The key lies in the Dragon Arrow, which is a two-stage attack skill. The combined power of the two shots will cause huge damage, but when the double return encounters such a multi-stage attack, it will only reflect the damage of the last shot.

In other words, Duolong Baruto suffered the same damage as Geranium, not twice at all, but Duoduo was originally in an intact state, and it was naturally no problem to only take this damage.

"Come back, Geranium, I'm sorry, it's all my fault." Nana expressed her apology and did not implement her own tactics. The reason for the defeat was herself.

"But I won't give up, I'll leave it to you in the end, giant gold monster!"

Nana's Glittering Giant Gold Monster finally appeared. As soon as it appeared, it caused a sensation. The quasi-god added sparkle. It took a lot of luck to get this kind of Pokémon.

"The shining giant gold monster, it's interesting. I remember that Tianlin's famous Pokémon is also this one. Is this the inheritance of the division?" Ah Yin, who didn't pay attention to this battle at all, also became a little interested. As long as it is related to Tianlin, he remembers it clearly.

"'" huge gold! "

The flashing giant gold monster is imposing, and like the electric shock monster, it has crossed the threshold and has the strength of the king.

Being able to come up with two heavenly kings, Nana's strength is now almost the same as the three cadres of the original Galaxy Group.

"This is the final battle, giant gold monster, use the cannon!"

"Then let me try, your giant gold monster has several layers of strength as mine, a lot, and spray flames!"

Both sides are Heavenly Kings, and they are both quasi-gods with the same high racial value. It is really difficult to distinguish their strength. Although the jet flame has an attribute to suppress the cannon light cannon, the light wall on Nana's side is still there, and this attribute is restrained. is equivalent to not having.

In the first move, there was no winner or loser, Tian Lin was heartbroken and did not intend to hold back at all, "Duo Duo, rush, use the hidden spirit surprise attack!"

Duolong Baruto's figure flashed and disappeared in place. This move (good king is good) is different from teleportation. No matter when it disappears or when it appears, the surrounding air will not oscillate at all, which is very consistent. The characteristics of ghost skills are like ghosts.

Nana looked around alertly. In terms of speed, the Giant Golden Monster couldn't match Doron Baruto anyway, but it also had the advantage that Doron Baruto did not have, that is, its superb defense.

"The giant gold monster, don't think about dodging the attack, you can't dodge, use the stomping trick!" Nana calmly gave instructions, but this instruction made people who didn't understand some doubts, because Doron Baruto didn't know what to do at all. On the field, its attacks are impossible to hit.

Sure enough, the giant gold monster just stomped on the spot and had no effect.

"Stomp your feet? So that's the case, Nana, you are really confident in your giant golden monster, then let me see if you can seize this opportunity!" Tian Lin smiled slightly, this child really has an idea.

Chapter [*] decides the winner and loser of the quarterfinals

"Since you trust your Pokémon so much, then I will fulfill you, Doron Baruto, attack!"

Hearing Tianlin's order, Nana and the giant golden monster fought for twelve points at the same time. They all knew that the next blow was the key. If they hit, they would have a chance to win.

But the more this happened, the more nervous Nana became. Even across a field, with Tian Lin's eyesight, he could see her trembling body and the cold sweat on her forehead.

Tianlin shouted, "Calm me down, even if the chance of victory comes, you need to seize it yourself."

"Yes!" Just like the teachings in the Chengdu area in the past, Nana responded subconsciously. At this moment, she forgot that this was the scene of the alliance competition, but her master was instructing her on how to fight. There was no sound outside.

This was the moment when she was most concentrated. At this time, Doron Baruto, who had been hidden for a long time, finally appeared, and she found her target at the first time.

"On your left, giant gold monster, stomp your feet!"

At this moment, Nana and the giant golden monster had a tacit understanding, and the giant golden monster forcibly blocked the sneak attack with his body, and then immediately stomped on the ground with both feet.

The incomparably strong tremor caused the entire Lily of the Valley to shake, and its power far surpassed the 363 earthquakes caused by the powerful crocodile before.

Doron Baruto, who was at the center of the shock, was almost knocked out on the spot as if he was hit by a magnitude [*] earthquake.

"What a terrifying power, why is the second stomping so much stronger than the first?" Many people in the audience were puzzled, but Xiaoguang asked Xiaomao, when Tianlin was not around, the group of them Among people, Xiao Mao has the most extensive knowledge, and as for Xiao Zhi, he is just a word.

"Stomp, that's a trick that if you don't hit the enemy the first time, the power will be doubled the second time, Nana, when she uses the hidden spirit surprise attack, the figure will temporarily disappear. The characteristics make the first stomping a unique trick that must not be hit, so as to enhance its power." Xiao Mao explained to the crowd.

