"Shanaido, infuriating bomb!"

Tianlin didn't even think about escaping, since Daketo wanted to fight head-on, then just come.

A brown energy ball rushed out of the sea of ​​​​fire and bombarded Sidoran, almost shattering its armor. This is a fighting style trick, and it is very harmful.

"It even knows fighting skills!" Duck gritted his teeth with hatred, this Shanaido's attack surface is really wide, all the Pokemon in his team, it seems to have a way to restrain.

"That won't work, you have to deal with this guy first, Sidoran, use the cannon!"

Silver-white light spurted out of Sidorlan's mouth, and the steel-type skills were indeed enough to threaten Shanaido.

"Hey, Shanaido, use the magic flame!"

Shanaido turned his hands around, summoning a scorching magical flame, not attacking, but facing Sidorlan's cannon.

"This time it's a flame-type trick, is it specially used against the steel-type? Damn it, how many tricks does Shanaido have?" Although Daketo had the upper hand, he was unable to completely defeat Shanaido, which made him quite uneasy. .

"Shanaiduo, use the water droplets of life!" At this time, Tianlin regained Shanaido's physical strength, and droplets of life fell from the sky. Shanaido bathed in it, and the place burned by the lava storm began to heal quickly.  … ...

Moreover, because these water droplets greatly weakened the sea of ​​fire formed by the lava storm, the flames began to gradually dissipate.

"Oops, the time for the Lava Storm has ended prematurely. I can't let Tianlin successfully replace it. Then do it again, Sidoran, Lava Storm!" Dukdo repeated the old trick.

However, Tianlin will not use the same method twice in a row, "Shanaiduo, use the characteristic exchange!"

Shanaido took one step ahead of Sidoran and exchanged his characteristics with it. Sidoran's characteristic is called ignition. When attacked by fire-type skills, not only will he not be injured, but he will also absorb its flame, and then he When a fire-type attack is used, the power is greatly increased.

So, no matter how strong the lava storm was, Shanaido took it all and inhaled it completely into his body.

"After the dark black hole, even the lava storm has been cracked. Damn, in this case, use the cannon!" Snatching the ignition, Shanaido was no longer afraid of Sidoran's fire attack. The only ones who can rely on it are the steel-type tricks.

Tianlin wanted to destroy all of Dakdo's means, and then completely defeat him.

"Shanaido, magic flame!"

The magic flame shot again. This time the result was completely different from the previous one. The magic flame not only completely defeated the cannon light cannon, but also successfully hit Sidoran with the remaining power. .

"Shanaiduo's power has become 4.0 stronger. By the way, the ignition just now is not only immune to the lava storm, but also enhances Shanaido's fire energy. Damn!"

What does it mean to be helpless, the current Daketo is obviously superior in attributes, but he was beaten by Tianlin into a second idiot.

"Duoduo, let's get rid of the second one too, infuriating bomb!"

Shanaido fired the infuriating bomb again, which exploded at the feet of Sidoran, and when the dust cleared, he saw that Sidoran was already lying on the ground and couldn't get up.

"Sidolan is incapacitated, Shanaido wins!"

Shanaido successfully killed two. After defeating his opponent, Shanaido put down his hands gracefully, as if he didn't care about the consecutive victories.

Doting like a master, Shanaido has completely inherited the calmness of Tianlintai's mountain collapse without changing his face! .

Chapter [*] The power of completely suppressing Tianlin is bottomless

"I was forced to this extent by a little Shanaido, how is this possible?" Dakdo recalled yesterday, he was still laughing at Ah Yin for the loss of the Firebird to the Fire-breathing Dragon, but now He was far more miserable than Ah Yin. Although the flame bird was defeated, he still crippled the fire-breathing dragon.

But now Shanaido is still in high spirits and has the power to fight again.

Such a result was a huge shame for him, "Damn, go, Cresselia, let that guy see what a really powerful super-type Pokémon is."

"Not only the Nightmare God, but also the Beautiful Dream God. You guys are really lucky to have met so many powerful guys." Although he looked down on Daketo's strength, Tianlin still recognized this guy's luck quite a bit. Yes, he can almost match himself and Ash.

"Hmph, are you afraid? Now I'll show you the real superpower, Cresselia, use your mental strength!"

"Shanaido, we also use our mental strength!"

The duel of super-type Pokémon is naturally a competition of spiritual power. Unfortunately, Shanaido has temporarily lost the characteristics of the fairy skin. The 08 power of the loud voice is far less powerful than the mental strength, otherwise it is completely possible to break the Cray color with the loud voice. Leah's spiritual strength.

