He didn't think much about it, he just thought it was an ordinary battle, but he didn't know that he had already ruined a boy's dream, only to see Jian Wu burst into tears, and smiled bitterly, "Congratulations on you!"

After speaking, Jian Wu left without looking back, leaving Tian Lin confused, scratched his head and said with a puzzled face, "What the hell, isn't it just a battle, isn't it a shame to lose to me? Why are you crying? Like this?"

Seeing this, Ami and Xiaoguang sighed one after another. One of them was fighting with all their strength and lost, while the other was just taking a shot at will with a sparring mentality, but winning effortlessly.

The strength gap is too big, maybe Jian Wu knew from the beginning that he has no chance of winning, but the unwillingness in his heart, unwilling to admit defeat, forced him to fight this game.

Chapter [*] The Heroes of the Shenao Alliance Gather

In the early morning of the next day, Tian Lin and Xiaoguang left in the steamer, and Jian Wu secretly followed, until the steamer disappeared above the sea level, and he did not return to his senses for a long time.

At this time, Miss Ami walked to his side and took out a letter, "This is what Xiaoguang asked me to give to you yesterday. I hope you can cheer up after reading it."

"Xiaoguang gave it to me?" Jian Wu couldn't wait to open it. It was indeed Xiaoguang's handwriting, and every stroke was handwritten by her.

There are a lot of things about them when they were young, more of which are Jianwu's embarrassing things, childhood sweethearts are natural enemies, not only Jianwu remembers Xiaoguang's things, but Xiaoguang also remembers every past of Jianwu.

Obviously she should have seen something that made people angry, but Jian Wu smiled happily, because he knew that Xiaoguang cared about him, otherwise she would not remember everything so clearly, even if that kind of caring was just a friend It also made him quite satisfied.

At the end of the letter, Xiaoguang said that they will be friends and rivals for the rest of their lives, working together towards their dreams.

In fact, this sentence is tantamount to rejecting Jianwu, and this whole letter is also equivalent to a good person card, but at this moment Jianwu is relieved. This is the art of language, even if it is rejected, a gentle response, and a response to Jianwu Thanks, Du 357 can make him feel much better.

Jian Wu waved at the sea level and shouted, "Goodbye, Xiaoguang, let's work together in the next gorgeous competition!"

Even though he was already far away, Xiaoguang seemed to hear something and shouted in the direction of the port, "Of course!"

"What's the matter with you? You screamed suddenly!" Tian Lin was taken aback by her sudden action, completely confused.

Xiaoguang smiled, "It's nothing, I solved a problem, Tianlin, look, is the island in front of you the Lilyland Island?"

Following the direction of Xiaoguang's finger, Tianlin saw a huge island, "Yes, that is where the Shenao Alliance is located, and where I am about to fight, it is finally here!"

Tianlin's fighting spirit was boiling. At the same time, the deck of the ship was already full of people. Many of them, like Tianlin, were all trainers who participated in the conference. At this moment, excellent trainers gathered One, Shenao's biggest event, is about to open.

The ship docked at the ferry port. When the two got off the boat, they saw Xiaozhi Xiaomao, Xiaogang Nana, and the others. They had already been waiting here. Tianlin had a phone call with them yesterday, and they made a special trip to greet them.

"Master, you're so slow, you didn't arrive until the competition started!" Nana couldn't help complaining. She wanted to train with Tianlin, but she came to Linglan Island ahead of schedule. This boring person trained for more than a month. Fortunately, Xiaozhi Xiaomao arrived one after another, otherwise she would be bored to death.

"You are about to graduate, you shouldn't stick to me anymore, how is that guy's training, do you have the confidence to let me see it in the competition?" Tian Lin touched Nainai's head and smiled.

Speaking of this, Nana suddenly became interested, she naturally knew what Tian Lin was referring to, "Don't worry, master, I dare to say that my current strength will definitely surprise you."

Xiaozhi Xiaomao didn't know why, but they didn't ask much, because they all guessed that Nana must have prepared some secret weapon. It is not a legitimate behavior to ask about this before the game.

After leaving the port, everyone took Tianlin to the registration office to register for the competition. Here, Tianlin also met several acquaintances, such as Shinji, Ah Thun, Mr. Shang Zhi, and Kao Ping.

Kaoping waved at Xiaomao, and Xiaomao responded with a smile.As early as summer camp, the two of them forged a friendship.

"Wow, it's really a gathering of strong people, everyone's aura is so strong that they scare people to death!" Xiaoguang couldn't help hiding behind Tianlin. She was a coordinator, but she couldn't adapt to such an atmosphere.

"Of course, the people here may not be as coordinating trainers as you are when it comes to their tricks and tricks, but when it comes to combat strength, they are all outstanding!" Xiaogang accompanied Xiaogang. Zhi has participated in so many conferences, but he is completely used to it.

At this time, a helicopter flew above Lilyland Island and began to land slowly. Ah Yin was leaning against the window, closing his eyes and resting.

"Master Ah Yin, you have arrived at Linglan Island. This is the qualification badge prepared for you by the boss, please keep it!" A subordinate held a five-pointed star badge and handed it to Ah Yin.

