These three people are his pride, so he pays special attention.

"Master Shigong, and mine, how are my grades?" Naina pulled Dr. Ogi's arm wobbly and coquettishly.

"Haha, of course, you are also very good. There are not many people in the Shenao Alliance who can fight evenly with Tianlin." Dr. Damu touched Nana's little head and petted her.

It's really a generational relative, Nana, as his apprentice's apprentice, belongs to the third generation of his family, um, on the same level as Xiao Mao, really - he is extremely favored.

But Xiao Mao is a grandson, while Nana is like a granddaughter. How can a narcissistic and arrogant brat have a well-behaved and obedient Xiaomian-Aoxiang.

"Come on, Nana, since you're going to Fengyuan next, take this. This is the latest Pokemon book, but I made it for you. It records all the Pokemon in Fengyuan in detail. data of."

"Thank you, Master! Master is the best." Nana obediently took the picture book, one Master at a time, Dr. Damu was elated.

"Doctor, what about ours?" Xiaozhi asked dumbly, his illustrated book should also be updated.

"Xiao Mao has stopped traveling. As for the two of you, I don't know where you plan to go next, how to prepare in advance, and then go to the local area doctor by yourself." Dr. Damu waved his hand impatiently. Three people were sent.

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