"Sure enough, it's a trick to break the wall. Master, your choice is exactly what I thought, Geranium, make a double return!"

Unexpectedly, Nana went a step further than Tian Lin thought this time. Tian Lin wanted to induce Nana to continuously open the wall, but he broke it in one breath, and when all Nana's support was useless, he caused huge damage to Geranium.

And Nana is a little more ruthless, she directly used two walls as bait, the purpose is to double the counterattack of Geranium 0 ........

The split tile hit the geranium, and the huge force was bounced back, and the powerful crocodile was directly knocked back, and it suffered far more damage than the geranium.

"Nana, the idea is good, but unfortunately it's not bold enough. If it were me, it wouldn't be so troublesome. When the first shot of the powerful crocodile is made, I will use double return!" Tian Lin laughed.

"That's too dangerous. The strength of the powerful crocodile is much stronger than that of my geranium, and the ice-type trick has an outstanding effect on the geranium. It is easy to be killed by one blow." Nana shook her head, a girl like her is always Much more conservative than Tianlin.

But neither of them were wrong. Nana wanted stability, while Tian Lin wanted to give it a try. The greater the risk, the greater the benefit.

From this point of view, although Nana has inherited many of Tianlin's fighting methods, she is still different from him. This is very good. After all, those who learn from me live, and those who like me die, she must have her own way to go.

"Geranium, use photosynthesis!"

After the counterattack, Nana used a recovery technique, and Geranium's physical strength quickly returned to a healthy value after all.

"Mighty Crocodile, don't let it recover so easily, use another freezing punch!"

The strong crocodile got up and swung up again with an iron fist.

"Geranium, come back." At this time, Nana chose to replace the newly recovered geranium, "Electric Shock Monster, please!"

4.0's electric shock beast, who replaced it, endured the freezing punch, but it was an electric type and was not so afraid of ice type.

What's even more amazing is that the electric monster has crossed that level.

"Tianwang-level beginner!" Tian Lin's eyes narrowed, and Nana had actually cultivated a heavenly-level Pokémon, which was really shocking.

The current Electric Shock Warcraft is not qualitatively different from the Power Crocodile, except that it has just broken through, and its aura is slightly weaker.

"Master, take a good look at my growth, shock the demon beast, and use the thunder and lightning punch!"

"Interesting, strong crocodile, frozen fist!"

The fists intersected, and the powerful momentum of the battle between the king-level Pokémon made the entire field a storm, and the two Pokémon did not give an inch.

This is not only a competition of strength, but also of will.

Chapter [*]: The Crocodile Defeated Doron Baruto's Super Speed

"The strength of this girl's electric monster is actually higher than mine." Shinji is also a trainer with electric monster as the main force, but he is still at the peak of the quasi-celestial king and has not crossed that threshold.

The girl in front of her debuted later than him, but she didn't expect to go further than him.

"I didn't expect that before the full-scale battle, we would be able to see the battle of the heavenly king. This is really amazing for the master and the apprentice." Zhulan was full of emotion. This is really the golden age of the trainers. Even if they reach the finals, there may not be any Pokémon above the Heavenly King level, but among the current contestants, there are probably several actual Heavenly King-level trainers.

On the field, the fists of the two Pokémon stalemate for a while, seeing that neither one could do anything to the other, they each withdrew.

"Master, I'm going to continue, take the trick, shock the demon beast, thunder!"

The powerful electricity of the electric shock monster began to gather, and in order to increase its power, it did not shoot directly, but drove the thunder and lightning into the clouds.

Day 08 Thunderclouds rolled in the air for a moment, looking terrifying.

"Strong crocodile, make an earthquake!"

Tianlin also made the strong crocodile use the ground-based trick.

Nana shouted loudly, "Fall!"

The thunder and lightning in the thundercloud accumulated to the limit, and finally fell from the sky, hitting the strong crocodile precisely.

In the sky, the thunder fell, and on the ground, the earth dragon turned over. The two Heavenly King-level Pokémon attacked with all their strength, and the damage caused was comparable to a natural disaster.

"I'm going, why is this only the third round, and the finals I watched in previous years were not so intense?" exclaimed a senior fan of league competitions. He has been watching the game for several years, and he has never seen such a game. Scenes.

