"Semi lost the ability to fight, Shanaido wins!"

Shanaido was completely mad, and killed four divine beasts in one go. Its powerful strength was enough to make everyone stunned, but at this moment, it also became out of breath. Whether it was physical or mental, it was almost exhausted.

"Duoduo is already very tired, but it is in full swing, and coupled with the characteristics of Tianen that he grabbed, it may not be impossible to continue fighting." Tian Lin thought about it for a while, and finally made up his mind, "Come on, Duoduo, hold on. , This battle will be of great help to your future, the experience points gained from defeating the divine beasts will definitely not be useless, they will break layers of shackles for you and help you move towards a higher realm.”

"Shanai!" Shanaiduo looked back at Tianlin and nodded. In response to his master, he raised his spiritual power again.

This is all-or-nothing.

"Latias, let's go!" At this time, Dakto took out his fifth Pokémon, and like Tianlin, he also has sister Shuidu.

It's just that the strength of this Shuidu sister is really not very good. She is only about the high-level kings. It seems that she belongs to the less qualified category in the Latias group.

In other words, this is basically the case with the six Divine Beasts in Duck. The average strength is only between the middle-level and high-level Heavenly Kings. In addition, he himself does not know how to use the Divine Beasts. Super Shanaido Push Team!

And like the Canon in Tianlin's family, even if he is lazy in training, his strength is already at the intermediate level of champions. If Tianlin uses it, he can hang up the opposite group.

"'" Latias, Dodo, use the power of the moon! "

At this moment, the space has ended, and Shanaido's amazing speed has recovered. For the dragon-type Latias, it still has an advantage in using the fairy-type skills. It is a pity that the fairy's skin characteristics have been changed to Sidoran, otherwise it will be light. With a loud noise, it is enough to make the opposite side cry.

"Latias, Mist Ball!"

Dakoto also counterattacked with Latias' exclusive skills. The additional effect of the mist ball is the same as the power of the moon, which reduces the opponent's special attack, but the probability is much higher, up to 50%.

 (Good Zhao Zhao) But now, Shanaido has the characteristic of Tianen in hand, and the trigger probability of the characteristic of Moon Power has surpassed it, reaching 60%.

When two unique moves hit the opponent at the same time, only Tianlin's side triggered the additional effect, reducing the opponent's first-order special attack.

Theoretically, after several meditations, Shanaido was already better than Latias in both special offense and special defense, but after the exchange of tricks, it was in far worse condition than the opposite.

In fact, the previous few battles have brought it to the verge of its limit.

Just forcibly lifted the air, but it was just a return to light.

"No, Duoduo can't hold it anymore, we must fight quickly, Shanaido, the spiritual venue!"

Shanaido opened another venue, the spiritual venue.

In this venue, the super power system's ultimate move will be greatly improved, but this move is also effective on the opposite side. Tian Lin is planning to go all out and decide the winner in one breath.

Chapter [-] The real god of beasts in space comes and wins and loses

"Actually increase my power, court death, Latias, use the mist ball!"

Daketo also saw that Shanaido was not in a good state, and he just wanted to take advantage of his illness and kill him.

"Let's die and then live, Shanaido, use your auxiliary power!"

Tianlin's decisive blow is this auxiliary power, which has a very low basic power, but the more abilities he has on his body, the more powerful this move will be.

Now Shanaido has four layers of special attack and four layers of special defense superimposed on him. The power of this auxiliary force is enough to be comparable to some Z moves.

In addition, the attributes are uniformly multiplied by 1.5 times, and the spiritual field is increased by 1.5 times.

The power of this auxiliary force was truly earth-shattering, but the moment Shanaido used his power, the entire venue was surrounded by blue spiritual power.

The mist ball, which is also a super power-type trick, was instantly assimilated by the auxiliary power.

When Latias was covered by this overwhelming spiritual force, everyone expected that Shanaido won again.

"Damn!" Dakdo made a decision at this time.

Because the auxiliary force of this move was too strong, the light began to dissipate after a long time. At this moment, a dazzling beam of light suddenly shot out of the light. Shanaido was caught off guard and was directly hit. fell down.

