"Impossible, I don't believe anyone can be as strong as Mr. Adek!"

Tian Lin just wanted to give Emperor Xiu a small dismount, and he quickly restrained his breath. Emperor Xiu loosened his shoulders and almost didn't kneel down, but he still stubbornly said, "Hmph, the momentum is not bad. , but it is uncertain whether your big words can be realized or not."

"Your wish to raise 08 real new towns, I will let it shatter in return for the shame you just gave me!"

Emperor Xiu is brave. There are not many people who dare to say such things to Tian Lin today. Even if the Four Heavenly Kings of Hezhong are here, the odds of winning are not high in front of him, not to mention that Emperor Xiu, a new trainer, is really not afraid of a newborn calf. Tiger.

Dr. Yew feels very embarrassed. Emperor Xiu is not showing the backbone of Hezhong, but his ignorance. Does he know how strong Tianlin and Xiaozhi are?

In order to ease the embarrassing situation, she hurriedly said, "Emperor Xiu, today is your debut day. Now, choose your initial Pokémon first."

The initial Pokémon really caught the attention of Emperor Xiu at once. He was too lazy to pay attention to Tianlin Xiaozhi, and looked forward to seeing Dr. Yew take out three Poké Balls.

"The first is it, Fire-type Pokémon, Nuan Nuan Pig!"

Nuan Nuan Pig, Fire Pig Pokémon, a relatively mild fire-type Pokémon, its nostrils are the organs that usually shoot flames, and the Yanwu King of Touzi is the final evolution of Nuan Nuan Pig.

"And then, the water otters of the water system."

Water otter, sea otter Pokémon, naughty and aggressive water-type Pokémon, the shells in the abdomen can be used as weapons for attack and defense, and the final evolution is the Great Sword Ghost

"Finally, the grass-type rattan snake."

Teng Teng Snake, Grass Snake Pokémon, smart and calm personality, the ultimate evolutionary monarch snake, is currently the only Hezhong Yu Sanjia that Tianlin has never seen.

Tian Lin glanced at these three guys, and to be honest, the three families of Hezhong Yu are quite cute, but unfortunately they are not Tianlin's dishes.

King Yanwu, a little sad, just took the stick of the flaming monkey, and the attributes are the same as the flaming monkey, fighting with fire. Brother.

Even though King Yanwu is strong and physically strong, his durability is actually not high due to the double defense and pulling his hips. In addition, he doesn't have superior speed, and sometimes he doesn't even have the right to shoot in battle.The only advantage is that, as a fire-type Pokémon, it can learn the hot-water trick of the water-type, which is barely worthy of praise.

The Great Sword Demon, in the same situation, has insufficient defense and insufficient speed, so he can neither play quick attacks nor perfectly implement defensive counterattack tactics.

The last monarch snake is the only card, the speed and durability are not bad, the only thing is that the output ability is weak, but it has a very powerful dream feature, which can reverse the changes in the ability of the Pokémon. , if the opponent makes a sound at you and other skills that reduce the attack power, it will not only be ineffective, but will in turn increase the attack power of the monarch snake.

Moreover, Monarch Snake can also learn the flying leaf storm. Every time it is used, it can not only cause great damage to the opponent, but also improve its own two-tier special attack, which completely makes up for the lack of output.

It's a pity that it's a pure grass type, and the attack surface seems to be a bit insufficient.

In short, for these three Pokémon, Tian Lin is far less greedy than Feng Yuan and Shenao.

And the three in front of him are all ordinary characteristics, even the rattan snake can't make him move.

Emperor Xiu didn't hesitate much. After taking a photo of the three Pokémon, he quickly made a choice, "I've decided, Doctor, I'll choose the rattan snake."

It seems that he has at least done his homework. He knows that among the three, the rattan snake is the best, but unfortunately it is only a common feature, and the good is limited.

The rattan snake was selected and raised his head proudly. The Nuannuan pig looked a little lost, and the water otter was directly petrified. Tianlin wanted to complain, is this guy possessed by Bogaman, or is it a water system? All are funny.

"Okay, come on, Emperor Xiu, this is the Poké Ball of Teng Teng Snake, as well as the Pokémon Picture Book and five empty Poké Balls. Keep it, you must capture more Pokémon!" Hand over all the things that the rookie trainer needs to Xiudi.

"Thank you." Emperor Xiu said indifferently, ready to leave.

At this moment, Pikachu, who had finished all the inspections, ran out of the research institute and skillfully jumped onto Ash's shoulder.

"Pikachu, you're all right." Seeing that Pikachu was so healthy, Ash was relieved.

"What, you actually have a Pikachu!" Xiu Di was shocked, and quickly took out his camera and took several pictures of Pikachu, "Pikachu is rare in the public, this is an incident!"

"How, my Pikachu is very good 387!" Ash showed off.

