Saling is a skill that deals damage to the replaced Pokémon. It is similar to the Invisible Rock of the Tianlin Big Rock Snake, but this is a ground-based skill and is invalid for the flight system. However, this move also has the advantages that Invisible Rock does not have, that is Can stack release.

But this move is ineffective for Pokémon already present, and Xiao Mao doesn't care about the slight effect of a layer of Saling, "Explode the magnetic monster and use the electric field."

Xiaomao's side has also set up a battle, which is suitable for the field with the maximum output of Electric-type Pokémon. In this field, the power of the self-exploding Magneto is completely immeasurable.

The armored bird was already beaten. In this case, Ah Tung did not dare to beat him, "Come back, armored bird!"

"Too naive!" The corner of Xiao Mao's mouth twitched lightly, "Explode the magnetic monster, use the charging beam!"

Under the augmentation of the electric field, the power of the charging beam is quite terrifying, but Ah Shun's action to retrieve the Pokémon is always faster than the attack of the self-exploding Magneto.

Before the electricity hit the armored bird, the red light of the Poké Ball had successfully enveloped it, and Ah Thun was relieved to see this.

But the next moment, he panicked, because he found that the armored bird couldn't get it back for some reason.

Because of the stagnation at this moment, the charging light successfully hit, and with just one blow, the armored bird was knocked to the ground, and because of the additional effect, the special attack of the self-exploding magnetite increased by a stage.

"Ah Tun made a mistake. The characteristic of the self-destructing magnet is its magnetic force. When the opponent is also a Steel-type Pokémon, it can limit the opponent's replacement." Tian Lin analyzed.

Sure enough, Ah Thun fell into Xiao Mao's pace as soon as he came up. After all, he only had a few Pokémon. Xiao Mao made a little inquiries, and he had already sorted out the lineup very well.

"Thank you, Armor Bird, you have fully completed your mission." Although Ah Tung was very unwilling, he still comforted Armor Bird, "To deal with Steel-type Pokémon, you must use the fighting type. Go, Heracross!"

The No. [*] ace in Ah Tung's team, Heracross, came on the stage, but unfortunately it was far inferior to Xiao Zhi's. Xiao Mao and Xiao Zhi's Heracross also played against each other, so he knew it very well.

"Go, Heracross, use melee punches!" Ah Hun confidently gave the attack command, because of the existence of Saling, he was sure that Xiao Mao would not dare to replace Pokémon at will.

However, Xiao Mao immediately slapped him in the face again, "Explode the magnetic monster, use Volt to replace it!"

The self-exploding Magneto replaced Heracross's fist with a volt. With the double enhancement of the charging light and the electric field, its power far surpassed Heracross's. With one blow, Heracross was immediately repelled.

At the same time, the self-exploding magnetic monster turned into a red light and returned to Xiao Mao's Poké Ball.

"It's just a layer of ling, do you think I'll care, go ahead, Big Mouth!"

Xiaomao really aimed at Ah Hun, the big-billed sparrow appeared, not to mention one layer of shaling in the flight department, even if the three layers were full, it would have no effect on it.

Chapter [*] Overwhelmingly powerful Xiaomao wins

Although the bigmouth sparrow is a Pokémon on the Kandong Rotten Street, Xiaomao is not an easy one. As one of the family birds in Zhenxin Town, on the day when Xiaomao went out to travel, the first one to conquer was the strong sparrow.

This big-billed sparrow can be said to be the existence of Xiaomao's Pokémon, the time to accompany him is second only to the existence of the water arrow turtle, and its strength is also very powerful, the existence of the quasi-celestial king, with half a foot stepping into the king-level existence.

"Damn, come back, Heracross!" Ah Thun replaced Pokémon without hesitation, after all, the disadvantage of quadruple restraint is too great, "Please, my ace, Emperor Nabo!"

"Big-billed sparrow, blow it away!" Xiao Mao seemed to have completely guessed every movement of Ah Tung, and it was a very targeted instruction.

As soon as Emperor Nabo came on the field, he was blown back to the Poké Ball by the sparrow. Ah Thun could only replace one now, and Heracross was forced to be pulled onto the field again.

"What? How could this happen? The replacement failed again, and I will be fined!" Ah Hun scratched his hair with a displeased expression. Obviously, the rules of the game are that trainers on both sides can replace Pokémon at will, but his replacement is completely Involuntarily, it can even be said that Xiaomao has firmly controlled it.

"Forget it, since that's the case, I'll let you see the power of my Heracross and use melee punches!"

Ah Thun, Heracross's punching speed is very fast, and his Pokémon are the same as Ash's, most of them follow the fast-attack route.

"Big Mouth, Gather Qi!" Xiaomao was very confident in his Big Mouth. Instead of dodging, he let Big Mouth gather his energy and prepare for a blow~kill.

