"Being a trainer's unwillingness and Pokémon's anger have a chemical reaction, the old spray has completely exploded!"

In fact, there is another thing that makes Xiaozhi angry, that is Ah Yin's contempt for him. He feels that Ah Yin does not take himself seriously at all, and all he thinks about is to defeat him as soon as possible before challenging Tianlin.

"Fire-breathing dragon, use dragon claws!"

The flame bird was about to fly out of the pit thrown from the earth to fight back, but was strangled by the old spray for a moment, and then took it to the sky again.

"Maximum power, cast on the earth again!"

The fire-breathing dragon drew the largest circle in the sky and began to charge straight down.

"Flaming bird, use the storm!"

Ah Yin would never wait to die, the flame bird flapped its wings and formed a strong storm around it.

The storm turned into countless wind blades, and there were scars on the fire-breathing dragon, but the fire-breathing dragon's eyes were resolute, and he was not afraid of the pain on his body, so he didn't let go of the flame bird.

In the end, a shot like a meteorite fell to the earth and won the game.

"The flame bird loses its ability to fight, and the fire-breathing dragon wins!"

"Roar!" As the referee pronounced the verdict, Lao Fu roared up to the sky, what about the god of flames, would he be afraid of Lao Fu?Just stand in front of it and kill it.

"My God, the invincible mythical beast has really been defeated!" Many people grew up listening to the legends of various mythical beasts. At this moment, seeing the defeat of the mythical beast with their own eyes, for some reason, they are both disappointed and excited. feeling.

It turns out that divine beasts are not really invincible. As long as they work hard, ordinary people can train Pokémon enough to defeat divine beasts.

"Come back, Flaming Bird!" Ah Yin retracted the Flaming Bird, and he completely put away his contempt for Xiao Zhi, "As expected of someone who is as famous as Tian Lin, I admit that I underestimated you before. You apologize."

"Next, although the Pokémon I sent is not a divine beast, it is one of the best in my team and one of my earliest partners. Its condition is the same as your fire-breathing dragon. It is only stronger or weaker than the divine beast. It comes to beat you, it is my apology, go, crocodile!"

Ah Yin's powerful crocodile, as early as the Chengdu Alliance period, already had the strength of the king, and now it has reached the primary level of the champion, and Ah Yin is one of the main players worthy of it.

The fire-breathing dragon has the same strength as the powerful crocodile, but its attributes are at a disadvantage.

Not only that, in order to defeat the flame bird, the old man just showed 120% of his strength. Now the huge exhaustion has rebounded, and it is basically the end of the shot. It can't even fly.


The powerful crocodile hit the fire-breathing dragon with a turbulent water cannon and won the game.

"Xiao Zhi lost!" Tian Lin had already completely judged the outcome of the game.

Xiao Zhi is already the best of the best, and the strongest main forces have all been defeated. Among his remaining Pokémon, the strongest ones, such as Dawangyan, Lizard King and Flame Monkey, are not bad, but they are not as good as Pishen. The old spray Lucario, they are still a little worse.

They are even less likely to be the opponents of the powerful crocodile, whose strength has reached the first-level champion level. Maybe there will be some opportunities if the flames of the flaming monkey burst into flames. Ash didn't make it into the team either.

Moments later, Ash's last lizard king fell under the frozen teeth of a powerful crocodile. The referee declared his defeat and stopped in the semi-finals.

"With that Ah Yin as his opponent, he performed quite well!" Tian Lin praised Xiao Zhi's level.

Although Xiao Zhi was not able to take out six Heavenly King-level Pokémon in one go and officially step into the Heavenly King-level like Xiao Mao, his overall strength is not inferior to Xiao Mao.

Especially in terms of top-level strength, his strongest old spray has already entered the ranks of champions, and he has to beat Xiao Mao a little bit.

Although Ah Yin won, it was only a one-to-zero victory. This time, he really recognized Xiao Zhi's strength. If he didn't use the beasts, just relying on the original Pokémon, I'm afraid even he may not be able to claim [*]%. 's odds.

In two consecutive games, Xiaozhi Xiaomao proved to the world that Tian Linqiang is not the only one among the three stars in the real new town, and the other two are by no means a vain person.

The only pity for Tian Lin is that this time he can't play against Xiaozhi. He originally wanted to collide with the super fierce fire of the senior brother. It seems that he can only wait for the next opportunity.

Chapter [*] vs. Darkrai semi-final game [*]

After Xiao Mao, Xiao Zhi's Shenao alliance also ended, but he did not rush to leave. After all, Tianlin's battle has not continued, and his opponent is the same divine beast messenger as Ah Yin.

