During the period of time that he just appeared on the field, Regigigas' strength speed will be halved. As long as Tianlin seizes this opportunity to attack, with Palkia's powerful strength, he can completely take down Regigigas.

Ah Yin was extremely distressed, "What should I do? If I can't think of a way to fight against Tianlin's Palkia, I won't be able to win against him."

"Oops, our Rocket Team's young master seems to be in trouble. Do you need my help?" At this moment, a sinister voice echoed in Ah Yin's ears.

"Who?" A Yin was startled and stood up. There was only a black mist in front of him, "Are you, Shadow?"

"Oh, you know me, it seems that this guy Sakagi told you about me!" Shadow said in surprise.

"That's right, he said that you are a sinister and vicious guy, and sooner or later, he will find me, so that I don't believe any of your words!" Ah Yin, like a child with no scheming, directly shook Sakagi out.

However, how could the young master of the Rockets really have no scheming? He threw all the blame to Sakagi in one sentence. My father doesn't want me to talk to you. If you have anything to do, you can go to him, don't go to me, that's all. Simple.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

Shadow was instantly embarrassed and reluctantly said, "Hehe, Sakagi really misunderstood me, I have a cooperative relationship with him, and you are his son, how could I harm you, on the contrary, I am here to help you."

"Really, help me, my father said that you can use your own evil power to forcibly improve the power of Pokémon, you don't want to help me like this, but I know that the power of this kind of sapling will damage the Pokémon. I'm not as stupid as others."

Ah Yin threw it to Sakagi again, which made the shadows hate it, that old boy Sakagi, how could such a confidential thing be shaken to others.

As everyone knows, this is Sakagi's confidence in his son. He believes in Ah Yin's wisdom. For him, the more he knows, the deeper the defense against the shadow will be, so that he will not be easily used by the shadow.


"Don't worry, what I gave you this time is not that kind of power, but the power of my origin. It only has the effect of increasing power, and it will never damage the foundation. You can see the strength of Tianlin today. My power, you can't be his opponent!" Shadow said, pulling out a pure power of darkness. "A Yin, you have mastered the power of evergreen that represents life. You should be able to detect this power. It is absolutely harmless."

"Let me try!" Ah Yin used the power of Evergreen to find that the power was really pure and pure. Shadow didn't lie to him, but there was one thing that made him a little puzzled, "Why do you help me like this."

"There's no reason, just because Tianlin and I have an inexorable feud. Although I know you can't kill people in competitions, I'd be equally happy to completely abolish his Pokémon!" Shadow's words were half-truths. The hatred for Tianlin is real, but the intention is not as simple as abolishing a few of his Pokémon.

Ah Yin took over that power with a greedy look on his face, "Okay, as long as I can defeat Tianlin, I will trust you once!"

"Hahaha, that's great, my young master, you will never regret it!" Shadow laughed with satisfaction, feeling very proud, "Sakagi, although you are scheming, Ah Yin is only a teenager after all, in order to defeat his old enemy, He still can't stand my temptation."

As everyone knows, as soon as the shadow left, Ah Yin's greedy color disappeared, and his eyes were clear. It seemed that he just pretended.

This wave, Ah Yin is in the atmosphere.

Chapter [*] Shenao League Final Opening Fire-breathing Dragon VS Freezing Bird

"It's here, the final battle is finally here!" With the host's impassioned explanation, the Shenao Alliance finally came to the final day, and today, the real strongest will be decided.

On the one hand, it was Ah Yin, who had the same control of various divine beasts as Dakto, and fought easily along the way.

On the other hand, the strength is unfathomable. So far, Tianlin, who has not even guessed how many layers of strength he has used.

For anyone, this game is worth watching.

And these two people are also considered to have a bad relationship. Back then, above the Chengdu Alliance, it was also the two who met in the final decisive battle. The winner at that time was Tianlin, but I don't know what the result will be today.

Is Tianlin successfully defending the title, or is Ah Yin a shame?

Under the expectations of everyone, the two have already embarked on the battlefield, and the venue has been determined at this time. The final battle "Sanqiqi" venue is the grass venue, and the referee also made a declaration, "Then, Lily of the Valley. The final match of the conference starts now!"

"Tianlin, I've been waiting for today for too long, take it up, go to battle, Frozen Bird!"

