Tian Lin was a little surprised when he saw this Pokémon, but he didn't expect Shang Zhi to have a rare fossilized Pokémon like Taikoo Armor.

However, he did not panic, because the appearance of rock-type Pokémon was as early as he expected. After all, Shangzhi himself is good at insect-type and grass-type, both of which are restrained by fire-type and flight-type. Alliance competition is such an important game, How could he not have the means of countermeasures ready, and the ancient armor also belongs to the insect type, which is not a departure from the line that Shang Zhi is good at.

"An unexpected and reasonable choice, then, I will also replace the Pokémon, come back Queen Bee." Tianlin took back the Queen Bee, after all, four times restraint, he did not want the Queen Bee to die, "Then Please, Steel Armor Crow!"

Shang Zhi frowned. The Steel Armored Crow with the Steel-type and the Flying-type is another Pokémon that targets his lineup. It can be seen that Tianlin has done enough homework to deal with him. I don't know whether to be happy or worried. Lin actually valued him so much.

"Since you have replaced the Pokémon, then I will take the initiative, I will take it, the ancient armor, and use the rock collapse!"

Although the rock-type skills cannot restrain the steel armored crow, it can at least deal normal damage. The ancient armor is a Pokémon with extremely high physical attack power. As long as it can successfully hit the opponent, the damage will never be low.

In the sky, countless rocks appeared out of nowhere, not only huge, but also numerous and densely distributed, making it difficult to dodge, Tian Lin said in admiration, "It's a very ancient armor, it's already considered a pure fire in the trick of rock avalanches. !"

"Thank you for your compliment, then, do you have a way to resolve this trick?" Shang Zhi chuckled softly.

"No, the range of this move is too large, neither can I escape, nor can I break all the rocks, but I can do this, Steel Armor Crow, rush over and use steel wings!" Tian Lin's method is very simple, since he can't deal with it, Then don't deal with it. The Steel Armored Crow is different from the Queen Bee. Its fighting style doesn't need to be tricky.

However, seeing the steel armored crow rushing straight forward, even if the rock hits it, it doesn't seem to care at all. After all, its defense is also very superior, and it can't do anything about a rock avalanche.

In the end, the steel wing hit the ancient armor with one blow, and the steel armored crow was deeply buried by the many rocks that followed.

"It's a crazy style of play, but it seems that I have the advantage now, the ancient armor, the sharp stone attack!"

Seeing that the steel armored crow was restricted in movement, Shang Zhi was ready to fall into the trap.

"What you think is too simple, Mr. Shang Zhi, catch the next trick I specially prepared for you, Steel Armor Crow, Iron Hoof Light!"

Tian Lin smiled confidently. Suddenly, a silver-white light came out from the cracks in the rock, accompanied by a powerful murderous aura. In an instant, whether it was a rock that collapsed or a sharp blade attacked by a sharp stone, all of them were in the silver-white color. Turned into powder under the light 0 ........

The ancient armor was also unable to dodge, and was completely swallowed by the iron hoof light.

"The ancient armor loses its ability to fight, and the steel armor crow wins!"

The Steel Armored Crow won, but the iron hoof light was too terrifying. It not only hurt the enemy a thousand, but also lost [*] to himself. Because of the reaction force, the Steel Armored Crow had already accumulated huge injuries.

"Mr. Shang Zhi has only one Pokémon left, what challenge will he come up with?"

The narrator's voice fell, and Shang Zhi threw his last Poke Ball in coordination, "I'll leave it to you in the end, Speaker Cricket!"

Shang Zhi finally took out his trump card, and the speaker cricket can be said to be the best Pokémon with him.

"Mr. Shang Zhi's lineup is pretty much the same as I thought. Is it really a speaker cricket in the end? Very good, Steel Armored Crow, use a brave bird to attack!" Tianlin suddenly used a suicidal attack, Steel Armored Crow There is not much physical strength left, and this brave bird's onslaught is afraid that it will kill him.

Shang Zhi was in a hurry at this time. He only had one speaker cricket left. In contrast, the three Tianlins were still there. He could replace it, but he couldn't. "No, it must be stopped. It's too late to sing. Speaker crickets, use insects!"

The loudspeaker cricket released the maximum volume and made insect sounds, trying to stop the attack of the steel armored crow.

However, both Tianlin and the Steel Armored Crow have already made up their minds. The Steel Armored Crow, because 4.0 knew that this was his last blow, not only did not flinch, but instead moved forward more courageously.


The brave bird's onslaught hit the speaker cricket frontally. The damage was huge, and the speaker cricket was dying.

The steel armored crow landed with a 'thump', and its physical strength was not much. Now it is attacked by insects and the reaction force of the brave bird's onslaught has reached its limit.

"Steel Armor Crow loses its ability to fight, Speaker Cricket wins!"

Shang Zhi finally managed to pull back a sentence, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that the game was already divided. Although the speaker cricket won, it was also seriously injured and was already in a state of being knocked down. On Tianlin's side, except for In addition to the physically strong Queen Bee, there is also a Pokémon that did not appear in the scene.

