"For the dream demon, as long as you don't get killed in one hit, it's enough." Ah Yin had already made a plan and called to Tian Lin, "Tian Lin, my dream demon doesn't need you to be defeated, it's on its own. will go."

"Dream Demon, make a parting gift!"

Farewell Gift, this is a move that makes oneself incapacitated, and then greatly reduces the attack and special attack of the opponent's Pokémon.

The wind speed dog was weakened to the extreme all of a sudden, Ah Yin's intention for doing this is really clear.

"Tianlin, this is my last Pokémon, go, Regichkas, get out of the way!"

 380 The first-level god, Regichkas finally appeared.

And as soon as it came on the field, the first thing was not an attack, but a move to block the way, completely blocking the replacement of the wind speed dog.

"It turns out that the space just now and the parting gift are all for this ace Pokémon!" Zhulan muttered to herself.

She also knew that Regigigas had a negative characteristic, slow start, and within five rounds, the attack speed was halved, so Ah Yin used the parting gift of the dream demon to greatly weaken the power of the wind speed dog.

In this way, the attacking special attack big wind speed reduction dog could not pose any threat to Regichkas at all, and then Regichkas blocked the replacement and spent these five rounds calmly.

As for the trick space, it was to ensure that Regichkas in the slow-start period made the first move, that is, the fastest move to block the way.

"Oops, wind speed dog, use close fists!"

The wind speed dog rushed forward and slapped it with close fists. However, its attack was reduced too much, and the durability of the first-level god Regichkas was too strong. This kind of attack did not hurt or itch at all.

"Feng speed dog, don't stop, continue to use close fists!"

"Why, aren't the side effects of (aiea) close fists great?" Xiaoguang didn't know what Bai Lin's intentions were. Close fists didn't do much damage to Regichkas now, but kept lowering his defense. In this case, Regichkas can instantly kill the wind speed dog with a random move.

"No, the master is right to do this, or in other words, what he wants is for the wind speed dog to exit as soon as possible!" Nana raised a different opinion, Tianlin didn't want Regichkas to delay the slow start time in vain and recover to the maximum. Power, but the wind speed dog can't threaten it, or even replace it, Tian Lin's only way is to let the wind speed dog be knocked down, and then replace his last trump card.

However, it was obvious that Ah Yin also understood Tianlin's idea very well. He was stunned not to attack, but kept delaying time.

With the help of defending, in fact, the melee attack that Regichkas really received was only two rounds. With the poor attack power of Wind Speed ​​Dog, he didn't take it seriously at all.

Finally, with the continuous cracks in the space, the trick space ended, which also means that the five rounds have passed.


Regichkas roared loudly, and the sky and earth changed color immediately, and the surrounding clouds were all shaken away by its roar. The slow start time passed, and its first-level god's power could finally be fully exerted.

In the auditorium, how could the audience ever feel the power of a first-level god so closely, and Palkia just passed away in a flash before.

"What a terrifying aura, more than ten times stronger than any divine beast that has appeared before!"

"Is it really okay to use Pokémon like this in league competitions?"

"I'm more worried about the referee now. I'm afraid that if Regichkas makes a slight move, the ground will shake. He's so close, I'm afraid there is danger."

"What referee do you care about, I don't think we are safe, okay?"

If the power of a first-level god is fully exerted, don't say anything about the battlefield, I am afraid that the entire Lily of the Valley will sink completely.

"Very good, Regichkas, use crushing!" Ah Yin ordered.

Regichkas stretched out his palm and grabbed the wind speed dog. Tianlin's wind speed dog is also considered a powerful Pokémon, but facing Regichkas, it was like a newborn baby. It's powerless to hold in your hand.

However, Regichkas was still merciful, and just smashed the wind speed dog back to the ground. If it really used the crushing trick with all its strength, it could crush the bones of the wind speed dog into powder.

"The wind speed dog is incapacitated, Regichkas wins!"

"Come back, Fengsugou." Tianlin hurriedly retracted Fengsugou and breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, the injury is not serious, Ah Yin, thank you for your mercy."

"It's nothing, I just want to defeat you, not to abolish you." Ah Yin replied indifferently, his appearance can make the shadow watching the battle in secret.