Ah Yin's first Pokémon is one of the Three Holy Birds, the Frozen Bird. In fact, in terms of strength, at the same level, the Frozen Bird is slightly worse than the Red and Blue Water Capitals, the Dream God, the Nightmare God, etc. One step up, but Ah Yin's ability to train Pokémon is not comparable to that of Dak.

The strength of this frozen bird has actually reached the primary level of champion.

"Old spray, let's go!" Tian Lin paid enough attention to this battle. He also recalled a few partners for this purpose. Fire-breathing dragon is one of them. Its strength is also the first-level champion. Today, it needs Complete the God Slayer feat.

"Frozen bird, use the freezing light!"

The freezing light of the freezing bird is powerful enough to freeze the mountains, rivers and seas. After it made a trick, it seemed that even the air was frozen, and the surrounding temperature dropped sharply.

"Fire-breathing dragon, shoot flames!"

But the next moment, the flame of the fire-breathing dragon melted the ice directly, and the flame faced the ice light. With the advantage of the attributes, the ice light was quickly pushed back.

The frozen bird was hit to the ground by the jet flame. Even if it was a divine beast, it couldn't violate the rules of mutual restraint of attributes.

"This is the first move. The Pokémon of these two guys will make the surroundings cold and hot for a while. I can imagine what will happen next!" Xiaoguang sighed as he felt the change in the surrounding temperature.

I am afraid that this battle is not something that a small battleground can endure, and it may not even be able to support it with Suzuran Island.

"Sure enough, Frozen Bird, use primitive power!" After Ah Yin praised, he issued the best counterattack order.

Primordial power is a unique trick of the rock system. Once it hits a fire-breathing dragon, it will cause fatal damage.

And the frozen bird is a divine beast, even if the original power is not its own skill, the rocks it makes are enough to cover the audience.

"Fire-breathing dragon, mega evolution!" Hiding is definitely impossible to hide, and can only resist hard. After the fire-breathing dragon super-evolved into the X form, the attribute changed to fire plus dragon, and the damage of the rock-type trick to it was not so terrible.

The rocks formed by countless primitive powers kept smashing on the fire-breathing dragon. At this moment, a faint blue flame suddenly burst into the rock pile, pushing all the rocks away in an instant.

"Fire-breathing dragon, make a flash charge!"

The fire-type physical attack's biggest trick broke out, and the fire-breathing dragon rushed towards the frozen bird with all its strength, and on the way, ignited the entire grass field.

The venue turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the fire-breathing dragon suppressed the frozen bird and fell into the flames, trying to burn it completely incapacitated.

"It's a terrible attack. With just one blow, the venue was destroyed!" the commentator said excitedly.

"I knew it would be like this!" Xiaoguang had a long-anticipated expression. As long as Tian Lin made a full effort to destroy one or two pieces of the battlefield, it couldn't be easier.

"I can't imagine defeating my Frozen Bird so easily, Frozen Bird, Absolute Zero!" Ah Yin's counterattack was particularly strong, with Absolute Zero, an ice-type one-hit nirvana.

"Fire-breathing dragon, fly quickly!" Tian Lin didn't dare to let the fire-breathing dragon take this move hard. As long as he rubbed it to the edge, he would be frozen and lose his fighting ability.

Fortunately, the hit rate of this move is not high. As the fire-breathing dragon is far away from the frozen bird, it finally avoided the attack without any risk.

It's just pitiful for the battlefield, absolute zero is really enough to freeze everything, even the flames of the flash charge are frozen by absolute zero.

Ice cubes that can freeze flames, everyone in the audience today can be regarded as an eye-opener, worthy of being the god of ice, there is really nothing that can't be frozen 0 ........

"Want to escape, frozen bird, mind!"

The Frozen Bird is the only Pokémon with the combination of Mind Eye and one-hit nirvana. After Mind Eye locks on the old spray, no matter where it hides, it can't escape the absolute zero attack.

"Very good, one hit kills, absolute zero!"

"Fire-breathing dragon, stand-in!"

Ah Yin's thinking was too simple. The combination of Xinyan and one-hit nirvana seemed to be powerful, but for Tianlin, this move was too good to be solved.

The first point is that when Tian Lin heard Ah Yin's heart-eye command, he knew that his next blow must be absolute zero, and he could see the move.

The second point, no matter how strong Absolute Zero is, to put it bluntly, it is an attacking skill, so if you hold on to it, you can completely defend it. Even if the old spray doesn't know this trick, you can take the next step and take the damage with the help of a substitute.