However, even if there is no fairy skin, in light of the special attack ability, Super Shanaido is far beyond Cresselia. It can be seen that the spiritual power of both parties is strong to the point of substantiation. Cresselia is a pink light, And Shanaido is a blue light.

Now, the blue light is gradually swallowing the pink light, and Cresselia is only barely holding on.

"The so-called real superpower, that's all?" Tian Lin mocked mercilessly.

"As a supernatural beast, Cresselia is actually at a disadvantage in the spiritual competition." Dakdo didn't understand the reason at all.

Seeing this, Tian Lin on the field and Dr. Damu in front of the TV, the master and apprentice with the most knowledge of Pokémon, laughed at the same time in a low voice, "Dumb guy!"

Cresselia is indeed a powerful super-type divine beast, but its power is not in attack, but in protection. Its positioning should be a super-durable Pokémon like Moon Ibrahimovic, and auspicious eggs. auxiliary role.

Its exclusive skill, Dance of the Crescent Moon, has the same effect as Healing Wish. Although it will completely incapacitate oneself in combat, it can restore the subsequent Pokémon to the strongest state.

Through this skill, even if the previous ace Pokémon has been severely damaged, as long as it does not completely lose its ability to fight, it can fully recover, which is equivalent to having two ace cards.

Consumption and support, this is the tactical significance of Cresselia.

But looking at Dakdo, he has cultivated Cresselia into a special attacker. It's really a bright pearl, and he is about to lose again.

Except for those divine beasts with divine status, otherwise in terms of special attacks, even if you search for ordinary divine beasts, there are very few who can surpass Super Shanaido in this regard.

And the special-attack Cresselia, this is simply an excellent opportunity for Tianlin to strengthen. "Xanaduo, continue to meditate!"

Meditation can improve both special attack and special defense at the same time. At this moment, even if Shanaido allows Cresselia to attack, the damage will not be much.

And as the number of meditations increases, the damage is getting smaller and smaller.

After accumulating a little damage, Shanaido relied on the water droplets of life to heal himself, and the situation was completely in Tianlin's hands.

"Every Pokémon has its own position. If Xiao Mao made his Moon Ibrahimovic as an output player, then Moon Ibrahimovic would not have become such a powerful Pokémon, Dakdo, you really are Too arrogant." Tian Lin said disdainfully, Dakduo only thought that the beasts were the strongest, but he didn't bother to explore their cultivation direction and tactical application at all, he just wanted to run over them with strength.

In the face of ordinary people, it is feasible to rely on the power of divine beasts, but his current opponent is Tian Lin. As long as he relies on various subtle tactics, Tian Lin can completely defeat the strong and show him.

At this point, Shanai Duo has gone through four meditations, and his special attack and special defense has tripled as usual. Tian Lin feels that this is almost enough.

"Xanadu, take down Cresselia and use the shadow ball!"

The most practical trick for ghost-type Pokémon, Shanaido can also master it proficiently, and the shadow ball created by her current special attack is extremely huge, even more than the size of Cresselia.

Shanaido shot out the shadow ball, and the huge darkness completely enveloped Cresselia. As a super energy system, it is this kind of energy that it fears the most.

As the ghost energy entered the body, Cresselia's mental power was completely drained, and it fell down, unable to continue to float.

"Cresselia is incapacitated, Shanaido wins!"

It was three to zero. Before the game, who could have imagined such a scene. The three divine beasts were defeated so quickly, and the audience of Shenao could no longer cheer. Everyone could see that Daketo was not at all. Tianlin opponent.

Perhaps it was because his previous opponents were too weak, which brought out the strength of Dakto, but when he met a top expert like Tianlin, he was immediately exposed, and all kinds of drawbacks were exposed.

"No, I will lose if I go on like this. I must save the situation. The next one is you. Come on, Xie Mi!"

Xie Mi appeared, Shenao's phantom Pokémon, and it was in the form of the sky.

Xie Mi is also the most common of all Pokémon. After coming to Shenao, Tianlin has seen many 377 of them, but he has not conquered them.

"Xie Mi, yes, it's a good opponent, Shanaido, use the magic flame!" Tian Lin preemptively attacked, with an extremely powerful special attack, coupled with the fire element bonus brought by the ignition, this magic flame was as fierce as overheating.