Compared with Ah Yin, Dakoto is more mysterious. Someone checked his information. When he obtained the badges of all the gymnasiums of Shenao, he relied on a Darkrai.

Since participating in the conference, no one has ever forced out his second Pokémon. Someone with a heart has made a trainer's winning percentage ranking for this competition. Tian Lin and Ah Yin can only rank second and third, and the first is easy. It's Dakto, he not only won all battles, he didn't even use other Pokémon, he was always wearing three or even six.

"Your voice is very high, most people are cheering for you, and they say that you are the number one among the remaining three!" Zhulan said standing behind Dakto.

Among the remaining three people, only Dakoto is a native of Shenao, playing at home, and naturally has more supporters.

Daketo was dismissive, "First! Haha, that's a natural reason, that Ah Yin, and Tian Lin, who was passed down as a god, I've watched their battles, but it's not worth it at all. For one thing, in front of divine beasts, they are all small characters who are vulnerable."

"You'd better not underestimate those two guys. I can't even see their strength. I can guarantee that they haven't tried their best!" Zhulan frowned, she hoped that Dakduo would not underestimate the enemy. At the same time, she was also dissatisfied with Dakdo's contempt for Tianlin.

"The dignified champion is so afraid of two small characters, hum, when I solve them, the next one will be you, just right, didn't you say something, the champion of the competition can fight you, your regional champion position, I I'll get it soon too!" Dakdo smiled disdainfully and turned away.

Zhulan didn't look back, she just sighed, Daketo is indeed a genius that they can't see in a hundred years, but this temperament, let alone Tianlin, I'm afraid even Xiaomao Xiaozhi can't win. Now, it all depends on the power of the beasts. If one day, he loses the help of the beasts, what should he do?

Dakto, who left, did not go back to prepare for the battle with Tianlin, but wandered around, and happened to meet Ah Yin who had just deposited his Pokémon in the Poké-Dream Center.

Daketo stepped forward and couldn't help but sneered, "You are Ah Yin, as a divine beast, to be beaten so badly by an ordinary trainer who does not have any divine beast, you really lost the divine beasts. -Face."

Ah Yin glanced at him, did not reply, and went straight to leave.

Feeling ignored, Dakdo said angrily, "Stop for me, can't you hear me talking to you?"

Ah Yin stopped and said lightly, "You are too weak, so weak that I don't want to talk to you, anyway, you will be crushed by Tianlin soon, and I don't want to have too many people who are not even qualified to stand in front of me. What nonsense."

Ah Yin just said such a sentence, and no matter how Dakduo roared, he didn't bother to turn around and say one more sentence. In Ah Yin's heart, this Dakduo was probably far inferior to Xiaozhi.

"Damn Ah Yin, wait. When I solve Tianlin tomorrow, you will be the next one." Daketuo's expression was extremely hideous, and he completely hated Ah Yin for a while.

--Dividing line

On the second day, in the second game of the semi-finals, Tianlin's match against Dakto was finally about to start. Dakdo was imposing, and one could feel his power at a glance.

The cloak on his body swayed with the wind, looking domineering and awe-inspiring. This majestic scene made Shenao supporters excited.

On the other hand, Tian Lin, apart from being a little more handsome, is no different from the most ordinary trainer.

"One is very flamboyant, and the other is bright and clear. The gap in realm is really not that big." Zhulan looked over from above, how much confidence she had in Dakduo before, and how much disappointment she was now.

"The second game of the semi-finals, Dakduo players vs. Tianlin players, a six-on-six full battle, the game begins!" After the referee announced, both players threw the Poké Ball at the same time.

"Darklay, go!"

"Shanaido, prepare to fight!"

Using the super power-type Shanaido to fight against Darkrai, on the surface, it is not good for Tianlin, but in fact, it is Shanaido who has the attribute advantage. It also has the attributes of the fairy type, which is enough to fight against evil-type Pokémon.

"Xanaduo, mega evolution!" Tian Lin didn't have the idea of ​​hiding his clumsiness. Anyway, there is no time limit for mega evolution, so it is better to increase Shanaido's power to the maximum from the beginning.

"Hmph, mega evolution, so what? Ordinary Pokémon are ordinary Pokémon, and they can't compete with divine beasts, Darkrai, make waves of evil."

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

Tian Lin smiled slightly, "It seems that you are really blindly confident in divine beasts, divine beasts without divine status, in the final analysis, are just slightly stronger ordinary Pokémon, Duoduo, make a loud noise! "

Shanaido shouted with all his strength and made a loud noise that shocked the whole island. The powerful sonic power instantly dispelled Darkrai's evil fluctuations, and Darkrai's figure was almost unstoppable by the loud noise. , even now, has been hit hard by a single blow.

"How is it possible that Darkrai actually lost in the ultimate battle."