In the first place, Ah Yin was still too kind and let go of this great opportunity to destroy a Pokémon from Tian Lin.

Second, he has not used the power of the source of darkness that it gave him. That power is not simple. Although it is not as harmful to Pokémon as the previous defective powers, as long as Ah Yin uses it, the evil will be destroyed. The power will completely erode Ah Yin, and from now on, Ah Yin will become his puppet.

Sakagi is a peerless hero, and Shadow really has nothing to do with him, so he can only choose to cooperate, but this kind of cooperation, whether Sakagi or Shadow, knows that one day it will break, and at that time, they will inevitably become enemies.

In comparison, the young Ah Yin is much easier to control. As long as he controls Ah Yin, the entire Rocket Team will sooner or later become its possession.

"Ah Yin, what are you waiting for, integrate my power into yourself and Regichkas, so Regichkas can instantly gain power beyond the first-level god, and you can also win the game victory."

The demagogic voice sounded in Ah Yin's ears, but Ah Yin seemed to have not heard it, and just said to Tian Lin, "Tian Lin, it's time for you to show your real strength. The first-level god, let me have a good experience!"

Tianlin smiled and said, "Okay, then today, I will accompany you to the end, come through the space, Palkia!"

Tianlin operates the laws of space and calls out Palkia.

'Bang bang bang! '

The atmosphere began to shatter, the space channel opened again, and Palkia's huge figure flew out of the channel and stood on the field, facing Regichkas tit for tat.

The final battle of the Shenao Alliance, which is also a battle between the first-level gods, is finally about to start.

Chapter [-] Tianlin's protracted war tactics Ah Yin's final choice

"Is the battle of a first-level god, this is really amazing, please, bite the land shark fiercely!" Zhulan walked to the venue, dispatched her own trump card, and then said to the two of them, "You two, just fight, audience. Xi, I will protect it."

"Thank you, Miss Zhulan!" Tian Lin was worried that the fight between him and Ah Yin would affect innocent people. With Zhulan there, he could feel at ease.

The strength of Zhulan's Bite Lu Shark has surpassed the peak of the championship, and half a foot has begun to enter the master level. With its strength, there is no problem in blocking the residual power of some first-level gods.

"Then, come on, Palkia, use the wave missile!"

Palkia clasped his palms together, and in the center of his palms, a blue energy ball began to converge, getting bigger and bigger, obviously it did not have the attributes of a fighting system, but the scale of this wave of missiles was larger than that made by Lucario. dozens of times.

The Bo missile flew out, and Ah Yin calmly ordered, "Regichkas, crush it!"

Regichkas blocked the incoming wave missile with his hand, and squeezed the wave missile instantly with the force of his palm.

"Then use the rock avalanche!"

Regichkas summoned countless huge boulders, covering the entire sky.

"God, are you sure it's just rocks, not meteorites?" Xiaogang is also an expert at rock avalanches, but he has never seen such a terrifying group of rocks.

"Palkia, use rock to rock, use the gem of power!"

Palkia below, summoned the rocks formed by energy, no matter the number or size, it is no different from Regichkas.

One side fell from the sky, and the other side shot up. In the end, the two sides exploded in mid-air, and the rocks turned into powder and scattered with the wind.

"Palkia, Archon Slash!"

"Regichkas, crush!"

The intense collisions are non-stop, and the intersection of power and power makes the island shake, the sea tossed, and the clouds torn apart.

The two Pokémon are equally powerful. If Palkia hadn't relied on its space law to introduce all the power of the spread into the different space, I'm afraid that the island of Lily of the Valley would have been destroyed in their battle. .

Over time, the sun moved from east to west.

The confrontation between the two first-level gods actually lasted all day.

"When are they going to hit? Are the energy in these two Pokémon infinite? My eyes are sore, but their arms are not sore!" Many viewers couldn't help but sigh, today is indeed Eye-opening, but such a protracted war, I still don't know when it will go.

"Hahahaha, I'm so excited, I'm so happy, I've been waiting for this kind of battle for too long!" Ah Yin suddenly laughed outrageously, "Tianlin, every time I meet you, it means that At the beginning of the battle, it is a showdown of strength and wisdom, as long as I fight with you, I will be flooded with adrenaline, you are indeed my biggest and strongest opponent."

