At the main venue of the Shenao League, amid the eager anticipation from the audience, the quarter-finals finally began.

The first to play is Ash and Shinji.

"Come, come, the battle between Xiaozhi and Shinji is finally here!" At the moment, the most excited, but Ah Thun, he has always regarded Shinji as an idol.


But since seeing Xiao Mao's strength, he has understood that he and these guys are at different levels. The more he has seen their strength, the more he yearns for such a battle.

The referee raised the flag in his hand and announced, "Shenao League semi-finals, the first game, Xiaozhi player vs. Shinji player, [*] vs [*] full battle, the competition venue is flat, the game begins!"

"Boscodora, get ready to fight!"

"Pikachu, it's up to you!"

Both sides have decided to start, Boscodora and Pishen.

As always, Ash started with a blast, and Shinji was very smart to send out a big tank with amazing defense. His purpose was to test Ash's lineup.

"Bosco Dora, make a metallic sound!"

Boss Cordola released an uncomfortable harsh sound through the sharp horns on her head, and even the Meow Bogaman in the stands was affected. This move had an extraordinary effect.

Metal tone, although not an attacking trick, is a move that lowers the opponent's special defense, which is to prepare for the next attack.

"Pikachu, use the Iron Tail!" Xiao Zhicai didn't care about the role of the metal sound, anyway, his consistent purpose was just right.

The skin god once again unfolded its extremely terrifying speed, turned into a yellow flash, and rushed in front of Boscodora in almost an instant, hitting its tail with a tail.

There was a huge difference in size between the two sides, but the result was unexpected. Boss Cordola's monster-like steel body was actually thrown half a field away by Pikachu!towel.

Chapter [*]: Shinji's second battle against Xiaozhi Yanpin Saling's replacement blockade tactics

"It's true, Boscodora was kicked away by a little Pikachu's tail. Did this Pikachu grow up with a big pill?"

There was a sensation in the audience, and every time Ash's Pikachu would inevitably lead to a similar exclamation, after all, that small body contained such a huge amount of energy, it was too unreasonable.

"As expected of a Pikachu, it's really amazing." Shinji knew about this Pikachu for a long time, "Boss Cordola, stand up and use the cannon!"

Boss Cordora opened his bloody mouth and fired a silver-white light cannon at Pikachu.

Even though his special defense had already been lowered, Pishen was not afraid at all, only to see his hands crossed to protect his body, and he used his arms to forcibly block the cannon.

"It's been hacked, I want to report it, this Pikachu must be hacked!" Many viewers looked in disbelief.

In fact, they misunderstood this time. Ash's Pikachu's endurance is really not very good, but it is slightly stronger than ordinary Pokémon, and it is nothing in the Tianwang class.

It's just that its strength surpasses that of Boss Cordola by too much, and the resistance of the electricity system to the steel system makes it seem so strong.

However, at this time, a white light flashed across Pikachu's body, the additional effect of the cannon was triggered, and Pikachu was once again lowered to the first-order special defense.

In this way, it is three steps in a row. No matter how reckless Xiao Zhi is at ordinary times, he doesn't want to lose Pikachu as a general at this moment, "Pikachu, don't fight anymore, come back soon!"

Pikachu heard the words and ran back to Ash obediently.

"Please, Flaming Monkey!"

Instead, it was the fighting-type flame monkey, which was enough to suppress Boscordola fourfold.

"Boscotola, use the Invisibility Rock." However, during the time when Ash was replacing the Pokémon, Shinji was not idle, and he made Boscodola cast a nail.

As soon as the Flaming Monkey came out, he was stabbed by a sharp rock.

In a six-on-six full-scale battle, throwing nails is a very uncomfortable method. If the team does not clear the nails, it will inevitably suffer.

Based on Shinji's understanding of Xiaozhi, this guy's style is only going to be a full-scale attack. I'm afraid he never thought about the tactic of throwing nails and clearing nails.

The fact is that there is no existence in Xiaozhi's team that can remove the nails, but he is not afraid at all. "Flame Monkey, Flaming Charge!"

"Hmph, exactly like that yellow-haired boy, Bosco Dora, make a sacrifice attack!"

The yellow-haired boy that Shinji was talking about was naturally Ah Hun.