Tianlin took out the last Poké Ball, "Mr. Shang Zhi, I won this game!".

Chapter [*] The victory of the first round and the third round of the group are determined

"Go, Harkeron!"

Tianlin's last Pokémon also appeared, the child of the fast dragon, the purple Huck Dragon.

"Wow, it's actually a Shiny Pokémon, and Tianlin contestant has produced a quite amazing Pokémon." The commentator was also surprised. Even though he had explained many conferences, he had never seen a few Shining Pokémon. Not to mention the flash quasi-god.

"This is really outstanding. If this child participates in the gorgeous competition, he will definitely become a dazzling star. Tianlin, you also cultivated him in this area, right?" Shang Zhi is also a coordination trainer. The cultivation direction of Harkron is indeed the case.

Tian Lin nodded, "That's right, it was one of the partners who helped me get the top coordination trainer, but its fighting ability is not inferior at all, I will prove it to you now, Ha Kelong, use tornado!"

The hakron swung its tail, and a whirlwind began to condense with the rotation of the tail.

"I can't be attacked again, Speaker Cricket, use singing!" Shang Zhi knew very well where his only chance to win now was to sing 08 to put the enemy to sleep, and then he could attack with confidence.

If it is a counterattack, the injury on the speaker cricket is too heavy, and there is no such capital.

The speaker cricket sang melodious music, and it really reached the level of ecstasy in singing.

"It really did appear, singing the trick, Ha Kelong, and then use the tornado!" Tian Lin continued to order the sleeping Ha Kelong.

"Speaker Cricket, cross fist with scissors!"

The speaker cricket crossed its hands, turned it into a cross-blade, and began to pounce on Hakron. This time it can attack with confidence. Generally, a Pokémon who has just fallen asleep will not wake up too early.

However, this time Shang Zhi obviously miscalculated, and saw that Ha Kelong's eyes suddenly opened, and after the purple skin on his body shed a layer, he completely recovered.

Then, the tornado condensed again, and this time it was launched against the face. The speaker cricket was directly blown back by the tornado and lost its fighting ability.

"Speaker Cricket lost its ability to fight, and Hacron won, so the winner of this game is Tianlin!" The referee made the final decision, and Tianlin won the first round with [*]-[*].

"Come back, Speaker Cricket, I'm sorry, I didn't expect Ha Kelong to wake up so quickly, shedding skin, and it was put together!" Shang Zhi smiled wryly, took back the Speaker Cricket, and walked to Tianlin, "You already knew me He knows how to use speaker crickets, so he specially prepared this hakron, which can only relieve abnormal state, to fight, right?”

"Of course, for an excellent trainer like you, Mr. Shang Zhi, I naturally have to make adequate preparations." Tian Lin did not deny that his entire team today was equipped to restrain Shang Zhi.

Shang Zhi's lineup was too single, and he was restrained so strongly that it was not wrong to lose.

"Tianlin, I admit defeat, congratulations on your victory." Shang Zhi smiled relievedly, "I'm about to embark on a journey of cultivation again, let's meet again somewhere in the future!"

Shang Zhi's Shenao League is over, he did not choose to stay and watch the rest of the game, but continued to go on a new journey.

After that, the games in other venues also ended one after another, and everyone played very smoothly.

"The first round of the red field is over. Shinji is really good. With accurate substitutions, he successfully won the victory three to zero!"

"Miss Nana's fighting style is as accurate as a textbook. It's so beautiful to win."

"One wearing three, Xiaomao's strength is really amazing."

"The reversal won. Although Xiao Zhi was passive in the first half due to his attribute disadvantage, his perseverance and perseverance allowed him to successfully win the victory."

"My God, players Ah Yin and Dakto have used divine beasts again, and none of their opponents can withstand their second attack!"

On the major venues, the commentators kept announcing one news after another. After a day of fierce battles, everyone successfully passed the first round.

In the second round that followed, everyone had good luck. There was no civil war. Tian Lin met a trainer who was far inferior to Shang Zhi. With only one Roentgen cat, he managed to get through three.

But starting from the third round, there were only [*] contestants left. As the number of participants continued to decrease, in the end, a civil war was inevitable.

Xiaozhi VS Kaoping, Xiaomao VS Ah Thun.

And finally, Tianlin VS Nana!

Xiao Zhi and Kao Ping still met as in the original book, and although Ah Thun avoided Shinji, he met the stronger Xiao Mao.

In addition, Tianlin and Nana, the battle of master and apprentice is coming soon.

"Finally, are you going to play against the master? Well, I'm going to come up with the strongest lineup and let the master see my strength!" Nainai was so excited that she remembered the first time she participated in the Chengdu League. At that time, she still Those who are afraid only dare to hide behind Tianlin.

But now, she can not only overcome difficulties by herself, but also dare to stand directly in front of Tian Lin. Tian Lin is naturally very pleased with this courage and strength.

But this time, if he is really serious, he will have to check whether Nana can be a teacher.