It was only then that everyone suddenly realized that Nana was worthy of being Tianlin's apprentice, and her grasp of all kinds of tricks was also very sharp.

However, there is one thing that makes Xiao Mao, Ah Yin and the others very strange. It is impossible for Tian Lin to not know the characteristics of stomping, but he still chooses to greet him directly. Is this deliberately giving Nana a chance to fight back?

"So, this is a battle for guidance?" The two of them quickly flashed an idea in their hearts. With Tianlin's character, this is really possible.

This guy has always been meticulous in his work, and he has his own affairs in his position. I am afraid that even in this league competition, he hopes to guide Nana to continue to grow as a master.

Tianlin's second Pokémon was also knocked down. Now, he only has the last one left, and now there is no way out, he took out the last Poké Ball, "Just guide the battle here, then, The winner will be decided in one go!"

"Flower Rock Monster, get ready to play!"

The Pokémon that crossed the Heavenly King level and had a strength as high as a champion finally appeared. Others couldn't tell it from the outside, but Zhulan was different, her eyes widened, "This Huayan monster, I'm afraid my strength is not in my Huayan. Under the strange, so strong, Tianlin can come up with such a powerful guy."

She originally thought that in addition to those divine beasts, among the ordinary Pokémon of Tianlin, the upper-level strength should be the king-level, which killed the first-level champion, but now, a random flower rock monster has the strength to approach the high-level champion, Only then did she know that she still seriously underestimated Tianlin's strength.

"I thought that Daketuo could compete with Tianlin, but now I'm afraid that even if Tianlin doesn't use his divine beast, Daketuo will not be able to get any benefits from him?" Zhulan said to herself with a wry smile. road.

Although the words were full of helplessness that Shenao couldn't defeat Kanto, it also carried a trace of joy that he had not found, which was a gratification for Tianlin's strength.

"Nana, you should be optimistic next, this is a level higher than the Heavenly King level, it belongs to the power of the champion level, remember this power well, and when your Pokémon reaches the same level, come back to the I challenge!"

"Flower rock monster, make waves of evil!"

Tianlin gave an order, the battle resumed, and the extremely terrifying wave of evil from the Huayan Monster attacked the Giant Gold Monster.

The huge gap in strength made Nana unable to find a way to fight back. She could only watch the giant golden monster being hit by the evil wave.

......after a while

"The giant golden monster lost its fighting ability, and the Huayan monster won, so the winner of this game is Tianlin player!"

Tianlin won the third round with great strength, and Nana stopped at the top sixteen.

"Master, I admit defeat, and sure enough, I still can't win against you!" Nana came over and said a little disappointed.

Tianlin smiled and stretched out his finger and tapped her forehead, "Silly girl, don't forget, I taught you all your skills. It's pretty good to be able to hit this level."

"However, in the end, I had nothing to do with your Huayan monster, and I had no power to fight back."

It turned out that she was lost because of this, Tian Lin shook his head, "That's a normal phenomenon, the so-called one force defeats ten guilds, under the absolute strength gap, any subtle tactics will become useless, you have to keep this in mind. , In fact, you have almost mastered all kinds of knowledge and tactics, the battle just now was the last lesson I taught you."

"Then, are you satisfied with my performance today?" Nainai looked at Tianlin expectantly, the outcome was no longer important, she just wanted to get Tianlin's evaluation now.

"Of course I'm satisfied. Today's lineup is very tyrannical, with one champion and two heavenly kings. I can easily wear one and three with an ordinary person, but you can beat me two, which is already commendable. You did a good job, Nana. , now you are officially apprentice!" Tian Lin gave the most positive evaluation without hesitation.

Naina said happily, "Thank you, Master!"

For her, it may be more important to get Tianlin's recognition than to get the so-called championship.

After the game, the two left the venue. Tianlin asked Nana about her next plan. Nana said that she didn't want to leave yet, and planned to stay in Linglan Island to continue cheering Tianlin until he won the championship.

Xiaoguang immediately agreed, there are all men here, she is the only girl, and there is no one to talk to. Now, with Nana, the so-called Aiwu Jiwu, she is also very fond of this lovely girl.

The third round is still going on. Both Ah Yin and Daketo beat their opponents lightly. It didn't take long for the top eight to be released.

They are Tianlin, Xiaozhi, Xiaomao, Shinji, Dakto, Ah Yin, and two passers-by.

From the next quarter-finals, the game will turn into a six-on-six full-fledged match.

The Shenao Alliance has officially ushered in a climax.