Absolute Zero successfully hit the stand-in fire-breathing dragon, and the stand-in instantly dissipated, but the state of the heart and eyes of the fire-breathing dragon had passed, and it no longer had to be afraid of being killed by one blow.

"The victory and defeat are decided in one breath, fire-breathing dragon, maximum strength, use overheating!"

The deep purple flame spewed out of the fire-breathing dragon's mouth, terrifying like a poisonous fire, but it was actually just an ordinary fire, and it showed this color because the fire-breathing dragon's flame had reached nearly ten thousand degrees at this time. high temperature.

If it hits a person directly, I am afraid that the person can be roasted directly. 4.0

Even the tough-bodied divine beast Frozen Bird, after taking this move, the original ice-blue body also turned red, the flame power of this move is too great, even it can't support it.

"The frozen bird loses its ability to fight, and the fire-breathing dragon wins!"

The referee raised the flag, and Tian Lin took the lead again and successfully won a victory.

"Come back, Frozen Bird, it's the next one, please, Lightning Bird!" Ah Yin's next one is Lightning Bird, which is the Fire Bird that appeared before, and the Frozen Bird just now. I didn't expect the Three Holy Birds in Kanto , was really completely subdued by him.

"Fire-breathing dragon, you should also come back and rest." Tian Lin also chose to replace it. The side effects after overheating can be eliminated as long as he re-plays the field. He took out a Poké Ball again, "Dunjia, it's your turn to play! ".

Chapter [*]: Death Fighting Tianlin's Sudden Killing Declaration

The armor of the ground-type Pokémon can effectively defend against the lightning-type unique trick of the Lightning Bird.

Although Dunjia's ground-based skills can't hit the Lightning Bird, it can still rely on its own rock-based and ice-based skills to defeat the enemy.

"Lightning bird, use the peck drill!"

The beak of the Lightning Bird is very sharp, so in addition to electricity skills, it can also use flight skills such as peck drilling.

"Dunjia, roll!"

Seeing that the other side came to the door, Tian Lin also counterattacked without hesitation.

As the Lightning Bird swooped down, Dunjia turned into a roller to attack.

The power of the first roll is too small, and it is not an opponent of Lightning Bird at all. Dunjia is completely at a disadvantage, but its physical defense is amazing, which is nothing to it. Soon, Dunjia reorganized the battle, Scroll again.

This shot was much more powerful than just now, but it was barely on par with the Lightning Bird. It wasn't until the third shot that the rolling power began to rise sharply.

Instantly overwhelmed the Lightning Bird, knocking it back in one fell swoop.

But at this moment, a burst of electric current suddenly flashed through Dunjia's body, and he couldn't move. The 08 rolling force that he finally accumulated disappeared in an instant.

"What, this is paralysis!" Tian Lin was startled, no wonder Ah Yin insisted not to replace the Pokémon, but instead let the Lightning Bird fight with the amazingly powerful Dunjia just for this moment.

This lightning bird actually has the dream feature, static electricity, and this feature is not immune to even ground-type Pokémon, so it is very easy to be tricked.

Now that the armor can no longer be rolled, the paralysis may occur at any time, and the strength cannot be accumulated.

"Then use boulders!"

In addition to the rock-type skills, Dunjia also inherited the ice-type skills. This move can still deal with the lightning bird, and this move is a preemptive skill. Even if the speed is greatly reduced, Dunjia can make quick moves.

"Don't even think about it, Tianlin, today I'm going to break all your moves to win, Lightning Bird, use the hot wind!"

The lightning bird flapped its wings and blew a scorching whirlwind, and the boulders hit by Dunjia instantly melted.

"Solve it, Lightning Bird, Awakened Power!"

The awakening power of Ah Yin, the lightning bird, is a burst of blue light, with bursts of chills on it. There is no doubt that it belongs to the awakening of the ice element.

Dunn's armor is excellent, but the special defense is much worse. After being hit by Jue Bing, he immediately fell down.

"Dunjia loses his ability to fight, and the Lightning Bird wins."

Relying on the excellent combination of Lightning Bird's various attributes, Ah Yin easily defeated Dunjia and regained a victory for himself. Now the score is [*]:[*], and the game has become evenly matched.

"Go, Fossil Pterodactyl!"

The ancient tyrant, the Fossil Pterosaur, has appeared. Now its strength has not only recovered to its peak, but even with the help of Pokémon such as the Giant Golden Monster, it has crossed the limit and broke into the championship level.

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