"My opponent is Xiao Zhi, uh heh! Great, I've already prepared a secret plan to deal with him!" Kopin pushed his glasses and slipped away like a ghost-type Pokémon.

"Kao Ping is very cunning and cunning, Xiao Zhi, you must be careful." Xiao Gang reminded 360 that Ko Ping's fighting style was completely opposite to Xiao Zhi's, and he was still quite afraid.

"Well, then, let's check Kaoping's information first, and make adequate preparations." Xiao Zhi didn't care and walked towards the computer room.

Tian Lin also wanted to see Nana's current official information, so he also went with him.

On the way, they happened to meet Ah Hung who was also going to check on Xiao Mao's information.

When the three of them walked into the computer room, they found that Xiao Mao and Kaoping were also there. They were really careless trainers, and they had already arrived here one step earlier.

Ah Thun rushed to Xiao Mao and saw that he was inquiring about his own information, and immediately said excitedly, "It's really a hero cherishing a hero, Xiao Mao, you really are an excellent trainer that is not inferior to Shinji, Ah Thun, I am so moved!"

Ah Thun was very satisfied with the importance Xiaomao gave to him, but soon, he changed the subject, "But Xiaomao, no matter how much information you investigate on me, it is useless, I am every day and every hour. , even evolving every second!"

"If you only talk about lip service, you are indeed number one." Xiao Mao smiled and stood up. "If you trust your own strength too much, you will be negligent. I will look forward to the battle with you!"

He has already checked the information, and now he has to go back to form an army.

Chapter [*] The third round starts Xiaomao VS Ah Thun

In the computer room, Tianlin Tianlin and the others stayed until late at night. In fact, Tianlin Xiaozhi had already checked the information, and it was Ah Thun. He was a dead brain. ..

"Hey, Ah Xun, don't check it out, okay? Isn't it your first game tomorrow? It's time to go back to rest." Xiaoguang yawned, she was already sleepy, but Tianlin Xiaozhi couldn't bear to stay Ah Tung is alone, she can only stay together.

"Don't worry, I've already found the 116th one, and there shouldn't be much left." Ah Thun didn't read the progress bar at all, and said confidently, he said that no matter how many Pokémon Xiaomao has, they will still be alive today. Couldn't escape his scrutiny.

At this time, Tian Lin couldn't bear it any longer, and directly pulled out Xiao Mao's Pokémon catalog, and said, "You better read the total number of this sentence and then say it!"

"The total number, how many can there be?" Ah Thun dragged the progress bar to the end disdainfully, but the number almost scared him, "4...466!!!"

This number not only surprised Ah Tung, but also Xiao Zhi and others who were already mentally prepared. You must know that Shenao's Pokemon number is only 493. Xiaomao is about to take Kanto to Shenao to remove the beasts. All the outside Pokémon have been searched clean.

Tian Lin sighed, thinking of the Quartz Conference, he saw Xiao Mao's Pokémon with the same expression, "This guy, Xiao 360 Mao, besides being an excellent Pokémon trainer and researcher, he is also an excellent Pokémon trainer and researcher. A Pokemon collector, and more importantly, he is not the kind of guy who sees a Pokemon drop a ball and leaves it in the backyard, although I don't know how he does it, but he has a few trump cards. In addition, all Pokémon are very average in strength and have a deep bond with him, so it is impossible for you to detect his lineup."

Xiao Mao is a real genius. Since he combined the two paths of trainer and researcher, his strength can be said to be increasing day by day. Perhaps now, the number of Heavenly Kings he can produce will not be less than five, or even It may be six, which also means that he has basically entered the ranks of the heavenly king.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Ah Thun had a constipated expression on his face. This kind of information is meaningless to detect. Now, he has only one choice, and that is to directly take out his three strongest Pokémon. , perhaps to face Xiaomao's ever-changing lineup.

"So, wash up and go to bed early!" Tian Lin patted Ah Hun on the shoulder. He didn't want to stay with him anymore. He also has a match with Aiea tomorrow, and he has already decided the lineup. Now, the key is to rest, so that you can have full energy tomorrow.

--Dividing line

On the sixth day of the official Shenao League competition, the third round of the competition is about to begin. Those who win this competition will be able to enter the top eight. Since the quarterfinals, they will all be played in the main arena, and it will be a full-scale battle. , It can be said that today's game is the prelude to the climax of the Shenao League.

Today's first game is Xiaomao vs Ah Hun. After yesterday's investigation, Ah Hun has already deeply understood the power of Xiaomao. Take out your trump card and fight him with all your might.

This is quite the right choice. Even if Tianlin deals with Xiaomao, he will not dare to do any dangerous move to preserve his strength.

"Okay, let's go, let's go, my Pokémon!" At the beginning of the game, Ah Hun drew the first strike, and he couldn't wait to get the first Pokémon. "The first one is you, Armor Bird!"

"Go, Magneto!" Xiao Mao sent the Magneto first. It seems that he basically predicted Ah Hun's lineup, and he restrained the opponent precisely as soon as he came up.

"Armored bird, use Saling!"

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