"Ximi, avoid me!" Dakto ordered, Xie Mi moved quickly and easily avoided the attack of the magic flame.

And in the sky, there are actually a lot of its afterimages, showing how terrifying its speed is.

"Hmph, I'm in the right direction this time, Xie Mi of the ultimate speed!" Dakdo said proudly.

"That's right, but you've overlooked one more thing!" Tian Lin laughed, "That is, although Shanaido's speed is also very fast, it's limited, so when she faces a super-high-speed opponent when it does, its fighting style will also change."

"What do you mean?" Dakdo didn't understand.

"Don't you understand, Shanaido can become a space fighter with its super special attack, and it is also a space opener. Come on, Shanaido, use the trick space!"

The mist field has ended, but at this moment, another wonderful space is taking shape in the competition venue, which will be another space to lead Xie Mi to defeat! .

Chapter [*]: Four to zero, Shanaido is crazy

"This space, isn't it?" Dakdo is not useless, at least the world-famous space flow tactics are still slightly heard.

"Yes, it is the space that reverses the speed. Originally, at the speed of Shanaido, I thought it would be difficult to use this trick, but I didn't expect that someone just happened to deliver it today." Tian Lin finished with a smile and looked at him. Two Pokémon.

Because the speed of these two Pokémon is quite strong, I saw that their mobility was greatly reduced.

However, since Xanadu's base speed is much slower than the Sky Shemi, it also moves more smoothly.

At this time, Xie Mi was like a disc on a cassette tape, and it moved like a meal.

"Shanaido, solve it, magic flame!"

Shanaido finally got the right to take the first shot, and the scorching flames hit Xie Mi. At this time, Xie Mi was no longer able to dodge the attack as recklessly as before.

"Damn, Shemi, use the seed flash!"

Seed Flash, Xie Mi's exclusive trick, not only has amazing power, but also has a 40% chance to lower the opponent's special defense by two levels. Coupled with Xie Mi's sky-type characteristics, Tian En, the trigger probability of its additional effects is amazing. 80%.

It can be said that as long as it is not a non-chief, basically every hit can trigger the effect, and with just one move, the opponent's special defense can be completely abolished.

However, this time Dakdo made this move not as an attack, but as a defense. With the powerful power of the seed flash, Xie Mi was finally prevented from being directly hit by the magic flame.

"Hehe, the seed flash is good, but after all, it's just a grass-type skill, I'll see how long you can defend, magic flame, spin!"

Tianlin changed the attack form of the magic flame, and the anti-fist shield reappeared.

Shemey used the seed flash defense again, but this time it was no longer the energy hedging as before, but a huge and scorching fire whip kept hitting the flashes made by Shemy.

After all, the fire element restrained the grass element. When the high-energy hedging turned into a face-breaking attack, soon, the light of the seed flash was completely dissipated by the fire whip of the magic flame.

Because the space was still unable to dodge, Xie Mi was whipped around by the flames, and could not move freely at all.

If this goes on, Xie Mi may be drawn to the point of incapacitation under the anti-fist shield, but at the last moment, Tian Lin suddenly stopped Shanaido, saving Xie Mi the last trace of physical strength.

"You guy, are you showing mercy~'?" Dakdo was shocked and angry. It was not Tianlin's opponent who had already made him very angry. If the opponent still kept his hand, it would be even more insulting to him.

Tian Lin smiled and said, "Don't get me wrong, I don't want to release water, but you still have two Pokémon, Shanaido naturally needs to make some preparations for the next battle. , feature swap!"

At this point, it was useless to start the fire. The purpose of Tianlin's mercy was to take a fancy to Xie Mi's grace and forcefully seize its characteristics.

"Xie Mi, use Air Slash!" Dakdo didn't give up, he still wanted to give it a try. Air Slash successfully hit Shanaido. This move had a 30% chance to make the enemy cower. It's as high as 60%, but now that God's grace has been lost, there is no such thing as a multiplication.

Dakto, an African, did not trigger additional effects.

"It's a pity, if you just triggered the air slash effect, you might have a chance to win, because the space has reached the last moment, but you don't have a second chance, Shanaido, the voice of charm!"

The Voice of Charm is a low-power fairy-type skill, but it is very overbearing, that is, like Yan Hui, ignoring the hit rate and the opponent's evasion rate, it can definitely hit the opponent, even if Xie Mi uses the seed flash, it cannot be isolated. sound skills.

At this time, there is nothing that can have a better recovery effect than this trick.

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