He also used a big trick to fight the enemy. The two Pokémon were of equal strength, and the power of the tricks they used were equally powerful. Even after a collision, it was still an indistinguishable game.

But these two tricks have the side effect of hurting themselves, and the flaming monkey was unavoidably injured, but Boscordora avoided this side effect because of its hard head.

"Sure enough, in terms of tactics, Xiao Zhi is no match for Shinji!" Tian Lin was not surprised by such a result.

However, Xiaozhi also has the advantages of Xiaozhi. His Pokémon, like himself, has a strong offensive momentum. Even if he is temporarily at a disadvantage, he can adjust his posture at the fastest speed and prepare for a counterattack.

"Flame Monkey, use a sonic punch."

As Tian Lin expected, Xiao Zhi's counterattack came very quickly, and before Bosco Dora even recovered from the collision just now, he was punched in the face by the flame monkey.

Four times the restraint, one-shot victory!

"Flame Monkey's movements are so fast, there is almost no time difference between the two attacks!" What Shinji feared most was Xiao Zhi's unreasonable onslaught.

Generally speaking, after a Pokémon makes a move, before making the next move, there is always a transition period to reorganize the situation, but this guy's Pokémon, once attacking, moves The change between him and his moves is astonishingly fast. He deserves to be a guy who is known as a fierce general in Samsung's real new town. Although his tactics are not as good as Xiao Mao's, his offensive is much more violent.

"Raven head, get ready to fight!"

Shinji's team is indeed different from the original, and must be a stronger combination.

"Crow Toutou, although it has a flying type, it is also an evil type, so the flaming monkey may not be able to fight!" Xiao Zhi quickly made a judgment, at least this guy is now very good at restraining various attributes.

"Flame Monkey, Sonic Fist!"

The flaming monkey jumped, exerting its incomparably powerful jumping ability, and rushed towards the crow's head at a rapid speed.


Shinji didn't choose to fight against Xiaozhi, he knew very well what his strengths were over Xiaozhi, and fighting against Xiaozhi was an idiot's behavior.  …

The crow was punched hard by the flame monkey on the head, but its face showed a strong sarcasm, as if saying to the flame monkey, "You bastard, you haven't eaten, your fists are weak, and you even come out to fight the alliance. !"

This suddenly angered the flaming monkey, increasing its attack power, but it also fell into a state of madness.

Although bluffing has the effect of strengthening the opponent's attack power, this attack power is not so good-natured.

Sure enough, the flaming monkey couldn't tell where his opponent was at the moment. He punched the wall outside the arena, punching a big hole in the wall, and at the same time, his hand was red due to the reaction force.

"Flaming Monkey, wake up, don't let anger affect your mind!" Xiao Zhi roared loudly, but it was a pity that the Flaming Monkey had just fallen into chaos and was not sober up yet.

"Come back, Crow Touto, get ready to fight, Dragon King Scorpion!" Shinji didn't rely on Crow Touto's flying attribute to attack at this time, but chose to replace the Pokémon. It seems that he has other ideas.

"Dragon King Scorpion, use the poisonous diamond!"

Taking advantage of the chaotic time of the flaming monkey, the dragon king scorpion quickly spread the poisonous stone. Shinji wanted to create a venue where the poisonous stone nails coexisted with the field, and completely restricted Xiaozhi's replacement.

"Damn, I can't let this guy run wild again 4.0, Flaming Monkey, make a flash charge!" Xiao Zhi insisted on giving the order.

Seeing that the Flaming Monkey was still in that state, Shinji sneered, "Sure enough, it's still a useless guy, Dragon King Scorpion, sprinkle the poisonous Ling once again."

Double Poison Ling, this time, all the Pokémon that Xiao Zhi replaces, except for those with flying, steel, poison, and floating characteristics, they will all fall into a highly poisonous state, which is a big disadvantage.

However, Shinji is also going to die. It's a good situation. He has to say that sentence. He didn't hear Xiao Zhi's call just now, but the 'useless thing', the flame monkey can hear clearly, after all , this is its inner demon!

I saw that the flame monkey was covered in flames, and suddenly rushed towards the dragon king scorpion, and the powerful flash charge suddenly forced the dragon king scorpion into a desperate situation.