Heracross's melee punch successfully hit, but it seems that the damage is not as big as imagined, at least the sparrow is completely indifferent.

"Yan back!"

Xiao Mao's counterattack did not choose a powerful trick, but a small Yan Hui, which was the right choice, because Tian Lin would also use this trick.

Ah Xun's Pokémon are all high-speed type, not only the attack efficiency is higher, but also easier to dodge the opponent's attack, Yan Hui completely ignores the opponent's speed and dodge, this move is sure to hit.

The most important thing is that for Heracross, although this move is not very powerful, it is enough to solve it.

Heracross was hit directly in the abdomen by the sharp beak of the toucan, and was rendered incapacitated on the spot.

"What a powerful alliance, Xiao Mao is a sniper with the characteristics of a sniper, which can increase the damage caused when he hits a key point, plus Yan Hui's quadruple restraint and guaranteed hit effect, the odds of winning are [*]%!" Tian Lin said to Xiao Shigeru praised his tactics.

"Oh, player Ah Hun is completely at a disadvantage, player Xiao Mao is amazingly powerful, and his three Pokémon are in very good condition now, while player Ah Hun has only one Emperor Nabo left. Can he turn defeat into victory?"

After listening to the commentator's words, Ah Hun threw the last Poké Ball, "Can you turn a defeat into a victory, you'll know after you've played it, please, Emperor Nabo!"

"Use the water cannon!"

The big trick in the opening, the typical Ah Thun style.

"Bigmouth, destroy the dead light!"

Fighting a tooth for a tooth, Xiaomao also came up with the same unique trick to fight, and the two sides collided without distinction.

"Come back, Sparrow." Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xiao Mao made another substitution, "Finally, please, Wrestling Hawkman!"

Wrestling Eagle Man, the Pokémon that Xiao Mao captured when Carlos traveled, the attribute fighting type plus the flying type, not only restrained the emperor Nabo, but also because of his flying type, he was not afraid of Saling at all.

The saling used by the armored bird, Ah Tung, had no effect at all. It can be said that it was directly given away without an inch of merit.

After the Wrestling Hawkman came on the court, a golden light suddenly flashed on his body, and then his body increased twice in a row, and his strength greatly increased for a while.

"Xiao Mao is really merciless, he actually brought electric seeds to Wrestling Eagle!" Tian Lin saw the situation at a glance.

The Electric Seed is an item that has an effect in the Electric Field. It increases the Pokémon's defense in one stage, while the Wrestling Eagle's feature is light equipment, and when the item is lost, the speed is increased by one stage.

This is equivalent to Wrestling Eagle doing nothing, but successfully strengthened twice in a row.

"It's amazing, Ah Thun has no chance to fight back at all!" Xiaoguang couldn't help but exclaimed, in her heart, Ah Thun was already a very powerful trainer, but in front of Xiao Mao, the gap was terrifyingly large.

"I won't admit defeat, regardless of attributes or suitability, it has nothing to do with this trick, destroy the death light!"

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

Ah Thun's Emperor Nabo were all great tricks. Although they seemed oppressive, once these great tricks failed to achieve the desired effect, they would become a burden for Emperor Nabo.

Wrestling Hawkman took the destructive death light with a chi bomb, and then the emperor Nabo was frozen and began his journey to be tortured by blood.

"Wrestling Eagle Man, make a split tile!"

Emperor Nabo was first hit by a tile split, and then hit by a flying knee, smashing several rockeries in a row.

The speed of A Xun's Emperor Nabo is indeed faster than that of the normal Emperor Nabo, but it is far worse in the face of the Wrestling Eagle that has already activated the light-loaded feature. It can neither make the first move nor pull away from the Wrestling Eagle. The distance is suppressed and there is no way to fight back.

... 0

After finally standing up, Emperor Nabo's characteristic torrent was activated, and Ah Hun tried to turn the defeat into victory with the enhanced cannon water cannon.

At this moment, Wrestling Hawkman used a bouncing move to leave the opponent's battlefield, making his unique move completely empty.

Finally, the reaction force came, and the emperor Nabo stiffened again. At this time, the wrestling eagle fell from the sky, made a special move, flew under heavy pressure, and successfully won the game.

"At the end of the game, player Ah Xun lost all three Pokémon, so the winner is Xiao Mao from Zhenxin Town!" The referee announced Xiao Mao's victory, three to zero, and Xiao Mao's three Pokémon basically didn't exist. No matter what kind of injury he suffered, A Xun was almost led by his nose in the whole game, which was overwhelmingly powerful.

"This is Xiao Mao now, it's so interesting!" Tian Lin clenched his fists, and even he was surprised by Xiao Mao's current strength.