"What?" Tian Lin was startled, the move just now was clearly a clean light, this was not the 377 Dias, but the exclusive skill of Latios.

I saw that on the field, Daketo did not know when he had taken back Latias and replaced it with the last Latios, playing the sneak attack just now.

"Despicable!" Ash couldn't help roaring. The referee didn't pronounce the result of the previous match, but Dakto had already replaced the Pokémon first, and then made a sneak attack.

"This?" The referee was also confused at this time. Generally, according to the rules, he should first sentence Latias to be incapacitated, and then Dakto will take it back and send the next Pokémon.

But now Daketo skips this link directly. The problem is that he still doesn't know how to judge, because the rules really don't say that this can't be done.

"It doesn't matter, the game continues! Come back and rest, Duoduo!" Tian Lin saw the referee's hesitation and said calmly. Since he, the party concerned, didn't care, the referee naturally didn't say anything, and directly announced the continuation of the game.

"It's a shame!" Zhulan also showed a look of contempt, thinking that Daketuo was only inferior to Tianlin in strength, that's all, now it seems that his morality is far worse.

This time, they Shenao lost miserably.

"That guy, it's over!" In Zhenxin Town, Sundae and Nazi said at the same time, with their understanding of Tianlin, Tianlin has been [-]% provoked, don't look at him still looking calm now, that's just Just endure it.

Tian Lin was staring at Dakto closely at the moment, if the two got closer, I'm afraid he would have punched him.

"Hmph, what's your expression, are you not convinced? You don't know how to deceive soldiers. It seems that you are nothing special." Dakdo mocked, "You just won so many mythical beasts with your super-evolved Pokémon. , then I will let you see the power of the combination of divine beasts and super-evolution!"

"Latios, mega evolution!"

Daketo actually mastered super-evolution. Latios, who was originally at the peak of the king, once again evolved like this, and he entered the threshold of the championship level in an instant.

The super-evolved Latios looks more like a plane, and its special attack and double defense have been improved to a certain extent.

"Now, it's time for me to wear six!" Dakoto completely regained his confidence, and the champion-level Pokémon have all shot, there is no reason not to win, he doesn't think Tianlin's age can cultivate a champion-level existence. , There are a few kings that are very good.

However, he was right this time. In the Pokémon that Tianlin landed this time, there is no champion-level existence, but even if the champion-level is not used, Tianlin has the confidence to win Super Latios through wheel battles.

Besides, just in case, he also landed a super scary guy in advance.

"After all, my opponent is a divine beast. Fortunately, I kept an eye on it, and I didn't intend to use it." Tian Lin took out a Poke Ball, but didn't hit it (aiea).

But at this time, on the big screen, the avatar of the second Pokémon on Tianlin's side lit up.

This means that his second Pokémon has appeared. The problem is that everyone has not seen anything.

However, some people noticed that the Pokemon on the avatar was real or fake?

"That avatar is Palkia!!!" With an exclamation, everyone was stunned.

One of Shenao's most famous time and space gods, is it about to appear?

"Impossible, a first-level divine beast that even I can't capture, you deserve it. There is nothing on the field, it must be just bluffing!" Duck doesn't believe it, the god of space will be controlled by others Conquer it, at least before Palkia appeared, he still had a trace of fantasy.

"Come out for me!" At this time, Tian Lin shouted loudly.

In the center of the field, the space suddenly shattered like a mirror, and a huge space wormhole appeared. Then, a huge figure emerged from the wormhole. It was the first-level god, Palkia!

"It really... really appeared!" Many people were so frightened that they stuttered.

At this moment, no one in the audience supported Dakto as fully as at the beginning. First, Dakto's despicable methods made them shameless. Second, compared to a Dakto, the gods most worshipped by their gods appeared. , of course, it is more support for the god of space.

"How, Dakdo, do you believe it now, unless you call out the God of Time, otherwise, you will fall here for me today!" Tian Lin said angrily, he must give the opposite one a ruthless one today. lesson.

The strength is not as good as a human being, but the means are despicable, and he is not worthy to control the divine beast at all.