"It's almost like the King of Heaven Challenge, this time is really the right time." Another audience member was excited, why did they come all the way to watch the game, isn't it just for such a scene?

After a long time, the ground finally stopped shaking, and the thunderclouds gradually dispersed. The full blows of both sides caused enormous damage to the opponent.

Hearing a 'thump' sound, this is the sound of a Pokémon falling, and everyone looked anxiously to see which one fell.

At this time, the referee made a verdict, "The crocodile loses its ability to fight, and the electric beast wins!"

This time, the powerful crocodile was defeated. It was not because of its strength, but the double return of the geranium before, which had already caused it to be seriously injured. This result was expected by Tian Lin.

But what surprised him was that in this game, he was the first to lose a Pokémon. Except for Ah Yin, no one seemed to have done it, and the second one was himself. disciple.

"It's amazing, I didn't expect that stupid apprentice at the time to be so good now," Tian Lin took out the second Poké Ball, "Please, Toto!"

Duoduo is the nickname of Tianlin's Dragon Baruto. He disliked the name because it was too long and it was troublesome to call, so he chose this simple nickname.

Duoduo is also a mid-level Heavenly King-level Pokémon. At Tianlin’s current level, although there are still a few champion-level Pokémon, it is not as difficult to get a Heavenly King-level Pokémon as to eat and drink water. go.

And from the beginning, it was the team that Tian Lin specially prepared for Nana.

The grass-type electricity type is resisted by the dragon type, and the super-power type is restrained by the ghost type. A multi-dragon Baruto can be said to have defeated the Nina team.

"Dragon type, electric shock beast, freezing fist!"

Electric-type Pokémon and ice-type tricks complement the attack surface. In the information Tianlin wrote to Nana, this is common sense.


Tian Lin gave the order unhurriedly, and the speed of the electric beast was not slow, but when it rushed to the front of Doron Baruto and punched out, his fist actually pierced directly from Doron Baruto. past.

Duoduo's real body has already been transferred, and what remains there are only afterimages.

"It's so fast, as expected of the fastest quasi-god!" Since Naina lost to Tianlin's Steel Armored Crow in the Pokémon Ring competition, it can be said that she has made up for the Pokémon in the Galar region during this period of time. Knowledge, for Doron Baruto's speed, has also been psychologically prepared.

But now she found that her preparation was completely inadequate, and Duoduo was much faster than she thought.

Tianlin's Duolong Baruto is a dual-blade route of training double-attack at extreme speed. Although the defense is weak, as long as the enemy can't hit it, then this weakness is completely meaningless.

"Duo Duo, Dragon Arrow!"

The speed is fast, not only the movement speed, but the speed of Duoduo's moves is equally astonishing. Two dragon arrows are shot out in a hurry, and the electric shock monster's response is very fast, but it can only barely knock out one, and the second one hits head-on.

Its current state is just like the previous strong crocodile. Huge injuries have been accumulated on its body. Tian Lin is confident that one more move can solve it.

And obviously, Nana is also very clear about this point. The Electric Shock Monster can't produce too much power, so before it completely falls down, it must exert its last strength.

"Electric Shock Monster, use the power grid with all your strength,"

A large net that was enough to cover the entire field appeared in the sky. Nana wanted to block all the evasion routes of Doron Baruto, but in this way, the power of this move was too scattered, and the damage seemed a little insufficient.

Of course, Nana's purpose is not to attack, but to trigger the additional effect of the grid, slow down, only if Doron Baruto loses that powerful speed, she has hope of victory.

"The idea is correct, but..." The corner of Tianlin's mouth raised, this stupid apprentice still underestimated his master, "Too many, raid!"

"What?" Nana didn't expect that when the speed of 363 Duolong Baruto was already so amazing, Tianlin also equipped it with preemptive skills.

With super high speed and preemptive advantage, Duolong Baruto is really like a ghost at this moment, and when no one reacts, he sees that the electric monster has been knocked to the ground by it.

Without power support, the big net in the sky has not been fully formed, and it slowly dissipated.

"Electric Warcraft lost its ability to fight, and Duolong Baruto wins!" The referee made a judgment, and Tianlin's second one regained a city for him in an uninjured state.