Leaving the competition venue, Ah Thun caught up with Xiao Mao who was about to leave, "That, Xiao Mao, although I lost, I have done my best, so I don't regret it at all!"

Xiaomao turned his head, nodded, and smiled, "Well, it was a good match, and you didn't give up in the end, which moved me quite a bit."

Hearing his words, Ah Tung smiled happily, "Really, haha, I'm so happy to hear you say that, Ah Tung, I'm so happy, one day, we will bet on the world's strongest throne, and let's have a showdown! "

"Okay!" Towel.

Chapter [*]: The battle between master and apprentice, Tianlin vs Nana

After Xiaomao's game was over, it was followed by Xiaozhi's game against Kaoping. This game was similar to the original book. At the beginning, Xiaozhi had the advantage by virtue of substitutions, but soon, Kaoping turned around with space tactics, almost Pushes Ash into a corner.

But in the end, Xiaozhi's Round Land Shark finally completely mastered the Dragon-type ultimate move, Meteor Group. With the huge power of this move, he was able to turn defeat into victory and narrowly passed the third round of the game.

As soon as he returned to the sidelines, Xiao Mao couldn't wait to taunt him, "Winning is so thrilling, as expected of you, Xiao Zhi, it really is that much."

In the face of Xiao Mao's ridicule, Xiao Zhi has nothing to say this time, after all Xiao Mao is too beautiful to win.

"Okay, it's not that Xiao Zhi's strength is not good, but Kaoping is also a very good trainer. You should know this very well, Xiao Mao, right?" Tian Lin came up to "Three Six Zero" and made a round.

Xiao Mao also had to admit that what Tian Lin said was right. During the summer camp, Ko Ping's understanding of Pokémon and his mastery of various tactics made him quite admire. Xiao Zhi did not use the strongest main team. , it is common to fall into hardship.

But asking him to praise Xiaozhi is impossible in a dream.

Xiaomao had to deliberately change the subject, "Tianlin, it's your turn next, your opponent is your own apprentice, don't let it go."

"Release the water? With Nana as my opponent, I will be more serious than ever!" After Tian Lin said that, he walked towards the field of competition with vigor. Xiao Mao realized that he was not talking about it, and he really had to give a large part of it. Strength comes.

"In the third game of the third round, Tianlin from Zhenxin Town will play against Nana from Ruoye Town. I heard that they are masters and apprentices. I wonder what kind of battle will they bring us?"

"Of course it's the best game!" Nana shouted confidently towards the commentator, then looked at Tian Lin, "Master, come on, I've been looking forward to today for a long time."

"Okay, then as a master, let me send out Pokémon first, let's go, crocodile!"

"You don't have to ask me, I'll go with you, Geranium!"

Tian Lin started out as a powerful crocodile, while Nana was a geranium. This was the Pokémon they chose when they first started their trip in Chengdu, and the two had a fight at that time.

Now that the two Pokémon have each evolved into their final forms, and meet again, their thoughts seem to return to the day the two first met.

In terms of attributes, Nana has the upper hand, but in terms of strength, Geranium is only at the peak of the quasi-celestial king, while Tianlin's powerful crocodile has progressed extremely rapidly after being illuminated by the light of the sea god, and now it has broken through to the level of the middle-level king of heaven.

"The first big crocodile, did the master do it on purpose? He wants to witness my growth!" Nana and Tian Lin had a tacit understanding, and she could understand Tian Lin's thoughts very well.

She knows that the master is very aware of the lineup on her side. After all, with him as an opponent, she must have taken out the three strongest Pokémon in her hand, which are very easy to guess, Geranium, Electric Monster, and Secret Treasure Until now, except for Tianlin Xiaoguang, no one knew about the shining giant gold monster.

To deal with these three Pokémon, the crocodile is definitely not a good choice, but Tian Lin still does it, his thoughts are self-evident.

"Dali Crocodile, use the Frozen Fist!" Tian Lin has already made his first move. As I said before, Tian Lin will not keep his hand, and he will face Nana with [*]% seriousness.

"Master, I won't let you down, Geranium, reflection wall!"

In Naina's team, Geranium is positioned as an auxiliary hand, and she will not let Geranium with insufficient attack power face the powerful crocodile head-on.

The halving reflection weakens half of the strength of the crocodile, so that even the ice-based skills cannot cause too much damage to the geranium with excellent durability.

"That's right, Nai Nai, such a powerful crocodile, use a water cannon!"

"Geranium, wall of light!"

This time it's a special attack and a special defense, and Nana's use of various auxiliary moves is already proficient.

However, she can open the wall, Tianlin can naturally choose to break the wall, "Dali Crocodile, use the tile!"

Tile splitting is a unique trick that can destroy the light wall and the reflective wall. Just listening to the sound of 'bang, bang', the two defensive walls will shatter like mirrors.

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