The shadow-possessed doctor spit out a mouthful of black blood, "Damn Ah Yin, he actually played with me and damaged my origin!"

Shadow was furious. In order to completely control Ah Yin, the power it gave him was not the inferior product in the past, but a part of its original power, but now it was destroyed by Ah Yin. , not only did not control Ah Yin, but he was hit hard.

"Hahaha, Shadow, you underestimate my son too much, yes, defeating Tianlin is his obsession, you are indeed very smart to start from here, but there is one thing you have overlooked, an open and honest victory is his deeper Obsession, he won't use that kind of power that doesn't belong to him." Sakagi was also watching the live broadcast of the game in the office, he was very pleased with Ah Yin at the moment, and being able to resist the temptation of power is what he needs to get to the top. zero" mentality.

"Well done, Ah Yin!" Tian Lin couldn't help but praise.

Ah Yin smiled slightly, "Tianlin, I said, I will always be that Ah Yin, your opponent, this will never change."

"This time, I'll just admit defeat. You shoot Tianlin, but remember, next time, I'll definitely pull you off the throne!"

"I'm waiting for you at any time, Palkia, use Yakong Slash!" Tian Lin nodded seriously, and at this moment, he was very happy.

It is not that he is happy because he is about to usher in victory, but that he has finally got it, a rival that really belongs to him, Ah Yin's strong strength and firm belief are enough to make him recognize him. Now he and Ah Yin are just like Xiao Zhi. Like Shigeru, Satoshi and Shinji, they are evenly matched. In order to ascend to the strongest throne, every time they meet, there will be a battle between dragons and tigers.

Then, the two progressed together in the battle, and marched towards the top of the strongest.

Palkia wielded the Yakong slash, the powerful power of tearing space, completely defeated Regichkas, and Tianlin once again won the throne of the champion of the Shenao League.

"Knot, is it over?" Someone in the audience asked dumbly.

"Yeah, it's over, it's really a fierce battle!"

"This game was amazing, the strength of these two guys is incredible."

After the audience was silent for a while, loud cheers erupted.

"Tianlin, Tianlin, Tianlin..."

"A Yin, A Yin, A Yin..."

Whether it was Tian Lin of the victor or Ah Yin of the defeated, everyone cheered for them.

Everyone at the scene was very excited. This was the most intense Shenao League final in years.

"Like this, the opponent who does his best to fight is the bridge to the next peak, my Ah Yin, will become better and better, and that Tian Lin, he is really an incredible guy, I really want to meet him ." Sakagi turned off the TV, walked to the window, and said slowly.

"Boss, you seem to appreciate Tianlin very much." Behind him was Athena who also cared about Ah Yin.

"It's not the same with you. Although we are an evil organization, it doesn't hinder my appreciation of genius, especially a fully grown powerhouse. Without him, Ah Yin would still be the frog at the bottom of a well that would only stay in Chengdu. , maybe he is destined to be the enemy of my Rockets, but if I put my position aside, I, Sakagi, would be very willing to be his friend." Sakagi's mind is very far-reaching, even if one day he will become an endless enemy, He is also willing to associate with it.

For example, Modan, the king of the islands in the Alola region, is a close friend of him in private.

"I have investigated the origin of this Tianlin. He was an orphan. One day, he suddenly appeared on the outskirts of Zhenxin Town, and was picked up by the local Junsha and brought up. The thing I regret most now is that I didn't go there at that time. Zhenxin will be guarded, otherwise, I will be the one who picked him up." Yana said with great pity.

"Haha, you have learned to joke!" Sakagi said lightly after taking a sip of red wine.

The Shenao League Competition Venue, at this moment, finally ushered in the closing ceremony.

This time, Ah Yin did not leave early, but stood on the runner-up podium. He was deliberately reminding himself that now he is still lower than Tianlin, and he must continue to work hard.

"Treasure your champion position, because the next time you stand in my runner-up position will be you!" Ah Yin provoked.

"Don't worry, I've already applied 502 glue on the soles of my feet, and no one can push me away from the highest position!" Tian Lin responded with a smile.

"These two guys have an inexplicable sense of CP, it's really annoying!" Xiaoguang below, Sundina Zi in front of the TV, for some reason, quietly became jealous.  …

At this time, Zhulan came to the two of them with the trophy of the championship and runner-up, and first handed the silver trophy to Ah Yin.

"Although this is the first time I've seen you, I know a little bit about your origin. It's related to that organization, right?" At the time when Ah Yin subdued Regichkas, the Age of God had already reported it to the Alliance, so although Zhulan was I don't know Ah Yin's true identity, but I also know roughly his origins.

"Miss Zhulan, Ah Yin is not a bad person." Tian Lin hurriedly defended Ah Yin.