"At this speed, I'm afraid it can't even match my fierce biting land shark!" Zhulan secretly admired that she had also seen the Galar champion Dandi's Duolong Baluto, although the speed was even more amazing, but In fact, it is not much more than Tianlin.

The important thing is that Dandi's strength is as high as the champion's high-level, while Tianlin's only has the middle-level Tianwang, and the two are extremely close in terms of speed. What does this mean?

The talent and potential of Duolong Baruto, who represents Tianlin, is far better than that of Dandi.

Of course, everything has something to give, and Zhulan also sees Duo Duo's weakness. Although Duo Duo's speed is amazing, its durability is really not very good.

Zhulan glanced at Nana, just wondering, can this little girl find out? .

Chapter [*] Who is better, teacher or apprentice, in psychological games?

"I'll trouble you again, Geranium!" Nana didn't take out her trump card rashly. As expected of Tianlin's disciple, she, like Zhulan, almost discovered the weakness of Duolong Baruto.

The geranium that has been restored by photosynthesis is basically in the best state. Although its overall strength is only at the peak of the quasi-king, but if it completely abandons the attack, with its superior durability, full defense and consumption, it can also play infinitely close to the level of the king. Strength.

"Too, acrobatics!"

"Geranium, wall of light!"

The two sides gave orders almost at the same time, but they issued completely opposite orders.

Acrobatics belong to the physical attack of flight type, the light wall is completely useless, and when there are no props on the body, the power of this move is doubled, and it becomes a big move slightly inferior to the fierce attack of the brave bird. Geranium is hit by the restraint skill and falls into disadvantage.

"As expected of a master, in the psychological game, Tianlin is still better than Nana!" Xiaomao said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Zhi looked puzzled. With his wisdom, he would never have thought that the two instructions just now seemed random, but in fact, the master and apprentice had already made a fierce psychological battle.

"It's hard to imagine how your intelligence quotient has such a strong strength, can you really rely on the word 'reckless'?" Shinji looked at the fool's expression, "In the battle just now, both sides have already Have a good understanding of the opponent's Pokémon."

"The girl's geranium has excellent durability and is not strong in attack, but it has double return to make up for this weakness, but now the trick of double return has been exposed. In the face of such a geranium, most people will use special attack moves. attack?"

Xiaoguang nodded subconsciously, indeed, if it was her, she would never dare to issue a powerful physical attack, lest she be doubled back and find her own way of death.

"That girl also judged so, so she subconsciously released the light wall skill~'." Xiaomao then added, "However, that is the thinking of ordinary people. Obviously, this thinking was used in reverse by Tianlin. He He just went the opposite way, and used a physical attack, which caught the opponent off guard."

"Haha, these two excellent children!" Zhu Lan smiled at the two of them. The fighting styles of the two were very similar, but there were also differences. One sought stability and the other dared to fight. path of.

"As expected of a master, if I were on the third floor, he would at least be on the fifth floor," Nainai was terrified. Tian Lin was too daring to gamble. If what he had just used was to give back double instead of a bare wall, Doron Baruto must be lying down by now.

"If you want to defeat the master, you must go beyond the master's thinking." Nana made up her mind, and she has to fight again.

"Geranium, give back double."

"Duo Duo, Dragon Arrow!"

The order was issued at the same time, and this time Nana seemed to be hit, and the dragon arrow was indeed a physical attack skill.

But Tian Lin sighed, "Nana, you shouldn't be fighting at this time, you lost!"

The two dragon arrows all hit, knocking Geranium to the brink of death, and then the double return broke out, but the damage Duolong Baruto suffered was far less severe than he imagined.

It had enough power left, and soon, Doron Baruto organized the battle again, and a jet of flames spewed out. At this time, the injury of Geranium had really reached its limit, let alone fighting, he couldn't move. , was taken away directly by a fire.

"The Geranium is incapacitated, and Doron Baruto wins!"

Geranium, which was supposed to be responsible for consuming Doron Baruto's stamina, collapsed in less than five minutes under three attacks. It did not take its responsibility at all.

But it's not the responsibility, but in Nana, she didn't gamble when she should bet, but she let go when she shouldn't, and finally got this ending.

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