Daketo was still in disbelief, but Ah Yin in the stands faintly spit out two words, "Stupid!"


The special attack ability value of Super Shanaido is far stronger than that of Darkrai, and the characteristics and unique skills are even more different.

Its characteristic fairy skin can turn ordinary skills into fairy skills, and increase the power by 20%.In addition to the double of the attribute phase gram, 1.5 times of the multiplication of this system,

The power of this loud noise is more than the sum of the two destructive rays of death, and a mere wave of evil, what can you use to resist.

"You're amazing, but I haven't shown the true power of Darkrai yet." Dakdo was still confident, because Darkrai's best trick was still preserved, "Darklay, use a dark black hole! "

Dark Black Hole, Darkrai's exclusive trick, a large-scale skill, can drag all the opponents around into the dark world, making them fall asleep.

Assisting its own characteristics, Nightmare, and constantly inflicting damage to sleeping opponents, can be described as extremely terrifying.

Darkrai raised his arm and released countless dark black holes that spread in all directions. Even if Shanaido could do tricks such as shadow clones and teleportation, he would never be able to evade such a dense attack.

Darko grinned, "How about it, this is Darkrai's dark black hole, can you avoid it?"

"It's finally here, Dark Black Hole." Tianlin's mouth was lightly raised, and he believed, "Who said I was going to hide, since I already knew that I was going to use Darkrai as my opponent, then I naturally took precautions against this move. See how I draw from the bottom of the pot today and break your moves!" Jin.

Chapter [*] Elegant and powerful, Shanaido!

"Shanaido, use the misty field trick!"

Shanaido opened his hands and waved, and in an instant, the field was covered with pink mist.

Since Shanaido didn't move, there were four or five dark black holes that successfully hit it, but these dark black holes seemed to sink into the sea and disappeared without a trace.

"Darklay's strongest trick is ineffective!" Dakdo's mind exploded immediately, and he never thought of it.The moves that used to be unfavorable in the past were completely useless in the face of Tianlin.

"The misty field, it's a good trick to draw wages from the bottom of the pot. As expected of my disciple, does that Dakdo think that he can defeat everyone by using divine beasts? Anyway, it will definitely not include Tianlin!" Dr. Damu patted his thigh and said excitedly. , Now that Xiaozhi Xiaomao has been defeated, all his eyes are focused on Tianlin.

"What's the matter? Dr. Sanqisan, what did my brother do, why is the attack of the beast useless?" Although Jun Shalan was proud, she couldn't understand the process of the game.

"Sister Lan, let me explain, the Mist Field is a continuous skill. Once this field is placed, it can not only greatly reduce the power of Dragon-type Pokémon, but also all the Pokémon present will not fall into an abnormal state. Therefore, no matter how many dark black holes hit Shanaido, the effect will be zero!" Sundae on the side said, she and Nazi are now always with Jun Shalan, the relationship between the sisters is very good, and she will not let go of any The opportunity to brush sister Tianlin's favor.

"I see, my little sundae is really smart, and it really matches Tianlin!"

It is very happy here, and the situation on Tianlin's side is also very good, "Shanaiduo, you can send the beast home, and use the loud voice again!"

The loud voice that was stronger than just now became louder. Because of the fairy skin, it turned into the voice of a fairy. This wonderful tone reached Darkrai's ears, but it was like a magic sound, and he couldn't bear it and fainted.

"Darkley loses his ability to fight, Shanaido wins!"

Shanaido took Darkrai lightly, and this match was even easier than Ash's fire-breathing dragon against Firebird before.

"Forget it, I'll admit that your reputation is well-deserved. No one has ever forced me to take out a second Pokémon. You are considered an honor!" People in the north are not like him.

"Hmph, this person is really arrogant, even the Four Heavenly Kings wouldn't dare to say such things in front of Tianlin!" The sundae in front of the TV crossed his hips with dissatisfaction.

Na Zi smiled and said, "Don't pay attention to this ignorant guy, Tian Lin will soon teach him to be a man."

After speaking, Na Zi looked at Tian Lin on the screen and thought, "I'm right, Tian Lin!"

Here, Darkrai took out his second Pokémon, the Firesteel Beast, Sidor Lann. This guy is not that good, but the Pokémon is really strong enough.

Sidoran also has Tianlin, so he knows the power of this volcano god.

"Sidoran, Lava Storm!"

As soon as Xi Duo Lan En came on stage, he used his own exclusive trick, the purpose of which was to limit Tian Lin's replacement, so as to take the opportunity to completely solve this amazingly powerful Shanaido.

The lava storm formed a raging sea of ​​fire, which completely trapped Shanaido. Now Shanaido can only fight to the end.

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