This qualification badge has exactly the same effect as the 8 badges. It was originally prepared for those trainers who had the idea of ​​participating in the conference, but did not have time to travel around to challenge the gym. They can be obtained as long as they pass the test.

Although Ah Yin didn't take the exam, with Sakagi's ability, it was not difficult to get such a piece.

Opening his eyes suddenly, Ah Yin was full of fighting spirit, "Very good, this day has finally come, Tian Lin, wait for me, this time, I must compete with you."

At this time, Tianlin had completed the registration and was about to go to the Players Village with Xiaozhi and the others. On the way, they passed a young man with long hair and red clothes, and Samsung Zhenxin Town turned back to him.

"What's the matter with you?" Xiaoguang looked at the three of them incredulously. She wasn't strong enough, but she couldn't feel the oppression of the man in red.

"Sister Xiaoguang, that person is not simple, I was so scared that I shivered just now!" Naina said with lingering fears.

"That guy, although I don't know what the strength is, but his aura is not under the Four Heavenly Kings." Xiao Mao's expression was calm. With his current level, it was difficult for anything to scare him, and he was just surprised just now. "Isn't he the guy that Miss Zhulan said is stronger than the Four Heavenly Kings?"

"Perhaps, it seems that this Shenao Alliance will be more intense than the original Chengdu Alliance!" Xiaogang nodded, the golden age of trainers has come, and even a gym owner like him is now among the many geniuses I'm afraid they can't be ranked.

"In the original book, is that divine beast man?" Tian Lin had some guesses about who this person was. After all, he was a major character who made him feel uneasy in his previous life, so he was very impressed.

Three days later, the registration of the Shenao Alliance was completely closed. There were unexpectedly many players participating this time. There were more than 600 players. However, only 64 people were able to participate in the official competition. From tomorrow, more than 600 people will participate in the competition. Cruel election.

The vast majority of people here have passed through many hardships to get 8 badges to participate in the competition. No one hopes that they will only have one round of tours. Everyone is already gearing up, ready to show their greatest strength, and vow to break through the selection.

Chapter [*] The selection meeting ends and the Shenao Alliance officially begins

"Electric Shock Monster, Thunder Fist."

"Moon Ibrahimovic, the wave of evil."

"Elluiduo, close fist."

"Pikachu, one hundred thousand volts!"

The enthusiastic selection meeting began, and Tian Lin and his party were in a rush to get the right to advance at the fastest speed.

And Shinji Ah Tam and the others are not simple, they have won one after another while retaining their strength. However, at the selection meeting, two strange things appeared.

One is a guy named Dakdo, and the other is Ah Yin. They actually showed their mythical beasts at the selection meeting. Darkrai and Firebird, let alone fighting, were so scared that they abstained. There are several of them.

Xiaomao and the others have also confirmed at this time that Dakto is the genius that Miss Zhulan said, no wonder he is stronger than the Four Heavenly Kings because he can control divine beasts.

However, Tianlin cares more about Ah Yin than Dakdo. Although they both used divine beasts, the situation is completely different. Dakdo is disdainful. He looks down on all the trainers present, including Tianlin. , Therefore, he doesn't mind exposing his strength in advance. Anyway, all the enemies will fall under his mythical beast army.

As everyone knows, Tianlin also doesn't care about him at all. With such a mentality, let alone himself, if Xiaozhi Xiaomao shoots with all his strength, it will be enough for him to drink a pot.

On the other hand, Ah Yin was completely different. He was impatient. He had no interest in the selection meeting. From the moment he entered the venue, he had no one else in his eyes, but just stared at Tian Lin. Tian Lin didn't even feel a little trembling, he was here entirely for himself, I'm afraid that the nearly two years of hard work had raised his strength to a very terrifying level, and the moment he met Tian Lin, it was When it exploded completely.

"Don't underestimate it!" Tian Lin clenched his fists tightly, Ah Yin put too much pressure on him, far more than the average Four Heavenly Kings.

After several days of fierce competition, the selection meeting finally came to an end, and the 64 people who were selected have all been determined. Next, is the real opening ceremony of the Shenao Alliance.

The day before the opening ceremony, Tianlin, Xiaozhi, and Xiaomao all took back all their partners from Dr. Damu. This time, they all decided to fight with all their strength.

Today is the day to light the holy fire. Under the joint decision of Damaranch and Zhulan, Tianlin became the last runner. He held the torch on the holy fire platform and lit the holy fire.

"The holy flame has started to burn, so I announce that the Shenao Alliance Lily of the Valley Conference is officially open at this moment." Damaranch walked to the podium and began to announce the rules of the competition, "Now all 64 people participating in the official competition have been determined, and from this moment on At the beginning, everyone will compete in two-to-two, three-to-three knockout matches, starting from the quarter-finals, it will be a six-on-six full-fledged battle, please show your full strength and play a match without regrets!"

"Then, let's start grouping immediately. Please pay attention to your opponents and prepare in advance." Zhulan stepped forward and said.

She deserves to be a Valkyrie in the Shenno area, and her character is indeed resolute.