"Tianlin, don't speak for me, Lord Champion, are you going to do something to me here now?" Ah Yin asked.

Zhu Lan smiled in denial, "Don't worry, I won't do anything about it, who is the one who gave birth to me, how can I be, I have no prejudice against your origin, and you are upright and have never done anything evil. , as long as you want, you can leave there at any time, and the league welcomes you to join.”

"Thank you!" Ah Yin sincerely thanked him. Although he did not intend to leave Banmu, Zhulan's recognition of him was enough to make him grateful. Ah Yin was not someone who didn't know what to do.

Zhulan then handed the golden championship trophy to Tianlin, "Congratulations, you have won the league championship again. According to what I declared before the competition, you can challenge me at any time now. How about it, do you want to start as soon as possible?"

In the face of Zhulan's fighting spirit, Tianlin 4.0 rejected this time, "Forget it, I've been exhausted from playing in this league competition, and I really don't have much energy to face you, the strongest Valkyrie. , I reserve the right to challenge this time for the time being!"

"Okay, no matter when, I will respond to you with all my strength!" Zhulan winked at Tian Lin playfully.

This made Sundina Zi angry, forget the previous Ah Yin, a man, no threat to them, when did Zhu Lan get caught by this guy.

"As expected of Tianlin, he has my demeanor, no, it should be said that he is stronger than me." Xiao Mao admired his face. Although he had many girlfriends, they were all ordinary people, and at best they were more beautiful.

But what kind of roles are Tianlin bubbles, Miss Qianjin, the super king, the strongest champion in the region, and the worst one is also a top coordination trainer.

The first thousand and thirty-eight chapters return to each person's goal

The closing ceremony of the Shenao Alliance is over. This time, Tianlin temporarily gave up the challenge to Zhulan, but this time, there were no negative comments from the outside world. For example, he was timid and avoided fighting or something.

Of course, this is all thanks to the last battle with Ah Yin, where all the first-level gods appeared. No matter how strong Zhulan bites Lu Shark, it is impossible to be a first-level god opponent, so no one thinks that Tianlin is afraid. Bamboo orchid.

Everyone guessed that Tianlin felt that with the power of a first-level god, even if he defeated Zhulan, he would still be invincible. He was ready to continue training himself. After his ordinary Pokémon strength improved again, he would challenge Zhulan again. .

Thinking about it this way, not only did everyone not look down on Tian Lin, but they looked at him even more.

But what they guessed was actually correct. Tian Lin admitted that without using a first-level god, even if he made a full effort, his odds of winning against Zhulan would not exceed three levels. Now is not the time to fight against her.

Anyway, the right to fight is reserved, and I can challenge it at any time, so I don't have to rush it for a while.

Moreover, he has already selected all the four heavenly kings of Shenao and other geniuses from Shenao. If he continues to challenge Zhulan, he will undoubtedly press Shenao's face to the ground and rub it. It's fine after a while.

On the one hand, it can resolve the hostility of Shenao people towards him, on the other hand, he also wants to better settle himself. His current Pokémon strength is already very strong, but he feels that his ability is not enough.

Vision, cultivation, wisdom!

These are what he still lacks, and he needs to settle himself to obtain these things.

In the same situation as him, there is Ah Yin, who was ready to leave on the day of the closing ceremony.

"A Yin, are you going back, that place?" Tian Lin asked.

"Yes, beside him, there is that inhuman thing, I don't worry, this time I took the opportunity to destroy part of its origin, it will definitely find a way to retaliate, I have Regichkas to protect me Don't worry, but he can't, although he is not a good person, but as a father, he gave me the best of everything, and I want to protect him." Ah Yin is full of dread about Shadow, but says no to Sakagi. Unclear concern.

"Yeah, in any case, you are both father and son, so go ahead, Ah Yin, I hope one day, you can lead him to the right path." Tianlin won't stop Ah Yin, he is just doing what he should do .

"Haha, then if he doesn't listen to me, one day I will also stand on the opposite side of the alliance?" Ah Yin suddenly asked, he was very worried that one day, for the sake of his father, he would have to fight against the whole world.

"Then it's up to me to stop you. The big deal is to smash your hands first, so that you can no longer throw the Poke Ball, and then I will support you for the rest of your life!" Tian Lin said bluntly.

His sincere words made Ah Yin a little moved, and said with a light smile, "You guy, you really are a bad guy!"

"Then I'm leaving, Tianlin, our battle is not over yet, wait for me, I will come back."

After speaking, Ah Yin boarded the helicopter that Yana arranged for him and gradually disappeared into the sky.

After watching Ah Yin leave, Tian Lin also returned to the player village. At this time, Xiaoguang Xiaozhi and the others had packed all their luggage.