After taking the photo, Emperor Xiu put down the camera and hummed, "Although Pikachu is very rare in Hezhong, it is just a very common Electric Mouse Pokémon after all. Far from it."

In all honesty, what Emperor Xiu said is right, but ordinary Pikachu and Pishen are completely two species.

Seeing that Emperor Xiu first belied his hometown, and now he looks down on his best friend, Xiao Zhi finally burst out completely, "Damn, what are you talking about, you have the ability, and now you have a fight with me, you are now a treasure. Dream trainer."

"Do you want to fight, do you want to accompany him to the end?" Emperor Xiu's eyes flashed, and it happened that he needed a battle to increase his tacit understanding with his new partner.

Pikachu, a weak Pokémon, is just right as the first opponent.

The two came to the battle field in the backyard of the institute, and Emperor Xiu once again skillfully took out his camera, "This is the place where I fought for the first time, it is worth remembering."

"Get ready, then go, Pikachu!" Xiao Zhi now only has one Pikachu by his side, so he can only get on it.

And Emperor Xiu also sent the vine snake that he had just obtained. After entering the battle state, the vine vine snake had a firm look and a strong will to fight. This is a very good point, and it is worth cultivating.

The first thousand and forty-four chapters Xiaozhi's first defeat of the law of thunder and lightning that blocks Pikachu's power!

"Starting Xiudi, I won't be merciful just because you are a newcomer, Pikachu, use a flash of lightning!"

Xiao Zhi preempted the attack, Pikachu ran fast, and knocked back the rattan snake with one blow.

However, the rattan snake only stepped back a little distance, and it seemed that there was no serious problem at all.

"How is that possible?" Tian Lin was startled, Xiao Zhi's Pikachu already has the strength to rival the high-level king of the sky, and the flash of electric light is also a skill that has been used by him, and he can't kill a newcomer Pokemon!

Could it be that this rattan snake is too strong?Tian Lin subconsciously called out the system.

Teng Teng Snake, Male, Grass Snake Pokémon, Grass type, lush characteristics, serious personality (balanced personality), height 0.7m, weight 8.2kg, excellent qualifications, Tianwang-level potential, the current strength of the novice-level peak, with skill impact , stare, rattan whip, grass blender.

"It's very common, and the aptitude potential can only be said to be good. Since this rattan snake is no problem, could it be Pikachu?" Tianlin looked at Pishen again.

Pikachu, male, mouse Pokémon, electrical type, static electricity, hard-working (balanced character), height 0.4m, weight 6kg, king qualification, unlimited potential, the current strength is beginner-level beginner (Tianwang-level middle-level), Remarks: Affected by the power of Zekrom, all the power in the body was sealed, not only the physical strength was greatly reduced, but also the electricity could not be released.

"Sure enough, it's Pikachu's problem. It was actually sealed by Zekrom, but why did Zekrom do this?" Tian Lin was puzzled, this Zekrom was in a panic, and he couldn't come to fix Pikachu.

At this moment, Pikachu finally felt that something was wrong, and the enormous power was sealed. It had never felt that its hands and feet were so weak.

To make matters worse, when Ash gave the order of [*] volts, it couldn't even deliver the best electric shock. In the end, Pikachu was defeated by the rattan snake's grass stirrer.

The dignified skin god, in the Chengdu Alliance, was not weak in the battle of the flame chicken, and he won the battle against Regais in the pioneering area, but now he lost to a newcomer Pokémon, who would dare to believe this.

However, the fact was in front of him, Xiao Zhi couldn't believe it, "I, actually lost~'!"

It's not that he couldn't accept his defeat, but this loss was too unreasonable, and Pikachu's strength didn't even show one ten thousandth.

"Hmph, it turns out that you have this level, and the outcome is already divided." Emperor Xiu laughed at Xiaozhi, and then said to the rattan snake, "Teng rateng snake, you performed well, as the first competition, the pace is coordinated with me. It is also very good, choosing you is indeed the right choice."

"As for you, let's learn from the basics, a trainer from the countryside!" The victorious Xiu Emperor became more and more arrogant, but at this moment neither Tian Lin nor Xiao Zhi had the time to pay attention to him.

The most important thing now is Pikachu, we must solve its problems.

The two returned to the institute again and explained the situation to Dr. Yew, who had only examined Pikachu's physical condition on the surface.

Now after the two said this, they immediately realized that there is no problem with its body, but the power is the problem.

So she immediately began to detect Pikachu's power with the instrument, only to find that although its own power was still there, it was suppressed by a stronger power and could not be freely controlled at all.

"Is this phenomenon the so-called overload phenomenon?" Yew speculated.

"Overload phenomenon?" Ash didn't understand the meaning of the word.