Tian Lin found his opponent at a glance, it happened to be Mr. Shang Zhi, he robbed the opponent who originally belonged to Xiao Zhi.

"Mr. Shang Zhi from the beginning, he is really a good opponent!" Tian Lin still recognizes Shang Zhi's strength. He combined ordinary battles and coordinated battles to create a battle method that is unique to him. Tian Lin also wants to see it. .

"It's really destiny, Tianlin, because of you, I have embarked on the path of trainer and coordinator. It's a great honor to stand here today and fight against you!" The beautiful music is different, and the music he plays at this time has some iron blood like a golden horse.

"I'm looking forward to it, Mr. Shang Zhi!" Tian Lin said seriously.

Mr. Shang Zhi is a master at Insect-type and Grass-type Pokémon, so Tian Lin decided that there would be no shortage of Fire-type or Fly-type Pokémon in the team, but considering that Shang Zhi had also used the Rabbit Pokémon. It is a common type of Pokémon, so Tian Lin can't put all of these two attributes into his head. How to arrange his troops is what he has to consider.

At this moment, everyone else has also found their opponents. Except for Tianlin Shangzhi, none of them met in the first round, which is considered good luck.

--Dividing line

"This is a green field. The first round is about to start today. The two sides are Shang Zhi and Tianlin. What kind of Pokémon will they send?" Said, "Then the first game begins, and the first Pokémon that attracts attention is..."

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

"It's on, Roseredo!"

"Go, Queen Bee!"

Shang Zhi is indeed a good grass-type Pokemon, and Tian Lin is a queen bee with both insect and flying types. This attribute is not very friendly to Shang Zhi's team.

"Is it really a choice against me, Rose Reeddo, make a sweet aroma!" Shang Zhi first chose to reduce the Queen Bee's evasion rate to ensure that his attacks would actually hit.

"Queen Bee, Insect Resistance!" Tian Lin counterattacked calmly, and his response was fast. Shang Zhi lowered his evasion rate, and he lowered Shang Zhi's special attack.

... 0

Once the strength is reduced, even if the queen bee is hit, it will not take much damage.

"Flying Leaf Storm!" If the strength is insufficient, then make up for it with the power of the ultimate move. Shang Zhi chose to go all out and issue a grass-type ultimate move.

"Defense Command!" The Queen Bee's speed is extremely slow, so Tianlin's fighting method has always been tricky, and rarely takes the initiative to attack.

The defense command calls out countless little bees, and at the same time improves the double defense of the queen bee, and the Flying Leaf Storm cannot even break through the bee colony.

"You can't move?" Shang Zhi was horrified.

"This is my breeding method. Although the queen bee has completely given up speed, its double defense is absolutely excellent." Tian Lin folded his arms and said to himself, "Next, try its attack method again, and use the attack command. ."

After the Flying Leaf Storm was used, Rose Reidor's strength was greatly reduced, and this was a great opportunity to counterattack. Tian Lin would naturally not let it go. The Queen Bee stood in place, controlling the swarm, and surrounded Rose Reidor. live.

It is the real queen at the moment, sitting on the throne, without moving, just directing the swarm to defend or attack.

An astonishing number of swarms are constantly attacking Rose Reed. Rose Reed also tried to use magic leaves to forcibly break through, but those leaves were eaten up by the swarm in an instant. The towel is blocked.

Chapter [*]: The Suicide Play of the Steel Armored Crow with a Huge Advantage

"If you continue like this, you will definitely lose. You must break through the blockade of these bee colonies as soon as possible." Shang Zhi is also an excellent trainer, and he quickly thought of a way, "Ross Raido, use the weather ball."

Today's weather is quite good, it can be said that the sun is shining. In this state, the weather ball trick has become a flame system. The bees are afraid of flames, and they all disperse in an instant, giving Rose Ledo a chance to breathe. .

After the weather ball pushed away the bee colony, it did not stop, but continued to rush towards the queen bee.

"Queen Bee, use the Power Gem!"

The queen bee still didn't move, and always insisted on seeing the move, but this fighting method was obviously correct. As a rock-type skill, the power gem could easily disperse the weather ball, and the rocks turned into energy directly destroyed Rose. Leido was completely suppressed.

"This is a good opportunity, Queen Bee, empty "Three Six Zero" Qi Slash!"

Tianlin chased after the victory, and the queen bee ordered the swarm to disperse, and it released a sharp blade of air, which cut into Roseredo's abdomen, completing the lore.

"Roseredo loses the ability to fight, and the queen bee wins!" The referee announced the victory of the queen bee, which was also Tian Lin's first victory in the Shenao Alliance.

"Tianlin contestant's queen bee is very powerful. With her excellent durability, and the trainer's on-the-spot command, the queen bee did not move a single step in the whole game, and she easily won the victory! "The commentator accurately explained the highlights of the game, which aroused the curiosity of the audience very well. Facing such a powerful main favorite, how is Shang Zhi going to fight back now.

Shang Zhi also handed over his answer. He took out the second Poke Ball and said, "It is indeed very powerful, but I have already prepared, please, Taikoo armor!"

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