The thousandth and thirteenth chapter of Shinji's suppression of Pikachu and the defeat of the fire-breathing dragon

The flame of the blazing monkey is getting stronger and stronger, and just like the original skin god, it can use the strength of the quasi-king, and burst out the attack of the king.

This is still the case when its super-fiery fire has not erupted. At the beginning, Shinji once said that as long as it is nurtured well, this flaming monkey can become the strongest flame-type Pokémon in the world. This sentence is not groundless.

"Dragon King Scorpion, make a blow!"

The tactic that cooperates with the stone spikes and poisonous diamonds is naturally roaring and blowing away.

The Dragon King Scorpion swung its tongs, setting off a strong whirlwind, and immediately drove the Flaming Monkey back to the Poké Ball. At the same time, the Pokémon that was forcibly replaced surprised Ash.


A dragon roar with strong heat, which is one of Ash's ace Pokémon, the fire-breathing dragon.

"Oops!" Xiaogang, Xiaomao, and the others felt tight. Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon was specially prepared to deal with Shinji's ace Tutai Turtle.

For flying-type Pokémon, although Du Ling has no effect, the rock nails are a great threat. What's more, the fire-breathing dragon is also a deadly attribute 08 of Huojiafei. Under the attack of the flying rock nails, it was immediately reduced. half stamina.

"Champion-level fire-breathing dragon, this guy is enough to beat my team to the ground, but unfortunately, his luck is too bad!" The luck is really good, "Come back, Dragon King Scorpion!"

"Get ready to fight, Armor Bird!"

Shinji's operation is confusing. Facing the fire-breathing dragon, he actually changed into a steel-type Pokémon.

Although the fire-breathing dragon can't be replaced, its own strength is still there. Champion-level junior, is this casual?

"Fire-breathing dragon, use a jet of flame!" Xiao Zhi is also very decisive, since the fire-breathing dragon can't come back, let it fight to the end.

"No, Xiaozhi is tricked, you can't attack at will!" Tianlin Xiaomao flashed a light, and Shinji's tactics could deceive others, but not the two of them.

Unfortunately, it was too late, the fire-breathing dragon's strong flames had already spewed out, and Shinji's armored bird was burning red all over.

But Shinji's armored bird is different from Ah Tun's one. Its characteristics are sturdy. Even if the fire-breathing dragon is strong, it can't kill it in one blow.

The next moment, a red card appeared from the armored bird, and the fire-breathing dragon turned into a red light, and was forcibly sent back to Ash's Poké Ball again.

"Sure enough, it's a red card. That guy Shinji understands the weakness of Blowing Fei very well, so he carried this item on purpose!" Tian Lin analyzed.

"What do you mean?" Xiaoguang Ah Tun and the others asked in confusion.

Instead of Tianlin, Xiaomao explained, "Fufei, there is a very big weakness, that is, this move belongs to the lowest priority system skill, that is to say, it must be a later move."

"Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon's hard power is there. Even if his physical strength has been cut by half, it has no effect on its powerful attack power. Those Pokémon of Shinji face it, I'm afraid they will not even have the opportunity to blow up. No, it will be taken away one by one."

"And the item that can make up for this shortcoming is the red card. Once the Pokémon carrying this item is attacked, the attacker will be forced to end. Now Ash's fire-breathing dragon is over!"

The attributes of the fire-breathing dragon are greatly restrained by the stone nails. As long as it appears again, the stone nails will directly take it away without the need for other Pokémon to shoot. It can be said that the fire-breathing dragon is no different from losing the ability to fight now.

Due to the forced exit of the fire-breathing dragon, Ash had a Pokémon forcibly pulled out, and this time, it was actually Pikachu.

It is not so afraid of rock nails, but the problem is that in addition to the rock nails, there are two layers of poisonous nails. Pikachu was immediately poisoned. With its small body, I am afraid it will not last long.

"Judging from the current number of Pokémon on both sides, although Xiaozhi has the upper hand, it is Shinji who has a firm grasp of the situation!" Xiaozhi.

Only Xiaozhi can have such a miraculous effect. If they are replaced by Tianlin Xiaomao, their team will definitely be equipped with clear nail hands, and all the preparations that Shinji has made can be vanished in a moment.

"Pikachu, use the electric shock!"

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