All the tickets have been bought, Xiaoguang and Nana are not in a hurry to go home. They also plan to follow Tianlin to Zhenxin Town. Xiaoguang wants to meet Sundina and say hello to Jun Shalan. Nana It is to go to visit Master Shi, that is, Dr. Damu.

So a group of five people chose to go on the road together.

"Stop for me, Tianlin, Xiaozhi!" As soon as several people left the player village, they saw a person rushing over.

"Ah Tun!" The two called out his name, and the yellow hair on the sign was so recognizable.

"Tianlin, Xiaozhi, I have understood it now. Your current strength is indeed slightly stronger than mine, but that is only temporary. Soon, I will catch up with you!" Saying such a sentence, it seems that from today, there is another chaser behind them.

--Dividing line

Everyone quickly boarded the ship heading to Futaba Town. There was no direct ferry to Kanto from Linglan Island, so they needed to transfer to Futaba Town.

Due to the days of fierce battles, even the energetic Tianlin Xiaozhi was exhausted, and the two of them slept in a rare sleep.

After getting up on the second day, they met with the others, and everyone chatted about their next plans.

Speaking of this, Xiao Zhi is not sleepy, "Of course I will continue to travel to other areas, but I have no idea where to go for now, let's go back to Zhenxin Town first, in short, I didn't become a Pokémon master. Before, I wouldn't stop my steps."

"In my words, I would like to go to the Hoenn area, the birthplace of the Gorgeous Competition. Over the past year, I have been relying on Tianlin to get to where I am now. Next, I want to go further by relying on my own efforts." Xiaoguang She has already made a decision. If she wants to continue to grow, she must leave Tianlin for a period of time.

Just like Sundae, Nazi, and Nana before, if they only relied on Tianlin, they would not have the amazing strength they have today.

"Be safe!" Tianlin held Xiaoguang's hand and expressed his support for her decision with just these four words.

"Master, don't worry, sister Xiaoguang will leave it to me for protection, I have decided, I will also go to Fengyuan, I haven't been there yet, sister Xiaoguang, let's travel from 380 in the future, okay? It's too boring, you won't welcome me, will you?" Nana looked at Xiaoguang hopefully.

That pitiful appearance was exactly the same as when he begged Tianlin to accept his apprentice.

"Okay, don't look at me like that, I promise." Xiaoguang was helpless, she was the worst at such a coquettish little girl. Although Nana was about the same age as her, she was always like her little sister.

But this also made Tianlin feel a lot more at ease. Although Nana looks unreliable, her strength is definitely not weak. With her and Xiaoguang taking care of each other, there is generally no danger.

Finally, several people looked at Tianlin in unison, waiting for his answer.

Tian Lin shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't you guys understand? Of course, like Xiao Zhi, he went to a different place to continue his practice, but before that, he had to spend some time with his family."

At this time, looking at everyone who was chatting hotly about their dreams, Xiaogang on the side was tangled, "Everyone has a firm goal, and they know how to go next, but what about me?"

Xiaogang is confused. He has always aimed to be the world's No. [*] Pokémon breeder, but he has always followed Xiaozhi around the world. In fact, he doesn't even know the starting point of his dream. do not know.

Chapter [*] Xiaogang's determination to determine the future path

"Xiaogang, what's the matter with you? You haven't said your next goal yet?" As Xiaogang's best friend, Xiaozhi was the first to discover Xiaogang's situation.

"Nothing, I..." Xiaogang hesitated.

At this moment, a sudden voice interrupted his thoughts, "Come here, please, is there anyone here to help?"

Is someone calling for help?

Everyone hurried over at the fastest speed, but saw a small Pokémon lying on the ground, including Pichu, Baby Ding, Baby Bear, etc.

All are juvenile Pokémon, and the person who just called for help is a little girl, and in front of her, there are a lot of stinging jellyfish.

It seems that someone accidentally provoked the stinger jellyfish group. This Pokémon's temper is not very good. Once it locks on the enemy, it will chase and kill until the end of the mountain.

Xiaozhi Tianlin immediately ran forward, stood in front of the little girl and asked, "What happened, why is this stinger jellyfish runaway?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't take care of Pichu, and when he was playing with other Pokémon, he accidentally fell into the water and released an electric current, which angered the stinger jellyfish! ' the little girl said apologetically.

In fact, it's not entirely her fault. Pokémon like Pichu are very difficult to control their own electricity, and sometimes even themselves will be injured by the electricity they release. .

"Stinger jellyfish, little Pichu is still a child, it didn't attack you on purpose, please don't be angry anymore." Xiao Zhi persuaded.

It's a pity that the stinger jellyfish in front of him now, not the nanny Mambo, they won't listen to explanations easily, they all beat them first.

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