Chapter [*] Xiaomao's future finally begins the battle of rivals

After several consecutive days of knockout matches, in order to make adequate preparations for the trainers who made it to the quarter-finals, Shenao League ushered in two days off.

"The grouping for the quarter-finals is out!"

In the Pokémon Center, someone shouted something, which made all the trainers immediately excited.

Tian Lin and others also stood up and walked towards the conference hall.

I saw that on the big screen in the center of the venue, after random shuffling, the cards had been-divided into four groups.

In the first game, Xiaozhi VS Shinji, this pair of enemies will finally be completely high-down in the competition.

The second game, Tianlin VS Xiaomao, the civil war of Samsung in Zhenxin Town.

In the third and fourth games, Ah Yin and Daketo faced two passers-by respectively. There was no suspense. They were almost certain to advance.

"Tianlin, that's great!" Xiaomao clenched his fists. Since his debut, he has never competed with Tianlin on an official stage. He didn't expect that the first time would be a full-scale battle. made him happy.

"Xiao Mao, this time, please give me more advice!" Tian Lin is also looking forward to him. Xiao Mao's current strength is unfathomable, so let him find out.

Shinji Xiaozhi did not say a word and left from different passages. They were the opposite of paper, and they were completely arranged by fate.

You don't have to look at it to know that the two of them will not use the original team this time, but they will both go all out. The number of wins and losses is difficult for even Tian Lin to judge.

There are only two matches in the quarter-finals a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. That is to say, tomorrow will decide the outcome between Shinji and Ash, and Tianlin and Xiaomao at the same time.

In the evening, Dr. Damu's phone call came. He saw on TV that the two people who were about to fight, one was his proudest disciple and the other was his most beloved grandson, how could he not care.

"Tianlin, Xiaomao has been preparing for this battle for two whole years. If in his heart, Xiaozhi is his strong enemy, then you are the back that he has been chasing, the biggest imaginary enemy, and also the most wanted enemy. The object of transcendence."

"I won't be careless." Tian Lin said seriously.

Dr. Damu shook his head, "It's not enough, Tianlin, this time I beg you as a master, show all your standards to face Xiaomao, and don't fight Nana as you did before."

"For Xiao Mao, only fighting with the real you is his greatest wish!"

Tian Lin was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect the doctor to be serious, "Doctor, what level of strength I have reached, others don't know if you don't know, let alone Xiao Mao, even if it's the regional champion..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Dr. Damu's words, "Of course I know this, but this league competition is actually the last time Xiaomao participated in, I don't want him to leave with regret, even if he loses. , I also hope he can defeat with a contented heart."

"The last competition? What do you mean, Xiaomao is going to give up being a trainer?" Tian Lin was surprised, Xiaomao had never told him about such an important matter.

"It's not, don't worry, it's not that there is something wrong with Xiao Mao, it's that he is ready to change the way he becomes stronger. With his current strength, in fact, travel has not helped him much, instead Serious diving is the most suitable for him."

"It just so happens that after the reconstruction of the Changqing Gym, there has never been a formal gym trainer, and Juzi is all there to support her, but she is the Four Heavenly King after all, and it's not a good idea to stay there all the time, so I helped Xiaomao take the initiative. I applied to the alliance for this position, and the approval has come down. Next, as long as Xiao Mao passes the assessment of the alliance, he can officially become the gym trainer of the Evergreen gym." Dr. Damu explained.

"It turns out to be like this!" Tian Lin breathed a sigh of relief, he was also worried that Xiao Mao, like the original book, would give up the road of being a trainer completely.

But this is also good, there is a stable place, whether it is helpful for Xiao Mao to train Pokemon, or to do academic research, he is different from Xiao Zhi, this is the path that really suits him.

Tianlin smiled and said, "Xiao Mao's decision is very good, I support it, doctor, don't worry, I will play the best match with him as a gift for his final meeting!"

"Haha, as expected of my good disciple, you and Xiao Mao have to work hard, I will always support you!" Dr. Damu hung up the phone with satisfaction, so he could rest assured.

On the other hand, Shinji also replaced the Pokémon from his brother. In fact, he has always been looking forward to fighting Ash again.

He has a very strange feeling for Xiaozhi, he hates that guy very much, because Xiaozhi is very similar to his brother, and always pays attention to the bond with Pokémon, which he used to sneer at.

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But since he fought against the gods and Tianlin successively, he found that he gradually had the same situation. He became more and more gentle with Pokémon, and he lived the most disdainful life before.

What is even more terrifying is that now he feels that this is not bad, so he has to judge whether the path he has unknowingly embarked on is right or wrong through the battle with Xiaozhi.

----Dividing line

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