"Palkia, Archon Slash!"

Palkia waved his arm and waved his exclusive skill, the Air Slash, the majestic force that was enough to tear apart the space, and rushed straight to Latios.

Even though Latios has been super-evolved, its strength is far from the real first-level gods. It has no way, any means, to resist or avoid this shattering blow.

After swinging a blow, Palkia re-entered the wormhole and disappeared, and the space returned to stability, as if it had never appeared.

The only one who could prove that it really appeared was Latios, who was lying on the ground and completely lost consciousness after being hit.

"Latios lost his ability to fight, and Palkia won, so the winner of this game is Tianlin!"

The referee made the final decision justifiably. Tianlin was not like before. He shook hands with his opponent and encouraged each other after the game ended. Instead, he turned around and left the venue. He was too lazy to say a word to a villain like Dakduo.

Chapter [-]: The Bewitchment of Darkness and A Yin

"Damn it, damn it...! How is it possible, why did I lose? I lost so badly!" Back in the lounge, Dak duo punched the wall, and he was not convinced by anything he said to Tian Lin.

Along the way, his fate has been very smooth.

When he was a child, because of a chance encounter with Darkrai, his starting point was much higher than others. When others were still worried about which Yu Sanjia to choose, he already brought the initial Pokemon Nightmare with him. Dream God made a name for himself.

At this time, his strength finally caught the Alliance's attention, and the Alliance decided to focus on cultivating him, hoping that he could become another genius who could suppress the current world after Zhulan.

With the help of the Alliance, he found the traces of other legendary Pokémon, and then Darkrai took action to conquer them one by one.

After Shenao made his debut, no one had ever been able to force out his second Pokémon, whether it was a gym challenge or an alliance competition.

He is like standing on the top of the world, shining brightly.

Unexpectedly, Tian Lin's sudden appearance sent him directly into hell from the top.

Five to zero, what a cruel number, and if he hadn't dealt with Shanaido by sneak attack, the result might even be six to zero.

"Are you still incompetent and furious?" At this moment, Zhulan walked behind him and said.

"Hmph, come here now, are you going to say something to ridicule me?" Dakduo gave Zhulan a cold look.

"I'm not that busy. I'm here to tell you that the Alliance has decided to give up continuing to cultivate you. As for the divine beast that you conquered before, don't worry, we don't plan to recover it, Dakdo, you can do it yourself in the future!" After Zhulan finished speaking, she left the lounge with a flick of her long golden hair.

Only Daketo sneered over there, "Haha, it's really the real champion and the alliance, the loser just abandons it?"

In fact, this is because Dakduo is narrow-minded and misunderstood Zhulan. Although he is inferior to Tianlin, he cannot hide the fact that he is a genius. won't give up on him.

However, he made a sneak attack in the game, and was sentenced to death by Zhulan all of a sudden.

If the strength is not enough, you can practice, but the character is not good, then it is a matter of principle.

It's a pity that the proud Daketo didn't understand this. Anyway, in his heart, he was the abandoned son of the alliance, and Tianlin was the culprit behind all this.

Pulled by this negative emotion, the evil spirit reverberated in Suzuran Island, and he soon noticed him.

"Hehe, what a negative breath, my original goal was just Ah Yin, but I didn't expect to have an unexpected harvest!" The shadow turned into a black aura and quietly floated into Dakdo's lounge.

On that day, no one knew what the two of them said or made a deal, only people saw that Dakduo left Lilyland Island by boat overnight.

The former genius of Shenao, now exudes a gloomy aura, giving people the feeling that there are only four words, and strangers should not be near.

On the other hand, after Shadow finished looking for Dakto, he did not forget his main purpose, so he found Ah Yin again.

Speaking of today's battle, the most exciting person besides Daketo is Ah Yin. It is really Tian Lin's powerful strength that completely shocks him.

Unexpectedly, Tianlin also has a first-level god in his hands. His advantages have disappeared, and he even said that he is completely at a disadvantage.

Because compared to Palkia, his Regichkas has a fatal weakness, which is one of the three major negative effects of the Pokémon world, slow start.

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