"It's a pity, on the road to the strongest, you don't need two tyrants, it's you or me, you can only keep one, Regichkas, use brute force!"

Sensing Ah Yin's fighting spirit, Regichkas suddenly burst into flames, grabbed Palkia's neck during the fight, and pushed it to the ground.

Palkia couldn't get up at all, Regichkas's strength was too great, it was the monster that dragged the entire continent back then.

"Very good, solve it, use crushing!" Regichkas used his palms, preparing to win in one go.

"Tianlin is at a disadvantage, Palkia, find a way to break free!" Xiaoguang shouted anxiously.

In the Damu Research Institute of Zhenxin Town, Nazi, Sundae, and Junshalan also bowed their heads and prayed. They didn't believe that Tianlin would lose in the finals of the alliance competition. lost.

"Hmph, crush it! Ah Yin, how much power do you think this move has left?" Tian Lin sneered, "Palkia, use the water cannon!"

Palkia blasted out the water cannon with all her might, forcibly driving away Regichkas.

"How come, Regichkas's power has suddenly weakened?" Ah Yin wondered.

Tianlin shook his head, "It's not a sudden weakening, it's been weakening all the time, Ah Yin, this battle seems to be evenly matched, but you actually have two big disadvantages, you know?"


"Yes, the disadvantage, first, Regigigas does not have a positive characteristic, while Palkia has it, that is, the sense of oppression. This characteristic is rarely used in ordinary times, but once it falls into a protracted war, the effect will appear. , I'm afraid that your Regichkas, all kinds of tricks that can be used are almost exhausted."

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"Second, it is your exclusive trick of Regichkas, crush it. The power of this trick is uncertain. The more physical strength of the opponent, the greater the power of this trick, and vice versa. Whether it’s the God Pillar King or the Space God, the physical strength is extremely high, and in this case, if your move is crushed, it’s probably not as powerful as a single blow.”

"So, you deliberately dragged yourself into a protracted war?" Ah Yin understood that he had been fooled by Tian Lin again this time.

"That's right!" Tian Lin was already winning, and he didn't mind letting Ah Yin know all his tactics.

"Damn!" Ah Yin clenched his fists angrily, Tian Lin's tactics had been completed, and he had no chance of winning.

Seeing this, the shadow in the dark took the opportunity to bewitched and said, "Master Ah Yin, what are you still hesitating about, hurry up and use the power I gave you, as long as you use it, you can turn defeat into victory in an instant, don't you want to defeat Tianlin?"

...... 0

"Shut up for me!" Tian Lin suddenly exerted all his strength and shouted violently.

The shadow's voice could not be heard by others, but he couldn't escape his perception, "The guy who hides his head and shows his tail, has the ability to come out and fight me head-to-head, what is this kind of trick in secret?"

The shadow is not surprised that Tianlin can find himself. The six forces in Tianlin's body are integrated into one, and his perception is too strong. However, even if he finds out, what will happen? Here is just a shadow of it. What can Lin do even if the shadow is scattered?

"Don't hesitate anymore, Young Master Ah Yin, hurry up, or you will lose!"

"Losing, no, I don't want to lose to Tianlin again, I must win against him!" A burst of pure black energy gushed out from Ah Yin's palm, which was the power of shadows.

"Yes, hurry up and use it, you will win if you use it." Shadow was overjoyed, and Ah Yin finally couldn't help it.

Unexpectedly, Ah Yin's expression suddenly changed at this moment, "You are right, I must win Tianlin, but I want to win with integrity and win him with borrowed strength, you are too shameless and skinless. Look down on me!"

"Regichkas, use crush!"

Ah Yin suddenly channeled this energy into the air, Regichkas turned around, followed the master's order, pinched the black air, and then, in the shadow's surprised and disbelieving expression, directly directed this energy Squeeze it to make it disappear in the invisible towel.

Chapter [-] Tianlin once again ascends to the top of the Shenao League Championship

A secret room at the Rockets headquarters in the Kanto region.

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