The doctor continued to explain, "That is to say, it absorbed too much power in the thundercloud just now, and now it has suppressed its original power."

"So, has Pikachu been unable to use this trick all the time?" Ash was very worried.

"Something is coming!" At this moment, Tianlin suddenly raised his head and looked at the ceiling, the waveguide focused his eyes, he saw the scene outside, a huge waveguide came to the top of the research institute. "It's Zekrom, it reappears!"

At this time, all the equipment in the institute was affected by Zekrom's powerful electricity and all malfunctioned.

"Our legendary Pokémon, the giant thundercloud is the god who guards the people and Pokémon in this land, and the constant lightning is the hammer of God's punishment, also known as the pillar of the sky!" Hongdou Shan introduced.

Just when everyone wondered about the purpose of such a mysterious and powerful Pokémon, Zekrom suddenly lowered the thunder again, hitting the lightning rod of the research institute, and the electric current descended down the instrument and re-entered Pikachu's body.


Pikachu looked extremely uncomfortable, and Ash anxiously wanted to run over.

At this time, Tianlin took Xiaozhi's arm and said, "Don't go over, Zekrom's electricity is too strong, even you will be injured, and it is not hurting Pikachu, on the contrary, it seems to be helping Pikachu ."

While Zekrom was introducing electricity into Pikachu's body, Tian Lin was constantly observing the situation with the system.

He found that the seals in Pikachu's body seemed to be opened one after another.

Beginner beginner level, beginner level intermediate level, beginner level advanced level, normal level...

It didn't stop until it reached the level of ordinary high-level.

After that, Zekrom dissipated the thundercloud and disappeared into the sky as if he had completed his mission.

"'" system, what's the matter with Pikachu, why is its strength only restored to the ordinary high-level? "

"Host, don't worry, Pikachu is fine, and it takes a lot of advantage." The system voice transmission, and then called up Pikachu's data panel.

The qualifications of a king and unlimited potential have not changed.

The maximum strength has not been reduced, but it has been sealed to the level of ordinary level, and the current Pikachu can barely use electricity skills.

But most importantly, there is a section of information behind the panel.

"Pikachu, a Pokémon blessed by the world, has the potential to become the strongest, its electric air bag can store infinite electricity, but the power of thunder and lightning is too tyrannical, Pikachu's own physical fitness can't bear too much force, so it is very easy There is an overload state.”

Seeing this, Tianlin understood why the Pikachu in the original book would lose control of power from time to time. It turned out to be due to insufficient physical fitness (good promise).

Tianlin continued to watch.

"If you want to use it to your advantage, you must first defeat it. Therefore, when Pikachu cultivates to the level of the king, he needs to seal all the power in his body, and then practice again. , without damaging Pikachu's body, and practicing again, Pikachu's strength will increase very quickly, and it is easy to return to its peak."

"In order to help Pikachu, Zekrom first used his own electricity to block Pikachu's power, waited for Pikachu's body to adapt to his own electricity, and used the law of lightning to unblock it. Pikachu can use this law in the future to break through the master level!"

After reading all the information, Tian Lin was completely stunned. It was actually the law of thunder and lightning. This gift is too big. What is the power of a moment? Compared with it, Pikachu's future is more important.

It should be said that Pishen deserves to be Pishen, his giant golden monster has already begun to comprehend the law of steel, he did not expect Pikachu to be one step behind, and got the opportunity to comprehend the law of thunder and lightning.

Chapter [*] Tianlin VS Xiudi

"Xiaozhi, congratulations, it seems that Zekrom has helped Pikachu restore power, although it is only a small part, but with this power as the basis, and re-training, Pikachu will soon be able to return to the peak."

Xiaozhi doesn't have a system like Tianlin. He still doesn't know Pikachu's situation. Tianlin is afraid that he is worried, so he speaks to comfort him.

"Really, that's great." Xiaozhi happily hugged Pikachu, although something happened, but as long as Pikachu had hope of recovery, he was satisfied.

"It's really open-minded, worthy of being Xiaozhi!" Tian Lin smiled. When he wanted to be replaced by an ordinary person, his Heavenly King-level trump card was suddenly reduced to only ordinary-level strength. He couldn't care less, all he cared about was Pikachu's physical condition.

"Pikachu, you have to practice hard. When you return to your peak state, you will find that your strength will have a reborn change. Now you have truly qualified for the strongest throne." Tian Lin touched it. Pikachu's small forehead warned.

"Pika!" Pikachu responded earnestly, Xiaozhi was willing to be reconciled, it must recover to its peak as soon as possible, and the shame of losing to a rookie Pokémon today will be remembered for a lifetime.

"Very good, then I'm leaving in 393, Xiaozhi, you can stay here for a while, and then leave when you are sure that Pikachu is all right!" Tianlin proposed parting, he and Xiaozhi should have their own journeys.

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